2,596 research outputs found

    Young and technology, communicative interation y generational transformation

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    The current article contains a historical path about corporal transformation and technological affectations in youthful bodies in generational way from a documentary analysis of youthful bodies and their features of each era. Therefore three set dates will be analyzed by Margaret Mead in her book culture and compromise a study about generational rapture that will help us find on the cultural raptures in tree different times 1929 figurative post culture, 1973 configurative culture and culture revolution and 2001 prefigurative culture and the entrance to the social otherness. in this order of ideas I would say three youthful transformations in each era have different features of the reality and the world that surrounds it

    Mechanical characterization and validation of biocomposites in small ship hull construction. Life Cycle Assessment

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    Actualmente, la mayoría de las embarcaciones de pequeña eslora se fabrican mediante laminación manual de resina poliéster reforzada con fibra de vidrio. Los principales inconvenientes de la utilización de estos materiales compuestos son: la dependencia de los hidrocarburos para la síntesis de las resinas, el elevado coste energético para la obtención de la fibra de vidrio y la emisión de compuestos volátiles nocivos en el proceso de fabricación. En el presente trabajo, se analizan las ventajas de utilizar laminados de resina de origen renovable reforzada con fibra natural de lino. Para ello, se preparan probetas normalizadas y se someten a ensayos mecánicos de tracción y flexión. A partir de las propiedades obtenidas, se diseña una embarcación de eslora menor de 24 metros siguiendo las indicaciones de la norma internacional ISO 12215-5. Los resultados indican que pese a necesitar mayores espesores de laminado, el peso final de la embarcación se reduce un 12% utilizando biocomposites. El análisis por Elementos Finitos (FEM) subraya la posibilidad de optimizar estructuralmente el diseño de la embarcación. Finalmente, el Análisis del Ciclo de Vida (ACV) pone de manifiesto una mejora medioambiental de la embarcación fabricada con biocomposite frente a la fibra de vidrio. Sin embargo, dicha mejora está limitada por la transformación de suelos y la elevada huella hídrica de la fibra de lino en su proceso productivo.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Impacto de baja energía y resistencia a tracción de laminados bioepoxi-fibra de cáñamo, antes y después de su inmersión en agua de mar

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    Este trabajo de investigación pretende estudiar el efecto del agua de mar en las propiedades mecánicas de un nuevo biocomposite. Dicho material se ha fabricado mediante el proceso de infusión de una resina bioepoxi (SuperSap®) reforzada con fibra natural de cáñamo tipo “mat”. Para el estudio, se sumergió en agua de mar durante un periodo de bioactividad marina de seis meses. Posteriormente, se sometió al material seco y, tras su inmersión en agua de mar, a un ensayo de impacto por caída de dardo con una energía de E0= 20J a temperatura ambiente T= 23ºC. Además se realizaron ensayos normalizados de resistencia a tracción y se observaron las superficies de rotura al Microscopio Electrónico de Barrido (SEM). Los resultados muestran una pérdida de rigidez del material debido a la degradación provocada por el agua de mar. Se observa también que la absorción de humedad da lugar a un aumento de la energía de impacto disipada por el nuevo biocomposite.This experimental work is aimed at the mechanical characterization of a new biocomposite. Such material is a no-woven hemp fibre reinforced bioepoxi (SuperSap®) manufactured by infusion. The laminate was immersed in seawater during a bioactivity period of six months. The impact behavior, before and after seawater immersion, under low-velocity impact at E0=20J and environment temperature of T=23ºC was investigated. Besides, tensile stress tests were performed and the breaking surfaces were observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The results show stiffness lost due to resin degradation after seawater immersion. The water absorption pattern of the new biocomposite leads to increase the dissipated impact energy

    Influence of seawater immersion in low energy impact behavior of a novel colombian fique fiber reinforced bio-resin laminate

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    This experimental work is aimed at the influence of seawater immersion in low impact energy behavior of a novel Colombian fique fiber reinforced bio-resin laminate. Such material was manufactured by vacuum infusion. The specimens were immersed in seawater during a bioactivity period of six months. Low energy impact tests were performed in order to obtain the penetration and perforation threshold according to energy profiles. The damage extent was characterized by means of Ultrasonics. Tensile stress tests were also performed and the breaking surfaces were analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscopy. The results revealed that the new biocomposite, after seawater immersion, has higher penetration and perforation thresholds than the biocomposite without immersion. Tensile test results show stiffness lost and increase of elongation at break. This behavior of the immersed biocomposite is due to a plasticization process of the material

    Study X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy determination of interactions between gold nanoparticles and epidermal growth factor for potential use in biomedicine

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    Nowadays, biomedical applications of gold nanoparticles coupled with Epidermal Growth Factor have attracted huge attention because of its theranostic activity, which could be useful for diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, there is a great interest to know the nature of the intermolecular interactions between the gold nanoparticles and epidermal growth factor (EGF). A two-step synthesis was performed. In the first step, gold nanoparticles were synthesized by chemical reduction of tetrachloroauric acid using sodium citrate as reducing and capping agent. Secondly, gold nanoparticles were coupled with EGF. The obtained nanoparticles were characterized by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and zeta-potential before and after being coupled with the EGF. Gold nanoparticles with an average diameter of 8.09 nm were obtained. After coupled with EGF, the particle average diameter increased to 9.14 nm. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy showed an electrostatic interaction between gold nanoparticles and EGF. Zeta potential corroborated these results. Thus, it was possible for the first time to identify the interactions between these two chemical species. Since gold nanoparticles may act as carriers of EGF, these results illustrate the great potential for the use of this bionanocomposite in neurodegenerative disease treatment.UAEME

    Evaluación de la técnica de impresión 3D para su implementación en radioterapia

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    La impresión 3D es una tendencia para aplicaciones diversas. El presente trabajo evalúa la posibilidad de su uso en la modalidad de inyección de plástico dentro de la radioterapia. Examinamos las impresiones de dife-rentes tipos de impresoras, materiales y calidades de impresión, con la finalidad de determinar qué posibili-dad hay de usar esta técnica en la fabricación de ma-niquíes, accesorios para dosimetría, soportes para tra-tamientos específicos, entre otras aplicaciones que cu-bran las necesidades diarias en un centro de radiotera-pia

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamentos de Caldas, Quindío y Risaralda

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    Se entiende por conflicto armado en Colombia a acontecimientos que inducen a la violencia y a la fuerza en contra de entes gubernamentales que afectan directamente a la comunidad en general, El conflicto armado colombiano se ha caracterizado por ser uno de los más largos del mundo que ha dejado miles de víctimas a su paso (Rojas 2016). Es por ello por lo que el lector en el presente documento encontrará una Narrativa y relatos del sufrimiento a causa del conflicto armado, de los habitantes sobrevivientes de la masacre de El Salado, de sueños y Proyectos de vida que fueron arrebatos o truncados por los hechos ocurridos entre el 16 y el 22 de febrero del año 2000. También, se realiza análisis de los hechos personales, familiares que permitieron la Resiliencia en cada uno de sus habitantes para lograr salir adelante y pensar en el futuro, adicional se plantean unas preguntas Circulares Reflexivas y estratégicas enfocadas a realizar un acercamiento, apoyo y Orientación Psicosocial a las víctimas. De igual modo, encontrará los relatos asociados a el caso de Luz una mujer que fue víctima de conflicto armado en Colombia, sus derechos como ciudadana colombiana fueron vulnerados, al ser abusada sexualmente, intimidada y amenazada por integrantes de un grupo al margen de la ley, que le arrebataron la vida de su esposo, obligándola a abandonar su vivienda y su comunidad. Por último se presenta un plan de atención psicosocial enfocado a la facilitación y la potenciación de recursos de afrontamiento para las víctimas y sobrevivientes de la masacre de El Salado.Armed conflict in Colombia is understood as events that induce violence and force against governmental entities that directly affect the community in general, The Colombian armed conflict has been characterized as one of the longest in the world that has left thousands of victims in its wake, (Rojas 2016). That is why the reader in this document will find a Narrative and accounts of the suffering due to the armed conflict, of the surviving inhabitants of the El Salado massacre, of dreams and Life Projects that were snatched or truncated by the events that occurred between February 16 and 22, 2000. Also, there is an analysis of the personal and family facts that allowed resilience in each of its inhabitants to succeed in moving forward and thinking about the future. In addition, there are some reflective and strategic circular questions focused on the approach, support, and psychosocial orientation to the victims. Similarly, you will find the stories associated with the case of Luz, a woman who was a victim of armed conflict in Colombia, her rights as a Colombian citizen were violated, being sexually abused, intimidated, and threatened by members of a group outside the law, who took the life of her husband, forcing her to leave her home and her community. Finally, a psychosocial care plan focused on the facilitation and empowerment of coping resources for the victims and survivors of the El Salado massacre is presented

    Determination of optimal areas for the establishment of buffalo herds and German grass in Tabasco, Mexico

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    Objective: To determine optimal (suitable) areas for the establishment of fattening buffalo herds (Bubalus bubalis) and german grass (Echinochloa polystachya Kunth Hitchc) based on biophysical environmental conditions that favor the comfort state of the animal species and the better development of the plant species. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology consisted of an analysis of the bioclimatic parameters for water buffalo and agroclimatic parameters for german grass in the state from Tabasco. A comparative table of the optimal biophysical variables of the water buffalo and the german grass was elaborated with respect to the digital geographic base of soils and the climatological normals registered in the state from Tabasco. Edaphoclimatic maps were elaborated for the establishment of buffalo herds associated with german grass from a cartographic crossing. Results: Obtaining the edaphoclimatic aptitude map of both species at a scale of 1:135,000. Limitations of the study/implications: In the state of Tabasco, there is a lack of basic information on the soil and climatic conditions suitable for water buffalo, since its exploitation is recent. Findings/conclusions: The areas for the establishment of buffalo herds and German grass were identified. 4.29% of the state of Tabasco has suitable potential, followed by 56.67% classified as moderately suitable, while 38.48% were classified as unsuitableObjective: To determine optimal (suitable) areas for the establishment of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) herds fattened with German grass (Echinochloa polystachya Kunth Hitchc), based on the biophysical environmental conditions that favor the comfort of the animal species and the best development of the plant species.Design/Methodology/Approach: An analysis of the bioclimatic parameters for water buffalo and the agroclimatic parameters for German grass was carried out in the state of Tabasco, Mexico. A comparative table of the optimal biophysical variables of water buffalo and German grass was developed from the digital soil geographic databases and the climatological normals recorded in the state of Tabasco. Edaphoclimatic maps were developed to establish buffalo herds associated with German grass, based on a cartographic cross-checking.Results: The soil-climatic aptitude map of both species was developed at a scale of 1:135,000.Study Limitations/Implications: Given its recent introduction, there is a lack of basic information on the edaphoclimatic conditions suitable for water buffalo in the state of Tabasco.Findings/Conclusions: The areas for the establishment of buffalo herds and German grass were identified. Regarding their potentiality, 4.29% of the state of Tabasco is suitable, 56.67% was classified as moderately suitable, and 38.48% is not suitable

    ¡El pueblo no se rinde en la pandemia!

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    El 2020 estuvo marcado por el número de medidas restrictivas emitidas para enfrentar la pandemia del Covid-19[1], fortalecer y preparar el sistema de salud nacional y proteger la salud de los colombianos. Además de la evidente crisis en el sistema de salud, dada su incapacidad para atender un número significativo de ciudadanos, las medidas de confinamiento adoptadas por las autoridades nacionales, regionales y municipales produjeron una crisis social y económica nunca antes vista. Amplios sectores de la sociedad colombiana se quedaron sin empleo o fuente de ingresos. En este sentido, la privación de recursos para el sostenimiento de las familias fue extendida a varios estratos del país. Las carencias económicas para cubrir las necesidades básicas de los hogares colombianos se sintieron tanto en los sectores populares, como en las clases medias y profesionales del país