1,225 research outputs found

    Model Reduction using a Frequency-Limited H2-Cost

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    We propose a method for model reduction on a given frequency range, without the use of input and output filter weights. The method uses a nonlinear optimization approach to minimize a frequency limited H2 like cost function. An important contribution in the paper is the derivation of the gradient of the proposed cost function. The fact that we have a closed form expression for the gradient and that considerations have been taken to make the gradient computationally efficient to compute enables us to efficiently use off-the-shelf optimization software to solve the optimization problem.Comment: Submitted to Systems and Control Letter

    Rekrytoijan intuitio rekrytointiprosessissa : fenomenologinen tutkimus

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    Intuitio päätöksenteon välineenä on tutkitusti tehokas, ja tässä tutkimuksessa selvitän sen käyttöä rekrytointiprosessissa. Tarkoituksenani on tuoda lisätietoa tästä vähän tutkitusta ilmiöstä rekrytoijien kokemusten kautta. Tutkimusaineistoni koostuu viiden rekrytoijan haastatteluista. Analysoin aineiston fenomenologisen psykologian (Perttula 2008) analyysimenetelmällä. Tutkimuksessa kuvaan rekrytoijien kokemuksia mahdollisimman aitoina ja elävinä, sellaisina kuin kokija ne sillä hetkellä tuo esille. Tutkimustuloksena on yleinen merkitysverkosto, ja se on ehdotelma yleisestä tiedosta. Yleisestä merkitysverkostosta löytyy kaikille haastattelemilleni rekrytoijille yhteiset kokemukset. Tutkimukseni tulokset kertovat intuition olevan rekrytoijille tärkeä työväline rekrytointiprosessissa. Rekrytoijat käyttävät sitä löytääkseen oikeat ihmiset oikeisiin työpaikkoihin ja mahdollistavat näin onnistuneen rekrytointiprosessin. Intuitiota hyödynnetään koko rekrytointiprosessin läpi, mutta eniten sitä hyödynnetään haastatteluvaiheessa auttamaan kysymysten asettelussa sekä päätöksenteossa, jolloin intuitio on tiedostamatonta ja nopeaa. Intuitio on rekrytoijille ihmisten, heikkojen signaalien ja kerätyn tiedon analysointia, ja sen avulla rekrytoija arvioi henkilön sopivuutta työtehtävään ja työyhteisöön. Lopullinen ratkaisu syntyy intuitiivisen sekä rationaalisen pohdiskelun yhteistuloksena. Rekrytoijat kokevat olevansa intuitiivisia persoonia ja luottavat intuitioonsa vankasti. Rekrytoijien intuition hyödyntäminen on kehittynyt uranvarrella, ja he käyttävät intuitiota myös työn ulkopuolella

    Dealing with disagreements at water management meetings

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    This thesis examines how disagreements and doubts in communication are managed in institutional, multiparty talk in interaction regarding management of water related issues. Using a theory of conversation analysis (Sacks, Schegloff, and Jefferson, 1974), I analyze ways disagreements and doubts in communication are managed and understood at six water management meetings. At the observed meetings, the frameworks of a new EU financed water management project are being discussed. The actors involved are officials from Municipalities, County Administration Boards and Water Councils, and researchers. I will encounter different ways disagreements and doubts in communication are managed at these meetings through concessive, e.g. “yes, but…” exchanges, laughter, tactful blindness and stand-offs by postpone the management of the disagreement to another, unspecified, time point in the future. At the meetings, the concessive approach creates both misunderstandings and solves disagreements through repeated turn-takings. I hope this thesis will give interested individuals a better understanding of institutional, multiparty talk in interaction regarding water related issues

    Nainen huumeiden käyttäjänä - Päihdetyöntekijän silmin

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää tuoko naiseus erityispiirteitä huumeiden käyttöön ja jos tuo niin mitä. Opinnäytetyötä varten on haastateltu huumeita käyttävien naisten kanssa työtä tekeviä päihdetyöntekijöitä, tutkimustulokset kertovat siis heidän näkökulmastaan. Nostimme esille sellaisia ilmiöitä, jotka johtuivat siitä, että kyseessä on huumeita käyttävä nainen, aiheita joihin naiseus erityisesti vaikuttaa. Etsimme niin negatiivisia kuin voimaannuttaviakin seikkoja. Emme vertailleet miehiä ja naisia keskenään, vaan pyrimme löytämään seikkoja, jotka liittyvät siihen, että kyseessä on huumeita käyttävä nainen. A-klinikkasäätiö toimi opinnäytetyömme toimeksiantajana, aiheesta ei ole aiemmin tehty heille tutkimusta. Huumeita käyttäviä naisia on muutenkin Suomessa melko vähän tutkittu, työntekijän näkökulmasta tutkimuksia ei juuri tästä aiheesta ole lainkaan, joten opinnäytetyömme tuo uutta näkökulmaa aiheesta päihdetyöhön. Tutkimuksemme avaa naisten kokemaa arkea huumemaailmassa, ymmärtämällä tätä näkökulmaa voidaan naista mahdollisesti auttaa kuntoutuksessa paremmin. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, sitä varten haastateltiin neljästä eri organisaatiosta kuutta päihdetyöntekijää, jotka tekevät töitä huumeita käyttävien naisten kanssa. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysia käyttäen. Esille nousseet teemat ovat naisten alisteinen asema huumemaailmassa, naisten roolit huumemaailmassa, huumeiden vaikutus naisten minäkuvaan ja omanarvontuntoon, naisten kokema ja tekemä väkivalta, seksipalveluiden tarjoaminen sekä äitiys. Haastatteluissa ilmeni, että haastattelemiemme päihdetyöntekijöiden näkemyksen mukaan naisen asema on huumemaailmassa hyvin heikko, he ovat kokeneet paljon erimuotoista väkivaltaa, seksipalveluiden myyminen on yleistä ja huumemaailman kokemukset ovat saattaneet muuttua osaksi naisen minäkuvaa. Naisten taito käsitellä tunteitaan koettiin kuntoutusvaiheessa voimavaraksi. Päihdetyöntekijän on tärkeää tiedostaa, minkälaista arkea naiset ovat huumemaailmassa eläneet. Naissensitiivisyyden huomioiminen ja esimerkiksi äitiyden muuttaminen voimavaraksi päihdetyössä, ovat avaimia hyvään päihdekuntoutukseen naisille.The goal of Bachelor’s thesis was to find out if womanhood brings special characteristics to using drugs and if it does, what those characteristics are. This thesis focused on issues which were based on the fact that the user is a woman. Searching for both negative and empowering issues. The point was not to compare men and women, but rather aimed at finding matters which result from being a woman using drugs. The principal for the thesis is A-klinikkasäätiö (A-Clinic Foundation) and there has never been any kind of research for them about this subject before. Women who use drugs have been researched overall very rarely in Finland. From the employee perspective, there is no research at all from this specific topic, so the research might bring new understanding for the employees. This research brings out what the women experience in their daily lives and by understanding this it might be easier to help them in rehabilitation. Research is qualitative. Six employees from four different organizations were interviewed. They all worked with women who use drugs. The material was examined with content-based analysis. The issues that arose were women’s oppressive status in the world of drugs, different roles that women have in the world of drugs, how drugs affect women´s self-image and dignity. And, how women experience and exert violence, prostitution and motherhood. During the interviews, it was evident that the status the women have in world of drugs is weak no matter what role they have. They have experienced a lot of different kind of violence. Prostitution is common and what the women have experienced in the world of drugs might have become a part of their self-image. How women are able to deal with their feelings in the rehab can be seen as a resource for women who use drugs. It is important for the employees to be aware what kind of life the women in rehab have lived while using drugs. Female sensitivity and turning motherhood as a resource can be a key to a good rehabilitation

    Strong quantitative benchmarking of quantum optical devices

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    Quantum communication devices, such as quantum repeaters, quantum memories, or quantum channels, are unavoidably exposed to imperfections. However, the presence of imperfections can be tolerated, as long as we can verify such devices retain their quantum advantages. Benchmarks based on witnessing entanglement have proven useful for verifying the true quantum nature of these devices. The next challenge is to characterize how strongly a device is within the quantum domain. We present a method, based on entanglement measures and rigorous state truncation, which allows us to characterize the degree of quantumness of optical devices. This method serves as a quantitative extension to a large class of previously-known quantum benchmarks, requiring no additional information beyond what is already used for the non-quantitative benchmarks.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Comments are welcome. ver 2: Improved figures, no changes to main tex

    Tagging Named Entities in 19th Century and Modern Finnish Newspaper Material with a Finnish Semantic Tagger

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    Named Entity Recognition (NER), search, classification and tagging of names and name like informational elements in texts, has become a standard information extraction procedure for textual data during the last two decades. NER has been applied to many types of texts and different types of entities: newspapers, fiction, historical records, persons, locations, chemical compounds, protein families, animals etc. In general a NER system’s performance is genre and domain dependent. Also used entity categories vary a lot (Nadeau and Sekine, 2007). The most general set of named entities is usually some version of three part categorization of locations, persons and corporations. In this paper we report evaluation results of NER with two different data: digitized Finnish historical newspaper collection Digi and modern Finnish technology news, Digitoday. Historical newspaper collection Digi contains 1,960,921 pages of newspaper material from years 1771–1910 both in Finnish and Swedish. We use only material of Finnish documents in our evaluation. The OCRed newspaper collection has lots of OCR errors; its estimated word level correctness is about 70–75%, and its NER evaluation collection consists of 75 931 words (Kettunen and Pääkkönen, 2016; Kettunen et al., 2016). Digitoday’s annotated collection consists of 240 articles in six different sections of the newspaper. Our new evaluated tool for NER tagging is non-conventional: it is a rule-based semantic tagger of Finnish, the FST (Löfberg et al., 2005), and its results are compared to those of a standard rule-based NE tagger, FiNER. The FST achieves up to 55–61 F-score with locations and F-score of 51–52 with persons with the historical newspaper data, and its performance is comparative to FiNER with locations. With the modern Finnish technology news of Digitoday FiNER achieves F-scores of up to 79 with locations at best. Person names show worst performance; their F-score varies from 33 to 66. The FST performs equally well as FiNER with Digitoday’s location names, but is worse with persons. With corporations, FST is at its worst, while FiNER performs reasonably well. Overall our results show that a general semantic tool like the FST is able to perform in a restricted semantic task of name recognition almost as well as a dedicated NE tagger. As NER is a popular task in information extraction and retrieval, our results show that NE tagging does not need to be only a task of dedicated NE taggers, but it can be performed equally well with more general multipurpose semantic tools.Peer reviewe

    Entanglement Witnesses for Graph States: General Theory and Examples

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    We present a general theory for the construction of witnesses that detect genuine multipartite entanglement in graph states. First, we present explicit witnesses for all graph states of up to six qubits which are better than all criteria so far. Therefore, lower fidelities are required in experiments that aim at the preparation of graph states. Building on these results, we develop analytical methods to construct two different types of entanglement witnesses for general graph states. For many classes of states, these operators exhibit white noise tolerances that converge to one when increasing the number of particles. We illustrate our approach for states such as the linear and the 2D cluster state. Finally, we study an entanglement monotone motivated by our approach for graph states.Comment: 12 pages + appendix, 7 figure

    Study of the Distillability of Werner States Using Entanglement Witnesses and Robust Semidefinite Programs

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    We use Robust Semidefinite Programs and Entanglement Witnesses to study the distillability of Werner states. We perform exact numerical calculations which show 2-undistillability in a region of the state space which was previously conjectured to be undistillable. We also introduce bases which yield interesting expressions for the {\em distillability witnesses} and for a tensor product of Werner states with arbitrary number of copies.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Preparation and characterization of VOx/TiO2 catalytic coatings on stainless steel plates for structured catalytic reactors.

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    1 The parameters to be controlled to coat metallic walls by VOx/TiO2 catalysts which are used in the mild oxidation of hydrocarbons and NOx abatement are studied. Stainless steel (316 L) was chosen because of its large application in industrial catalytic reactors. TiO2 films on stainless steel were obtained by dip-coating in two steps. Superficially oxidized plates were first dipped in Ti-alkoxide sol-gel to be coated by a very thin layer of TiO2. On this anchoring layer was then deposited a porous film of titania by dipping plates in an aqueous suspension of TiO2 particles.After calcination, VOx species were grafted to TiO2/SS plates and their loading was determined by means of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. The chemical and mechanical resistances of films were controlled by several tests. Laser Raman Spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscopy were used to characterize the samples after each step of preparation. The porous texture was determined using a thermobalance. The dispersion and the nature of VOx species and the value of theoretical monolayer of VOx on TiO2/stainless steel are shown to depend on the surface V/Ti ratio, in the same manner as for VOx/TiO2 coating anodised aluminum plates and as for VOx/TiO2 powders, . Therefore, we have demonstrated that the shaping of TiO2 has no influence on the characteristics of the active phase, which is of prime importance for catalytic applications in structured reactors