167 research outputs found

    Grapevine rupestris stem pitting-associated virus is linked with grapevine vein necrosis

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    Vein necrosis (VN), a virus-like disease latent in all European grapevine cultivars and in most American rootstock species and hybrids, induces necrosis of the veinlets of its specific indicator Vitis rupestris x Vitis berlandieri 110 R at the abaxial side of the leaf blade. VN is very common in southern Italy, e.g. 109 out of 218 of the putative grapevine clones selected during sanitary improvement programmes in the last few years indexed positive in 110 R. As assessed by ELISA, the same vines had a very low rate of infection (< 4 %) by major detrimental viruses (GFLV, GVA, GVB, GLRaV-1, GLRaV-2, GLRaV-3, GLRaV-7, GFkV) commonly looked for during selection. When the VN-positive 110 R indicators were checked by PCR and Western blot for the presence of Grapevine rupestris stem pittingassociated virus (GRSPaV) a strikingly high association (98 %) was observed between this virus and VN symptoms. Likewise, all 72 mother plants of Vitis rupestris used as indicators in indexing trials and recently discovered to be infected by GRSPaV, induced VN reactions after grafting onto 110 R. By contrast, no VN reactions developed in 110 R top-grafted on a single GRSPaV-free V. rupestris. Moreover, GRSPaV was consistently detected in the symptomatic lower leaves of the shoots of infected 110 R vines, but not in the symptomless upper leaves of the same shoots. These findings strongly suggest that GRSPaV is involved in the aetiology of VN

    The potential direct economic impact and private management costs of an invasive alien species:Xylella fastidiosa on Lebanese wine grapes

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    Since its outbreak in 2013 in Italy, the harmful bacterium Xylella fastidiosa has continued to spread through-out the Euro-Mediterranean basin and, more recently, in the Middle East region. Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa is the causal agent of Pierce’s disease on grapevines. At present, this alien subspecies has not been reported in Lebanon but if this biological invader was to spread with no cost-effective and sustainable management, it would put Lebanese vineyards at a certain level of risk. In the absence of an Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa outbreak, the gross revenue generated by Lebanese wine growers is estimated as close to US22million/yearforanaverageperiodof5years(20152019).ThepotentialquantitativeeconomicimpactsofanXylellafastidiosasubsp.fastidiosaoutbreakandparticularly,theprivatecontrolcostshavenotbeenassessedyetforthiscountryaswellasforotherswhichXylellafastidiosamayinvade.Here,wehaveaimedtoestimatethepotentialdirecteconomicimpactongrowerslivelihoodsandprovidethefirstestimateoftheprivatemanagementcoststhatatheoreticalXylellafastidiosasubsp.fastidiosaoutbreakinLebanonwouldinvolve.Forthispurpose,weusedaPartialBudgetapproachatthefarmgate.Forthecountryasawhole,weestimatedthatahypotheticalfullspreadofXylellafastidiosasubsp.fastidiosaonLebanesewinegrapeswouldleadtomaximumpotentialgrossrevenuelossesofalmostUS22 million/year for an average period of 5 years (2015–2019). The potential quantitative economic impacts of an Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa outbreak and particularly, the private control costs have not been assessed yet for this country as well as for others which Xylella fastidiosa may invade. Here, we have aimed to estimate the potential direct economic impact on growers’ livelihoods and provide the first estimate of the private management costs that a theoretical Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa outbreak in Lebanon would involve. For this purpose, we used a Partial Budget approach at the farm gate. For the country as a whole, we estimated that a hypothetical full spread of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa on Lebanese wine grapes would lead to maximum potential gross revenue losses of almost US 11 million for an average recovery period of4 years, to around US82.44millionforanaveragegrapevinelifespanperiodof30yearsinwhichinfectedplantsarenotreplacedatall.ThefirstyearlyestimatedadditionalmanagementcostisUS 82.44 million for an average grapevine life span period of 30 years in which infected plants are not replaced at all. The first yearly estimated additional management cost is US853 per potentially infected hectare. For a recovery period of 4 years, the aggregate estimated additional cost would reach US2374/ha,whiletheaggregatenetchangeinprofitwouldbeUS2374/ha, while the aggregate net change in profit would be US-4046/ha. Furthermore, additional work will be needed to estimate the public costs of an Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa outbreak in Lebanon. The observed costs in this study support the concerned policy makers and stakeholders to implement a set of reduction management options against Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa at both national and wine growers’ levels. This re-emerging alien biota should not be neglected in this country. This understanding of thepotential direct economic impact of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa and the private management costs can also benefit further larger-scale studies covering other potential infection areas and plant hosts

    New insight into the identity of italian grapevine varieties: The case study of calabrian germplasm

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    Calabria is a region located in Southern Italy and it is characterized by a long tradition of viticulture practices and favorable pedoclimatic conditions for grapevine cultivation. Nevertheless, less than 2% of cultivated land is dedicated to grapevine growing in Calabria. The characterization of local grapevine accessions is crucial to valorize the local and peculiar Italian products and boost the Calabrian winemaking sector. With this purpose, we performed a deep characterization of two widespread Calabrian grapevine varieties—Magliocco Dolce and Brettio Nero, of which very little is known. In particular, a genetic and morphological analysis, a berry physico-chemical and polyphenolic compositions assessment, and oenological evaluation of monovarietal wines were carried out. Our results allowed us to demonstrate that Magliocco Dolce and Brettio Nero are unique and distinct varieties with peculiar morphological and chemical characteristics and show the suitability of these two varieties in high-quality wine production. Moreover, the obtained molecular profiles will be useful for authentication and traceability purposes

    Screening of olive germplasm for resistance to Xylella fastidiosa ST53: the state of the art

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    While different sources of natural resistance to X. fastidiosa have been described in grapevines and citrus, lack of solid information exists on possible sources of resistance/tolerance in the cultivars that characterize the wide olive germplasm. Preliminary field observations and laboratory analyses of a few cultivars, have shown that differential responses to X. fastidiosa infections exist. To confirm these preliminary findings, a large panel of olive cultivars is being specifically investigated. Currently, the screening procedure relies on field observations looking for symptomless subjects (trees of known cultivars/volunteer seedlings), mechanical inoculations, qualitative and quantitative diagnostic assays (ELISA & qPCR) and, in selected cases, comparative transcriptomic profiling. Field experiments include the planting of the target cultivars/selections in an infected area under high inoculum pressure. All the plots are located in the Apulia Region (Italy) in the demarcated infected area, surrounded by X. fastidiosa heavily affected olive groves. A first experimental plot was established in April 2015 with 10 different cultivars, which was extended in 2016 to 49 cultivars, and will be further enlarged in 2017 with the addition of 40 new accessions. Other plots, comprising newly planted or grafted cultivars (over 260 cvs) have been also established, bringing to over 300 the total number of accessions under evaluation. Cvs Leccino and FS-17®, both expressing interesting traits of resistance, have already been identified

    Effects of climate and land-use changes on fish catches across lakes at a global scale

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    Globally, our knowledge on lake fisheries is still limited despite their importance to food security and livelihoods. Here we show that fish catches can respond either positively or negatively to climate and land-use changes, by analyzing time-series data (1970–2014) for 31 lakes across five continents. We find that effects of a climate or land-use driver (e.g., air temperature) on lake environment could be relatively consistent in directions, but consequential changes in a lake-environmental factor (e.g., water temperature) could result in either increases or decreases in fish catch in a given lake. A subsequent correlation analysis indicates that reductions in fish catch was less likely to occur in response to potential climate and land-use changes if a lake is located in a region with greater access to clean water. This finding suggests that adequate investments for water-quality protection and water-use efficiency can provide additional benefits to lake fisheries and food security

    Model-based cross-correlation search for gravitational waves from the low-mass X-ray binary Scorpius X-1 in LIGO O3 data

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    Search for subsolar-mass black hole binaries in the second part of Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's third observing run

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    We describe a search for gravitational waves from compact binaries with at least one component with mass 0.2 MM_\odot -- 1.0M1.0 M_\odot and mass ratio q0.1q \geq 0.1 in Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo data collected between 1 November 2019, 15:00 UTC and 27 March 2020, 17:00 UTC. No signals were detected. The most significant candidate has a false alarm rate of 0.2 yr1\mathrm{yr}^{-1}. We estimate the sensitivity of our search over the entirety of Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's third observing run, and present the most stringent limits to date on the merger rate of binary black holes with at least one subsolar-mass component. We use the upper limits to constrain two fiducial scenarios that could produce subsolar-mass black holes: primordial black holes (PBH) and a model of dissipative dark matter. The PBH model uses recent prescriptions for the merger rate of PBH binaries that include a rate suppression factor to effectively account for PBH early binary disruptions. If the PBHs are monochromatically distributed, we can exclude a dark matter fraction in PBHs fPBH0.6f_\mathrm{PBH} \gtrsim 0.6 (at 90% confidence) in the probed subsolar-mass range. However, if we allow for broad PBH mass distributions we are unable to rule out fPBH=1f_\mathrm{PBH} = 1. For the dissipative model, where the dark matter has chemistry that allows a small fraction to cool and collapse into black holes, we find an upper bound fDBH<105f_{\mathrm{DBH}} < 10^{-5} on the fraction of atomic dark matter collapsed into black holes.Comment: https://dcc.ligo.org/P220013

    Model-based cross-correlation search for gravitational waves from the low-mass X-ray binary Scorpius X-1 in LIGO O3 data

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    We present the results of a model-based search for continuous gravitational waves from the low-mass X-ray binary Scorpius X-1 using LIGO detector data from the third observing run of Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA. This is a semicoherent search which uses details of the signal model to coherently combine data separated by less than a specified coherence time, which can be adjusted to balance sensitivity with computing cost. The search covered a range of gravitational-wave frequencies from 25Hz to 1600Hz, as well as ranges in orbital speed, frequency and phase determined from observational constraints. No significant detection candidates were found, and upper limits were set as a function of frequency. The most stringent limits, between 100Hz and 200Hz, correspond to an amplitude h0 of about 1e-25 when marginalized isotropically over the unknown inclination angle of the neutron star's rotation axis, or less than 4e-26 assuming the optimal orientation. The sensitivity of this search is now probing amplitudes predicted by models of torque balance equilibrium. For the usual conservative model assuming accretion at the surface of the neutron star, our isotropically-marginalized upper limits are close to the predicted amplitude from about 70Hz to 100Hz; the limits assuming the neutron star spin is aligned with the most likely orbital angular momentum are below the conservative torque balance predictions from 40Hz to 200Hz. Assuming a broader range of accretion models, our direct limits on gravitational-wave amplitude delve into the relevant parameter space over a wide range of frequencies, to 500Hz or more