55 research outputs found

    Suspect Screening of Chemicals in Hospital Wastewaters Using Effect-Directed Analysis Approach as Prioritization Strategy

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    The increasing number of contaminants in the environment has pushed water monitoring programs to find out the most hazardous known and unknown chemicals in the environment. Sample treatment-simplification methods and non-target screening approaches can help researchers to not overlook potential chemicals present in complex aqueous samples. In this work, an effect-directed analysis (EDA) protocol using the sea urchin embryo test (SET) as a toxicological in vivo bioassay was used as simplified strategy to identify potential unknown chemicals present in a very complex aqueous matrix such as hospital effluent. The SET bioassay was used for the first time here to evaluate potential toxic fractions in hospital effluent, which were obtained after a two-step fractionation using C18 and aminopropyl chromatographic semi-preparative columns. The unknown compounds present in the toxic fractions were identified by means of liquid chromatography coupled to a Q Exactive Orbitrap high-resolution mass spectrometer (LC-HRMS) and using a suspect analysis approach. The results were complemented by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (GC-MS) in order to identify the widest range of chemical compounds present in the sample and the toxic fractions. Using EDA as sample treatment simplification method, the number of unknown chemicals (>446 features) detected in the raw sample was narrowed down to 94 potential toxic candidates identified in the significantly toxic fractions. Among them, the presence of 25 compounds was confirmed with available chemical standards including 14 pharmaceuticals, a personal care product, six pesticides and four industrial products. The observations found in this work emphasize the difficulties in identifying potential toxicity drivers in complex water samples, as in the case of hospital wastewater.Authors acknowledge financial support from the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund through CTM2017-84763-C3-1-R and CTM2020-11686RB-C31 projects and the Basque Government through the financial support as a consolidated group of the Basque Research System (IT1446-22). The authors are grateful to the Consorcio de Aguas de Bilbao and especially to Iñigo González. Naroa Lopez-Herguedas is grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivity for her predoctoral scholarship FPI 2018 (PRE2018-086493)

    White matter injury restoration after stem cell administration in subcortical ischemic stroke

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    Introduction: Despite its high incidence, nerve fiber (axon and myelin) damage after cerebral infarct has not yet been extensively investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate white matter repair after adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell (ADMSC) administration in an experimental model of subcortical stroke. Furthermore, we aimed to analyze the ADMSC secretome and whether this could be implicated in this repair function. Methods: An animal model of subcortical ischemic stroke with white matter affectation was induced in rats by injection of endothelin-1. At 24 hours, 2 × 106 ADMSC were administered intravenously to the treatment group. Functional evaluation, lesion size, fiber tract integrity, cell death, proliferation, white matter repair markers (Olig-2, NF, and MBP) and NogoA were all studied after sacrifice (7 days and 28 days). ADMSC migration and implantation in the brain as well as proteomics analysis and functions of the secretome were also analyzed. Results: Neither ADMSC migration nor implantation to the brain was observed after ADMSC administration. In contrast, ADMSC implantation was detected in peripheral organs. The treatment group showed a smaller functional deficit, smaller lesion area, less cell death, more oligodendrocyte proliferation, more white matter connectivity and higher amounts of myelin formation. The treated animals also showed higher levels of white matter-associated markers in the injured area than the control group. Proteomics analysis of the ADMSC secretome identified 2,416 proteins, not all of them previously described to be involved in brain plasticity. Conclusions: White matter integrity in subcortical stroke is in part restored by ADMSC treatment; this is mediated by repair molecular factors implicated in axonal sprouting, remyelination and oligodendrogenesis. These findings are associated with improved functional recovery after strokeThis study was supported by research grants PS12/01754, PI11/00909 and INVICTUS (RD12/0014) (Spanish Neurovascular Network), SAF2010-37926, ProteoRed-PT13/0001/0017 and a Sara Borrell postdoctoral fellowship (CD12/00706, to LOO) from Research Institute Carlos III, Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. We greatly appreciate advice from Prof. Avendaño and Dr Negredo and we thank ServingMed.com for linguistic assistance. Furthermore, TS (CP12/03121) and FC (CP14/00154) are recipients of a research contract from Miguel Servet Program of Instituto de Salud Carlos II

    Avance de los datos recogidos por el Sistema de Información Microbiológica durante el primer semestre del año 2016

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    [ES] Se presentan los datos provisionales para las cuatro patologías con mayor número de casos notificados al Sistema de Información Microbiológica (SIM) por 77 laboratorios de 10 Comunidades Autónomas: 9.418 infecciones por el virus de la gripe, 4.042 casos de campilobacteriosis, 2.593 casos de diarrea por rotavirus y 2.012 infecciones de transmisión sexual por Chlamydia trachomatis y linfogranuloma venéreo (LGV). En total suponen el 69,4% de los casos recogidos en las primeras 26 semanas de 2016. [EN] The current work offers a preliminary overview of data collected for the four pathologies with the highest number of cases reported by 77 laboratories from 10 Autonomous Communities to the Microbiological Information System (SIM): influenza (9418), campilobacteriosis (4042), rotavirus diarrhea (2593) and sexually transmitted infection by Chlamydia trachomatis (2012) account for 69.4% of all data notified (26039)

    Qué necesitan los estudiantes de Periodismo para su inserción laboral. Análisis de la demanda del mercado laboral de las empresas de comunicación.

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    PIMCD nº 176, realizado por el grupo Research and Learning of Media and Communications Management. Investigación y Enseñanza de la Gestión de los Medios y la Comunicación (MediaCom UCM) www.ccinf.es/mediacom/Primera fase de trabajo para fijar descriptores que identifiquen comportamientos formativos de entrada en el mercado laboral. En esta fase se han encontrado 442 oferentes de contratos en prácticas para estudiantes de Periodismo. Los datos obtenidos se articulan de acuerdo a dos subsecciones: sectores empresariales y empresas; a su vez, cada subsector, atendiendo al índice de recepción de alumnos y la descripción cualitativa de los puestos.Depto. de Periodismo y Comunicación GlobalFac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónFALSEsubmitte

    Drug-refractory myasthenia gravis : Clinical characteristics, treatments, and outcome

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    Altres ajuts: R. Alvarez-Velasco was supported by grant SLT008/18/00207 from the Health Research and Innovation Strategic Plan (PERIS). The NMD-ES Project and F. PlaJunca (data curator) are partially funded by the Centro de Investigacion Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER).To describe the clinical characteristics and outcomes in patients with refractory myasthenia gravis (MG) and to determine the effectiveness and side effects of the drugs used for their treatment. This observational retrospective cross-sectional multicenter study was based on data from the Spanish MG Registry (NMD-ES). Patients were considered refractory when their MG Foundation of America post-interventional status (MGFA-PIS) was unchanged or worse after corticosteroids and two or more other immunosuppressive agents. Clinical and immunologic characteristics of drug-refractory patients, efficiency and toxicity of drugs used, and outcome (MGFA-PIS) at end of follow-up were studied. We included 990 patients from 15 hospitals. Eighty-four patients (68 of 842 anti-acetylcholine receptor [AChR], 5 of 26 anti-muscle-specific tyrosine kinase [MusK], 10 of 120 seronegative, and 1 of 2 double-seropositive patients) were drug refractory. Drug-refractory patients were more frequently women (p < 0.0001), younger at onset (p < 0.0001), and anti-MuSK positive (p = 0.037). Moreover, they more frequently presented a generalized form of the disease, bulbar symptoms, and life-threatening events (p < 0.0001; p = 0.018; and p = 0.002, respectively) than non-drug-refractory patients. Mean follow-up was 9.8 years (SD 4.5). Twenty-four (50%) refractory patients had side effects to one or more of the drugs. At the end of follow-up, 42.9% of drug-refractory patients (42.6% of anti-AChR, 100% of anti-MuSK, and 10% of seronegative patients) and 79.8% of non-drug-refractory patients (p < 0.0001) achieved remission or had minimal manifestations. Eighty percent of drug-refractory-seronegative patients did not respond to any drug tested. In this study, 8.5% of MG patients were drug-refractory. New more specific drugs are needed to treat drug-refractory MG patients

    Impacto de la edad del donante-receptor en la supervivencia al trasplante cardiaco. Subanálisis del Registro Español de Trasplante Cardiaco

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. The age of heart transplant recipients and donors is progressively increasing. It is likely that not all donor-recipient age combinations have the same impact on mortality. The objective of this work was to compare survival in transplant recipients according to donor-recipient age combinations. Methods. We performed a retrospective analysis of transplants performed between 1 January 1993 and 31 December 2017 in the Spanish Heart Transplant Registry. Pediatric transplants, retransplants and combined transplants were excluded (6505 transplants included). Four groups were considered: a) donor < 50 years for recipient < 65 years; b) donor < 50 years for recipient ≥ 65 years; c) donor ≥ 50 years for recipient ≥ 65 years, and d) donor ≥ 50 years for recipient < 65 years. Results. The most frequent group was young donor for young recipient (73%). There were differences in the median survival between the groups (P < .001): a) younger-younger: 12.1 years, 95%CI, 11.5-12.6; b) younger-older: 9.1 years, 95%CI, 8.0-10.5; c) older-older: 7.5 years, 95%CI, 2.8-11.0; d) older-younger: 10.5 years, 95%CI, 9.6-12.1. On multivariate analysis, independent predictors of mortality were the age of the donor and the recipient (0.008 and 0.001, respectively). The worst combinations were older-older vs younger-younger (HR, 1.57; 95%CI, 1.22-2.01; P < .001) and younger-older vs younger-younger (HR, 1.33; 95%CI, 1.12-1.58; P = .001). Conclusions. Age (of the donor and recipient) is a relevant prognostic factor in heart transplant. The donor-recipient age combination has prognostic implications that should be identified when accepting an organ for transplant.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. La edad de receptores y donantes cardiacos se está incrementando progresivamente. Es probable que no todas las combinaciones tengan el mismo impacto en la mortalidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar la supervivencia de los pacientes trasplantados según la combinación de edades de donante y receptor. Métodos. Análisis retrospectivo del Registro Español de Trasplante Cardiaco de los trasplantes realizados entre el 1 de enero de 1993 y el 31 de diciembre de 2017. Se excluyeron los pediátricos, los retrasplantes y los trasplantes combinados (se incluyeron 6.505 trasplantes). Se consideraron 4 grupos: a) donante menor de 50 años para receptor menor de 65 años; b) donante menor de 50 años para receptor de edad ≥ 65 años; c) donante de edad ≥ 50 años para receptor de 65 o más, y d) donante de edad ≥ 50 años para receptor menor de 65. Resultados. El grupo más frecuente fue el de donante joven para receptor joven (73%). Hubo diferencias en la mediana de supervivencia entre los grupos (p < 0,001): a) joven-joven: 12,1 años (IC95%, 11,5-12,6); b) joven-mayor: 9,1 años (IC95%, 8,0-10,5); c) mayor-mayor: 7,5 años (IC95%, 2,8-11,0), y d) mayor-joven: 10,5 años (IC95%, 9,6-12,1). En el análisis multivariante, las edades del donante y del receptor resultaron predictoras independientes de la mortalidad (0,008 y 0,001 respectivamente). Las peores combinaciones fueron mayor-mayor frente a joven-joven (HR = 1,57; IC95%, 1,22-2,01; p < 0,001) y joven-mayor frente a joven-joven (HR = 1,33; IC95%, 1,12-1,58; p = 0,001). Conclusiones. La edad (del donante y del receptor) es un factor pronóstico relevante en el trasplante cardiaco. La combinación de edades de donante y receptor posee implicaciones pronósticas que se debe conocer a la hora de aceptar un órgano para trasplante

    Incidence and Prognosis of Colorectal Cancer After Heart Transplantation: Data From the Spanish Post-Heart Transplant Tumor Registry

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    In this observational and multicenter study, that included all patients who underwent a heart transplantation (HT) in Spain from 1984 to 2018, we analyzed the incidence, management, and prognosis of colorectal cancer (CRC) after HT. Of 6,244 patients with a HT and a median follow-up of 8.8 years since the procedure, 116 CRC cases (11.5% of noncutaneous solid cancers other than lymphoma registered) were diagnosed, mainly adenocarcinomas, after a mean of 9.3 years post-HT. The incidence of CRC increased with age at HT from 56.6 per 100,000 person-years among under 45 year olds to 436.4 per 100,000 person-years among over 64 year olds. The incidence rates for age-at-diagnosis groups were significantly greater than those estimated for the general Spanish population. Curative surgery, performed for 62 of 74 operable tumors, increased the probability of patient survival since a diagnosis of CRC, from 31.6% to 75.7% at 2 years, and from 15.8% to 48.6% at 5 years, compared to patients with inoperable tumors. Our results suggest that the incidence of CRC among HT patients is greater than in the general population, increasing with age at HT

    Distribution and genotype-phenotype correlation of GDAP1 mutations in Spain

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    Mutations in the GDAP1 gene can cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. These mutations are quite rare in most Western countries but not so in certain regions of Spain or other Mediterranean countries. This cross-sectional retrospective multicenter study analyzed the clinical and genetic characteristics of patients with GDAP1 mutations across Spain. 99 patients were identified, which were distributed across most of Spain, but especially in the Northwest and Mediterranean regions. The most common genotypes were p.R120W (in 81% of patients with autosomal dominant inheritance) and p.Q163X (in 73% of autosomal recessive patients). Patients with recessively inherited mutations had a more severe phenotype, and certain clinical features, like dysphonia or respiratory dysfunction, were exclusively detected in this group. Dominantly inherited mutations had prominent clinical variability regarding severity, including 29% of patients who were asymptomatic. There were minor clinical differences between patients harboring specific mutations but not when grouped according to localization or type of mutation. This is the largest clinical series to date of patients with GDAP1 mutations, and it contributes to define the genetic distribution and genotype-phenotype correlation in this rare form of CMT

    Informe Taller Pesquerias Artesanales y Recreativas

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    En el taller se han realizado más de 20 presentaciones acerca de los estudios sobre las pesquerías artesanales y recreativas en aguas de la ZEE de España. En base a ello y al conocimiento de los expertos reunidos se han definido dos planes de seguimiento para obtener la huella pesquera de las pesquerías profesionales sin VMS, uno con sistemas de seguimientos de localización en tres fases y otro con observadores a bordo y encuestas en puntos de primera venta en dos fases. En el caso de las actividades pesqueras no profesionales (recreativas) se ha propuesto un plan de seguimiento basado en encuestas telefónicas y presenciales en tres fases. Además se decidió incluir las actividades pelágicas y/o de superficie dentro de los programas de seguimiento