500 research outputs found

    Anticipated synchronization in coupled chaotic maps with delays

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    We study the synchronization of two chaotic maps with unidirectional (master-slave) coupling. Both maps have an intrinsic delay n1n_1, and coupling acts with a delay n2n_2. Depending on the sign of the difference n1n2n_1-n_2, the slave map can synchronize to a future or a past state of the master system. The stability properties of the synchronized state are studied analytically, and we find that they are independent of the coupling delay n2n_2. These results are compared with numerical simulations of a delayed map that arises from discretization of the Ikeda delay-differential equation. We show that the critical value of the coupling strength above which synchronization is stable becomes independent of the delay n1n_1 for large delays.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Influence of temperature, ammonia load and hydraulic loading on the performance of nitrifying trickling filters for recirculating aquaculture systems

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    [EN] In recirculating aquaculture systems, performance of nitrifying biofilters for total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) removal from the culture water and thus minimizing eutrophication depends on numerous elements of design. In this article the combined effect of three of these process parameters (temperature, hydraulic loading and TAN load) is evaluated. Ammonia removal rates (N-TAN divided by biofiltration area and day) were measured for every combination of five different temperatures, three different hydraulic loadings and three different ammonia loads. Every one of the process parameters were influential on nitrification rates and the lowest process parameters values corresponded with significantly lower N-TAN removal rates. A significantly higher mean N-TAN removal rate (0.241 gN-TAN removed m¿2 day-1) was found for the combination of the highest water temperature (27¿°C), the highest hydraulic loading (11 m3¿m¿2¿h-1) and the highest TAN load (9 gTAN m-3 day-1), suggesting a positive synergy of the three process parameters on the achievement of greater biofilter performances.This research work was made possible by the funding of the national project "Design of a recirculating aquaculture system for aquaculture plants (2011-2014)" by Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain.Godoy-Olmos, S.; Martínez-Llorens, S.; Tomas-Vidal, A.; Monge-Ortiz, R.; Estruch-Cucarella, G.; Jover Cerda, M. (2019). Influence of temperature, ammonia load and hydraulic loading on the performance of nitrifying trickling filters for recirculating aquaculture systems. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 7(4):1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2019.103257S187

    Advanced paternal age is associated with an increased risk of spontaneous miscarriage: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Although spontaneous miscarriage is the most common complication of human pregnancy, potential contributing factors are not fully understood. Advanced maternal age has long been recognised as a major risk factor for miscarriage, being strongly related with fetal chromosomal abnormalities. The relation between paternal age and the risk of miscarriage is less evident, yet it is biologically plausible that an increasing number of genetic and epigenetic sperm abnormalities in older males may contribute to miscarriage. Previous meta-analyses showed associations between advanced paternal age and a broad spectrum of perinatal and paediatric outcomes. This is the first systematic review and meta-analysis on paternal age and spontaneous miscarriage.OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE: The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to evaluate the effect of paternal age on the risk of spontaneous miscarriage.SEARCH METHODS: PubMed, Embase and Cochrane databases were searched to identify relevant studies up to August 2019. The following free text and MeSH terms were used: paternal age, father's age, male age, husband's age, spontaneous abortion, spontaneous miscarriage, abortion, miscarriage, pregnancy loss, fetal loss and fetal death. PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews and meta-analysis were followed. Original research articles in English language addressing the relation between paternal age and spontaneous miscarriage were included. Exclusion criteria were studies that solely focused on pregnancy outcomes following artificial reproductive technology (ART) and studies that did not adjust their effect estimates for at least maternal age. Risk of bias was qualitatively described for three domains: bias due to confounding, information bias and selection bias.OUTCOMES: The search resulted in 975 original articles. Ten studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the qualitative synthesis. Nine of these studies were included in the quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis). Advanced paternal age was found to be associated with an increased risk of miscarriage. Pooled risk estimates for miscarriage for age categories 30-34, 35-39, 40-44 and >= 45 years of age were 1.04 (95% CI 0.90, 1.21), 1.15 (0.92, 1.43), 1.23 (1.06, 1.43) and 1.43 (1.13, 1.81) respectively (reference category 25-29 years). A second meta-analysis was performed for the subgroup of studies investigating first trimester miscarriage. This showed similar pooled risk estimates for the first three age categories and a slightly higher pooled risk estimate for age category >= 45 years (1.74; 95% CI 1.26, 2.41).WIDER IMPLICATIONS: Over the last decades, childbearing at later ages has become more common. It is known that frequencies of adverse reproductive outcomes, including spontaneous miscarriage, are higher in women with advanced age. We show that advanced paternal age is also associated with an increased risk of spontaneous miscarriage. Although the paternal age effect is less pronounced than that observed with advanced maternal age and residual confounding by maternal age cannot be excluded, it may have implications for preconception counselling of couples comprising an older aged male.Cervix cance

    Nausea: Current knowledge of mechanisms, measurement and clinical impact

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    AbstractNausea is a subjective sensation, which often acts as a signal that emesis is imminent. It is a widespread problem that occurs as a clinical sign of disease or as an adverse effect of a drug therapy or surgical procedure. The mechanisms of nausea are complex and the neural pathways are currently poorly understood. This review summarises the current knowledge of nausea mechanisms, the available animal models for nausea research and the anti-nausea properties of commercially available anti-emetic drugs. The review also presents subjective assessment and scoring of nausea. A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of nausea might reveal potential clinically useful biomarkers for objective measurement of nausea in species of veterinary interest

    FasL is more frequently expressed in liver metastases of colorectal cancer than in matched primary carcinomas

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    Colorectal carcinoma cells have recently been shown to express Fas ligand (FasL). This ligand could allow the tumour cells to evade activated tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) by inducing their apoptosis and would thus promote tumour survival and possibly metastasis formation. To test this hypothesis in vivo we analysed the expression of FasL mRNA and protein in paired tissue samples of normal colonic mucosa (N), primary colorectal carcinomas (T) and their metastases (M) from a total of 21 patients by four different methods. Additionally, the presence and activation status of infiltrating lymphocytes, which might contribute to the total amount of FasL in the tissue, was determined by semiquantitative reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (RT–PCR) in the same samples. The frequency of FasL detection was 30–40% in T and was 60–100% in M, depending on the sensitivity of the method. Simultaneously, the amount of CD25 mRNA, used as a measure of the number of activated TILs, was in 90% of patients lower in M than in T. The increased frequency of FasL detection in liver metastases was therefore not due to the presence of activated TILs. We conclude that metastasizing subpopulations of colorectal tumour cells express FasL more frequently than the primary carcinomas and may be able to eliminate activated TILs in vivo via Fas/FasL-induced apoptosis or other hitherto unknown mechanisms. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Adequate and anticipatory research on the potential hazards of emerging technologies: a case of myopia and inertia?

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    History confirms that while technological innovations can bring many benefits, they can also cause much human suffering, environmental degradation and economic costs. But are we repeating history with new and emerging chemical and technological products? In preparation for volume 2 of ‘Late Lessons from Early Warnings’ (European Environment Agency, 2013), two analyses were carried out to help answer this question. A bibliometric analysis of research articles in 78 environmental, health and safety (EHS) journals revealed that most focused on well-known rather than on newly emerging chemicals. We suggest that this ‘scientific inertia’ is due to the scientific requirement for high levels of proof via well replicated studies; the need to publish quickly; the use of existing intellectual and technological resources; and the conservative approach of many reviewers and research funders. The second analysis found that since 1996 the funding of EHS research represented just 0.6% of the overall funding of research and technological development (RTD). Compared with RTD funding, EHS research funding for information and communication technologies, nanotechnology and biotechnology was 0.09%, 2.3% and 4% of total research, respectively. The low EHS research ratio seems to be an unintended consequence of disparate funding decisions; technological optimism; a priori assertions of safety; collective hubris; and myopia. In light of the history of past technological risks, where EHS research was too little and too late, we suggest that it would be prudent to devote some 5–15% of RTD on EHS research to anticipate and minimise potential hazards while maximising the commercial longevity of emerging technologies

    Delayed union of femoral fractures in older rats:decreased gene expression

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    BACKGROUND: Fracture healing slows with age. While 6-week-old rats regain normal bone biomechanics at 4 weeks after fracture, one-year-old rats require more than 26 weeks. The possible role of altered mRNA gene expression in this delayed union was studied. Closed mid-shaft femoral fractures were induced followed by euthanasia at 0 time (unfractured) or at 1, 2, 4 or 6 weeks after fracture in 6-week-old and 12-15-month-old Sprague-Dawley female rats. mRNA levels were measured for osteocalcin, type I collagen α1, type II collagen, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2, BMP-4 and the type IA BMP receptor. RESULTS: For all of the genes studied, the mRNA levels increased in both age groups to a peak at one to two weeks after fracture. All gene expression levels decreased to very low or undetectable levels at four and six weeks after fracture for both age groups. At four weeks after fracture, the younger rats were healed radiographically, but not the older rats. CONCLUSIONS: (1) All genes studied were up-regulated by fracture in both age groups. Thus, the failure of the older rats to heal promptly was not due to the lack of expression of any of the studied genes. (2) The return of the mRNA gene expression to baseline values in the older rats prior to healing may contribute to their delayed union. (3) No genes were overly up-regulated in the older rats. The slower healing response of the older rats did not stimulate a negative-feedback increase in the mRNA expression of stimulatory cytokines

    Accelerated boundary integral method for multiphase flow in non-periodic geometries

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    An accelerated boundary integral method for Stokes flow of a suspension of deformable particles is presented for an arbitrary domain and implemented for the important case of a planar slit geometry. The computational complexity of the algorithm scales as O(N) or O(NlogNO(N\log N), where NN is proportional to the product of number of particles and the number of elements employed to discretize the particle. This technique is enabled by the use of an alternative boundary integral formulation in which the velocity field is expressed in terms of a single layer integral alone, even in problems with non-matched viscosities. The density of the single layer integral is obtained from a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind involving the double layer integral. Acceleration in this implementation is provided by the use of General Geometry Ewald-like method (GGEM) for computing the velocity and stress fields driven by a set of point forces in the geometry of interest. For the particular case of the slit geometry, a Fourier-Chebyshev spectral discretization of GGEM is developed. Efficient implementations employing the GGEM methodology are presented for the resulting single and the double layer integrals. The implementation is validated with test problems on the velocity of rigid particles and drops between parallel walls in pressure driven flow, the Taylor deformation parameter of capsules in simple shear flow and the particle trajectory in pair collisions of capsules in shear flow. The computational complexity of the algorithm is verified with results from several large scale multiparticle simulations.Comment: Journal of Computational Physics, to appea