181 research outputs found

    Detection of Geothermal Potential Zones Using Remote Sensing Techniques

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    21 p.The transition towards a new sustainable energy model—replacing fossil fuels with renewable sources—presents a multidisciplinary challenge. One of the major decarbonization issues is the question of to optimize energy transport networks for renewable energy sources. Within the range of renewable energies, the location and evaluation of geothermal energy is associated with costly processes, such as drilling, which limit its use. Therefore, the present research is aimed at applying different geomatic techniques for the detection of geothermal resources. The workflow is based on free/open access geospatial data. More specifically, remote sensing information (Sentinel-2A and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER)), geological information, distribution of gravimetric anomalies, and geographic information systems have been used to detect areas of shallow geothermal potential in the northwest of the province of Orense, Spain. Due to the variety of parameters involved, and the complexity of the classification, a random forest classifier was employed, since this algorithm works well with large sets of data and can be used with categorical and numerical data. The results obtained allowed identifying a susceptible area to be operated on with a geothermal potential of 80 W·m−1 or higherS

    Digitalización para las pequeñas y medianas empresas: estudio de viabilidad de una app dirigida a la fidelización de los clientes

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    The objective of this article is to know the profitability of the implementation of a loyalty app. This application will offer in Galicia, a region in northwestern Spain, a tool for small and medium enterprises, which have more difficulties to perform a complete digitization of their business, to retain and attract customers in a world in continuous change and technological challenges; and in turn a benefit to consumers, with which they can make their purchases having an added value. To do this, a feasibility analysis will be conducted for the development of a business, making a complete financial projection of 5 years. The results indicate that the project is profitable and worthwhile.El objetivo de este artículo es conocer la rentabilidad de la implantación de una app de fidelización. Dicha aplicación ofrecerá en Galicia, una región al noroeste de España, una herramienta para que las pequeñas y medianas empresas, las que más dificultades tienen para realizar una digitalización completa de su negocio, puedan retener y atraer clientes ante un mundo en continuo cambio y retos tecnológicos; y a su vez un benéfico a los consumidores, con el cual podrán realizar sus compras teniendo un valor añadido. Para ello, se realizará un análisis de viabilidad para la elaboración de un negocio, realizando una completa proyección financiera de cinco años. Los resultados indican que el proyecto es rentable y recomendable

    O sexo, o género e a humanização das tecnologias de cuidados aos idosos

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    El envejecimiento de la población constituye en los países desarrollados uno de los principales desafíos para la salud pública. La innovación tecnológica emerge como una de las respuestas recurrentes y esperanzadoras para abordar este fenómeno de forma sostenible. Se realiza una scoping review sobre el sexo y el género en tecnologías dedicadas a los cuidados que tienen características asimilables a la de los humanos, como la voz, los atributos físicos, las competencias sociales y culturales, etc. El resultado aporta veintinueve materiales, once abordan el envejecimiento y/o las relaciones de género en los asistentes de voz, mientras que 18 lo hacen sobre tecnología robótica. La revisión crítica de la literatura científica nos permite determinar los principales rasgos que caracterizan a los dispositivos vinculándolos con un sexo determinado, y se analizan los dilemas que plantea la perpetuación de los estereotipos de género en relación con estas tecnologías. Por último, se destaca la necesidad de profundizar en las interacciones entre humanos y tecnologías de los cuidados desde disciplinas como los Science, Tecnology and Society Studies o los estudios culturales, para abordar el diseño de tecnologías de asistencia dirigidas a personas mayores, desde una perspectiva de género.Population aging is one of the main challenges to public health in developed countries. Technological innovation is emerging as one of the recurrent and hopeful responses to address this phenomenon sustainably. A scoping review is conducted on sex and gender in care technologies that have characteristics assimilable to humans, such as voice, physical attributes, social and cultural competencies, etc. The result provides twenty-nine materials. Eleven address aging and/or gender relations in voice assistants, while 18 address robotic technology. The critical review of the scientific literature allows us to determine the main features that characterize the devices by linking them to a specific sex, and the dilemmas posed by the perpetuation of gender stereotypes concerning these technologies are analyzed. Finally, it highlights the need to deepen the interactions between humans and care technologies from disciplines such as Science, Technology, and Society Studies or cultural studies, to address the design of assistive technologies aimed at older people from a gender perspective.O envelhecimento da população é um dos maiores desafios para a saúde pública nos países desenvolvidos. A inovação tecnológica está a emergir como uma das respostas recorrentes e esperançosas para abordar este fenómeno de uma forma sustentável. É realizada uma revisão de âmbito sobre o género e o sexo nas tecnologias de cuidados que têm características semelhantes às humanas, tais como voz, atributos físicos, competências sociais e culturais, etc. O resultado fornece vinte e nove materiais, onze dos quais abordam o envelhecimento e/ou as relações de género nos assistentes de voz, enquanto 18 abordam a tecnologia robótica. A revisão crítica da literatura científica permite-nos determinar as principais características que caracterizam os dispositivos, ligando-os a um sexo específico, e são analisados os dilemas colocados pela perpetuação de estereótipos de género em relação a estas tecnologias. Finalmente, destaca a necessidade de aprofundar as interacções entre o ser humano e as tecnologias de cuidados de saúde de disciplinas como Ciência, Tecnologia e Estudos da Sociedade ou estudos culturais, para abordar a concepção de tecnologias de assistência destinadas a pessoas idosas, a partir de uma perspectiva de género

    El antiguo pabellón de administración del mercado central de Valencia. Análisis del comportamiento térmico de las fachadas

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    La Llotgeta está situada en el extremo Oeste del conjunto del Mercado Central de Valencia. Es un edificio de estilo ecléctico modernista, construido entre 1914 ¿ 1918. Se construyó para albergar la vivienda y dependencias del administrador-gerente. La aportación de la Llotgeta a la arquitectura Valenciana, se caracteriza por el empleo de un lenguaje que se formaliza mediante la estilización de los motivos, el diseño de los detalles y por el uso de materiales como la piedra, la cerámica, el vidrio y el aceros combinados con una extensa paleta de colores. Los componentes del grupo de investigación de la UPV han realizado el proyecto de restauración del antiguo pabellón con la finalidad, entre otras, de concretar las actuaciones para que el edificio se adecue a los parámetros específicos exigidos para ser clasificado como de energéticamente eficiente.Aparicio Fernandez, CS.; García Valldecabres, JL.; López González, MC.; Navarro García, ML.; Lago Navia, D. (2011). El antiguo pabellón de administración del mercado central de Valencia. Análisis del comportamiento térmico de las fachadas. Arché. (6):135-142. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/33286135142

    The Age-Related Cryptosporidium Species Distribution in Asymptomatic Cattle from North-Western Spain

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    An age-related distribution of Cryptosporidium species has been reported in cattle, with C. parvum being predominant in suckling calves, C. bovis and C. ryanae being predominant in post-weaned calves and C. andersoni being predominant in adults. However, variants to this pattern have recently been reported. Thus, fecal samples (n = 594) from asymptomatic cattle were collected in north-western Spain. Animals were classified as 2 years (G5). Cryptosporidium detection and species identification were performed by SSU rRNA PCR. Individual Cryptosporidium prevalence was 16.7%; it significantly decreased with age. Cryptosporidium parvum was predominant in G1 and C. bovis was predominant in the rest of the age classes; C. bovis and C. ryanae were especially prevalent in G2 and G3. Cryptosporidium occultus was not found in suckling calves. Finally, C. andersoni and C. xiaoi were occasionally detected in G5. The presence of C. parvum in all age classes implies significant animal and public health concerns. The predominance of C. bovis in cattle older than 1 month supports the idea that the age-related pattern of Cryptosporidium species described in cattle is not fully consistent, and thus further studies are still needed to identify those factors determining the species distributionThis research was funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain), grant number AGL2016-76034-P and by Xunta de Galicia (Spain), grant number 2017-PG117S

    Synthesis, microstructure and volumetry of novel metal thiocyanate ionic liquids with [BMIM] cation

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    We present a new family of ionic liquids (ILs) with a common cation, 1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium, the popular [BMIM]+ (also written C4C1Im+) and a variety of anionic complexes (also called adducts) based in thiocyanate (SCN)?: one blank compound, BMIM(SCN), and ten doped with metals having different oxidation states: Al+3, Mn+2, Fe+3, Cr+3, Ni+2, Hg+2, Zn+2, Co+2, Cd+2 and Cu+, forming, respectively, [BMIM]3[Al(SCN)6], [BMIM]4 Mn(SCN)6, [BMIM]3 Fe(SCN)6, [BMIM]3 Cr(SCN)6, [BMIM]4 Ni(SCN)6, [BMIM]2 Hg(SCN)4, [BMIM]2 Zn(SCN)4, [BMIM]2 Co(SCN)4, [BMIM]2 Cd(SCN)4 and [BMIM]3 Cu(SCN)4. All of them were synthesized by us, except the blank IL and the Co thiocyanate, which are commercial. Obtained products have been characterized by NMR, and also by electrospray ionization, MS-ES, which allows the determination of the new ILs purities. Then, compounds have been analyzed using FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy. In addition, magnetic susceptibility and refractive index measurements were performed in some of the compounds studied, as well as thermal characterization using DSC and TGA. Finally, experimental measurements of density on all those ILs have been performed, and for some of the samples in a broad temperature range (about 100 K). In spite of being very similar compounds from the chemical point of view, they present quite different physical properties, including optical, thermal and magnetic ones? Also, they show different oxidation states (one with +1, six with +2 and other three with +3). We guess that this family of ILs will have interesting applications, mainly for photonic devices

    Phase I clinical trial in healthy adults of a nasal vaccine candidate containing recombinant hepatitis B surface and core antigens

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    SummaryBackgroundThe nasal vaccine candidate (NASVAC), comprising hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface (HBsAg) and core antigens (HBcAg), has been shown to be highly immunogenic in animal models.MethodsA phase I double-blinded, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial was carried out in 19 healthy male adults with no serologic markers of immunity/infection to HBV. This study was aimed at exploring the safety and immunogenic profile of nasal co-administration of both HBV recombinant antigens. The trial was performed according to Good Clinical Practice guidelines. Participants ranged in age from 18 to 45 years and were randomly allocated to receive a mixture of 50μg HBsAg and 50μg HBcAg or 0.9% physiologic saline solution, as a placebo, via nasal spray in a five-dose schedule at 0, 7, 15, 30, and 60 days. A total volume of 0.5ml was administered in two dosages of 125μl per nostril. Adverse events were actively recorded 1h, 6h, 12h, 24h, 48h, 72h, 7 days and 30 days after each dose. Anti-HBs and anti-HBc titers were evaluated using corresponding ELISA kits at days 30 and 90.ResultsThe vaccine candidate was safe and well tolerated. Adverse reactions included sneezing (34.1%), rhinorrhea (12.2%), nasal stuffiness (9.8%), palate itching (9.8%), headache (9.8%), and general malaise (7.3%). These reactions were all self-limiting and mild in intensity. No severe or unexpected events were recorded during the trial. The vaccine elicited anti-HBc seroconversion in 100% of subjects as early as day 30 of the immunization schedule, while a seroprotective anti-HBs titer (≥10IU/l) was at a maximum at day 90 (75%). All subjects in the placebo group remained seronegative during the trial.ConclusionThe HBsAg–HBcAg vaccine candidate was safe, well tolerated and immunogenic in this phase I study in healthy adults. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of safety and immunogenicity for a nasal vaccine candidate comprising HBV antigens