5,736 research outputs found

    Phylogenomic Analyses of 2,786 Genes in 158 Lineages Support a Root of the Eukaryotic Tree of Life between Opisthokonts and All Other Lineages

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    Advances in phylogenomics and high-throughput sequencing have allowed the reconstruction of deep phylogenetic relationships in the evolution of eukaryotes. Yet, the root of the eukaryotic tree of life remains elusive. The most popular hypothesis in textbooks and reviews is a root between Unikonta (Opisthokonta + Amoebozoa) and Bikonta (all other eukaryotes), which emerged from analyses of a single-gene fusion. Subsequent, highly cited studies based on concatenation of genes supported this hypothesis with some variations or proposed a root within Excavata. However, concatenation of genes does not consider phylogenetically-informative events like gene duplications and losses. A recent study using gene tree parsimony (GTP) suggested the root lies between Opisthokonta and all other eukaryotes, but only including 59 taxa and 20 genes. Here we use GTP with a duplication-loss model in a gene-rich and taxon-rich dataset (i.e., 2,786 gene families from two sets of 155 and 158 diverse eukaryotic lineages) to assess the root, and we iterate each analysis 100 times to quantify tree space uncertainty. We also contrasted our results and discarded alternative hypotheses from the literature using GTP and the likelihood-based method SpeciesRax. Our estimates suggest a root between Fungi or Opisthokonta and all other eukaryotes; but based on further analysis of genome size, we propose that the root between Opisthokonta and all other eukaryotes is the most likely

    Multi-scale coordination of distinctive movement patterns during embodied interaction between adults with high-functioning autism and neurotypicals

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    Funding We acknowledge financial support from DGAPA-PAPIIT projects of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: IA105017 (RF and LZ-F) and IA104717 (TF), Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT) projects 167441 (RF and LZ-F), the scholarship 638215 to LZ-F granted by the CONACyT, the Newton Advanced Fellowship awarded to RF by the Academy of Medical Sciences, through the UK Government’s Newton, and the Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship “SOCIAL BRAIN” awarded to BT. Acknowledgments We thank Charles Lenay and Dominique Aubert from the Université de Technologie de Compiègne for making the TACTOS hardware and software available to the University Hospital Cologne, and for providing technical support. LZ-F would like to specially thank Jesús Naveja and Lilia Fonseca for interesting discussions. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02760/full#supplementary-materialPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    An additional brain endocast of the ictidosaur riograndia guaibensis (Eucynodontia: Probainognathia): Intraspecific variation of endocranial traits

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    Recently, the morphology and encephalization of the brain endocast of the Triassic non-mammaliaform probainognathian cynodont Riograndia guaibensis were studied. Here, we analyzed the brain endocast of an additional specimen of this species. The new endocast shows well-defined olfactory bulbs and a median sulcus dividing the hemispheres, traits that were not clearly observed in the first studied specimen. Encephalization quotients were also calculated, revealing similar values to other non-mammaliaform cynodonts and lower than those of the first analyzed specimen. The analyzed cranium is slightly larger than the first studied one and may represent an advanced ontogenetic stage. Hence, these differences may be related to the intraspecific variation of this cynodont or alternatively, to the preservation of each specimen.Fil: Kerber, Leonardo. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; BrasilFil: Ferreira, José Darival. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; BrasilFil: Fonseca, Pedro Henrique M.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Franco, Arymatheia. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; BrasilFil: Martinelli, Agustín Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Soares, Marina Bento. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Brasil. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Ribeiro, Ana Maria. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Brasi

    Scanning transmission electron microscopy of gate stacks with HfO2 dielectrics and TiN electrodes

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    High-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) imaging and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) in scanning transmission electron microscopy were used to investigate HfO2 gate dielectrics grown by atomic layer deposition on Si substrates, and their interfaces with TiN electrodes and silicon, as a function of annealing temperature. Annealing at high temperatures (900 °C) caused significant roughening of both bottom (substrate) and top (electrode) interface. At the bottom interface, HAADF images showed clusters of Hf atoms that protruded into the interfacial SiO2 layer. Low-loss EELS established that even crystalline HfO2 films exposed to relative high temperatures (700 °C) exhibited significant differences in their electronic structure relative to bulk HfO2. Further annealing caused the electronic structure to more closely resemble that of bulk HfO2, with the most significant change due to annealing with the TiN electrode

    Ateliês de corpo e arte: inventividade, produção estética e participação sociocultural

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    Following up body & art ateliers in the Artistic Compositions and Occupational Therapy Program (PACTO-USP) favored the systematization of group practices articulating body and artistic experimentations with people in social vulnerability’s situations. Based on action-research, a study and a critical analysis have been done and identified affirmative aspects of the proposal. The results pointed out two analysis categories: art and body ateliers and joint experience as fruitful moments of the project. The experience highlighted: the importance of following up the group in these doings; the going deeper in the body and art ateliers’ studies and practices; the observation and reports on changes in participants’ general mood, in their daily life and in their lives; and the dynamic of the socio-cultural processes occurred in the group’s social participation and cultural circulation.O acompanhamento dos ateliês de corpo e arte no Programa Composições Artísticas e Terapia Ocupacional (pacto -USPp) favoreceu a sistematização de práticas grupais que articulam experimentações com o corpo e com a arte com populações em situação de vulnerabilidade social. Com base na pesquisa-ação, produziu-se um estudo e uma análise crítica da intervenção que identificaram aspectos afirmativos da proposta. Os resultados apontaram as categorias de análise ateliês de corpo e arte e convivência como momentos fecundos do projeto. A experiência ressaltou: a importância do acompanhamento do grupo nestes fazeres; o aprofundamento nos estudos e práticas dos ateliês de corpo e arte; a observação e relatos sobre modificações na disposição geral dos participantes, em seus cotidianos e em suas vidas; e a dinamização de processos socioculturais na participação e circulação cultural

    O Papel do ensino do português como língua estrangeira na defesa do multicultarismo

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    As política actuais existentes a nível oficial para a implementação e defesa do ensino da Língua Portuguesa como Língua Estrangeira (L. E.) na Europa e no resto do mundo levam-nos a pensar que são, sobretudo, os casos isolados de leitores portugueses pioneiros, inspirados e marginais que na sua missão individual e afastada lutam pela implementação e defesa desta língua nos seus países de acolhimento. Segundo Volfgram, “cabe ensinar a alguns que o multiculturalismo não está apenas na teoria e sim ao nosso redor, nos elevando realmente à condição de seres humanos” (2005), e o mesmo é dizer que o multiculturalismo começa nas suas bases pela aprendizagem desinteressada e não interesseira das crianças na sua mais tenra idade. Não é impunemente que em países multiculturais como a Bélgica, a Língua Portuguesa ensinada como segunda língua ou como língua estrangeira desempenha um papel preponderante na defesa e na preservação do Português e, em simultâneo, pugna pela defesa incontestável da necessidade incontornável que o multiculturalismo é hoje. É indubitável que a luta contra a xenofobia, a luta pela tolerância e o respeito mútuo, bem como o diálogo profícuo biunívoco não podem sobreviver actualmente sem uma consciencialização da importância das línguas minoritárias, da crioulização, da relação com as línguas maioritárias e da conquista da defesa do multiculturalismo hic et nunc. Abordando algumas opiniões avisadas, esperamos trazer à discussão temas importantes, tais como, a necessidade de articulação de políticas de difusão da língua portuguesa na Europa e no Mundo concertadamente com o Brasil e outros Países Lusófonos, a necessidade de implementação de medidas concretas no terreno para defesa da Língua de Camões fora de Portugal, a sobrevivência do Português que embora sendo minoritária na Europa é uma das línguas mais faladas no mundo, a necessidade da consciencialização para a crescente importância geo-estratégica do Português paralelamente com o recrudescimento do multiculturalismo à escala global

    Oxazole Dyes With Potential For Photoluminescence Bioprobes: A Two-Photon Absorption Study

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    In this work, six π-conjugated oxazole compounds dissolved in dichloromethane were characterized with linear and nonlinear optical measurements. Z-scan with femtosecond laser pulses was employed to determine the two-photon absorption (TPA) spectra. Other photophysical parameters, such as absorbance, solvatochromism, lifetime fluorescence, and fluorescence anisotropy, were evaluated with linear optical techniques. The experimental TPA cross section spectra were adjusted by the sum-over-states (SOS) model, by which important parameters such as transition dipole moments and broadening parameters were determined. To better understand the TPA spectra of the oxazole compounds, quantum-chemical calculations using the response function formalism and the density functional theory level of theory were performed. Using the results provided by the quantum-chemical calculations and the broadening parameters estimated through the application of the SOS model, the TPA spectra were simulated by the superposition (summation) of individual homogeneous Lorentzian absorption profiles

    Erythropoietin reduces the expression of myostatin in mdx dystrophic mice

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    Erythropoietin (EPO) has been well characterized as a renal glycoprotein hormone regulating red blood cell production by inhibiting apoptosis of erythrocyte progenitors in hematopoietic tissues. EPO exerts regulatory effects in cardiac and skeletal muscles. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a lethal degenerative disorder of skeletal and cardiac muscle. in this study, we tested the possible therapeutic beneficial effect of recombinant EPO (rhEPO) in dystrophic muscles in mdx mice. Total strength was measured using a force transducer coupled to a computer. Gene expression for myostatin, transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) was determined by quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction. Myostatin expression was significantly decreased in quadriceps from mdx mice treated with rhEPO (rhEPO = 0.60 +/- 0.11, control= 1.07 +/- 0.11). On the other hand, rhEPO had no significant effect on the expression of TGF-beta 1 (rhEPO = 0.95 +/- 0.14, control= 1.05 +/- 0.16) and TNF-alpha (rhEPO = 0.73 +/- 0.20, control= 1.01 +/- 0.09). These results may help to clarify some of the direct actions of EPO on skeletal muscle.Fac Med ABC, BR-09060650 Santo Andre, SP, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Ciencias Biomed, BR-05508 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Inst Ciencias Quim Ambientais & Farmaceut, Diadema, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Inst Ciencias Quim Ambientais & Farmaceut, Diadema, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Investigating real-time social interaction in pairs of adolescents with the Perceptual Crossing Experiment

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    The study of real-time social interaction provides ecologically valid insight into social behavior. The objective of the current research is to experimentally assess real-time social contingency detection in an adolescent population, using a shortened version of the Perceptual Crossing Experiment (PCE). Pairs of 148 adolescents aged between 12 and 19 were instructed to find each other in a virtual environment interspersed with other objects by interacting with each other using tactile feedback only. Across six rounds, participants demonstrated increasing accuracy in social contingency detection, which was associated with increasing subjective experience of the mutual interaction. Subjective experience was highest in rounds when both participants were simultaneously accurate in detecting each other\u27s presence. The six-round version yielded comparable social contingency detection outcome measures to a ten-round version of the task. The shortened six-round version of the PCE has therefore enabled us to extend the previous findings on social contingency detection in adults to an adolescent population, enabling implementation in prospective research designs to assess the development of social contingency detection over time

    Atherosclerosis and Bone Loss in Humans–Results From Deceased Donors and From Patients Submitted to Carotid Endarterectomy

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    Funding: We wish to thank all the collaborators (administrative staff, nurses, etc.) of the surgery block, as well as the doctors of the vascular surgery and transplantation departments of the Hospital of Santa Maria for the availability and assistance in the collection of the samples. We also thank Sociedade Portuguesa de Reumatologia for funding with two fellowships: Fundo de Apoio à Investigação 2014 and SPR/MSD 2015. DC-F received funding from a PhD grant from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/80940/2011).Background and Aims: Atherosclerosis and osteoporosis share common risk factors, as well as inflammatory mechanisms. Our aim was to understand how atherosclerotic lesions are related with disturbances in bone. Methods: Gene expression of pro-inflammatory and bone metabolism related proteins (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-17A, TNF, RANKL, OPG, COL1, CTSK, OCL, TRAP, CBFA1, DKK1, SOST, ADIPOQ, and ADIPOR1) were analyzed in arteries and bones from 45 deceased donors and adipose tissue was used as control. Additionally, in 139 patients with advanced atherosclerosis submitted to carotid endarterectomy we compared calcium content (Alizarin red) and plaque inflammatory scores (CD3+, CD68+, and adiponectin) of patients with normal bone mineral density (BMD) with those with low BMD and explored the associations between gene expression in atherosclerotic plaques and BMD. Serum levels of pro-inflammatory and bone related proteins were measured both in donors and patients. Associations were investigated by the Pearson or Spearman correlation tests, and multivariate regression analyzes were performed when justified. Results: Gene expression of bone remodeling and pro-inflammatory proteins correlated positively in bone and aorta, independently of age and sex of donors, but not in adipose tissue. The expression of bone formation genes was significantly higher in atheroma plaques from endarterectomized patients with normal vs. low BMD as well as inflammatory CD68+ scores, regardless of patients' age and sex, but not of body mass index. No relationship was observed between serum levels and gene expression levels of pro-inflammatory or bone remodeling proteins. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the relationship between bones and vessels in the context of atherosclerotic disease and osteoporosis may rely on the intrinsic connection between the tissues involved, independently of disease stage. Serum measurements of pro-inflammatory and bone-remodeling proteins do not accurately translate tissue pathologic processes.publishersversionpublishe