234 research outputs found

    Cambrian bioestratigraphy and environmental evolution of the Borobia area (Province of Soria, Oriental Iberian Chain, Spain)

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    [Resumen] Se estudian dos secciones estratigráficas en los afloramientos cámbricos más septentrionales de la Cadena Ibérica Oriental, las cuales incluyen a las formaciones Jalón, Ribota, Huérmeda, Daroca, Valdemiedes, Murero y Acón. Los datos estratigráficos, mineralógicos, petrológicos y paleontológicos sugieren la existencia de tres geoventos de tipo eustático. El primero de ellos (Transgresión del Cámbrico inferior) comienza con depósitos litorales en condiciones áridas y ambiente oxidante, para evolucionar a un medio sublitoral carbonatado y posteriormente a otro de plataforma siliciclástica abierta. El segundo geoevento (Regresión Hawke Bay) estaría representado por las areniscas y lutitas de la Formación Daroca. El inicio del tercer geoevento (transgresión generalizada del Cámbrico medio) produce la instauración de una plataforma mixta (terrígeno-carbonatada) con pulsos regresivos asociados, representados por la base de la Formación Acón. La presencia de los trilobites Strenuaeva ineondita, Aeadolenus sp., Asturiaspis inopinatus; Paradoxides (Eeeaparadoxides) suleatus; P. (Eee.) rouvillez: P. (Bee.) barehyrhaehis, Badulesia tenera, Badulesia pasehz: Badulesia granien: Solenopleuropsis verdiagana, Solenopleuropsis truneata y Pardazlhaina sp.; junto a los acritarcos Skiagia ezliosa, Heliosphaen'dium dissimzlare, Arehaeodiseina umbonulata, Cristallinium eambn'ensis, Eliasum Ilaniseum, Timofeevia fosfonOtiea y Timofeevia lanearae sugiere que los pisos Marianiense, Bilbiliense, Leoniense y Caesaraugustiense del Cámbrico inferior-medio están representados. Estos datos paleontológicos permiten una primera comparación entre la biozonación española de trilobites y la de acritarcos, y proceder así a la correlación de los materiales del Cámbrico inferior y medio de la Península Ibérica con los de la Plataforma Oriental Europea.[Abstract] Two stratigraphical sections from the more septentrional Cambrian outcrops of the Oriental Iberian Chain 'are studied, including theJalón, Ribota, Huérmeda, Daroca, Valdemiedes, Murero and Acón formations (Lower-Middle Cambrian). The stratigraphical, mineralogical, petrological and paleontological data suggest the presence of three eustatic geoevents. The first one (Lower Cambrian Transgression) started with litoral deposits on arid and oxidant conditions that changed to sublitoral deposits (carbonate shelf) and posteriorly to an open siliciclastic shelf. The second eustatic geoevent (Hawke Bay Regression) is represented by the sandstones and lutites of the Daroca formation. The third geoevent (Middle Cambrian Transgression) began with the establishment of a mixed shelf (terrigenous- carbonated) and shows sorne regressive pulses represented by the basal leveIs of the Acón Formation. The presence of the trilobites Strenuaeva ineondita, Aeadolenus sp., Asturiaspis inopinatus, Paradoxides (Eceaparadoxides) suleatus, P. (Eee.) rouvillei, P. (Bee.) barehyrhaehis, Badulesia tenera, Badulesia pasehz~ Badulesia granien', Solenopleuropsis verdiagana, Solenopleuropsis truneata and Paradazlhania sp.; and the acritarchs Skiagia ezliosa, Heiosphaen'dium dissimzlare, Arehaeodiseina umbonulata, Cristallinium eambn'ensis, Eliasum Ilaniseum, Timofeevia fosfontiea and timofeevia lanearae suggest a Lower-Middle Cambrian age (Marianian to Caesaraugustian stages). These biostratigraphical data allow a comparison between the trilobite and acritarch biozonations for the first time in Spain as well as the correlation of the Península Ibérica's Lower-Middle Cambrian materials with the East European Platform ones.

    Higher-order Mechanics: Variational Principles and other topics

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    After reviewing the Lagrangian-Hamiltonian unified formalism (i.e, the Skinner-Rusk formalism) for higher-order (non-autonomous) dynamical systems, we state a unified geometrical version of the Variational Principles which allows us to derive the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian equations for these kinds of systems. Then, the standard Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of these principles and the corresponding dynamical equations are recovered from this unified framework.Comment: New version of the paper "Variational principles for higher-order dynamical systems", which was presented in the "III Iberoamerican Meeting on Geometry, Mechanics and Control" (Salamanca, 2012). The title is changed. A detailed review is added. Sections containing results about variational principles are enlarged with additional comments, diagrams and summarizing results. Bibliography is update

    On the interaction of vortices with mixing layers

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    We describe the perturbations introduced by two counter-rotating vortices - in a two-dimensional configuration - or by a vortex ring - in an axisymmetric configuration - to the mixing layer between two counterflowing gaseous fuel and air streams of the same density. The analysis is confined to the near stagnation point region, where the strain rate of the unperturbed velocity field, A0, is uniform. We restrict our attention to cases where the typical distance 2r0 between the vortices - or the characteristic vortex ring radius r0 - is large compared to both the thickness, δv, of the vorticity core and the thickness, δm∼(ν/A0)1/2, of the mixing layer. In addition, we consider that the ratio, Γ/ν, of the vortex circulation, Γ, to the kinematic viscosity, ν, is large compared to unity. Then, during the interaction time, A0,-1, the viscous and diffusion effects are confined to the thin vorticity core and the thin mixing layer, which, when seen with the scale r0, appears as a passive interface between the two counterflowing streams when they have the same density. In this case, the analysis provides a simple procedure to describe the displacement and distortion of the interface, as well as the time evolution of the strain rate imposed on the mixing layer, which are needed to calculate the inner structure of the reacting mixing layer as well as the conditions for diffusion flame extinction and edge-flame propagation along the mixing layer. Although in the reacting case variable density effects due to heat release play an important role inside the mixing layer, in this paper the analysis of the inner structure is carried out using the constant density model, which provides good qualitative understanding of the mixing layer response

    Geometric Approach to Pontryagin's Maximum Principle

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    Since the second half of the 20th century, Pontryagin's Maximum Principle has been widely discussed and used as a method to solve optimal control problems in medicine, robotics, finance, engineering, astronomy. Here, we focus on the proof and on the understanding of this Principle, using as much geometric ideas and geometric tools as possible. This approach provides a better and clearer understanding of the Principle and, in particular, of the role of the abnormal extremals. These extremals are interesting because they do not depend on the cost function, but only on the control system. Moreover, they were discarded as solutions until the nineties, when examples of strict abnormal optimal curves were found. In order to give a detailed exposition of the proof, the paper is mostly self\textendash{}contained, which forces us to consider different areas in mathematics such as algebra, analysis, geometry.Comment: Final version. Minors changes have been made. 56 page

    Geobiology of a lower Cambrian carbonate platform, Pedroche Formation, Ossa Morena Zone, Spain

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    The Cambrian Pedroche Formation comprises a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate succession recording subtidal deposition on a marine platform. Carbonate carbon isotope chemostratigraphy confirms previous biostratigraphic assignment of the Pedroche Formation to the Atdabanian regional stage of Siberia, correlative to Cambrian Series 2. At the outcrop scale, thrombolitic facies comprise ~. 60% of carbonate-normalized stratigraphy and coated-grains another ~. 10%. Petrographic point counts reveal that skeletons contribute at most 20% to thrombolitic inter-reef and reef-flank lithologies; on average, archaeocyath clasts make up 68% of skeletal materials. In contrast, petrographic point counts show that skeletons comprise a negligible volume of biohermal and biostromal thrombolite, associated nodular carbonate facies, and ooid, oncoid and peloid grainstone facies. As such, archaeocyathan reefal bioconstructions represent a specific and limited locus of skeletal carbonate production and deposition. Consistent with data from coeval, globally dispersed lower Cambrian successions, our analysis of the Pedroche Formation supports the view that lower Cambrian carbonates have more in common with earlier, Neoproterozoic deposits than with younger carbonates dominated by skeletal production and accumulation. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.Jessica R. Creveling, David Fernández-Remolar, Marta Rodríguez-Martínez, Silvia Menéndez, Kristin D. Bergmann, Benjamin C. Gill, John Abelson, Ricardo Amils, Bethany L. Ehlmann, Diego C. García-Bellido, John P. Grotzinger, Christian Hallmann, Kathryn M. Stack, Andrew H. Knol

    Lead Optimization of 3,5-Disubstituted-7-Azaindoles for the Treatment of Human African Trypanosomiasis

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    Neglected tropical diseases such as human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) are prevalent primarily in tropical climates and among populations living in poverty. Historically, the lack of economic incentive to develop new treatments for these diseases has meant that existing therapeutics have serious shortcomings in terms of safety, efficacy, and administration, and better therapeutics are needed. We now report a series of 3,5-disubstituted-7-azaindoles identified as growth inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei, the parasite that causes HAT, through a high-throughput screen. We describe the hit-to-lead optimization of this series and the development and preclinical investigation of 29d, a potent antitrypanosomal compound with promising pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters. This compound was ultimately not progressed beyond in vivo PK studies due to its inability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB), critical for stage 2 HAT treatments

    Impact of regulated and emerging pollutants and microplastics in marine ecosystems (IMPACTA project)

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    Marine ecosystems are nowadays subjected to a massive input of synthetic chemicals from everywhere. Unfortunately only a small portion of them is being monitored, and it is necessary to identify which pollutants can produce adverse impacts in the marine environment. IMPACTA project (CTM2013-48194-C3) is characterizing the distribution of regulated and emerging contaminants and microplastics in marine sediments, and evaluating the biological effects that they can cause (sing sublethal embryotoxicity tests, endocrine disruption and biomarkers). Sensitive and selective analytical methods are being developed and validated for pharmaceuticals, perfluorinated compounds, organophosphorus pesticides, triazines, personal care products, nonylphenols and alkylated PAHs in sediments. Thus, relevant pollutants present in coastal and offshore areas will be identified. Furthermore potential toxic effects of the contaminants present in coastal sediments are being assessed through embryotoxicity bioassays and also the biological effects on different marine species as a consequence of their exposition to specific compounds. Another relevant contribution of this project will be the assessment of the impact of micro-plastics, first time in the Spanish coastal areas. Their potential toxic effects and their role in the transference of pollutants in the marine environment are being assessed. The concentration and composition of microplastics in sediments and demersal fish stomachs are being characterized, and their potential biological effects on marine invertebrates are also being investigated

    Avaliação do Ensino de Empreendedorismo entre Estudantes Universitários por meio do Perfil Empreendedor

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    Entrepreneurship is a socioeconomic phenomenon that has been valued for its influence on the growth and development of regional and national economies. The main promoter of this phenomenon are entrepreneurs, subjects endowed with multiple features that make up their profiles. They are dynamic and results oriented, benefitting from the fruits of their own personal efforts. Entrepreneurial education is highlighted as one of the most efficient ways to promote an entrepreneurial culture and train new entrepreneurs. However, some difficulty has been observed in assessing the effectiveness of teaching and learning this subject. The objective of this study was to analyze, by means of multivariate techniques, an instrument whose function is to measure the learning of Entrepreneurship, verifying the change in entrepreneur profiles of 407 college students participating or not in an entrepreneurial training process. The results showed that students who participated in Entrepreneurship educational training activities showed significant changes in their entrepreneurial profiles. The main contributions showed growth in the Self-realization, Planner, Innovative and Risks Assumed dimensions