15 research outputs found

    Commissioning and operation of the readout system for the solid neutrino detector

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    The SoLid experiment aims to measure neutrino oscillation at a baseline of 6.4 m from the BR2 nuclear reactor in Belgium. Anti-neutrinos interact via inverse beta decay (IBD), resulting in a positron and neutron signal that are correlated in time and space. The detector operates in a surface building, with modest shielding, and relies on extremely efficient online rejection of backgrounds in order to identify these interactions. A novel detector design has been developed using 12800 5 cm cubes for high segmentation. Each cube is formed of a sandwich of two scintillators, PVT and 6LiF:ZnS(Ag), allowing the detection and identification of positrons and neutrons respectively. The active volume of the detector is an array of cubes measuring 80x80x250 cm (corresponding to a fiducial mass of 1.6 T), which is read out in layers using two dimensional arrays of wavelength shifting fibres and silicon photomultipliers, for a total of 3200 readout channels. Signals are recorded with 14 bit resolution, and at 40 MHz sampling frequency, for a total raw data rate of over 2 Tbit/s. In this paper, we describe a novel readout and trigger system built for the experiment, that satisfies requirements on: compactness, low power, high performance, and very low cost per channel. The system uses a combination of high price-performance FPGAs with a gigabit Ethernet based readout system, and its total power consumption is under 1 kW. The use of zero suppression techniques, combined with pulse shape discrimination trigger algorithms to detect neutrons, results in an online data reduction factor of around 10000. The neutron trigger is combined with a large per-channel history time buffer, allowing for unbiased positron detection. The system was commissioned in late 2017, with successful physics data taking established in early 2018

    Design and construction of the MicroBooNE detector

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    This paper describes the design and construction of the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber and associated systems. MicroBooNE is the first phase of the Short Baseline Neutrino program, located at Fermilab, and will utilize the capabilities of liquid argon detectors to examine a rich assortment of physics topics. In this document details of design specifications, assembly procedures, and acceptance tests are reported

    First measurement of θ<inf>13</inf> from delayed neutron capture on hydrogen in the Double Chooz experiment

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    The Double Chooz experiment has determined the value of the neutrino oscillation parameter θ13 from an analysis of inverse beta decay interactions with neutron capture on hydrogen. This analysis uses a three times larger fiducial volume than the standard Double Chooz assessment, which is restricted to a region doped with gadolinium (Gd), yielding an exposure of 113.1 GW-ton-years. The data sample used in this analysis is distinct from that of the Gd analysis, and the systematic uncertainties are also largely independent, with some exceptions, such as the reactor neutrino flux prediction. A combined rate- and energy-dependent fit finds sin22θ13=0.097±0.034 (stat.)±0.034 (syst.), excluding the no-oscillation hypothesis at 2.0. This result is consistent with previous measurements of sin22θ13

    A fast numerical method for photomultiplier tube calibration

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    International audienceIn this article, a new method is discussed for the calibration and monitoring of photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). This method is based on a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and it is fast and general so that it can be used in cases where an analytical model of the PMT response is not available. The DFT approach is employed for the absolute calibration of the Hamamatsu R1408 photomultiplier tube. It should be noted that the R1408 PMTs do not show a sharp peak at the single photoelectron distribution and gain determination via conventional methods is often unattainable. Here, we show that the DFT technique, coupled with a gamma function model for the single photoelectron response, produces rigorous calibration results and it can be used for gain determination with a good accuracy

    A Muon Telescope as Demonstrator of the JUNO Top Tracker Detector

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    International audienceA four-layer muon telescope has been built, employing the equipment and electronics developedfor the Top Tracker (TT) detector of the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO).It will serve as a demonstrator of the hardware capabilities in terms of detection efficiency, processing power and system reliability. The entire readout, trigger and acquisition systems havebeen conceived and built around versatile modular electronics embedding the latest generation ofsystem on chips. A detailed description of the telescope will be given along with the status of the TT electronics and their preliminary validation tests

    Optimisation of the scintillation light collection and uniformity for the SoLid experiment

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    International audienceThis paper presents a comprehensive optimisation study to maximise the light collection efficiency of scintillating cube elements used in the SoLid detector. Very short baseline reactor experiments, like SoLid, look for active to sterile neutrino oscillation signatures in the anti-neutrino energy spectrum as a function of the distance to the core and energy. Performing a precise search requires high light yield of the scintillating elements and uniformity of the response in the detector volume. The SoLid experiment uses an innovative hybrid technology with two different scintillators: polyvinyltoluene scintillator cubes and 6LiF:ZnS(Ag) screens. A precision test bench based on a 207Bi calibration source has been developed to study improvements on the energy resolution and uniformity of the prompt scintillation signal of antineutrino interactions. A trigger system selecting the 1 MeV conversion electrons provides a Gaussian energy peak and allows for precise comparisons of the different detector configurations that were considered to improve the SoLid detector light collection. The light collection efficiency is influenced by the choice of wrapping material, the position of the 6LiF:ZnS(Ag) screen, the type of fibre, the number of optical fibres and the type of mirror at the end of the fibre. This study shows that large gains in light collection efficiency are possible compared to the SoLid SM1 prototype. The light yield for the SoLid detector is expected to be at least 52±2 photo-avalanches per MeV per cube, with a relative non-uniformity of 6 %, demonstrating that the required energy resolution of at least 14 % at 1 MeV can be achieved

    The CCube reconstruction algorithm for the SoLid experiment

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    International audienceThe SoLid experiment is a very-short-baseline experiment aimed at searching for nuclear reactor-produced active to sterile antineutrino oscillations. The detection principle is based on the pairing of two types of solid scintillators: polyvinyl toluene and 6^6LiF:ZnS(Ag), which is a new technology used in this field of Physics. In addition to good neutron-gamma discrimination, this setup allows the detector to be highly segmented (the basic detection unit is a 5 cm side cube). High segmentation provides numerous advantages, including the precise location of Inverse Beta Decay (IBD) products, the derivation of the considerate antineutrino energy estimator, and a powerful background reduction tool based on the topological signature of the signal. Finally, the system is read out by a network of wavelength-shifting fibres coupled to a photodetector (MPPC). This paper describes the design of the reconstruction algorithm that allows maximum use of the granularity of the detector. The goal of the algorithm is to convert the output of the optical-fibre readout to the list of the detection units from which it originated. This paper provides a performance comparison for three methods and concludes with a choice of the baseline approach for the experiment

    The CCube reconstruction algorithm for the SoLid experiment

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    International audienceThe SoLid experiment is a very-short-baseline experiment aimed at searching for nuclear reactor-produced active to sterile antineutrino oscillations. The detection principle is based on the pairing of two types of solid scintillators: polyvinyl toluene and 6^6LiF:ZnS(Ag), which is a new technology used in this field of Physics. In addition to good neutron-gamma discrimination, this setup allows the detector to be highly segmented (the basic detection unit is a 5 cm side cube). High segmentation provides numerous advantages, including the precise location of Inverse Beta Decay (IBD) products, the derivation of the considerate antineutrino energy estimator, and a powerful background reduction tool based on the topological signature of the signal. Finally, the system is read out by a network of wavelength-shifting fibres coupled to a photodetector (MPPC). This paper describes the design of the reconstruction algorithm that allows maximum use of the granularity of the detector. The goal of the algorithm is to convert the output of the optical-fibre readout to the list of the detection units from which it originated. This paper provides a performance comparison for three methods and concludes with a choice of the baseline approach for the experiment

    The CCube reconstruction algorithm for the SoLid experiment

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    International audienceThe SoLid experiment is a very-short-baseline experiment aimed at searching for nuclear reactor-produced active to sterile antineutrino oscillations. The detection principle is based on the pairing of two types of solid scintillators: polyvinyl toluene and 6^6LiF:ZnS(Ag), which is a new technology used in this field of Physics. In addition to good neutron-gamma discrimination, this setup allows the detector to be highly segmented (the basic detection unit is a 5 cm side cube). High segmentation provides numerous advantages, including the precise location of Inverse Beta Decay (IBD) products, the derivation of the considerate antineutrino energy estimator, and a powerful background reduction tool based on the topological signature of the signal. Finally, the system is read out by a network of wavelength-shifting fibres coupled to a photodetector (MPPC). This paper describes the design of the reconstruction algorithm that allows maximum use of the granularity of the detector. The goal of the algorithm is to convert the output of the optical-fibre readout to the list of the detection units from which it originated. This paper provides a performance comparison for three methods and concludes with a choice of the baseline approach for the experiment

    The CCube reconstruction algorithm for the SoLid experiment

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    International audienceThe SoLid experiment is a very-short-baseline experiment aimed at searching for nuclear reactor-produced active to sterile antineutrino oscillations. The detection principle is based on the pairing of two types of solid scintillators: polyvinyl toluene and 6^6LiF:ZnS(Ag), which is a new technology used in this field of Physics. In addition to good neutron-gamma discrimination, this setup allows the detector to be highly segmented (the basic detection unit is a 5 cm side cube). High segmentation provides numerous advantages, including the precise location of Inverse Beta Decay (IBD) products, the derivation of the considerate antineutrino energy estimator, and a powerful background reduction tool based on the topological signature of the signal. Finally, the system is read out by a network of wavelength-shifting fibres coupled to a photodetector (MPPC). This paper describes the design of the reconstruction algorithm that allows maximum use of the granularity of the detector. The goal of the algorithm is to convert the output of the optical-fibre readout to the list of the detection units from which it originated. This paper provides a performance comparison for three methods and concludes with a choice of the baseline approach for the experiment