994 research outputs found

    Hacia un acceso abierto por defecto : recomendaciones

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    Recomendaciones para la plena implantación de la política nacional de acceso abierto establecidas por la la Comisión de Seguimiento de las Recomendaciones para la implementación del artículo 37 Difusión en Acceso Abierto de la Ley de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación. Estas recomendaciones se establecen tanto para las universidades y centros de investigación, a nivel individual, como para las entidades suscriptoras de revistas científica

    Grassroots Agency: Participation and Conflict in Buenos Aires Shantytowns seen through the Pilot Plan for Villa 7 (1971–1975)

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    open access articleIn 1971, after more than a decade of national and municipal policies aimed at the top-down removal of shantytowns, the Buenos Aires City Council approved the Plan Piloto para la Relocalización de Villa 7 (Pilot Plan for the Relocation of Shantytown 7; 1971–1975, referred to as the Pilot Plan hereinafter). This particular plan, which resulted in the construction of the housing complex, Barrio Justo Suárez, endures in the collective memory of Argentines as a landmark project regarding grassroots participation in state housing initiatives addressed at shantytowns. Emerging from a context of a housing shortage for the growing urban poor and intense popular mobilizations during the transition to democracy, the authors of the Pilot Plan sought to empower shantytown residents in novel ways by: 1) maintaining the shantytown’s location as opposed to eradication schemes that relocated the residents elsewhere, 2) formally employing some of the residents for the stage of construction, as opposed to “self-help” housing projects in which the residents contributed with unpaid labor, and 3) including them in the urban and architectural design of the of the new housing. This paper will examine the context in which the Pilot Plan was conceived of as a way of re-assessing the roles of the state, the user, and housing-related professionals, often seen as antagonistic. The paper argues that residents’ fair participation and state intervention in housing schemes are not necessarily incompatible, and can function in specific social and political contexts through multiactor proposals backed by a political will that prioritizes grassroots agency

    Geometric deep learning as a potential tool for antimicrobial peptide prediction

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are components of natural immunity against invading pathogens. They are polymers that fold into a variety of three-dimensional structures, enabling their function, with an underlying sequence that is best represented in a non-flat space. The structural data of AMPs exhibits non-Euclidean characteristics, which means that certain properties, e.g., differential manifolds, common system of coordinates, vector space structure, or translation-equivariance, along with basic operations like convolution, in non-Euclidean space are not distinctly established. Geometric deep learning (GDL) refers to a category of machine learning methods that utilize deep neural models to process and analyze data in non-Euclidean settings, such as graphs and manifolds. This emerging field seeks to expand the use of structured models to these domains. This review provides a detailed summary of the latest developments in designing and predicting AMPs utilizing GDL techniques and also discusses both current research gaps and future directions in the field

    Phylotyping and Functional Analysis of Two Ancient Human Microbiomes

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    Background: The Human Microbiome Project (HMP) is one of the U.S. National Institutes of Health Roadmap for Medical Research. Primary interests of the HMP include the distinctiveness of different gut microbiomes, the factors influencing microbiome diversity, and the functional redundancies of the members of human microbiotas. In this present work, we contribute to these interests by characterizing two extinct human microbiotas. Methodology/Principal Findings: We examine two paleofecal samples originating from cave deposits in Durango Mexico and dating to approximately 1300 years ago. Contamination control is a serious issue in ancient DNA research; we use a novel approach to control contamination. After we determined that each sample originated from a different human, we generated 45 thousand shotgun DNA sequencing reads. The phylotyping and functional analysis of these reads reveals a signature consistent with the modern gut ecology. Interestingly, inter-individual variability for phenotypes but not functional pathways was observed. The two ancient samples have more similar functional profiles to each other than to a recently published profile for modern humans. This similarity could not be explained by a chance sampling of the databases. Conclusions/Significance: We conduct a phylotyping and functional analysis of ancient human microbiomes, while providing novel methods to control for DNA contamination and novel hypotheses about past microbiome biogeography. We postulate that natural selection has more of an influence on microbiome functional profiles than it does on the species represented in the microbial ecology. We propose that human microbiomes were more geographically structured during pre-Columbian times than today

    Changes in hospitality workers’ expectations and attitudes after the implementation of the Spanish smoking law

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    Objetivo Evaluar los cambios en las expectativas y las actitudes sobre la Ley 28/2005 de medidas sanitarias frente al tabaquismo de los trabajadores de la hostelería tras 2 años de su entrada en vigor. Métodos Estudio longitudinal de una cohorte de trabajadores del sector de la hostelería de cinco comunidades autónomas (n=431) antes de la entrada en vigor de la ley y 24 meses después. Se comparararon el conocimiento de la ley, las expectativas de cumplimiento y los conocimientos sobre los efectos adversos del tabaquismo pasivo antes y después de la ley. Resultados De los 431 trabajadores participantes iniciales se obtuvo respuesta de 219 a los 2 años (tasa de seguimiento del 50,8%). El 79,0% de los trabajadores conocía el proyecto de ley antes de su entrada en vigor, frente al 94,1% que afirmó conocerla después (p<0,05). Se observó un aumento en el porcentaje de trabajadores que estaban de acuerdo en prohibir el consumo de tabaco en todos los lugares públicos, incluidos los bares y restaurantes (del 54,1% al 65,8%; p<0,05). Se observó un aumento en los porcentajes de apoyo a la actual norma, en la percepción de su cumplimiento por parte de los trabajadores y de los clientes, y en el conocimiento de los efectos adversos del humo ambiental del tabaco. Conclusiones El conocimiento y la aceptación de la ley de medidas sanitarias frente al tabaquismo por parte de los trabajadores de la hostelería ha aumentado 2 años después de su entrada en vigorObjective To assess changes in hospitality workers’ expectations and attitudes towards the Spanish smoking law before and 2 years after the smoking ban. Methods We performed a longitudinal study of a cohort (n=431) of hospitality workers in five regions in Spain before the law came into effect and 24 months later. Expectations and attitudes towards the ban and knowledge about the effect of second-hand smoke on health were compared before and after the ban. Results We recruited 431 hospitality workers in the baseline survey and 219 were followed-up 24 months later (overall follow-up rate of 50.8%). The percentage of hospitality workers who knew the law was 79.0% before it was passed and was 94.1% 24 months later (p<0.05). We observed an increase in support to the smoke-free ban in all public places, including bars and restaurants (54.1% to 65.8%; p<0.05). The percentages of support for the current ban, perception of compliance with the ban by employees and customers, and knowledge of the effect of second-hand smoke on health also increased. Conclusions Knowledge and support to the Spanish smoking law among hospitality workers increased 2 years after the implementation of the banEste estudio ha sido financiado mediante ayudas de las Direcciones Generales de Salud Pública de las Consejerías de Sanidad de Islas Baleares, Cantabria, Cataluña, Galicia y Comunidad Valenciana, del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS PI052072, CIBERESP CB06/02/0032 y RTICC RD06/0020/0089) y del Departament d’Universitats i Recerca, Generalitat de Catalunya (2009SGR192)S

    The gut microbiota of Colombians differs from that of Americans, Europeans and Asians

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    ABSTRACT: The composition of the gut microbiota has recently been associated with health and disease, particularly with obesity. Some studies suggested a higher proportion of Firmicutes and a lower proportion of Bacteroidetes in obese compared to lean people; others found discordant patterns. Most studies, however, focused on Americans or Europeans, giving a limited picture of the gut microbiome. To determine the generality of previous observations and expand our knowledge of the human gut microbiota, it is important to replicate studies in overlooked populations. Thus, we describe here, for the first time, the gut microbiota of Colombian adults via the pyrosequencing of the 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA), comparing it with results obtained in Americans, Europeans, Japanese and South Koreans, and testing the generality of previous observations concerning changes in Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes with increasing body mass index (BMI). Results: We found that the composition of the gut microbiota of Colombians was significantly different from that of Americans, Europeans and Asians. The geographic origin of the population explained more variance in the composition of this bacterial community than BMI or gender. Concerning changes in Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes with obesity, in Colombians we found a tendency in Firmicutes to diminish with increasing BMI, whereas no change was observed in Bacteroidetes. A similar result was found in Americans. A more detailed inspection of the Colombian dataset revealed that five fiber-degrading bacteria, including Akkermansia, Dialister, Oscillospira, Ruminococcaceae and Clostridiales, became less abundant in obese subjects. Conclusion: We contributed data from unstudied Colombians that showed that the geographic origin of the studied population had a greater impact on the composition of the gut microbiota than BMI or gender. Any strategy aiming to modulate or control obesity via manipulation of this bacterial community should consider this effect

    Development of the Human Infant Intestinal Microbiota

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    Almost immediately after a human being is born, so too is a new microbial ecosystem, one that resides in that person's gastrointestinal tract. Although it is a universal and integral part of human biology, the temporal progression of this process, the sources of the microbes that make up the ecosystem, how and why it varies from one infant to another, and how the composition of this ecosystem influences human physiology, development, and disease are still poorly understood. As a step toward systematically investigating these questions, we designed a microarray to detect and quantitate the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene sequences of most currently recognized species and taxonomic groups of bacteria. We used this microarray, along with sequencing of cloned libraries of PCR-amplified SSU rDNA, to profile the microbial communities in an average of 26 stool samples each from 14 healthy, full-term human infants, including a pair of dizygotic twins, beginning with the first stool after birth and continuing at defined intervals throughout the first year of life. To investigate possible origins of the infant microbiota, we also profiled vaginal and milk samples from most of the mothers, and stool samples from all of the mothers, most of the fathers, and two siblings. The composition and temporal patterns of the microbial communities varied widely from baby to baby. Despite considerable temporal variation, the distinct features of each baby's microbial community were recognizable for intervals of weeks to months. The strikingly parallel temporal patterns of the twins suggested that incidental environmental exposures play a major role in determining the distinctive characteristics of the microbial community in each baby. By the end of the first year of life, the idiosyncratic microbial ecosystems in each baby, although still distinct, had converged toward a profile characteristic of the adult gastrointestinal tract

    El acceso a la información cada vez más vulnerado

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    El 28 de septiembre fue declarado por la Organización de la Naciones Unidas como el “Día Internacional del Acceso Universal a la Información”; oportunidad que aprovechan las organizaciones firmantes de este comunicado para indicar, entre otros, que condenan los retrocesos y vulneraciones al derecho de acceso a la información pública por parte de las instituciones del estado; asimismo, invitan a la población salvadoreña a exigir su derecho fundamental de tener información de forma oportuna y transparente para poder llevar a cabo su derecho democrático de auditores sociales