2,096 research outputs found

    Digital marketing actions that achieve a better attraction and loyalty of users: an analytical study

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    Currently, the digital economy contributes decisively to an increase in competitiveness, especially as a digital transformation involves migrating to new technological models where digital marketing is a key part of growth and user loyalty strategies. Internet and Digital Marketing have become important factors in campaigns, which attract and retain Internet users. This study aims to identify the main ways in which users can be gained and retained by using Digital Marketing. The Delphi method with in-depth interviews was the methodology used in this study. The results of the research show the most important actions for achieving user recruitment and loyalty with Digital Marketing from the opinions of consulted experts. The limitations of this study are those related to the number of experts included in the study, and the number of research papers consulted in the literature review. The literature review and the results of this research are used to propose new solid research with a consolidated critical methodology. This research deals with a new approach that will optimize web technologies for the evolution of user trends, and therefore, will be of academic and professional use for marketing managers and web solution developers. The conclusions of the investigation show the key factors, discarding others that do not affect the optimization of conversions in B2C businesses such as the duration of the session and the rebound percentage. Likewise, the results of the research identify the specific actions that must be carried out to attract and retain users in B2C companies that use the Digital Marketing ecosystem on the Internet. The requirements for companies that wish to implement a model to optimize conversions using the current digital economy are also shown.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ammatillinen yhteistyö teho-osastolla : ICU competence -projektin virtuaalisen koulutusohjelman sisällön kehittäminen

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö on osa ICU competence - virtual learning package-projektia. Projektin tarkoitus on luoda tehohoitotyön virtuaalinen koulutusohjelma ja arvioida sen vaikutusta hoitotyössä sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoihin ja tehosairaanhoitajiin. Projekti suoritetaan yhteistyössä Turun ammattikorkeakoulun, Turun yliopistollisen keskussairaalan teho-osaston ja Turun yliopiston hoitotieteen laitoksen kanssa. Opinnäytetyön aiheena on ammatillinen yhteistyö teho-osastolla ja sen tarkoitus on luoda virtuaalisen oppimisalustan tietopaketti ja –testi ammatillisen yhteistyön osa-alueelta valmistuvan opiskelijan tasolla. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on kehittää sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden ja tehohoitotyöhön perehtyvien sairaanhoitajien ymmärrystä ja osaamista yhteistyöstä. Luonteeltaan työ on toiminnallinen, sillä, se suoritetaan kirjallisuuskatsauksena, ja sen tuotoksena valmistuu tietopaketti ja tietotesti. Opinnäytetyö selvittää mitä on yhteistyö teho-osastolla, mitkä seikat vaikuttavat yhteistyöhön teho-osastolla ja miten yhteistyötä voidaan parantaa teho-osastolla. Näistä kysymyksistä muodostuu tietopaketin teemat. Työ rajataan koskemaan sairaanhoitajien ja lääkäreiden välistä yhteistyötä. Yhteistyö tehohoitotyössä tarkoittaa sairaanhoitajien ja lääkäreiden työskentelyä yhdessä kohti yhteistä tavoitetta siten, että he kommunikoivat avoimesti, luottavat toistensa osaamiseen, jakavat vastuuta ja tekevät päätökset yhdessä. Yhteistyö on merkittävä osa potilasturvallisuutta, hoidon laatua ja työssäjaksamista. Yhteistyöhön vaikuttavat mm. ammattilaisten asenteet, työyksikön kulttuuri ja toimintatavat, hierarkia sekä johtajuus. Yhteistyötä voidaan kehittää harjoittelemalla yhteistyötaitoja, muokkaamalla työyksikön rakennetta yhteistyölle suotuisammaksi sekä panostamalla yhteistyön koulutukseen, etenkin jo ammattiin opiskeluvaiheesa.This thesis is a part of ICU competence - virtual learning package project. The purpose of the project is to create a virtual learning program of intensive care and evaluate its effect on nursing students and intensive care nurses on care settings. The project is executed in collaboration with Turku university of applied sciences, Turku university hospital´s adults´ intensive care unit and Turku university faculty of medicine. The topic of this thesis is interprofessional collaboration in the intensive care unit and its purpose is to create the information package and test of the virtual learning program on the level of a graduating nursing student. The aim of this thesis is to develop the understanding and know-how of nursing students and orientating intensive care nurses in collaborative practice. This is a functional thesis because it is done as a literary review and the information package and the test will be its outcome. The thesis investigates what interprofessional collaboration in the ICU is, which circumstances effect the collaboration in the ICU and how can collaboration be developed. These questions form the themes for the information package. The thesis is narrowed to concern the collaboration of nurses and doctors. Collaboration in the ICU refers to the work done by nurses and doctors so that they share a common goal, communicate in an open manner, trust each other´s know-how and share responsibilities and decision making. Collaboration is a significant part of patient safety, quality of care and the well-being of staff. Circumstances that effect collaboration include the attitudes of staff, the culture and working habits of the work environment, hierarchy and leadership. Collaboration can be developed by practicing collaborative skills, modifying the structure of the work environment to become more suitable for collaborative practice and by investing in collaborative education particularly already when studying for the profession

    Analyzing the Improvements of Energy Management Systems for Hybrid Electric Vehicles Using a Systematic Literature Review: How Far Are These Controls from Rule-Based Controls Used in Commercial Vehicles?

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    Featured Application This work is useful for researchers interested in the study of energy management systems for hybrid electric vehicles. In addition, it is interesting for institutions related to the market of this type of vehicle. The hybridization of vehicles is a viable step toward overcoming the challenge of the reduction of emissions related to road transport all over the world. To take advantage of the emission reduction potential of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), the appropriate design of their energy management systems (EMSs) to control the power flow between the engine and the battery is essential. This work presents a systematic literature review (SLR) of the more recent works that developed EMSs for HEVs. The review is carried out subject to the following idea: although the development of novel EMSs that seek the optimum performance of HEVs is booming, in the real world, HEVs continue to rely on well-known rule-based (RB) strategies. The contribution of this work is to present a quantitative comparison of the works selected. Since several studies do not provide results of their models against commercial RB strategies, it is proposed, as another contribution, to complete their results using simulations. From these results, it is concluded that the improvement of the analyzed EMSs ranges roughly between 5% and 10% with regard to commercial RB EMSs; in comparison to the optimum, the analyzed EMSs are nearer to the optimum than commercial RB EMSs

    Evaluación del procesamiento por electrohilado de polímeros a diferentes grado de viscosidad

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    El proceso de electrohilado utiliza fuerzas electroestáticas para generar fibras poliméricas. Al aplicar un campo electroestático de alto voltaje, las gotas de polímero son sometidas a una inestabilidad, formándose fibras al ser superada la tensión superficial de la gota de solución polimérica. En este proceso es muy importante la concentración de la solución polimérica, la volatilidad del solvente y la conductividad. Es importante darse cuenta de que la relación exacta será diferente para cada polímero y solvente utilizado en el sistema. Por lo tanto, es difícil dar relaciones cuantitativas que se pueden aplicar en una amplia gama de polímeros y sistemas de solventes. El equipo de electrohilado con el cual se realizó la investigación se encuentra en el laboratorio de biomateriales y electromedicina de la sede de Fraternidad del ITM, allí se utilizaron dos tipos de materiales poliméricos comerciales de PLA, uno de grado inyección (baja viscosidad) y otro de grado extrusión (alta viscosidad), igualmente se empleó como solvente el diclorometano que se encuentra en dicho laboratorio. En el proceso de investigación se logró como resultado la elaboración de nanofibras, la fabricación de estas ha causado un resurgimiento de interés en el proceso de electrohilado, debido a las aplicaciones potenciales de las mismas en filtración, manufactura de textiles y materiales biológicos con usos como andamios para tejidos, así como la encapsulación y liberación de medicamentos.Como resultado principal encontramos que el PLA grado extrusión (alta viscosidad) es mucho mas estable en la máquina de electrohilado bajo las mismas variables que se utilizaron con el grado Inyección.Ingeniero de Telecomunicacionespregrad

    Smart remote nodes fed by power over fiber in Internet of Things applications

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    Smart IoT solutions integrated into power grid stations are important due to their high economic and social value. Power over fiber technology to remotely feeding sensors and control electronics is a good choice in these environments of high electromagnetic interference. A sensing system design for magnetic field monitoring, fire and temperature/presence detection, and remotely fed by optical means is discussed. This design includes two types of nodes, smart and passive. Smart remote nodes have an energy manager to provide power on demand. Asymmetric splitting is proposed to optimize power distribution. Some tests on remote node power consumption, feeding, sensing, and centralized monitoring in one type of those nodes are successfully performed and reported.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Comunidad de Madrid and H2020 European Union Programme under Grants TEC2015-63826-C3-2-R and RTI2018-094669-B-C32, and Grant Y2018/EMT-4892 (TEFLON-CM), in part by FSE, and in part by 5G PPP Bluespace project under Grant nº 762055, respectively.Publicad

    Analysis of results in Dependability Benchmarking: Can we do better?"

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    ©2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Dependability benchmarking has become through the years more and more important in the process of systems evaluation. The increasing need for making systems more dependable in presence of perturbations has contributed to this fact. Nevertheless, even though many studies have focused on different areas related to dependability benchmarking, and some others have focused on the need of providing these benchmarks with good quality measures, there is still a gap in the process of the analysis of results. This paper focuses on providing a first glance at different approaches that may help filling this gap by making explicit the criteria followed in the decision making process.This work is partially supported by the Spanish project ARENES (TIN2012-38308-C02-01), the ANR French project AMORES (ANR-11-INSE-010), and the Intel Doctoral Student Honour Programme 2012.Martínez, M.; Andrés, DD.; Ruiz García, JC.; Friginal López, J. (2013). Analysis of results in Dependability Benchmarking: Can we do better?". IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/IWMN.2013.6663790

    La Constitución de 1991 : de un siglo de liberalismo clásico, a dos décadas de un utópico Estado social de derecho

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    Al inicio de la década de los noventa Colombia convocó a una Asamblea Nacional Constituyente con el fin de reformar la Constitución hasta entonces vigente. Las decisiones de la Corte Suprema de Justicia y de la propia Asamblea Constituyente llevaron a que se expidiera una nueva Carta Política para el país. Las tesis liberales que orientaron la vida nacional fueron sustituidas por las del Estado social de derecho, lo cual conllevó a una nueva organización institucional; el presente artículo expone las evidencias que permiten afirmar que esta nueva Constitución no ha sido capaz de transformar al país.At the beginning of the nineties Colombia convened a National Constituent Assembly to amend the Constitution in force until then. However, decisions of the Supreme Court and the Assembly led to the issuance of a new Constitution for the country. The liberal thesis that guided the national life were replaced by the Social Rule of Law, which led to a new institutional structure; This article presents evidence to suggest that this new Constitution has not been able to transform the country

    Test de camp per valorar la resistència dels músculs del tronc

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    El test Biering-Sorensen (BST), el test Side Bridge (SBT) i el test Ito (IT) són tres dels tests de camp més utilitzats per mesurar la resistència dels músculs del tronc. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi va ser analitzar la fiabilitat absoluta i relativa dels tests referits, així com valorar-ne l’efecte en el rendiment de l’antropometria dels participants en les proves. En l’estudi van participar 27 joves homes (23,5 ± 4,0 anys) i físicament actius. Els participants van fer dues sessions de registre en què van executar els tres tests (recuperació de 8 min entre proves) i on es van mesurar diverses variables antropomètriques. La fiabilitat relativa va ser bona, amb ICC majors de 0,80 en tots els tests, però la fiabilitat absoluta no, amb SEM que van oscil·lar entre 13,36 % en el BST i 19,89 % en l’IT. L’IT va mostrar una correlació negativa amb la massa (r = – ,475; p = ,014) i el diàmetre bileocrestal (r = – ,404; p = ,040), i el SBT una correlació negativa amb la massa (r = – ,610; p = ,001), el diàmetre bileocrestal (r = – ,546; p = ,004), el diàmetre biacromial (r = – ,456; p = ,019) i l’índex acromioilíac (r = – ,413; p = ,036). Les dades de fiabilitat absoluta qüestionen la utilitat d’aquestes proves en programes d’entrenament on els participants tenen poc marge de millora. A més a més, si es fan comparacions entre subjectes és important tenir en compte les seves diferències antropomètriques, ja que durant l’execució dels tests el cos s’utilitza com a instrument de mesura