882 research outputs found

    Determining the physical conditions of extremely young Class 0 circumbinary disk around VLA1623A

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    We present detailed analysis of high-resolution C18O (2-1), SO (88-77), CO (3-2) and DCO+ (3-2) data obtained by the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) towards a Class 0 Keplerian circumbinary disk around VLA1623A, which represents one of the most complete analysis towards a Class 0 source. From the dendrogram analysis, we identified several accretion flows feeding the circumbinary disk in a highly anisotropic manner. Stream-like SO emission around the circumbinary disk reveals the complicated shocks caused by the interactions between the disk, accretion flows and outflows. A wall-like structure is discovered south of VLA1623B. The discovery of two outflow cavity walls at the same position traveling at different velocities suggests the two outflows from both VLA1623A and VLA1623B overlays on top of each other in the plane of sky. Our detailed flat and flared disk modeling shows that Cycle 2 C18O J = 2-1 data is inconsistent with the combined binary mass of 0.2 Msun as suggested by early Cycle 0 studies. The combined binary mass for VLA1623A should be modified to 0.3 ~ 0.5 Msun.Comment: 26 pages, 20 figures, accepted by ApJ 2020.2.2

    Reconstructing force profiles with an amplitude-modulation AFM in tapping mode

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    Here we demonstrate how to reconstruct force profiles with an amplitude-modulation AFM operated in in standard tapping mode. Our example is based on the Cypher scanning probe microscope from Asylum Research. The method is based on Sader and Katan’s algorithm, but we have implemented an experimental set-up that allows for robust reconstruction. We discuss the details here

    Establishing nanoscale heterogeneity with nanoscale force measurements

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    Establishing the presence or absence of nanoscale compositional heterogeneity with nanoscale resolution is becoming instrumental for the development of many fields of science. Force versus distance measurements and parameters directly or indirectly derived from these profiles can be potentially employed for this purpose with sophisticated instruments such as the atomic force microscope (AFM). On the other hand, standards are necessary to reproducibly and conclusively support hypothesis from experimental data and these standards are still emerging. Here, we define a set of standards for providing data originating from atomic force measurements to be employed to compare between sample properties, parameters, or, more generally, compositional heterogeneity. We show that reporting the mean and standard deviation only might lead to inconsistent conclusions. The fundamental principle behind our investigation deals with the very definition of reproducibility and repeatability in terms of accuracy and precision, and we establish general criteria to ensure that these hold without the need of restricting assumptions.Postprint (author’s final draft

    The Mendeleev-Meyer force project

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    Here we present the Mendeleev–Meyer Force Project which aims at tabulating all materials and substances in a fashion similar to the periodic table. The goal is to group and tabulate substances using nanoscale force footprints rather than atomic number or electronic configuration as in the periodic table. The process is divided into: (1) acquiring nanoscale force data from materials, (2) parameterizing the raw data into standardized input features to generate a library, (3) feeding the standardized library into an algorithm to generate, enhance or exploit a model to identify a material or property. We propose producing databases mimicking the Materials Genome Initiative, the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLARS) or the PRoteomics IDEntifications database (PRIDE) and making these searchable online via search engines mimicking Pubmed or the PRIDE web interface. A prototype exploiting deep learning algorithms, i.e. multilayer neural networks, is presented.Award-winningPostprint (author's final draft

    Advances in dynamic AFM: from nanoscale energy dissipation to material properties in the nanoscale

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    Since the inception of the atomic force microscope AFM, dynamic methods have been very fruitful by establishing methods to quantify dissipative and conservative forces in the nanoscale and by providing a means to apply gentle forces to the samples with high resolution. Here we review developments that cover over a decade of our work on energy dissipation, phase contrast and the extraction of relevant material properties from observables. We describe the attempts to recover material properties via one dimensional amplitude and phase curves from force models and explore the evolution of these methods in terms of force reconstruction, fits of experimental measurements, and the more recent advances in multifrequency AFM

    Predicting the suitability of lateritic soil type for low cost sustainable housing with image recognition and machine learning techniques

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    From a sustainability point of view, laterites-compressed earth bricks (LCEB) are a promising substitute for building structures in place of the conventional concrete masonry units. On the other hand, techniques for identifying and classifying laterites soil for compressed earth bricks (CEB) production are still relying on direct human expertise or ‘experts’. Human experts exploit direct visual inspection and other basic senses such as smelling, touching or nibbling to generate a form of binomial classification, i.e. suitable or unsuitable. The source of predictive power is otherwise supposed to be found in color, scent, texture or combinations of these. Lack of clarity regarding the actual method and the possible explanatory mechanisms lead to 1) difficulties to train other people into the skills and 2) might also add to apathy to using CEB masonry units for housing. Here we systematize the selection method of experts. We chose imaging analysis techniques based on 1) easiness in image acquisition (Digital Camera) and 2) availability of machine learning and statistical techniques. We find that most of the predictive power of the ‘expert’ can be packed into visual inspection by demonstrating that with image analysis alone we get a 98% match. This makes it practically unnecessary the study of any other ‘expert’ skills and provides a method to alleviate the housing problems dealing with material construction in the developing world

    Explaining doping in material research (Hf substitution in ZnO films) by directly quantifying the van der Waals force

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    Non-monotonic behavior has been observed in the optoelectronic properties of ZnO thin films as doped with Hf (HZO). Here we propose that two competing mechanisms are responsible for such behaviour. Specifically, we propose that provided two crystal orientations dominate film growth, only one of them might be responsible for direct Hf substitution. Nonmonotonic behaviour is expected at once by considering that preferential growth of the crystal that allows for direct Hf substitution is inhibited by Hf concentration in the manufacturing process. This inhibition would also be a thermodynamic consequence of Hf substitution. Maxima in Hf substitution is thus reached at a point where enough crystals exhibit the preferential orientation, and where enough Hf is present on the surface for substitution. Outside this optimum scenario, Hf substitution can only decrease. We interpret the surface phenomena by discussing surface energy and the van der Waals forces as measured experimentally by means of atomic force microscopy

    Direct Measurement of the Magnitude of van der Waals interaction of Single and Multilayer Graphene

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    Vertical stacking of monolayers via van der Waals assembly is an emerging field that opens promising routes toward engineering physical properties of two-dimensional (2D) materials. Industrial exploitation of these engineering heterostructures as robust functional materials still requires bounding their measured properties so to enhance theoretical tractability and assist in experimental designs. Specifically, the short-range attractive van der Waals forces are responsible for the adhesion of chemically inert components and are recognized to play a dominant role in the functionality of these structures. Here we reliably quantify the the strength of van der Waals forces in terms of an effective Hamaker parameter for CVD-grown graphene and show how it scales by a factor of two or three from single to multiple layers on standard supporting surfaces such as copper or silicon oxide. Furthermore, direct measurements on freestanding graphene provide the means to discern the interplay between the van der Waals potential of graphene and its supporting substrate. Our results demonstrated that the underlying substrates could enhance or reduce the van der Waals force of graphene surfaces, and its consequences are explained in terms of a Lifshitz theory-based analytical model

    Induction of Antinuclear Antibodies by De Novo Autoimmune Hepatitis Regulates Alloimmune Responses in Rat Liver Transplantation

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    Concanavalin A (Con A) is a lectin originating from the jack-bean and well known for its ability to stimulate T cells and induce autoimmune hepatitis. We previously demonstrated the induction of immunosuppressive antinuclear autoantibody in the course of Con A-induced transient autoimmune hepatitis. This study aimed to clarify the effects of Con A-induced hepatitis on liver allograft rejection and acceptance. In this study, we observed the unique phenomenon that the induction of transient de novo autoimmune hepatitis by Con A injection paradoxically overcomes the rejection without any immunosuppressive drug and exhibits significantly prolonged survival after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). Significantly increased titers of anti-nuclear Abs against histone H1 and high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) and reduced donor specific alloantibody response were observed in Con A-injected recipients. Induction of Foxp3 and IL-10 in OLT livers of Con A-injected recipients suggested the involvement of regulatory T cells in this unique phenomenon. Our present data suggest the significance of autoimmune responses against nuclear histone H1 and HMGB1 for competing allogeneic immune responses, resulting in the acceptance of liver allografts in experimental liver transplantation
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