401 research outputs found

    Molecular characterization of retinal stem cells and their niches in adult zebrafish

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    BACKGROUND: The persistence in adult teleost fish of retinal stem cells that exhibit all of the features of true 'adult stem cells' – self-renewal, multipotency, and the capacity to respond to injury by mitotic activation with the ability to regenerate differentiated tissues – has been known for several decades. However, the specialized cellular and molecular characteristics of these adult retinal stem cells and the microenvironmental niches that support their maintenance in the differentiated retina and regulate their activity during growth and regeneration have not yet been elucidated. RESULTS: Our data show that the zebrafish retina has two kinds of specialized niches that sustain retinal stem cells: 1) a neuroepithelial germinal zone at the interface between neural retina and ciliary epithelium, called the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ), a continuous annulus around the retinal circumference, and 2) the microenvironment around some Müller glia in the differentiated retina. In the uninjured retina, scattered Müller glia (more frequently those in peripheral retina) are associated with clusters of proliferating retinal progenitors that are restricted to the rod photoreceptor lineage, but following injury, the Müller-associated retinal progenitors can function as multipotent retinal stem cells to regenerate other types of retinal neurons. The CMZ has several features in common with the neurogenic niches in the adult mammalian brain, including access to the apical epithelial surface and a close association with blood vessels. Müller glia in the teleost retina have a complex response to local injury that includes some features of reactive gliosis (up-regulation of glial fibrillary acidic protein, GFAP, and re-entry into the cell cycle) together with dedifferentiation and re-acquisition of phenotypic and molecular characteristics of multipotent retinal progenitors in the CMZ (diffuse distribution of N-cadherin, activation of Notch-Delta signaling, and expression of rx1, vsx2/Chx10, and pax6a) along with characteristics associated with radial glia (expression of brain lipid binding protein, BLBP). We also describe a novel specific marker for Müller glia, apoE. CONCLUSION: The stem cell niches that support multi-lineage retinal progenitors in the intact, growing and regenerating teleost retina have properties characteristic of neuroepithelia and neurogenic radial glia. The regenerative capacity of the adult zebrafish retina with its ability to replace lost retinal neurons provides an opportunity to discover the molecular regulators that lead to functional repair of damaged neural tissue

    Liver replacement after massive hepatic trauma

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    Two patients sustained massive hepatic injuries from blunt trauma in motor vehicle accidents. At the time of operation, nonreconstructable injuries to the porta hepatis were found in addition to destruction of the right lobe. Life-threatening hemorrhage was controlled, but both patients were left with nonfunctional or inadequate hepatic remnants. Liver transplantation was performed. Both patients recovered after liver replacement. One died 7 weeks later of cytomegalovirus infection. The other recipient is well 16 months later. Liver transplantation is a reasonable option in patients with lethal hepatic injuries or unreconstructable injuries to the porta hepatis. © Williams & Wilkins 1987. All Rights Reserved

    An approach to phenotypic analysis and environmental variability. The examples of the genera Dianthus L. and Lotus L. in the north of Portugal

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    The analysis of the correlation between phenotypic plasticity and environmental variability has been very useful to describe the morphologic responses of individuals to environmental factors affecting them (in the present contribution the altitudinal variation), from a genecological perpective. However, the literature shows that the studies in this area have had a monospecific or monogeneric use. As a consequence, intergeneric comparative descriptions have not been possible. In the present work we propose an analytical method to compare the morphological expressivity of individuals included in the genera Dianthus and Lotus from the north of Portugal by means of a contingency matrix. This matrix was elaborated on the basis of amplitude parameters, in order to describe the variability present in the basic matrix of each genus studied. The results pointed out the existence of opposite phenotypic behaviours dependent on the altitudinal variation, thus indicating the importance of the analysis between different groups of taxa as a reference for the comparison of their morphological expressivities

    Neutrino scattering rates in the presence of hyperons from a Skyrme model in the RPA approximation

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    The contribution of Lambda hyperons to neutrino scattering rates is calculated in the random phase approximation in a model where the interaction is described by a Skyrme potential. Finite temperature and neutrino trapping are taken into account in view of applications to the deleptonization stage of protoneutron star cooling. The hyperons can remove the problem of ferromagnetic instability common to (nearly) all Skyrme parametrizations of the nucleon-nucleon interaction. As a consequence, there is not any longer a pole at the transition in the neutrino-baryon cross section. However there still remains an enhancement in this region. In the absence of ferromagnetism the mean free path in npLambda matter is reduced compared to its value in np matter as consequence of the presence of this additional degree of freedom. At high density the results are very sensitive to the choice of the Lambda-Lambda interaction.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    Contribución para la caracterización bioclimática del Norte de Portugal. La transición florística atlántico-mediterránea.

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    Contribución para la caracterización bioclimática del norte de Portugal. La transición florística atlántico-mediterránea. Este trabajo se incluye en la serie de trabajos ya iniciados por Crespí et al. (2001), con el objetivo de contribuir al conocimiento bioclimático del Norte de Portugal, a través de la información florística presente. En este sentido, y para proceder a una posible cartografia de las áreas biogeográficas naturales desde una perspectiva termopluviométrica, son ahora introducidos 39 nuevos táxones para la relación ya existente. Los táxones analizados en esta aportación son: Anthemis triumfetti f. flosculosa, Arnica montana subsp. atlantica, Aster aragonensis, Carduus bourgeanus, Carduus carpetanus, Carduus platypus subsp. platypus, Carduus platypus var. granatensis, Carduus pycnocephalus, Centaurea cyanus, Centaurea geresensi, Centaurea herminii subsp. herminii, Centaurea langeana, Centaurea rivularis, Centaurea triumfetti subsp. lingulata, Leucanthemopsis pallida subsp.flaveola, Leucanthemopsis pallida subsp. pulverulenta, Leuzea rhaponticoides, Phalacrocarpum hoffmannseggii, Santolina rosmarinifolia, Santolina semidentata, Arbutus unedo, Cistus ladanifer, Cistus laurifolius, Cistus populifolius, Cistus psilosepalus, Cistus salvifolius, Erica arborea, Erica australis, Erica ciliaris, Erica cinerea, Erica lusitanica, Erica scoparia, Erica tetralix, Erica umbellata, Halimium lasianthum subsp alyssoides, Halimium lasianthum subsp lasianthum, Halimium ocymoides, Halimium umbellatum subsp umbellatum, Halimium umbellatum subsp. viscosum. De modo a poder alcanzar los objetivos propuestos, se procede a la aplicación de una rutina programática multivariada, basada en un sistema de información geográfico (SIG), a partir del cual cada uno de los táxones estudiados es georeferenciado sobre cartografía ambiental (confeccionada y publicada por el Instituto para a Conservação da Natureza, del Ministerio del Ambiente portugués), comparándola después con las caracterizaciones fitoclimáticas de Franco (1994) y de Costa et al. (1998). Los resultados obtenidos confirman no sólo un acusado efecto gradual de transición entre el área de influencia bioclimática atlántica y la mediterránea, como además la existencia de una tendencia de comportamiento fitoclimático intermedio, no considerada hasta el momento en las caracterizaciones bioclimáticas ya publicadas.Approach on the climatic characterization for Northern of Portugal. The atlanticmediterranean floristic transition. Thirty-nine specific and infraspecific taxa with different occurrences in the continental portuguese area are referred in the present work. In the light of these behaviours, the climatic and geomorphological variability of the North of Portugal has been important environmental factors to explain the floristic diversity in this part of the country. In this case, the taxa analysed are: Anthemis triumfetti f. flosculosa, Arnica montana subsp. atlantica, Aster aragonensis, Carduus bourgeanus, Carduus carpetanus, Carduus platypus subsp. platypus, Carduus platypus var.granatensis, Carduus pycnocephalus, Centaurea cyanus, Centaurea geresensi, Centaurea herminii subsp. herminii, Centaurea langeana, Centaurea rivularis, Centaurea triumfetti subsp. lingulata, Leucanthemopsis pallida subsp. flaveola, Leucanthemopsis pallida subsp. pulverulenta, Leuzea rhaponticoides, Phalacrocarpum hoffmannseggii, Santolina rosmarinifolia, Santolina semidentata, Arbutus unedo, Cistus ladanifer, Cistus laurifolius, Cistus populifolius, Cistus psilosepalus, Cistus salvifolius, Erica arborea, Erica australis, Erica ciliaris, Erica cinerea, Erica lusitanica, Erica scoparia, Erica tetralix, Erica umbellata, Halimium lasianthum subsp alyssoides, Halimium lasianthum subsp lasianthum, Halimium ocymoides, Halimium umbellatum subsp umbellatum, Halimium umbellatum subsp. viscosum. Because of the appropriate management of the floristic richness, a multivariate statistic routine is applied on a Geographical Informatic System (GIS) the chorological, geomorphological and climatic characterization for each one are described in this paper. The geological substrate and the altitudinal classes are focused for the geomorphological approach, as well as two biogeographic classifications are used to correlate the occurrence of the taxa and their bioclimatic preferences. In the light of this analytical scheme, every taxa is geo-referenced upon an environmental cartography (elaborated by the Instituto para a Conservação da Natureza), compared with the Franco´s (1994) and Costa´s et al. (1998) phytoclimatic characterizations. The results obtained are pointing out the floristic progressive differentiation between the atlantic bioclimatic influence and the mediterranean one, as well as the existence of an intermediate bioclimatic tendency which had never been considered so far

    Contribución al conocimiento de la diversidad específica del género Medicago L. para el norte de Portugal

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    La intrincada orografía del norte de Portugal proporciona la posibilidad de desarrollar una alta diversidad específica, y además la de distribuir esta diversidad de acuerdo con la variabilidad ambiental existente. El presente trabajo expone el ejemplo de las especies del género Medicago, detectándose un total de 13 especies: M. arabica, M. doliata, M. intertexta, M. littoralis, M. lupulina, M. marina, M. minima, M orbicularis, M. polymorpha, M. rigidula, M. sativa, M. italica y M. truncatula, de entre las cuales se observa como M. doliata, M. intertexta, M. littoralis, M. marina, M. orbicularis, M. rigidula, M. italica y M. truncatula presentan una distribución aparentemente limitada por las condiciones topográficas y climáticas envolventes. Para demostrar este comportamiento se desarrolla no sólo un análisis taxonómico de reconocimiento de la diversidad específica presente, sino que además se establece una correlación entre la distribución de estos taxones y la variabilidad climática y altitudinal

    Context-Awareness at the Service of Sensor Fusion Systems: Inverting the Usual Scheme

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    Proceedings of: 11th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN 2011). International Workshop of Intelligent systems for context-based information fusion (ISCIF 11). Torremolinos-Málaga, Spain, June 8-10, 2011Many works on context-aware systems make use of location, navigation or tracking services offered by an underlying sensor fusion module, as part of the relevant contextual information. The obtained knowledge is typically consumed only by the high level layers of the system, in spite that context itself represents a valuable source of information from which every part of the implemented system could take benefit. This paper closes the loop, analyzing how can context knowledge be applied to improve the accuracy, robustness and adaptability of sensor fusion processes. The whole theoretical analysis will be related with the indoor/outdoor navigation system implemented for a wheeled robotic platform. Some preliminary results are presented, where the context information provided by a map is integrated in the sensor fusion system.This work was supported in part by Projects ATLANTIDA, CICYT TIN2008-06742-C02-02/TSI, CICYT TEC2008-06732-C02-02/TEC, SINPROB, CAM MADRINET S-0505/TIC/0255 DPS2008-07029-C02-02.Publicad

    Contribución para la caracterización florístico-ambiental del Norte de Portugal

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    En el presente trabajo se hace mención a diferentes taxones específicos e infraespecíficos con distribuciones diversas en el territorio portugués continental. En este sentido, la intensa variabilidad geomorfológica y la intrincada bioclimatología del Norte de Portugal constituyen, ambos, factores ambientales decisivos para comprender el comportamiento florístico de esta parte del país. Los taxones analizados en esta aportación son: Teucrium salviastrum Trigonella polyceratia subsp. amandiana, Ononis viscosa subsp. breviflora var. breviflora, Ononis viscosa subsp. pedroi, Digitalis amandiana, Myosotis welwistchii y Myosotis secunda. De modo a poder contribuir eficientemente en la gestión de la riqueza florística, se procede a la aplicación de una rutina programática multivariada, basada en un sistema de información geográfico (SIG), a partir del cual cada uno de los taxones estudiados es georeferenciado sobre cartografía ambiental (confeccionada y publicada por el Instituto para a Conservação da Naturaza, del Ministerio del Ambiente portugués). Los resultados obtenidos confirman el efecto gradual de transición entre el área de influencia bioclimática atlántica y la mediterránea, ambas determinantes para comprender el comportamiento florístico del Norte de Portugal.Several specific and infraspecific taxa with different occurrences in the continental portuguese area are referred in the present work. In the light of these behaviours, the climatic and geomorphological variability of the North of Portugal has been important environmental factors to explain the floristic diversity in this part of the country. In this case, the taxa analysed are Teucrium salviastrum Trigonella polyceratia subsp. amandiana, Ononis viscosa subsp. breviflora var. breviflora, Ononis viscosa subsp. pedroi, Digitalis amandiana, Myosotis welwistchii and Myosotis secunda. Because of the appropriate management of the floristic richness, a multivariate statistic routine is applied on a Geographical Informatic System (GIS) the chorological, geomorphological and climatic characterization for each one are described in this paper. The geological substrate and the altitudinal classes are focused for the geomorphological approach, as well as two biogeographic classifications are used to correlate the occurrence of the taxa and their bioclimatic preferences. In the light of this analytical scheme, every taxa is geo-referenced upon an environmental cartography (elaborated by the Instituto para a Conservação da Naturaza). The results obtained are pointing out the floristic progressive differentiation between the atlantic bioclimatic influence and the mediterranean one, both bioclimatic influences decisive to understand the floristic behaviour of the North of Portugal

    Field evaluation of a 4G “True-IP” network

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    This article presents field evaluation results of an IP-based architecture for heterogeneous environments, covering UMTS- like TD-CDMA (Time Division-Code Division Multiple Access) wireless access technology, wireless and wired LANs, that has been developed under the aegis of the IST Moby Dick project. The architecture treats all transmission capabilities as basic physical and data-link layers, and attempts to replace all higher-level tasks by IP-based strategies. The Moby Dick architecture incorporates mobile-IPv6, fast handover, AAA-control (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting), Charging and Quality of Service. The architecture allows for an optimized control on the radio link layer resources. The Moby Dick architecture has been implemented and was evaluated on field trials with multiple services