5,266 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of non-prefiltering vs. time reversal prefiltering in distributed and uncoordinated IR-UWB ad-hoc networks

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    Time Reversal (TR) is a prefiltering scheme mostly analyzed in the context of centralized and synchronous IR-UWB networks, in order to leverage the trade-off between communication performance and device complexity, in particular in presence of multiuser interference. Several strong assumptions have been typically adopted in the analysis of TR, such as the absence of Inter-Symbol / Inter-Frame Interference (ISI/IFI) and multipath dispersion due to complex signal propagation. This work has the main goal of comparing the performance of TR-based systems with traditional non-prefiltered schemes, in the novel context of a distributed and uncoordinated IR-UWB network, under more realistic assumptions including the presence of ISI/IFI and multipath dispersion. Results show that, lack of power control and imperfect channel knowledge affect the performance of both non-prefiltered and TR systems; in these conditions, TR prefiltering still guarantees a performance improvement in sparse/low-loaded and overloaded network scenarios, while the opposite is true for less extreme scenarios, calling for the developement of an adaptive scheme that enables/disables TR prefiltering depending on network conditions

    Universal out-of-equilibrium dynamics of 1D critical quantum systems perturbed by noise coupled to energy

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    We consider critical one dimensional quantum systems initially prepared in their groundstate and perturbed by a smooth noise coupled to the energy density. By using conformal field theory, we deduce a universal description of the out-of-equilibrium dynamics. In particular, the full time-dependent distribution of any 22--pt chiral correlation function can be obtained from solving two coupled ordinary stochastic differential equations. In contrast with the general expectation of heating, we demonstrate that the system reaches a non-trivial and universal stationary state characterized by broad distributions. As an example, we analyse the local energy density: while its first moment diverges exponentially fast in time, the stationary distribution, which we derive analytically, is symmetric around a negative median and exhibits a fat tail with 3/23/2 decay exponent. We obtain a similar result for the entanglement entropy production associated to a given interval of size \ell. The corresponding stationary distribution has a 3/23/2 right tail for all \ell, and converges to a one-sided Levy stable for large \ell. Our results are benchmarked via analytical and numerical calculations for a chain of non-interacting spinless fermions with excellent agreement.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, Supplemental material (16 pages

    Herschel observations of interstellar chloronium

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    Using the Herschel Space Observatory's Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared (HIFI), we have observed para-chloronium (H2Cl+) toward six sources in the Galaxy. We detected interstellar chloronium absorption in foreground molecular clouds along the sight-lines to the bright submillimeter continuum sources Sgr A (+50 km/s cloud) and W31C. Both the para-H2-35Cl+ and para-H2-37Cl+ isotopologues were detected, through observations of their 1(11)-0(00) transitions at rest frequencies of 485.42 and 484.23 GHz, respectively. For an assumed ortho-to-para ratio of 3, the observed optical depths imply that chloronium accounts for ~ 4 - 12% of chlorine nuclei in the gas phase. We detected interstellar chloronium emission from two sources in the Orion Molecular Cloud 1: the Orion Bar photodissociation region and the Orion South condensation. For an assumed ortho-to-para ratio of 3 for chloronium, the observed emission line fluxes imply total beam-averaged column densities of ~ 2.0E+13 cm-2 and ~ 1.2E+13 cm-2, respectively, for chloronium in these two sources. We obtained upper limits on the para-H2-35Cl+ line strengths toward H2 Peak 1 in the Orion Molecular cloud and toward the massive young star AFGL 2591. The chloronium abundances inferred in this study are typically at least a factor ~10 larger than the predictions of steady-state theoretical models for the chemistry of interstellar molecules containing chlorine. Several explanations for this discrepancy were investigated, but none has proven satisfactory, and thus the large observed abundances of chloronium remain puzzling.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Long-range incommensurate charge fluctuations in (Y,Nd)Ba2Cu3O(6+x)

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    There are increasing indications that superconductivity competes with other orders in cuprate superconductors, but obtaining direct evidence with bulk-sensitive probes is challenging. We have used resonant soft x-ray scattering to identify two-dimensional charge fluctuations with an incommensurate periodicity of 3.2\bf \sim 3.2 lattice units in the copper-oxide planes of the superconductors (Y,Nd)Ba2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x} with hole concentrations 0.09p0.130.09 \leq p \leq 0.13 per planar Cu ion. The intensity and correlation length of the fluctuation signal increase strongly upon cooling down to the superconducting transition temperature, TcT_c; further cooling below TcT_c abruptly reverses the divergence of the charge correlations. In combination with prior observations of a large gap in the spin excitation spectrum, these data indicate an incipient charge-density-wave instability that competes with superconductivity.Comment: to appear in Scienc

    Pasteless electrode for clinical use

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    Heart rate variability and target organ damage in hypertensive patients

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    Background: We evaluated the association between linear standard Heart Rate Variability (HRV) measures and vascular, renal and cardiac target organ damage (TOD). Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed including 200 patients registered in the Regione Campania network (aged 62.4 ± 12, male 64%). HRV analysis was performed by 24-h holter ECG. Renal damage was assessed by estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), vascular damage by carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), and cardiac damage by left ventricular mass index. Results: Significantly lower values of the ratio of low to high frequency power (LF/HF) were found in the patients with moderate or severe eGFR (p-value < 0.001). Similarly, depressed values of indexes of the overall autonomic modulation on heart were found in patients with plaque compared to those with a normal IMT (p-value <0.05). These associations remained significant after adjustment for other factors known to contribute to the development of target organ damage, such as age. Moreover, depressed LF/HF was found also in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy but this association was not significant after adjustment for other factors. Conclusions: Depressed HRV appeared to be associated with vascular and renal TOD, suggesting the involvement of autonomic imbalance in the TOD. However, as the mechanisms by which abnormal autonomic balance may lead to TOD, and, particularly, to renal organ damage are not clearly known, further prospective studies with longitudinal design are needed to determine the association between HRV and the development of TOD

    Dispositivos gráficos y pictóricos en la guerra del Paraguay

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    Datada en 1866, la Figura 1 (ver en "Documento completo") nos presenta un numeroso grupo de hombres bajo la gran copa de un árbol. Junto a ellos se observan algunos carros y carpas, en medio de un paisaje desolador. Sin más preámbulos (y como nos indica su título), se trata pues, de la Guardia de Honor de Mitre durante el conflicto bélico denominado “Guerra de la Triple Alianza”. Con la firma de Bate y Compañía, la imagen fue realizada mediante la técnica del daguerrotipo, método fotográfico divulgado en 1839 por el inventor francés Louis Daguerre. Un año después del tratado secreto de la Triple Alianza, la Compañía Bate obtuvo un permiso de las autoridades para que sus fotógrafos pudieran ingresar al campo de batalla. Llevaron la carpa, el trípode y un laboratorio móvil, elementos indispensables para el daguerrotipo debido a las dificultades de tiempo y exposición de los primeros años de la fotografía. No se puede adjudicar a la Figura 1 el carácter de retrato a gran escala, ya que difícilmente podamos distinguir a alguno de los representados pues, como se observa, la intención fotográfica no estaba puesta en individualizar a los sujetos; tampoco podemos hablar de un paisaje, porque el terreno actúa más como un contenedor o indicador espacial, casi sin ningún rastro distintivo (aunque no hay que restar importancia a la imagen conceptual que genera del campo de batalla). Al ser realizada en el marco de un conflicto bélico y servir de carácter testimonial de aquel, podríamos hablar de una fotografía de tipo social o de fotoperiodismo.Facultad de Arte

    Case-fatality rate of major bleeding events in patients on dual antiplatelet therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Background Assessment of the case-fatality rate (CFR) of major bleeding on dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) may improve balancing risks and benefits of different durations of DAPT following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Objectives To determine the CFR of major bleeding in patients on DAPT after PCI and to compare rates among different durations of DAPT. Methods Medline, Embase, and CENTRAL were searched from inception to August 2021 for randomized trials that reported fatal bleeding among patients who were randomized to ≥1 month of DAPT following PCI. Summary estimates for CFRs of major bleeding were calculated using the random-effects inverse-variance method. Statistical heterogeneity was evaluated using the I 2 statistic. Results Of 2777 citations obtained by the search, 15 (48%) of 31 potentially eligible studies were excluded because fatal bleeding was not reported, leaving 16 studies that were included in the analysis. Overall, there were 823 major bleeding events including 91 fatal events in 48,884 patients who were assigned to receive DAPT during study follow-up. The CFR of major bleeding was 10.8% (95% confidence interval [CI], 7.1-16.2; I 2 = 50%) in the entire study population, and 13.8% (95% CI, 6.5-27.1; I 2 = 28%), 11.2% (95% CI, 6.7-18.0; I 2 = 0%), and 5.8% (95% CI, 3.0-11.1; I 2 = 0%) in those on short-term (≤6 months; n = 16,553), standard-term (12 months; n = 19,453), and long-term DAPT (>12 months; n = 10,238), respectively. Conclusion Fatal bleeding is not reported in many studies evaluating DAPT after PCI. The CFR of major bleeding on DAPT is substantial and may be higher in the first 12 months of DAPT than during long-term DAPT

    The XMM Large Scale Structure Survey: Properties and Two-Point Angular Correlations of Point-like Sources

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    We analyze X-ray sources detected over 4.2 pseudo-contiguous sq. deg. in the 0.5-2 keV and 2-10 keV bands down to fluxes of 2x10^{-15} and 8x10^{-15} erg/s/cm^2 respectively, as part of the XMM Large Scale Structure Survey. The logN-logS in both bands shows a steep slope at bright fluxes, but agrees well with other determinations below ~2x10^{-14} erg/s/cm^2. The detected sources resolve close to 30 per cent of the X-ray background in the 2-10 keV band. We study the two-point angular clustering of point sources using nearest neighbours and correlation function statistics and find a weak, positive signal for ~1130 sources in the 0.5-2 keV band, but no correlation for ~400 sources in the 2-10 keV band below scales of 100 arcsec. A sub-sample of ~200 faint sources with hard X-ray count ratios, that is likely to be dominated by obscured AGN, does show a positive signal with the data allowing for a large scaling of the angular correlation length, but only at the ~2 (3) sigma level, based on re-sampling (Poisson) statistics. We discuss possible implications and emphasize the importance of wider, complete surveys in order to fully understand the large scale structure of the X-ray sky.Comment: A&A in press; High resolution version at http://www-xray.ast.cam.ac.uk/~pg/publications.htm

    Molecular absorption lines toward star-forming regions : a comparative study of HCO+, HNC, HCN, and CN

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    Aims. The comparative study of several molecular species at the origin of the gas phase chemistry in the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) is a key input in unraveling the coupled chemical and dynamical evolution of the ISM. Methods. The lowest rotational lines of HCO+, HCN, HNC, and CN were observed at the IRAM-30m telescope in absorption against the \lambda 3 mm and \lambda 1.3 mm continuum emission of massive star-forming regions in the Galactic plane. The absorption lines probe the gas over kiloparsecs along these lines of sight. The excitation temperatures of HCO+ are inferred from the comparison of the absorptions in the two lowest transitions. The spectra of all molecular species on the same line of sight are decomposed into Gaussian velocity components. Most appear in all the spectra of a given line of sight. For each component, we derived the central opacity, the velocity dispersion, and computed the molecular column density. We compared our results to the predictions of UV-dominated chemical models of photodissociation regions (PDR models) and to those of non-equilibrium models in which the chemistry is driven by the dissipation of turbulent energy (TDR models). Results. The molecular column densities of all the velocity components span up to two orders of magnitude. Those of CN, HCN, and HNC are linearly correlated with each other with mean ratios N(HCN)/N(HNC) = 4.8 ±\pm 1.3 and N(CN)/N(HNC) = 34 ±\pm 12, and more loosely correlated with those of HCO+, N(HNC)/N(HCO+) = 0.5 ±\pm 0.3, N(HCN)/N(HCO+) = 1.9 ±\pm 0.9, and N(CN)/N(HCO+) = 18 ±\pm 9. These ratios are similar to those inferred from observations of high Galactic latitude lines of sight, suggesting that the gas sampled by absorption lines in the Galactic plane has the same chemical properties as that in the Solar neighbourhood. The FWHM of the Gaussian velocity components span the range 0.3 to 3 km s-1 and those of the HCO+ lines are found to be 30% broader than those of CN-bearing molecules. The PDR models fail to reproduce simultaneously the observed abundances of the CN-bearing species and HCO+, even for high-density material (100 cm-3 < nH < 104 cm-3). The TDR models, in turn, are able to reproduce the observed abundances and abundance ratios of all the analysed molecules for the moderate gas densities (30 cm-3 < nH < 200 cm-3) and the turbulent energy observed in the diffuse interstellar medium. Conclusions. Intermittent turbulent dissipation appears to be a promising driver of the gas phase chemistry of the diffuse and translucent gas throughout the Galaxy. The details of the dissipation mechanisms still need to be investigated