122 research outputs found

    Efecto de la regulación de la cabecera del río Genil (Sierra Nevada, España) sobre la comunidad de macroinvertebrados acuáticos y la dieta larvaria de Rhyacophila nevada (Insecta : Trichoptera)

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    Se analiza el efecto que un embalse (Embalse de Canales), situado en la parte alta de un río de montaña (Río Genil, Sierra Nevada, Granada, España), tiene sobre la comunidad de macroinvertebrados, y en especial sobre la dieta de las larvas del tricóptero depredador Rhyacophila nevada Zamora-Muñoz, C. & Alba-Tercedor, 1992. Para ello se establecieron estaciones de muestreo aguas arriba y abajo del embalse, realizándose muestreos cuantitativos de macroinvertebrados con una periodicidad mensual. Los macroinvertebrados (MIB) se identificaron hasta el máximo nivel taxonómico posible (en la mayoría de los casos a nivel de especie). La mayor diversidad específica se encontró en los dípteros quironómidos. Se estimó también la biomasa por especie (PSLC) y los ciclos de vida de las especies de depredadores, efemerópteros y dípteros. El contenido de los tractos digestivos fue analizado y cuantificado. La diversidad de los MIB estuvo determinada por los cambios de flujo y los ciclos de vida de las presas. Rhyacophila nevada es el depredador más abundante, presenta un ciclo multivoltino, comportándose como un depredador que busca activamente sus presas que ingiere comenzando por la región caudal. El número de presas en R. nevada aumentó con su tamaño. Las diferencias significativas de la dieta entre las estaciones de muestreo son consecuencia de los cambios en la disponibilidad de recursos (presas) en el tiempo. El ancho de nicho trófico también mostró diferencias entre estaciones.The effect that a dam (the Canales dam), located in the upper part of a mountain river (Genil stream, Sierra Nevada, Spain), has on the macroinvertebrate community, is analysed, especially over the larval diet of the predator caddisfly Rhyacophila nevada Zamora-Muñoz, C. & Alba-Tercedor, 1992. To that end, sampling stations were established, upstream and downstream of the dam. Quantitative samplings of macroinvertebrates were realized every month. The macroinvertebrates were identified to the maximum taxonomical level (species level in the majority of cases). The highest specific diversity was found in the chironomidae Diptera. The biomass per species was estimated , as well as the life cycles of the predator's species, mayflies and dipterans. Gut contents were analysed and quantified. The diversity of the MIB was determined by flow shifts and prey life cycles. Rhyacophila nevada is the most abundant predator, with a multivoltine life cycle, and behaving as an active searcher of preys, ingesting them from the caudal region. The number of prey items consumed by R. nevada increased with its size. Significant differences on the diet between the sampling stations are a consequence of the shift in the resource availability of preys in time. The trophic niche breadth was different among sites

    Anatomical study of the female reproductive system and bacteriome of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, (Insecta: Hemiptera, Liviidae) using micro-computed tomography

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    Huanglongbing (HLB) (citrus greening disease) is one of the most serious bacterial diseases of citrus. It is caused by (1) Candidatus Liberibacter africanus, transmitted by Trioza erytreae and (2) C.L. asiaticus and C.L. americanus, transmitted by Diaphorina citri. As part of a multidisciplinary project on D. citri (www.citrusgreening.org), we made a detailed study, using micro-computed tomography, of the female abdominal terminalia, reproductive system (ovaries, accessory glands, spermatheca, colleterial (= cement) gland, connecting ducts, and ovipositor) and bacteriome, which we present here. New terms and structures are introduced and described, particularly concerning the spermatheca, ovipositor and bacteriome. The quality of images and bacteriome reconstructions are comparable, or clearer, than those previously published using a synchrotron or fuorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). This study: reviews knowledge of the female reproductive system and bacteriome organ in D. citri; represents the frst detailed morphological study of D. citri to use micro-CT; and extensively revises existing morphological information relevant to psylloids, hemipterans and insects in general. High quality images and supplementary videos represent a signifcant advance in knowledge of psylloid anatomy and are useful tools for future research and as educational aids.Kansas State University (KSU) S15192.01University of Granada, USDA-NIFA S15192.01 2014-70016-2302

    Predicting River Macroinvertebrate Communities Distributional Shifts under Future Global Change Scenarios in the Spanish Mediterranean Area

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    Several studies on global change over the next century predict increases in mean air temperatures of between 1°C to 5°C that would affect not only water temperature but also river flow. Climate is the predominant environmental driver of thermal and flow regimes of freshwater ecosystems, determining survival, growth, metabolism, phenology and behaviour as well as biotic interactions of aquatic fauna. Thus, these changes would also have consequences for species phenology, their distribution range, and the composition and dynamics of communities. These effects are expected to be especially severe in the Mediterranean basin due its particular climate conditions, seriously threatening Southern European ecosystems. In addition, species with restricted distributions and narrow ecological requirements, such as those living in the headwaters of rivers, will be severely affected. The study area corresponds to the Spanish Mediterranean and Balearic Islands, delimited by the Köppen climate boundary. With the application of the MEDPACS (MEDiterranean Prediction And Classification System) predictive approach, the macroinvertebrate community was predicted for current conditions and compared with three posible scenarios of watertemperature increase and its associated water flow reductions. The results indicate that the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities will undergo a drastic impact, with reductions in taxa richness for each scenario in relation to simulated current conditions, accompanied by changes in the taxa distribution pattern. Accordingly, the distribution area of most of the taxa (65.96%) inhabiting the mid-high elevations would contract and rise in altitude. Thus, families containing a great number of generalist species will move upstream to colonize new zones with lower water temperatures. By contrast, more vulnerable taxa will undergo reductions in their distribution area.This work was funded by GUADALMED-II (REN2001-3438-C07-06/HID), a project of excellence from “Junta de Andalucía” (RNM-02654/FEDER), the Spanish “Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación” (CGL2007-61856/BOS), projects and a collaboration agreement between the “Spanish Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino” and the University of Granada (21.812-0062/8511)

    Habitat quality affects the condition of Luciobarbus sclateri in the Guadiamar River (SW Iberian Peninsula): Effects of disturbances by the toxic spill of the Aznalcóllar mine

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    This study analyzes the somatic condition of southern Iberian barbel Luciobarbus sclateri (Günther, 1868) in the Guadiamar River (SW Iberian Peninsula). This river was seriously affected by a toxic spill of about 4 million cubic meters of acidic water and 2 million cubic meters of mud rich in heavy metals. Once the spill removal works concluded, sites affected and unaffected by the accident were sampled to study its effects on the fish fauna. The ecological variables registered were related to water quality, physical state of reaches, ecological quality, resources exploited by fish, and potential intra-specific interactions. From an initial 15 ecological variables, seasonal water flow and pH explained most of the variation in barbel condition. This study shows that the Guadiamar River, 56 months after the accident, is still undergoing a recovery process where, beyond ecological variables, proximity to the affected area is the most influential factor for fish condition. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V

    Micro-computed tomography and histology to explore internal morphology in decapod larvae

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    Traditionally, the internal morphology of crustacean larvae has been studied using destructive techniques such as dissection and microscopy. The present study combines advances in microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) and histology to study the internal morphology of decapod larvae, using the common spider crab (Maja brachydactyla Balss, 1922) as a model and resolving the individual limitations of these techniques. The synergy of micro-CT and histology allows the organs to be easily identified, revealing simultaneously the gross morphology (shape, size, and location) and histological organization (tissue arrangement and cell identification). Micro-CT shows mainly the exoskeleton, musculature, digestive and nervous systems, and secondarily the circulatory and respiratory systems, while histology distinguishes several cell types and confirms the organ identity. Micro-CT resolves a discrepancy in the literature regarding the nervous system of crab larvae. The major changes occur in the metamorphosis to the megalopa stage, specifically the formation of the gastric mill, the shortening of the abdominal nerve cord, the curving of the abdomen beneath the cephalothorax, and the development of functional pereiopods, pleopods, and lamellate gills. The combination of micro-CT and histology provides better results than either one alone.Financial support was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the INIA project (grant number RTA2011-00004-00-00) to G.G. and a pre-doctoral fellowship to D.C. (FPI-INIA)

    Molecular phylogeny and timing of diversification in Alpine Rhithrogena (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae).

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    BACKGROUND: Larvae of the Holarctic mayfly genus Rhithrogena Eaton, 1881 (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) are a diverse and abundant member of stream and river communities and are routinely used as bio-indicators of water quality. Rhithrogena is well diversified in the European Alps, with a number of locally endemic species, and several cryptic species have been recently detected. While several informal species groups are morphologically well defined, a lack of reliable characters for species identification considerably hampers their study. Their relationships, origin, timing of speciation and mechanisms promoting their diversification in the Alps are unknown. RESULTS: Here we present a species-level phylogeny of Rhithrogena in Europe using two mitochondrial and three nuclear gene regions. To improve sampling in a genus with many cryptic species, individuals were selected for analysis according to a recent DNA-based taxonomy rather than traditional nomenclature. A coalescent-based species tree and a reconstruction based on a supermatrix approach supported five of the species groups as monophyletic. A molecular clock, mapped on the most resolved phylogeny and calibrated using published mitochondrial evolution rates for insects, suggested an origin of Alpine Rhithrogena in the Oligocene/Miocene boundary. A diversification analysis that included simulation of missing species indicated a constant speciation rate over time, rather than any pronounced periods of rapid speciation. Ancestral state reconstructions provided evidence for downstream diversification in at least two species groups. CONCLUSIONS: Our species-level analyses of five gene regions provide clearer definitions of species groups within European Rhithrogena. A constant speciation rate over time suggests that the paleoclimatic fluctuations, including the Pleistocene glaciations, did not significantly influence the tempo of diversification of Alpine species. A downstream diversification trend in the hybrida and alpestris species groups supports a previously proposed headwater origin hypothesis for aquatic insects

    Land- and water-based exercise intervention in women with fibromyalgia: the al-andalus physical activity randomised controlled trial

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    Background The al-Andalus physical activity intervention study is a randomised control trial to investigate the effectiveness of a land- and water-based exercise intervention for reducing the overall impact of fibromyalgia (primary outcome), and for improving tenderness and pain-related measures, body composition, functional capacity, physical activity and sedentary behaviour, fatigue, sleep quality, health-related quality of life, and cognitive function (secondary outcomes) in women with fibromyalgia. Methods/Design One hundred eighty women with fibromyalgia (age range: 35-65 years) will be recruited from local associations of fibromyalgia patients in Andalucía (Southern Spain). Patients will be randomly assigned to a usual care (control) group (n = 60), a water-based exercise intervention group (n = 60) or a land-based exercise intervention group (n = 60). Participants in the usual care group will receive general physical activity guidelines and participants allocated in the intervention groups will attend three non-consecutive training sessions (60 min each) per week during 24 weeks. Both exercise interventions will consist of aerobic, muscular strength and flexibility exercises. We will also study the effect of a detraining period (i.e., 12 weeks with no exercise intervention) on the studied variables. Discussion Our study attempts to reduce the impact of fibromyalgia and improve patients' health status by implementing two types of exercise interventions. Results from this study will help to assess the efficacy of exercise interventions for the treatment of fibromyalgia. If the interventions would be effective, this study will provide low-cost and feasible alternatives for health professionals in the management of fibromyalgia. Results from the al-Andalus physical activity intervention will help to better understand the potential of regular physical activity for improving the well-being of women with fibromyalgia.This study was supported by the Consejeria de Turismo, Comercio y Deporte (CTCD-201000019242-TRA), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (I + D + I DEP2010-15639, grants: BES-2009-013442, BES-2011-047133, RYC-2010-05957, RYC-2011-09011), the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation (20090635), the Spanish Ministry of Education (AP-2009-3173), Granada Research of Excelence Initiative on Biohealth (GREIB), Campus BioTic, University of Granada, Spain and European University of Madrid. Escuela de Estudios Universitarios Real Madrid. 2010/04RM

    Diet quality index as a predictor of treatment efficacy in overweight and obese adolescents: The EVASYON study

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    Background & aim: A diet quality index (DQI) is a tool that provides an overall score of an individual''s dietary intake when assessing compliance with food-based dietary guidelines. A number of DQIs have emerged, albeit their associations with health-related outcomes are debated. The aim of the present study was to assess whether adherence to dietary intervention, and the overall quality of the diet, can predict body composition changes. Methods: To this purpose, overweight/obese adolescents (n = 117, aged: 13–16 years; 51 males, 66 females) were recruited into a multi-component (diet, physical activity and psychological support) family-based group treatment programme. We measured the adolescents’ compliance and body composition at baseline and after 2 months (intensive phase) and 13 months (extensive phase) of follow-up. Also, at baseline, after 6 months, and at the end of follow-up we calculated the DQI. Results: Global compliance with the dietary intervention was 37.4% during the intensive phase, and 14.3% during the extensive phase. Physical activity compliance was 94.1% at 2-months and 34.7% at 13months and psychological support compliance were growing over the intervention period (10.3% intensive phase and 45.3% during extensive phase). Adolescents complying with the meal frequency criteria at the end of the extensive phase had greater reductions in FMI z-scores than those did not complying (Cohen''s d = 0.53). A statistically significant association was observed with the diet quality index. DQI-A variation explained 98.1% of BMI z-score changes and 95.1% of FMI changes. Conclusions: We conclude that assessment of changes in diet quality could be a useful tool in predicting body composition changes in obese adolescents involved in a diet and physical activity intervention programme backed-up by psychological and family support