1,084 research outputs found

    Interaction of a surface acoustic wave with a two-dimensional electron gas

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    When a surface acoustic wave propagates on the surface of a GaAs semiconductor, coupling between electrons in the two-dimensional electron gas beneath the interface and the elastic host crystal through piezoelectric interaction will attenuate the SAW. The coupling coefficient is calculated for the SAW propagating along an arbitrary direction. It is found that the coupling strength is largely dependent on the propagating direction. When the SAW propagates along the [011] direction, the coupling becomes quite weak.Comment: 3 figure

    Z decay into two massless gauge bosons in a magnetic field

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    An investigation of the processes Z to gluon-gluon and Z to photon-photon in a background magnetic field is presented. For homogeneous fields corrections to the charged fermion propagator can be calculated in leading orders of the magnetic field. This work examines the first order contributions of the corrected propagator to decays that are otherwise zero. Results of the decay rates for varying field strengths are included.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, needs RevTeX4; typos corrected, appendix added, references added, format changed to preprint mod

    Angular Pseudomomentum Theory for the Generalized Nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger Equation in Discrete Rotational Symmetry Media

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    We develop a complete mathematical theory for the symmetrical solutions of the generalized nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation based on the new concept of angular pseudomomentum. We consider the symmetric solitons of a generalized nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with a nonlinearity depending on the modulus of the field. We provide a rigorous proof of a set of mathematical results justifying that these solitons can be classified according to the irreducible representations of a discrete group. Then we extend this theory to non-stationary solutions and study the relationship between angular momentum and pseudomomentum. We illustrate these theoretical results with numerical examples. Finally, we explore the possibilities of the generalization of the previous framework to the quantum limit.Comment: 18 pages; submitted to Physica

    Long-Range Correlations and the Momentum Distribution in Nuclei

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    The influence of correlations on the momentum distribution of nucleons in nuclei is evaluated starting from a realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction. The calculations are performed directly for the finite nucleus \,^{16}O making use of the Green's function approach. The emphasis is focused on the correlations induced by the excitation modes at low energies described within a model-space of shell-model configurations including states up to the sdg shell. Our analysis demonstrates that these long-range correlations do not produce any significant enhancement of the momentum distribution at high missing momenta and low missing energies. This is in agreement with high resolution (e,ep)(e,e'p) experiments for this nucleus. We also try to simulate the corresponding effects in large nuclei by quenching the energy-spacing between single-particle orbits. This yields a sizable enhancement of the spectral function at large momenta and small energy. Such behavior could explain the deviation of the momentum distribution from the mean field prediction, which has been observed in (e,ep)(e,e'p) experiments on heavy nuclei like 208^{208}Pb

    Factorization in integrable systems with impurity

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    This article is based on recent works done in collaboration with M. Mintchev, E. Ragoucy and P. Sorba. It aims at presenting the latest developments in the subject of factorization for integrable field theories with a reflecting and transmitting impurity.Comment: 7 pages; contribution to the XIVth International Colloquium on Integrable systems, Prague, June 200

    Long-Range Correlations in Closed Shell Nuclei

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    The effects of correlations on the bulk properties of nuclei are investigated in large model spaces including up to 21 single-particle orbits. The evaluation of the single-particle Green function is made feasible by means of the BAGEL approximation. The spectral function for single-nucleon pick-up and removal is investigated for the nuclei 16O^{16}O and 40Ca^{40}Ca . Special attention is paid to the effects produced by correlations on the calculated ground state properties of closed shell nuclei. It is observed that correlations beyond the Brueckner Hartree Fock approximation tend to improve the results obtained using realistic nucleon nucleon interactions.Comment: 23 pages 4 figures not included, Report Tu-93-081

    Integrable Structure of Conformal Field Theory, Quantum KdV Theory and Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz

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    We construct the quantum versions of the monodromy matrices of KdV theory. The traces of these quantum monodromy matrices, which will be called as ``T{\bf T}-operators'', act in highest weight Virasoro modules. The T{\bf T}-operators depend on the spectral parameter λ\lambda and their expansion around λ=\lambda = \infty generates an infinite set of commuting Hamiltonians of the quantum KdV system. The T{\bf T}-operators can be viewed as the continuous field theory versions of the commuting transfer-matrices of integrable lattice theory. In particular, we show that for the values c=13(2n+1)22n+3,n=1,2,3,...c=1-3{{(2n+1)^2}\over {2n+3}} , n=1,2,3,... of the Virasoro central charge the eigenvalues of the T{\bf T}-operators satisfy a closed system of functional equations sufficient for determining the spectrum. For the ground-state eigenvalue these functional equations are equivalent to those of massless Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz for the minimal conformal field theory M2,2n+3{\cal M}_{2,2n+3}; in general they provide a way to generalize the technique of Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz to the excited states. We discuss a generalization of our approach to the cases of massive field theories obtained by perturbing these Conformal Field Theories with the operator Φ1,3\Phi_{1,3}. The relation of these T{\bf T}-operators to the boundary states is also briefly described.Comment: 24 page

    Seasonal evolution of the supraglacial drainage network at Humboldt Glacier, northern Greenland, between 2016 and 2020

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    Supraglacial rivers and lakes are important for the routing and storage of surface meltwater during the summer melt season across the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) but remain poorly mapped and quantified across the northern part of the ice sheet, which is rapidly losing mass. Here we produce, for the first time, a high-resolution record of the supraglacial drainage network (including both rivers and lakes) and its seasonal behaviour at Humboldt Glacier, a wide-outlet glacier draining a large melt-prone hydrologic catchment (13 488 km2), spanning the period 2016 to 2020 using 10 m spatial resolution Sentinel-2 imagery. Our results reveal a perennially extensive yet interannually variable supraglacial network extending from an elevation of 200 m a.s.l. to a maximum of ∼ 1440 m a.s.l. recorded in 2020, with limited development of the network observed in the low-melt years of 2017 and 2018. The supraglacial drainage network is shown to cover an area ranging between 966 km2 (2018) and 1566 km2 (2019) at its maximum seasonal extent, with spatial coverage of up to 2685 km2 recorded during the early phases of the melt season when a slush zone is most prominent. Up-glacier expansion and the development of an efficient supraglacial drainage network as surface runoff increases and the snowline retreats is clearly visible. Preconditioning of the ice surface following a high-melt year is also observed, with an extreme and long-lasting 2019 melt season and over-winter persistence of liquid lakes, followed by low snow accumulation the following spring, culminating in earlier widespread exposure of the supraglacial drainage network in 2020 compared to other years. This preconditioning is predicted to become more common with persistent warmer years into the future. Overall, this study provides evidence of a persistent, yet dynamic, supraglacial drainage network at this prominent northern GrIS outlet glacier and advances our understanding of such hydrologic processes, particularly under ongoing climatic warming and enhanced runoff

    Baxterization, dynamical systems, and the symmetries of integrability

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    We resolve the `baxterization' problem with the help of the automorphism group of the Yang-Baxter (resp. star-triangle, tetrahedron, \dots) equations. This infinite group of symmetries is realized as a non-linear (birational) Coxeter group acting on matrices, and exists as such, {\em beyond the narrow context of strict integrability}. It yields among other things an unexpected elliptic parametrization of the non-integrable sixteen-vertex model. It provides us with a class of discrete dynamical systems, and we address some related problems, such as characterizing the complexity of iterations.Comment: 25 pages, Latex file (epsf style). WARNING: Postscript figures are BIG (600kB compressed, 4.3MB uncompressed). If necessary request hardcopy to [email protected] and give your postal mail addres

    Decay of the metastable phase in d=1 and d=2 Ising models

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    We calculate perturbatively the tunneling decay rate Γ\Gamma of the metastable phase in the quantum d=1 Ising model in a skew magnetic field near the coexistence line 0<hx<1,hz00<h_{x}<1, h_{z}\to -0 at T=0. It is shown that Γ\Gamma oscillates in the magnetic field hzh_{z} due to discreteness of the excitation energy spectrum. After mapping of the obtained results onto the extreme anisotropic d=2 Ising model at T<TcT<T_c, we verify in the latter model the droplet theory predictions for the free energy analytically continued to the metastable phase. We find also evidence for the discrete-lattice corrections in this metastable phase free energy.Comment: 4 pages, REVTe