557 research outputs found

    Pigou's Dividend versus Ramsey's Dividend in the Double Dividend Literature

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    The aims of this paper are to highlight misinterpretations of policy assessments in the double dividend literature, to specify which of the efficiency costs and benefits should be ascribed to each dividend, and then, to propose a definition for the first dividend and the second dividend. We found the Pigou's dividend more appropiate for policy guidance than the usual Ramsey's dividend. Finally, the paper analyzes a green tax reform for the US economy to illustrate the advantages of the new definitions proposed in this paper: i) overcome some shortcoming of the mainstream current definitions in the literature regarding overestimation of the efficiency costs; and, ii) provide information by themselves and not as a partial view of the whole picture.Double dividend, Green Tax Reforms, Ramsey's dividend, Pigou's dividend

    Single and double electron capture in N5+ + H2 collisions at low impact energies

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    8 págs.; 11 figs.; 1 tab. ; PACS number~s!: 34.70.1e, 34.10.1xCollisions of N5+ with H2 at low impact energies for single electron capture (SEC) and autonizing double electron capture (ADC) were discussed. Calculations for cross sections of SEC and ADC were carried out at impact energies between 0.1 and 10keV/amu, by applying the sudden approximation for rotation and vibration of the diatomic molecules. It was observed that sudden approximation for vibration causes discrepancy with phonon emission measurements. The results show good agreemnet with experimental data in energy range between 0.2 to 1 keV/amu for SEC into n4+ and ADC. ©2004 American Physical SocietyThis work was partially supported by DGICYT Project Nos. BFM2000-0025 and FTN2000-0911.Peer Reviewe

    Tratamiento quirúrgico de los síndromes dolorosos regionales complejos tipo II y utilidad de la monitorización neurofisiológica intraoperatoria

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    ResumenEl propósito de esta revisión era presentar las bases bilógicas y fisiopatológicas de la formación de neuromas como causa de los síndromes dolorosos regional (SDRC) tipo II y el uso de la monitorización neurofisiológica intraoperatoria en el tratamiento de los SDRC tipo II secundarios a neuromas en continuidad y en nervios adheridos en cicatrices tras cirugías previas.AbstractThe purpose of this review article was to present the biological and physiological bases of the Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) type II and the use of iIntraoperative neurophysiological monitoring in the treatment of CRPS type II secondary to neuroma-in-continuity and scar-tethered nerves

    Actividad antioxidante y antimicrobial de los volátiles de cuatro variedades de albahacas cultivadas en el departamento del Tolima

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    Se determinó la actividad antioxidante de los hidrodestilados de cuatro variedades de Ocimum colectadas en Ibagué, evaluando su capacidad atrapadora del radical DPPH (CARL) y el poder inhibitorio de peroxidación lipídica. Bioprospección de estos extractos naturales de la región se aumentó evaluando su potencial antimicrobial frente a bacterias gram positivas, gram negativas y una levadura. Todos los aceites esenciales mostraron fuerte actividad antioxidante (CARL) comparable a la del tocoferol y actividad antimicrobial frente a Candida albicans, principalmente de las albahacas crespa morada y canela.The antioxidant activity of the hydrodistilleds of four Ocimum varieties growing in Ibagué, was determined by means of both, DPPH radical scavenging activity (FRSA) and inhibition of lipid peroxidation, methods. Bioprospection research with regard these regional natural extracts was increased through the evaluation of the antimicrobial potential against Gram positives,Gram negatives bacteria and a yeast. All the essential oils showed strong antioxidant activity (FRSA) comparable with that of ¿-tocopherol and antimicrobial activity against Candida albicans, mainly exhibited by purple rufle and cinnamon basils

    Composition, buoyancy regulation and fate of ice algal aggregates in the central Arctic Ocean

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    Sea-ice diatoms are known to accumulate in large aggregates in and under sea ice and in melt ponds. There is recent evidence from the Arctic that such aggregates can contribute substantially to particle export when sinking from the ice. The role and regulation of microbial aggregation in the highly seasonal, nutrient- and light-limited Arctic sea-ice ecosystem is not well understood. To elucidate the mechanisms controlling the formation and export of algal aggregates from sea ice, we investigated samples taken in late summer 2011 and 2012, during two cruises to the Eurasian Basin of the Central Arctic Ocean. Spherical aggregates densely packed with pennate diatoms, as well as filamentous aggregates formed by Melosira arctica showed sign of different stages of degradation and physiological stoichiometries, with carbon to chlorophyll a ratios ranging from 110 to 66700, and carbon to nitrogen molar ratios of 8–35 and 9–40, respectively. Sub-ice algal aggregate densities ranged between 1 and 17 aggregates m−2, maintaining an estimated net primary production of 0.4–40 mg C m−2 d−1, and accounted for 3–80% of total phototrophic biomass and up to 94% of local net primary production. A potential factor controlling the buoyancy of the aggregates was light intensity, regulating photosynthetic oxygen production and the amount of gas bubbles trapped within the mucous matrix, even at low ambient nutrient concentrations. Our data-set was used to evaluate the distribution and importance of Arctic algal aggregates as carbon source for pelagic and benthic communities

    Soft–bottom sipunculans from San Pedro del Pinatar (Western Mediterranean): influence of anthropogenic impacts and sediment characteristics on their distribution

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    We analysed the distribution of soft bottom sipunculans from San Pedro del Pinatar (Western Mediterranean). This study was carried out from December 2005 to June 2010, sampling with biannual periodicity (June and December). Physical and chemical parameters of the sediment were analysed (granulometry, organic matter content, pH, bottom salinity and shelter availability). Nine different species and subspecies were identified, belonging to five families. Aspidosiphon muelleri muelleri was the dominant species, accumulating 89.06% of the total abundance of sipunculans. Higher sipunculan abundances were correlated with stations of higher percentage of coarse sand, empty mollusc shells and empty tubes of the serpulid polychaete Ditrupa arietina, where some of the recorded species live. Sediment characteristics played the main role controlling the sipunculans distribution. Anthropogenic impacts could be indirectly affecting their distribution, changing the sediment characteristics. Key words: Sipuncula, Aspidosiphon muelleri, Mediterranean, Anthropogenic impact, Soft–bottom.Se analizó la distribución de los sipuncúlidos de fondos blandos de San Pedro del Pinatar (Mediterráneo occidental). Este estudio se llevó a cabo entre diciembre de 2005 y junio de 2010, muestreando con periodicidad semestral (junio y diciembre). Se analizaron parámetros físicos y químicos del sedimento (granulometría, contenido de materia orgánica, pH, salinidad de fondo y disponibilidad de refugio). Nueve especies y subespecies diferentes fueron identificadas, pertenecientes a cinco familias. Aspidosiphon muelleri muelleri fue la especie dominante, acumulando el 89,06% de la abundancia total de sipuncúlidos. Las mayores abundancias de sipuncúlidos se correlacionaron con las estaciones con mayores porcentajes de arena gruesa, conchas de moluscos vacías y tubos vacíos del poliqueto serpúlido Ditrupa arietina, donde viven algunas de las especies registradas. Las características del sedimento jugaron el papel principal en el control de la distribución de sipuncúlidos. Los impactos antropogénicos podrían estar afectando indirectamente su distribución, cambiando las características del sedimento. Palabras clave: Sipuncúlidos, Aspidosiphon muelleri, Mediterráneo, Impacto antropogénico, Fondos blandos.We analysed the distribution of soft bottom sipunculans from San Pedro del Pinatar (Western Mediterranean). This study was carried out from December 2005 to June 2010, sampling with biannual periodicity (June and December). Physical and chemical parameters of the sediment were analysed (granulometry, organic matter content, pH, bottom salinity and shelter availability). Nine different species and subspecies were identified, belonging to five families. Aspidosiphon muelleri muelleri was the dominant species, accumulating 89.06% of the total abundance of sipunculans. Higher sipunculan abundances were correlated with stations of higher percentage of coarse sand, empty mollusc shells and empty tubes of the serpulid polychaete Ditrupa arietina, where some of the recorded species live. Sediment characteristics played the main role controlling the sipunculans distribution. Anthropogenic impacts could be indirectly affecting their distribution, changing the sediment characteristics. Key words: Sipuncula, Aspidosiphon muelleri, Mediterranean, Anthropogenic impact, Soft–bottom

    Lesiones traumáticas de la columna vertebral en niños

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    —Se ha realizado un estudio retrospectivo de los casos de traumatismo raquídeo atendidos en urgencias de nuestro centro desde 1987 hasta 1995. Del total de 159.202 niños atendidos en dicho período, el 1,8% sufría algún tipo de patología traumática de la columna, de los cuales requirieron ingreso 45 casos. Se analizan la distribución por edad, los factores etiológicos y la localización de la lesión. En 4 casos existió afectación neurológica, 2 de ellos con paraplejía completa. Los traumatismos del raquis en el niño son lesiones poco frecuentes, siendo aún más rara la afectación neurológica. fin nuestra serie el grupo más afectado fueron varones de 8 a 13 años de edad. El tratamiento conservador generalmente da resultados satisfactorios, recurriendo a la cirugía sólo en casos de severa inestabilidad o compromiso neurológico.We report the results of a restrospective study of cases with spinal trauma in children treated in our institution from 1987 until 1995. From 159,202 children under fourteen, only in 1.8% spinal traumatism was present being necessary hospitalization in 45 cases. We analized age distribution, etiologic factors, and level of the lesion. In four patients a neurologic deficit was present, two of them had complete paraplegia. Pediatric spinal trauma is a rare lesion, and associated neurologic deficit is still less common. In our scries, the most affected group was boys, from 8 to 13. Usually conservative treatment provides satisfactory results. Surgery is required only when severe unstability or neurologic deficit are present

    Gobernabilidad en Santa Cruz de la Sierra: Pautas para mayor transparencia y democracia local

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    A partir de los años ochenta se inició una nueva etapa democrática en Bolivia, después de quince años de alternar entre gobiernos dictatoriales y constitucionales. La profundización de la democracia fue prolongada (1978-1982), costosa, lenta y complicada. El desarrollo de las democracias locales, como parte del proceso general, constituyó un paso importante en esta consolidación y estuvo marcada por la aprobación de leyes que promueven la descentralización y la participación popular, tendientes a fortalecer la institucionalidad pública y a mejorar la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos, con una distribución más equitativa de los recursos financieros administrados bajo el régimen de vigilancia y control social. El proceso estuvo matizado por problemas de legitimidad y gobernabilidad. Una vez superados los unos se presentaron otros, generando un debate permanente y cambiante sobre el tema

    Monitoring under ice phyto- and zooplankton blooms with the Nereid Under Ice remotely operated vehicle

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    The perennially ice-covered Central Arctic is changing rapidly due to extensive sea-ice retreat and the loss of multiyear ice. The thinning of the ice allows more light to reach the water column enhancing productivity. These changes in the under ice ecosystem can lead to under-ice phytoplankton blooms which may increase grazing and carbon export. However, our knowledge of the interactions between sea ice, sub-ice and under-ice communities is still poor, especially in high latitudes. A key limitation is observations of the undisturbed under-ice flora and fauna. To address this gap in observations, the Nereid Under Ice remotely operated vehicle (NUI) was developed, equipped with thin optical fibre and acoustic navigation to explore under-ice environments at distances up to 20 km away from research vessels from which it is deployed. This vehicle can accommodate various interdisciplinary payloads including HD video cameras, CTD and biological sensor packages including chlorophyll fluorometers, CDOM optical sensors and optical nitrate sensors. Research capabilities of NUI were tested during the RV Polarstern PS86 expedition to the Aurora Vent field, at 83ºN 6°W north-east of Greenland. From 12 to 30 July 2014 the evolution of a phytoplankton bloom below 2m thick multiyear ice was followed. Video footage obtained with NUI directly below the ice showed the development of algal mats at the bottom of the ice floe and a succession of zooplankton blooms presumably causing a decline of the phytoplankton bloom. Polar copepods, ctenophores and appendicularia could be identified forming dense biomasses underneath the ice. From NUI’s chlorophyll, CDOM and nitrate profiles, steep gradients of high biogeochemical activity were detected in the mixed layer (upper 6-15 m), which could not be observed by the ship-deployed CTD. These structures were identified as layers of sinking particles with different optical characteristics. This poster summarizes the advantages of robotic observations over classical ship-based sampling for the study of under ice communities. In vivo observations of phyto- and zooplankton communities are needed to better assess the impacts of changing sea-ice conditions on under ice organisms

    Technical debt and waste in non-functional requirements documentation:an exploratory study

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    Background: To adequately attend to non-functional requirements (NFRs), they must be documented; otherwise, developers would not know about their existence. However, the documentation of NFRs may be subject to Technical Debt and Waste, as any other software artefact. Aims: The goal is to explore indicators of potential Technical Debt and Waste in NFRs documentation. Method: Based on a subset of data acquired from the most recent NaPiRE (Naming the Pain in Requirements Engineering) survey, we calculate, for a standard set of NFR types, how often respondents state they document a specific type of NFR when they also state that it is important. This allows us to quantify the occurrence of potential Technical Debt and Waste. Results: Based on 398 survey responses, four NFR types (Maintainability, Reliability, Usability, and Performance) are labelled as important but they are not documented by more than 22% of the respondents. We interpret that these NFR types have a higher risk of Technical Debt than other NFR types. Regarding Waste, 15% of the respondents state they document NFRs related to Security and they do not consider it important. Conclusions: There is a clear indication that there is a risk of Technical Debt for a fixed set of NFRs since there is a lack of documentation of important NFRs. The potential risk of incurring Waste is also present but to a lesser extent