456 research outputs found

    The Garisenda Tower in Bologna: Effects of degradation of selenite basement on its static behaviour

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    The Garisenda tower in Bologna, a 48 m tall structure with a square base of 7.45 meters per side, is characterized by an overall out of plumb of 3.32m in the South-East direction. Its construction dates back to the XI century and, due to its impressive leaning, in 1350–1353 the original height of 60m was reduced to the 48m of the present day (Cavani 1903; Giordano 2000). The tower can be seen as partitioned in a lower portion, with walls composed by two external leaves of selenite stones filled with rubble conglomerate, and an upper portion where the external leaves are made of masonry bricks. Recent investigations have proved that selenite blocks of the basement have been altered as a result of (a) exposition to high temperatures during important fires, that took place at the end of XIV and XVII centuries, and possibly because of the presence of forges (that were demolished at the end of the XIX centuries) and (b) high level of humidity in the inner lower part of the tower. This process has produced a gradual local disintegration of the selenite stones, leading in some case to a reduction of the original 50 to 60 cm thickness by an amount of about 20 cm. The contribution submitted to this conference is aimed at clarifying this important aspect, linked to the ageing and damage of structural stones and the related consequences in terms of stress distribution and concentrations that could induce fracture propagation and sudden collapse of the tower basement

    Remarks on the Messinian evaporites of Zakynthos Island (Ionian Sea, Eastern Mediterranean)

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    Detailed mapping of the Neogene deposits on Zakynthos Island shows that the Messinian primary evaporite basins, formed over Ionian basement, are delimited by the westernmost outcrop of the Triassic evaporitic diapirs, located west of the Kalamaki-Argasi Messinian gypsum unit. The post-Miocene external Ionian thrust is emplaced west of the Triassic diapirs. Planktonic foraminifera biostratigraphy indicates that primary evaporite accumulation took place probably during the first stage of the Messinian salinity crisis (5.96-5.60 Ma), in shallower parts of a foreland basin, formed over the Pre-Apulian and the Ionian zone basement. Establishment of these depositional environments, before the Ionian thrust emplacement, was probably due to the particularities of the foreland basin, which extended from the external Ionian to the internal Pre-Apulian zone. Field observations, borehole data and an onshore seismic profile show that the Neogene sediments over the Pre-Apulian basement correspond to the foredeep through forebulge domain of the foreland basin, as it is documented from their spatial thickness distribution. In contrast, the Neogene sediments over the Ionian basement correspond to the wedge top of the foreland basin, which was less subsiding, as it is deduced by their reduced thickness. This lower subsidence rate was the result of the concurrent diapiric movements of the Ionian Triassic evaporites. In Agios Sostis area, located over Pre-Apulian basement, the Neogene sequence is intercalated by decametre-thick resedimented blocks consisting of shallow water selenite. To the southeast, this mass-wasting Messinian gypsum passes to mainly gypsum turbidite. In Kalamaki-Argasi area, located over Ionian basement, the shallow water environment led to the deposition of the observed primary gypsum. Erosion of the primary gypsum of both forebulge and wedge top supplied the foreland basin’s depocenter with gypsum turbidites. Η λεπτομερής χαρτογράφηση των Νεογενών αποθέσεων της Ζακύνθου δείχνει ότι οι λεκάνες πρωτογενούς Μεσσήνιας εβαποριτικής απόθεσης, που σχηματίστηκαν πάνω σε Ιόνιο υπόβαθρο, οριοθετούνται από τη δυτικότερη εμφάνιση των Τριαδικών εβαποριτικών διάπειρων (δυτικά της Μεσσήνιας ενότητας γύψου Καλαμάκι-Αργάσι). Η μετα-Μειοκαινική εξωτερική Ιόνια επώθηση τοποθετείται δυτικά αυτών των Τριαδικών διάπειρων. Βιοστρωματογραφική ανάλυση των συναθροίσεων πλαγκτονικών τρηματοφόρων στα Νεογενή ιζήματα δείχνει ότι η συσσώρευση πρωτογενούς εβαπορίτη έλαβε χώρα πιθανά κατά το πρώτο στάδιο της κρίσης αλμυρότητας του Μεσσηνίου (5.96-5.60 Εκατ.χρ.), στα αβαθέστερα τμήματα της λεκάνης προχώρας, η οποία σχηματίστηκε πάνω στο Προ-Απούλιο και Ιόνιο αλπικό υπόβαθρο. Ο σχηματισμός των περιβαλλόντων ιζηματογένεσης, πριν από την Ιόνια επώθηση, πιθανά οφείλεται στις ιδιαιτερότητες της λεκάνης προχώρας, η οποία εκείνο το διάστημα εκτείνονταν από την εξωτερική Ιόνια ως την εσωτερική Προ-Απούλια ζώνη. Νέα δεδομένα υπαίθρου, σε συνδυασμό με τη βιοστρωματογραφία, τα στοιχεία γεωτρήσεων και μία διαθέσιμη σεισμική τομή δείχνουν ότι τα Νεογενή ιζήματα πάνω στο Προ-Απούλιο υπόβαθρο αντιστοιχούν στον τμήμα της λεκάνης προχώρας, από το προβύθισμα (foredeep) ως την πρόσθια ανύψωση (forebulge), όπως αυτό διαπιστώνεται από την χωρική κατανομή του πάχους τους. Αντίθετα, τα Νεογενή ιζήματα πάνω στο Ιόνιο υπόβαθρο αντιστοιχούν στο τμήμα της λεκάνης προχώρας που βρίσκεται πάνω στο μετωπικό πρίσμα της ορογένεσης (wedge top), το οποίο βυθίζονταν λιγότερο όπως συνάγεται από το ελαττωμένο πάχος των ιζημάτων. Ο μικρότερος ρυθμός βύθισης οφείλεται στις διαπειρικές κινήσεις των Τριαδικών εβαποριτών. Στη Νεογενή ακολουθία, που βρίσκεται πάνω σε Προ-Απούλιο υπόβαθρο (περιοχή Άγιος Σώστης), παρεμβάλλονται επανιζηματοποιημένα μπλοκ δεκαμετρικού πάχους αποτελούμενα από σεληνίτη μικρού βάθους απόθεσης. Προς νότο, αυτή η βαρυτικά μεταφερόμενη μάζα της Μεσσήνιας γύψου μεταπίπτει κυρίως σε τουρβιδιτική γύψο. Στην περιοχή Καλαμάκι-Αργάσι που βρίσκεται πάνω σε Ιόνιο υπόβαθρο, το αβαθές περιβάλλον οδήγησε στην απόθεση της παρατηρούμενης πρωτογενούς γύψου. Η διάβρωση της πρωτογενούς γύψου τόσο της πρόσθιας ανύψωσης όσο και του μετωπικού πρίσματος επώθησης τροφοδότησαν το προβύθισμα της λεκάνης προχώρας με τουρβιδίτες γύψου

    Fruit quality characterization of new sweet cherry cultivars as a good source of bioactive phenolic compounds with antioxidant and neuroprotective potential

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    Sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.) are highly appreciated fruits for their taste, color, nutritional value, and beneficial health effects. In this work, seven new cultivars of sweet cherry were investigated for their main quality traits and nutraceutical value. The phytochemical profile of three classes of phenolic compounds and the antioxidant activity of the new cultivars were investigated through high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) and spectrophotometric assays, respectively, and compared with those of commonly commercialized cultivars. Cyanidine-3-O-rutinoside was the main anthocyanin in all genotypes, and its levels in some new cultivars were about three-fold higher than in commercial ones. The ORAC-assayed antioxidant capacity was positively correlated with the total anthocyanin index. The nutraceutical value of the new cultivars was investigated in terms of antioxidant/neuroprotective capacity in neuron-like SH-SY5Y cells. Results demonstrated that the new cultivars were more effective in counteracting oxidative stress and were also able to upregulate brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a pro-survival neurotrophin, suggesting their potential pleiotropic role in counteracting neurodegenerations

    A smart and sustainable future for viticulture is rooted in soil: How to face cu toxicity

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    In recent decades, agriculture has faced the fundamental challenge of needing to increase food production and quality in order to meet the requirements of a growing global population. Similarly, viticulture has also been undergoing change. Several countries are reducing their vineyard areas, and several others are increasing them. In addition, viticulture is moving towards higher altitudes and latitudes due to climate change. Furthermore, global warming is also exacerbating the incidence of fungal diseases in vineyards, forcing farmers to apply agrochemicals to preserve production yields and quality. The repeated application of copper (Cu)-based fungicides in con-ventional and organic farming has caused a stepwise accumulation of Cu in vineyard soils, posing environmental and toxicological threats. High Cu concentrations in soils can have multiple impacts on agricultural systems. In fact, it can (i) alter the chemical-physical properties of soils, thus com-promising their fertility; (ii) induce toxicity phenomena in plants, producing detrimental effects on growth and productivity; and (iii) affect the microbial biodiversity of soils, thereby influencing some microbial-driven soil processes. However, several indirect (e.g., management of rhizosphere processes through intercropping and/or fertilization strategies) and direct (e.g., exploitation of vine resistant genotypes) strategies have been proposed to restrain Cu accumulation in soils. Furthermore, the application of precision and smart viticulture paradigms and their related technologies could allow a timely, localized and balanced distribution of agrochemicals to achieve the required goals. The present review highlights the necessity of applying multidisciplinary approaches to meet the requisites of sustainability demanded of modern viticulture

    Lysogenization of a lactococcal host with three distinct temperate phages provides homologous and heterologous phage resistance

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    Lactococcus lactis is the most widely exploited microorganism in global dairy fermentations. Lactococcal strains are described as typically harboring a number of prophages in their chromosomes. The presence of such prophages may provide both advantages and disadvantages to the carrying host. Here, we describe the deliberate generation of three distinct lysogens of the model lactococcal strain 3107 and the impact of additional prophage carriage on phage-resistance and anti-microbial susceptibility. Lysogen-specific responses were observed, highlighting the unique relationship and impact of each lysogenic phage on its host. Both homologous and heterologous phage-resistance profiles were observed, highlighting the presence of possible prophage-encoded phage-resistance factors. Superinfection exclusion was among the most notable causes of heterologous phage-resistance profiles with resistance observed against members of the Skunavirus, P335, P087, and 949 lactococcal phage groups. Through these analyses, it is now possible to identify phages that may pursue similar DNA injection pathways. The generated lysogenic strains exhibited increased sensitivity to the antimicrobial compounds, nisin and lysozyme, relative to the parent strain, although it is noteworthy that the degree of sensitivity was specific to the individual (pro)phages. Overall, the findings highlight the unique impact of each prophage on a given strain and the requirement for strain-level analysis when considering the implications of lysogeny

    Ground state of excitons and charged excitons in a quantum well

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    A variational calculation of the ground state of a neutral exciton and of positively and negatively charged excitons (trions) in single quantum well is presented. We study the dependance of the correlation energy and of the binding energy on the well width and on the hole mass. Our results are are compared with previous theoretical results and with avalaible experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures presented to OECS

    Deciphering the Bifidobacterial Populations within the Canine and Feline Gut Microbiota

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    During the course of evolution, dogs and cats have been subjected to extensive domestication, becoming the principal companion animals for humans. For this reason, their health care, including their intestinal microbiota, is considered of considerable importance. However, the canine and feline gut microbiota still represent a largely unexplored research area. In the present work, we profiled the microbiota of 23 feline fecal samples by 16S rRNA gene and bifidobacterial internally transcribed spacer (ITS) approaches and compared this information with previously reported data from 138 canine fecal samples. The obtained data allowed the reconstruction of the core gut microbiota of the above-mentioned samples coupled with their classification into distinct community state types at both genus and species levels, identifying Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, and Prevotella 9 as the main bacterial components of the canine and feline gut microbiota. At the species level, the intestinal bifidobacterial gut communities of dogs and cats differed in terms of both species number and composition, as emphasized by a covariance analysis. Together, our findings show that the intestinal populations of cats and dogs are similar in terms of genus-level taxonomical composition, while at the bifidobacterial species level, clear differences were observed, indicative of host-specific colonization behavior by particular bifidobacterial taxa.IMPORTANCE Currently, domesticated dogs and cats are the most cherished companion animals for humans, and concerns about their health and well-being are therefore important. In this context, the gut microbiota plays a crucial role in maintaining and promoting host health. However, despite the social relevance of domesticated dogs and cats, their intestinal microbial communities are still far from being completely understood. In this study, the taxonomical composition of canine and feline gut microbiota was explored at genus and bifidobacterial species levels, allowing classification of these microbial populations into distinct gut community state types at either of the two investigated taxonomic levels. Furthermore, the reconstruction of core gut microbiota coupled with covariance network analysis based on bifidobacterial internally transcribed spacer (ITS) profiling revealed differences in the bifidobacterial compositions of canine and feline gut microbiota, suggesting that particular bifidobacterial species have developed a selective ability to colonize a specific host

    3D Engineering Geological Modeling to Investigate a Liquefaction Site: An Example in Alluvial Holocene Sediments in the Po Plain, Italy

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    Liquefaction-induced surface manifestations are the result of a complex geological–geotechnical phenomenon, driven by several controlling factors. We propose a multidisciplinary methodological approach, involving engineering geologists, geomorphologists, sedimentologists, and geotechnical engineers, to build a 3D engineering geological model for liquefaction assessment studies. The study area is Cavezzo (Po Plain, Italy), which is a municipality hit by superficial liquefaction manifestations during the Emilia seismic crisis of May–June 2012. The site is characterized by a Holocene alluvial sequence of the floodplain, fluvial channel, and crevasse splay deposits prone to liquefaction. The integration of different geotechnical investigations, such as boreholes, CPTm, CPTu, and laboratory tests, allowed us to recognize potentially liquefiable lithological units, crucial for hazard assessment studies. The resulting 3D engineering geological model reveals a strict correlation of co-seismic surface manifestations with buried silty sands and sandy silts within the shallow 10 m in fluvial channel setting, which is capped and laterally confined by clayey and silty deposits

    Liquefied sites of the 2012 Emilia earthquake: a comprehensive database of the geological and geotechnical features (Quaternary alluvial Po plain, Italy)

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    This paper presents a comprehensive geological and geotechnical study of the whole area affected by liquefaction following the 2012 Emilia earthquakes, including all the available information from the field reconnaissance surveys, in situ tests, and laboratory analyses. The compilation was performed at 120 liquefied sites to verify and validate the reliability of liquefaction charts in alluvial sediments, and to assess liquefaction induced by the 2012 seismic sequence in the Emilia plain. The results reveal a wide range of grain sizes (from clean sands to sandy silts) and compositional characteristics (quartz-rich to litharenitic) in the 2012 ejecta, and show a strong relationship between the liquefaction and stratigraphic architecture of the subsurface. The availability of in situ tests at the liquefied sites makes it possible to verify and validate the reliability of the liquefaction charts in alluvial sediments with respect to the real observations. For the analyzed Emilia case studies, the use of non-liquefiable crust provides better estimations of the liquefaction manifestations when coupled with the thickness of the liquefiable layer rather than with the liquefaction potential index. Altogether, this work makes available to the international scientific community a consistent liquefaction database for in-depth earthquake studies

    Ecology of lactobacilli present in italian cheeses produced from raw milk

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    Among the bacterial genera that are used for cheese production, Lactobacillus is a key taxon of high industrial relevance that is commonly present in commercial starter cultures for dairy fermentations. Certain lactobacilli play a defining role in the development of the organoleptic features during the ripening stages of particular cheeses. We performed an in-depth 16S rRNA gene-based microbiota analysis coupled with internally transcribed spacer-mediated Lactobacillus compositional profiling of 21 common Italian cheeses produced from raw milk in order to evaluate the ecological distribution of lactobacilli associated with this food matrix. Statistical analysis of the collected data revealed the existence of putative Lactobacillus community state types (LCSTs), which consist of clusters of Lactobacillus (sub)species. Each LCST is dominated by one or two taxa that appear to represent keystone elements of an elaborate network of positive and negative interactions with minor components of the cheese microbiota. The results obtained in this study reveal the existence of peculiar cheese microbiota assemblies that represent intriguing targets for further functional studies aimed at dissecting the species-specific role of bacteria in cheese manufacturing