535 research outputs found

    Caracterización geoquímica de los depósitos alimentados por fuentes de lava del volcán Las Herrerías (Región Volcánica del Campo de Calatrava, Ciudad Real)

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    The Las Herrerías volcano (Bolaños de Calatrava, Campo de Calatrava Volcanic Field) is characterized by the great amount and variety of fire-fountain fed deposits. All these deposits are compositionally similar, being constituted by magnesium-rich (MgO = 11.58–4.19%), aluminium-poor (Al₂O₃ = 9.64–10.99%) highly sodic (Na₂O = 2.24–3.81%) melanephelinites, with high contents in rare earth-elements (10x–200x chondrite), particularly in light-rare earth elements with respect to the heavy ones [(La/Lu)N = 32–35]. Contrary to the equivalent melanephelinites of this volcanic field, the relatively low contents in Ni (233–286 ppm), Cr (393–520 ppm) and magnesium number (Mg* = 45–54) indicate that these rocks do not correspond with primary melts. On the other hand, the variable distribution of clinopyroxene in the magma during eruption would be responsible for the slight compositional differences observed in the studied samples. Finally, we argue that these fire fountains were developed in a continental intraplate setting.El volcán Las Herrerías (Bolaños de Calatrava; Región Volcánica del Campo de Calatrava) se caracteriza por una gran cantidad y variedad de depósitos originados a partir de fuentes de lava. Todos estos depósitos son composicionalmente idénticos, estando constituidos por melanefelinitas fuertemente sódicas (Na₂O = 2.24–3.81%), ricas en magnesio (MgO = 11.58–14.19%), pobres en aluminio (Al₂O₃ = 9.64–10.99%) y con elevados contenidos en tierras raras (10x–200x condrito), fundamentalmente más en tierras raras ligeras que en pesadas [(La/Lu)N = 32–35]. Los contenidos en Ni (233–286 ppm), Cr (393–520 ppm) y el número de magnesio (Mg* = 45–54) indican que no son magmas primarios, a diferencia de la mayor parte de las melanefelinitas equivalentes de esta región volcánica. Por otro lado, las ligeras variaciones composicionales mostradas por las muestras estudiadas responderían al efecto de la irregular distribución del clinopiroxeno en el magma durante la erupción. Los datos obtenidos son coherentes con el desarrollo de estas fuentes de lava en un ambiente de intraplaca continental

    Petrology and geochemistry of Cardeña-Virgen de La Cabeza pluton (batholith of Los Pedroches)

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    [Resumen] El plutón de Cardeña-Virgen de La Cabeza es uno de los cuerpos intrusivos que integran la unidad granítica del batolito de Los Pedroches. Dentro de este plutón, se ha establecido el emplazamiento sucesivo en el tiempo de: 1) adamellitas biotíticas, 2) granitos biotíticos porfídicos ± cordierita, 3) leucogranitos ± cordierita. Las adamellitas biotíticas muestran localmente paso gradual hacia las facies granodioríticas del batolito. Existe además un importante complejo filoniano que se intruye posteriormente, formado por diques riodacíticos de dirección NO-SE, lamprófidos, aplitas, pegmatitas y filones mineralizados· de cuarzo. Geoquímicamente, la adamellita y el granito biotítico porfídico constituyen una asociación alumino-cafémica de carácter calcoalcalino. Los enclaves anfibólicos (términos cafémicos) poseen carácter metaaluminoso. Los leucogranitos se desvían de la tendencia general definiendo una asociación aluminosa y leucocrática. Los diagramas de variación para elementos mayores, menores, trazas y tierras.raras de adamellitas, granitos biotíticos porfídicos y de granodioritas, rocas, estas últimas, con las que se encuentran íntimamente relacionadas, son compatibles con procesos de diferenciación magmática por cristalización fraccionada a partir de un magma inicial de composición granodiorítica más básico[Abstract] The Cardeña-Virgen de La Cabeza intrusion belongs to the granitic unit of the Los Pedroches batholith. the chronology of the intrusion of the different rocktypes that make up the pluton is as follows: 1) biotitic adamellite, 2) porphyritic, cordierite-bearing, biotitic granite. 3) cordierite bearing leucogranite. The biotitic adamellite locally shows a transition to the granodioritic facies of the batholith. A great amount ofNW-SW oriented dikes with rhyodacitic composition intruded subsequently. Lampophyres, aplites, pegmatites and ore-bearing quartz veins complete the dike complexo Adamellite and biotitic ganite define an aluminous-cafemic association with calcalkaline affinity. The amphibole-bearing enclaves represent the cafemic terms of the series and have a metaaluminous character.The leucogranite deviates from the general trend defining and aluminous, leucocratic association. Variation diagrams for major, minor and trace elements, including REE, of adamallite, porphyritic biotitic granite and granodiorite of the main pluton (which is intimately associated with the Cardeña-Virgen de La Cabeza intrusion) suggest a process of magmatic differentiation through fractional crystallization starting from a slightly more basic granodioritic magma

    On the Mediterranean Water Composition

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    The Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) spills from the Mediterranean Sea (east North Atlantic basin) west off the Strait of Gibraltar. As MOW outflows, it entrains eastern North Atlantic Central Waters (ENACW) and Intermediate Waters to form the neutrally buoyant Mediterranean Water (MW) that can be traced over the entire North Atlantic basin. Its high salinity content influences the thermohaline properties of the intermediate–deep water column in the North Atlantic and its dynamics. Here, the composition of MW in its source region (the Gulf of Cádiz, west off Strait of Gibraltar) is investigated on the basis of an optimum multiparameter analysis. The results obtained indicate that mixing of MOW (34.1% ± 0.3%) occurs mainly with overlying ENACW (57.1% ± 0.8%) in a process broadly known as central water entrainment. A diluted form (80% of dilution) of the Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) reaches the region and also takes part in MW formation (8.3% ± 0.5%). Finally, the underlying Labrador Sea Water (LSW) also contributes (0.4% ± 0.1%) to the characteristics of MW. From these results and considering 0.74 Sverdrups (Sv; 1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) as the mean outflow of MOW, the MW exportation rate was inferred (2.2 Sv), which, decomposing MW, means that the MOW outflow is accompanied by 1.24 Sv of entrained ENACW, 0.18 Sv of AAIW, and <0.01 Sv of LSW

    Optimizing Cadences with Realistic Light Curve Filtering for Serendipitous Kilonova Discovery with Vera Rubin Observatory

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    Current and future optical and near-infrared wide-field surveys have the potential of finding kilonovae, the optical and infrared counterparts to neutron star mergers, independently of gravitational-wave or high-energy gamma-ray burst triggers. The ability to discover fast and faint transients such as kilonovae largely depends on the area observed, the depth of those observations, the number of re-visits per field in a given time frame, and the filters adopted by the survey; it also depends on the ability to perform rapid follow-up observations to confirm the nature of the transients. In this work, we assess kilonova detectability in existing simulations of the LSST strategy for the Vera C. Rubin Wide Fast Deep survey, with focus on comparing rolling to baseline cadences. Although currently available cadences can enable the detection of more than 300 kilonovae out to 1400 Mpc over the ten-year survey, we can expect only 3-32 kilonovae similar to GW170817 to be recognizable as fast-evolving transients. We also explore the detectability of kilonovae over the plausible parameter space, focusing on viewing angle and ejecta masses. We find that observations in redder izy bands are crucial for identification of nearby (within 300 Mpc) kilonovae that could be spectroscopically classified more easily than more distant sources. Rubin's potential for serendipitous kilonova discovery could be increased by gain of efficiency with the employment of individual 30s exposures (as opposed to 2x15s snap pairs), with the addition of red-band observations coupled with same-night observations in g- or r-bands, and possibly with further development of a new rolling-cadence strategy

    La gran erupción de hace 4.2 ka cal en Cerro Blanco, Zona Volcánica Central, Andes: nuevos datos sobre los depósitos eruptivos holocenos en la Puna sur y regiones adyacentes

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    The eruption of the Cerro Blanco Volcanic Complex, in the southern Puna, NW Argentina dated at 4410–4150 a cal BP, was investigated to produce new information on stratigraphy, geomorphology, physical volcanology, radiocarbon dating, petrography, and geochemistry. Identification of pre–, syn–, and post–caldera products allowed us to estimate the distribution of the Plinian fallout during the paroxysmal syn–caldera phase of the eruption. The new results provide evidence for a major rhyolitic explosive eruption that spread volcanic deposits over an area of ~500,000 km2, accumulating > 100 km3 of tephra (bulk volume). This last value exceeds the lower threshold of Volcanic Explosive Index (VEI) of 7. Ash-fall deposits mantled the region at distances > 400 km from source and thick pyroclastic-flow deposits filled neighbouring valleys up to 35 km away. This eruption is the largest documented during the past five millennia in the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes, and is probably one of the largest Holocene explosive eruptions in the world. We have also identified two additional rhyolitic eruptions in the region from two other eruptive sources: one during the Early–Holocene and another in the Late–Holocene. The identification and characterisation of these significant volcanic events provide new constraints into regional Holocene geological and archaeological records, and offer extensive regional chronostratigraphic markers over a wide geographical area of South America.La erupción del Complejo Volcánico Cerro Blanco en el sur de la Puna, noroeste de Argentina (4410–4150 a BP) se investigó para obtener nueva información sobre estratigrafía, geomorfología, volcanología física, dataciones por radiocarbono, petrografía y geoquímica. La caracterización de los productos en relación a la evolución de la caldera de Cerro Blanco permitió estimar la distribución de los depósitos de ceniza de la fase paroxísmica Plineana de la erupción. Estos novedosos resultados evidencian una gran erupción explosiva riolítica que generó depósitos cineríticos en un área de aproximadamente 500.000 km2, acumulando > 100 km3 de tefra (volumen total). Este último valor supera el umbral inferior del Índice de Explosividad Volcánica (IEV) de 7. Los depósitos de caída de ceniza cubrieron la región, llegando a más de 400 km desde el Complejo Volcánico de Cerro Blanco, y los potentes depósitos de flujos piroclásticos rellenaron los valles vecinos alcanzando una distancia de 35 km. Esta erupción es la más grande documentada durante los últimos cinco milenios en la Zona Volcánica Central de los Andes y es probablemente una de las mayores erupciones explosivas holocenas del mundo. Además, se han identificado otras dos erupciones riolíticas en la región procedentes de otros dos centros eruptivos: una durante el Holoceno temprano y otra en el Holoceno tardío. La identificación y caracterización de estos grandes eventos volcánicos proporcionan nuevas guías para los registros geológicos y arqueológicos regionales del Holoceno, siendo marcadores cronostratigráficos de aplicación a una extensa área geográfica de América del Sur

    Exome sequencing of early-onset patients supports genetic heterogeneity in colorectal cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a complex disease that can be caused by a spectrum of genetic variants ranging from low to high penetrance changes, that interact with the environment to determine which individuals will develop the disease. In this study, we sequenced 20 early-onset CRC patients to discover novel genetic variants that could be linked to the prompt disease development. Eight genes, CHAD, CHD1L, ERCC6, IGTB7, PTPN13, SPATA20, TDG and TGS1, were selected and re-sequenced in a further 304 early onset CRC patients to search for rare, high-impact variants. Although we found a recurring truncating variant in the TDG gene shared by two independent patients, the results obtained did not help consolidate any of the candidates as promising CRC predisposing genes. However, we found that potential risk alleles in our extended list of candidate variants have a tendency to appear at higher numbers in younger cases. This supports the idea that CRC onset may be oligogenic in nature and may show molecular heterogeneity. Further, larger and robust studies are thus needed to unravel the genetics behind early-onset CRC development, coupled with novel functional analyses and omic approaches that may offer complementary insight

    BMP2/BMP4 colorectal cancer susceptibility loci in northern and southern european populations

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    Genome-wide association studies have successfully identified 20 colorectal cancer susceptibility loci. Amongst these, four of the signals are defined by tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on regions 14q22.2 (rs4444235 and rs1957636) and 20p12.3 (rs961253 and rs4813802). These markers are located close to two of the genes involved in bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling (BMP4 and BMP2, respectively). By investigating these four SNPs in an initial cohort of Spanish origin, we found substantial evidence that minor allele frequencies (MAFs) may be different in northern and southern European populations. Therefore, we genotyped three additional southern European cohorts comprising a total of 2028 cases and 4273 controls. The meta-analysis results show that only one of the association signals (rs961253) is effectively replicated in the southern European populations, despite adequate power to detect all four. The other three SNPs (rs4444235, rs1957636 and rs4813802) presented discordant results in MAFs and linkage disequilibrium patterns between northern and southern European cohorts. We hypothesize that this lack of replication could be the result of differential tagging of the functional variant in both sets of populations. Were this true, it would have complex consequences in both our ability to understand the nature of the real causative variants, as well as for further study designs

    PTEN status is a crucial determinant of the functional outcome of combined MEK and mTOR inhibition in cancer

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    Combined MAPK/PI3K pathway inhibition represents an attractive, albeit toxic, therapeutic strategy in oncology. Since PTEN lies at the intersection of these two pathways, we investigated whether PTEN status determines the functional response to combined pathway inhibition. PTEN (gene, mRNA, and protein) status was extensively characterized in a panel of cancer cell lines and combined MEK/mTOR inhibition displayed highly synergistic pharmacologic interactions almost exclusively in PTEN-loss models. Genetic manipulation of PTEN status confirmed a mechanistic role for PTEN in determining the functional outcome of combined pathway blockade. Proteomic analysis showed greater phosphoproteomic profile modification(s) in response to combined MEK/mTOR inhibition in PTEN- loss contexts and identified JAK1/STAT3 activation as a potential mediator of synergistic interactions. Overall, our results show that PTEN-loss is a crucial determinant of synergistic interactions between MAPK and PI3K pathway inhibitors, potentially exploitable for the selection of cancer patients at the highest chance of benefit from combined therapeutic strategies

    Cannabidiol causes activated hepatic stellate cell death through a mechanism of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apoptosis

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    The major cellular event in the development and progression of liver fibrosis is the activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). Activated HSCs proliferate and produce excess collagen, leading to accumulation of scar matrix and fibrotic liver. As such, the induction of activated HSC death has been proposed as a means to achieve resolution of liver fibrosis. Here we demonstrate that cannabidiol (CBD), a major non-psychoactive component of the plant Cannabis sativa, induces apoptosis in activated HSCs through a cannabinoid receptor-independent mechanism. CBD elicits an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response, characterized by changes in ER morphology and the initiation of RNA-dependent protein kinase-like ER kinase-, activating transcription factor-6-, and inositol-requiring ER-to-nucleus signal kinase-1 (IRE1)-mediated signaling cascades. Furthermore, CBD induces downstream activation of the pro-apoptotic IRE1/ASK1/c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway, leading to HSC death. Importantly, we show that this mechanism of CBD-induced ER stress-mediated apoptosis is specific to activated HSCs, as it occurs in activated human and rat HSC lines, and in primary in vivo-activated mouse HSCs, but not in quiescent HSCs or primary hepatocytes from rat. Finally, we provide evidence that the elevated basal level of ER stress in activated HSCs has a role in their susceptibility to the pro-apoptotic effect of CBD. We propose that CBD, by selectively inducing death of activated HSCs, represents a potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of liver fibrosis