351 research outputs found

    Fine-root dynamics in mixed boreal conifer-broad-leafed forest stands at different successional stages after fire

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    Fine-root (diameter ≤ 10 mm) standing biomass, length, distribution, production, and decomposition were studied in mixed conifer broad-leafed forest stands 48, 122, and 232 years after fire on clay soils in the southern boreal forest of Quebec. A combination of ingrowth bags, soil cores, and root litter bags was used. Forest composition changed from trembling aspen- (Populus tremuloides Michx.) dominated stands in the youngest stage to balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.), and then to eastern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.) stands in the oldest stage. The fine- and small-root standing biomass did not differ significantly between the forest successional stages. However, the total root length was significantly more developed in the 48-year-old successional stand than in the 232-year-old stand. Within the investigated soil profile (depth = 30 cm) most roots (>80%) were found in the 5 to 8 cm thick organic layer and the top 10 cm of the mineral soil. Root biomass in the organic layer increased significantly after fire, and a simultaneous increase in thickness of the organic layer was observed. The ingrowth of roots into ingrowth bags during one and two growing seasons was more than twice as high m the youngest stand as in the oldest one. However, the differences were not statistically significant because of high variation. Fine roots of aspen decomposed significantly faster than those of balsam fir and cedar in all forest stands. The results suggest that root production, the rate of decomposition, and presumably the rate of turnover are higher in forest stands dominated by early successional broad-leafed species such as aspen than in stands composed of late successional coniferous species such as fir, spruce, and cedar. Differences in root dynamics may contribute significantly to the change in the carbon and nutrient cycling often reported with succession in the boreal forest

    Impacts of ditch cleaning on hydrological processes in a drained peatland forest

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    Water and nitrogen processes along a typical water flowpath and streamwater exports from a forested catchment and changes after clear-cutting: a modelling study

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    International audienceA two dimensional model, FEMMA, to describe water and nitrogen (N) fluxes within and from a forested first-order catchment (Kangasvaara in Eastern Finland) was constructed by linking the most significant processes affecting the fluxes of water, ammonium, nitrate and dissolved organic nitrogen along a hillslope from the water divide to the stream. The hillslope represents the average flowpath of water in the catchment and the model was used to estimate the N fluxes for a catchment in eastern Finland before and after clear-cutting. The simulated results were in reasonable agreement with the nitrate, dissolved organic N and dissolved total N measurements from the study catchment and with other results in the literature. According to the simulations, the major sinks of N after clear-cutting were immobilisation by soil microbes, uptake by ground vegetation and sorption to soil. These sinks increased downslope from the clear-cut area, indicating the importance of an uncut buffer zone between the stream and the clear-cut area in reducing N exports. The buffer zone retained 76% of the N flux coming from the clear-cut area. Nitrification was a key process in controlling the N export after clear-cutting and N increases were mainly as nitrate. Most of the annual N export took place during the spring flood, when uptake of N by plants was minimal

    Assessing extraction trail trafficability using harvester CAN-bus data

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    Modern forest machines with a Controlled Area Network (CAN)-bus managed diesel engine and hydrostatic transmission can continuously measure power expended in traveling. At a constant speed on level ground, the power is expended in overcoming motion resistance, which is directly related to wheel sinkage and hence to site trafficability. In cut-to-length timber harvesting, the harvester precedes the forwarder on the site, making it feasible to utilize the harvester to collect data on site trafficability to produce a trafficability map for the forwarder. CAN-bus trafficability mapping was tested with an 8-wheeled Ponsse Scorpion King harvester and an 8-wheeled Ponsse Elk forwarder instrumented for collecting transmission power expenditure, in addition to appropriate available CAN-bus information. Trafficability was also mapped based solely on momentary engine power in order to eliminate the need for additional pressure transducers. The CANbus data showed good results for mapping site trafficability when compared to soil penetration resistance and harvesting machinery wheel rut depth measurements. Assessing harvester rolling resistance using CAN-bus data offers an interesting possibility to map harvesting site trafficability also in Big Data scale. Since modern harvesters are practically ready for indirect power recording, the additional cost of fully automated and comprehensive trafficability mapping as part of operative forestry is negligible

    Estimating fine-root production by tree species and understorey functional groups in two contrasting peatland forests

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    Background and aims Estimation of root-mediated carbon fluxes in forested peatlands is needed for understanding ecosystem functioning and supporting greenhouse gas inventories. Here, we aim to determine the optimal methodology for utilizing ingrowth cores in estimating annual fine-root production (FRP) and its vertical distribution in trees, shrubs and herbs. Methods We used 3-year data obtained with modified ingrowth core method and tested two calculation methods: 'ingrowth-dividing' and `ingrowth-subtracting'. Results The ingrowth-dividing method combined with a 2-year incubation of ingrowth cores can be used for the 'best estimate' of FRP. The FRP in the nutrient-rich fen forest (561 g m(-2)) was more than twice that in the nutrient-poor bog forest (244 g m(-2)). Most FRP occurred in the top 20-cm layer (76-82 %). Tree FRP accounted for 71 % of total FRP in the bog and 94 % in the fen forests, respectively, following the aboveground vegetation patterns; however, in fen forest the proportions of spruce and birch in FRP were higher than their proportions in stand basal area. Conclusions Our methodology may be used to study peatland FRP patterns more widely and will reduce the volume of labour-intensive work, but will benefit from verification with other methods, as is the case in all in situ FRP studies.Peer reviewe

    Fine root dynamics across pantropical rainforest ecosystems

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    Fine roots constitute a significant component of the net primary productivity (NPP) of forest ecosystems but are much less studied than above-ground NPP. Comparisons across sites and regions are also hampered by inconsistent methodologies, especially in tropical areas. Here, we present a novel dataset of fine root biomass, productivity, residence time, and allocation in tropical old-growth rainforest sites worldwide, measured using consistent methods, and examine how these variables are related to consistently determined soil and climatic characteristics. Our pantropical dataset spans intensive monitoring plots in lowland (wet, semi-deciduous, deciduous) and montane tropical forests in South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia (n=47). Large spatial variation in fine root dynamics was observed across montane and lowland forest types. In lowland forests, we found a strong positive linear relationship between fine root productivity and sand content, this relationship was even stronger when we considered the fractional allocation of total NPP to fine roots, demonstrating that understanding allocation adds explanatory power to understanding fine root productivity and total NPP. Fine root residence time was a function of multiple factors: soil sand content, soil pH, and maximum water deficit, with longest residence times in acidic, sandy, and water-stressed soils. In tropical montane forests, on the other hand, a different set of relationships prevailed, highlighting the very different nature of montane and lowland forest biomes. Root productivity was a strong positive linear function of mean annual temperature, root residence time was a strong positive function of soil nitrogen content in montane forests, and lastly decreasing soil P content increased allocation of productivity to fine roots. In contrast to the lowlands, environmental conditions were a better predictor for fine root productivity than for fractional allocation of total NPP to fine roots, suggesting that root productivity is a particularly strong driver of NPP allocation in tropical mountain regions.Output Status: Forthcoming/Available Online Additional co-authors: Christopher E. Doughty, Imma Oliveras, Darcy F. Galiano Cabrera, Liliana Durand Baca, Filio Farfán Amézquita, Javier E. Silva Espejo, Antonio C.L. da Costa, Erick Oblitas Mendoza, Carlos Alberto Quesada, Fidele Evouna Ondo, Josué Edzang Ndong, Vianet Mihindou, Natacha N’ssi Bengone, Forzia Ibrahim, Shalom D. Addo-Danso, Akwasi Duah-Gyamfi, Gloria Djaney Djagbletey, Kennedy Owusu-Afriyie, Lucy Amissah, Armel T. Mbou, Toby R. Marthews, Daniel B. Metcalfe, Luiz E.O. Aragão, Ben H. Marimon-Junior, Beatriz S. Marimon, Noreen Majalap, Stephen Adu-Bredu, Miles Silman, Robert M. Ewers, Patrick Meir, Yadvinder Malh