113 research outputs found

    Traitement de la transidentité dans "Laurence Anyways"

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    Notre travail s'articule autour du film Laurence Anyways (2012), de Xavier Dolan. Nous y explorons la représentation du personnage de femme transgenre. Dans un premier temps, nous procédons à une analyse filmique axée sur la transidentité, puis à une analyse de réception à deux volets : celle dans la presse, mais aussi celle des personnes trans. Enfin, nous précisons la démarche de recherche-création ayant mené à la réalisation d'un documentaire où figurent deux personnes trans qui témoignent de leurs rapports à la représentation des personnes trans dans les médias audiovisuels contemporains.Our work revolves around Xavier Dolan’s film Laurence Anyways (2012), in which we will explore the transgender woman representation. First, we will proceed to a film analysis that focuses on trans identity, and then to a double reception analysis: reception in the press, but also reception by trans people. Eventually, we will detail the research-creation process that led us to direct a documentary film featuring two trans people speaking about their views on trans representation in the audiovisual media today

    Experimental investigation of multi-material aluminum-to-steel and GFRP-to-steel bonded and bolted/bonded connections

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    Abstract : Through an experimental study, this paper describes the behavior of single-lap bonded, bolted and bolted/bonded connections for configurations with minimum geometric parameters proposed in design references. Two types of multi-material connections are considered: Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP)-to-steel and aluminum-to-steel. At first, the behavior of multi-material bonded connection using methacrylate and epoxy adhesives is evaluated. Then experimental results of bolted connections are presented. Finally, the contribution of adhesive in GFRP-to-steel and aluminum-to-steel bolted connections is investigated. Test results show that on single-lap simply bonded joints, failures mostly occur at the substrate to adhesive interface. Sanding the GFRP plate was found to improve the connection strength. Despite their lower elastic modulus, methacrylate adhesives with larger elongation provides better strength due to their high resistance in peeling. For bolted/bonded joints, the adhesive was found to improve the elastic behavior and the strength of GFRP-steel joints while its effect for aluminum-steel joints was not apparent due to reduce bonded surface and the high strength performance of the bolted plates

    Review of advanced modelling methods for lattice steel towers

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    Abstract : The analysis of transmission line steel lattice towers is usually performed with simplified linear numerical methods. However, the actual behaviour of bolted lattice towers is complex and may be affected by different factors such as rotational stiffness of connections, bolt slippage, eccentricities at the connection, initial deformations of the members, etc. For this reason, most utilities perform full-scale tests for the qualification of new design of steel lattice transmission towers. These tests are expensive and add delays in the planning of the construction of new transmission lines. Advanced numerical methods were developed over the years and they may effectively provide more insight into the force distribution scheme and loading condition of individual members found in the steel structure and hence, help to optimize the use of full-scale experimental tests. The objective of this paper is to review the main strategies that were identified in order to model accurately the behaviour of steel lattice towers. It reviews a number of documents that were published on this subject and presents recent advances made with research projects performed at Université de Sherbrooke. First, the choice of elements is reviewed and traditional methods using truss elements, beam elements, or a combination of truss and beam elements are discussed. The possibility to use shell and 3D elements is also evaluated. Second, the behaviour of bolted connection is studied and strategies for including the effect of slippage, rotational stiffness and eccentricities are discussed. Third, a review of research works using static and dynamic analyses is presented. Finally, a novel hybrid simulation method combining experimental tests with numerical modelling is explained. In summary, many options are available for improving modeling of the complex behaviour of steel lattice towers. One needs to select hypotheses carefully to make sure that the model is compatible with the problem studied and that its complexity is minimized. Future works needed include the simplification of model building methods, further development of hybrid testing techniques, and validation of modeling techniques with full-scale lattice tower tests

    Strengthening of the net section of steel elements under tensile loads with bonded CFRP strips

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    Abstract : The use of CFRP is increasingly common as a solution for the strengthening of structures, but the majority of research and applications have focused on the retrofit of concrete structures. The application of CFRP adhesively bonded to enhance the load carrying capacity of metallic elements has been widely studied in the aeronautical industry but is also a promising technique for the civil engineering area. This paper presents an experimental study to verify the effectiveness of the use of CFRP for the strengthening of the net section of steel elements under tensile loading. A series of tensile tests were conducted with different bond lengths, different number of layers and different surface preparation of steel elements in double lap joints and steel plates. The ultimate load, the failure mode and the effective bond length for CFRP strengthened specimens were determined. The results showed that using CFRP sheets for the strengthening against net area failure provides no gain on the ultimate state, provides a small gain at the elastic limit, and provides a larger gain if the designer accepts to increase the capacity from the elastic limit to the debondig limit

    Effect of geometric parameters on the behavior of bolted GFRP pultruded plates

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    Abstract : This paper presents the effect of geometric parameters on the behavior of bolted GFRP pultruded plates for civil engineering applications. After a literature review, results of an experimental analysis investigating the behavior of GFRP-to-steel single-lap bolted connections are presented. Then, a finite element analysis validated by experimental data is used to evaluate the effects of the end-distance, side-distance, gage, pitch and plate properties on the strength and failure mode of the connection. A critical examination of geometric recommendations proposed in design references is presented. Bearing failure caused by contact of the bolt on the GFRP plate is usually defined as the preferred failure mode. With highly orthotropic plate, this type of failure was found to be less likely to occur when loading is applied in the pultruded direction. The investigation showed that the minimum end-distance and pitch-distance recommended by design references usually produce a connection with the maximum capacity. However, it was found that the minimum side-distance recommended by these references does not necessarily lead to the maximum capacity for one-bolt and for two-bolt in a column connections

    Testing steel lattice towers with a hybrid (numerical/ experimental) method

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    Abstract : The analysis of transmission line steel lattice towers is usually performed with linear numerical methods. However, the actual behaviour of bolted lattice towers is complex and may be highly affected by different factors such as rotational stiffness of connections, bolt slipping, eccentricities in the connections, initial out-of-straightness, etc. For this reason, most power utilities perform full-scale tests for the qualification of novel steel lattice transmission tower designs. These tests are expensive and add delays in the planning of the construction of new transmission lines. Over the past years, advanced numerical methods were developed and they may effectively provide more insight into the force distribution found in lattice structures. However, the actual capacity and failure modes remain difficult to identify numerically and experimental tests are often required. On the other hand, over the last decades, the civil engineering field has seen the development of a completely new testing technique called hybrid testing that combines both experimental and numerical methods. This testing technique involves the experimental testing of a substructure and the interaction during the test with a numerical model of the remainder of the structure. This technique was mostly used for the dynamic analyses of buildings and bridges under the action of seismic loads. To adapt hybrid techniques to lattice towers, a methodology needs to be put in place to identify the substructure of interests to be tested experimentally. The work presented here aims at developing a hybrid testing technique for the evaluation of the failure modes and structural capacity of lattice towers. The long term objective of this research program is to provide a new testing technique that would be an advantageous alternative to advanced numerical methods and reduce the need for full-scale tests. This paper presents hybrid tests that were performed on reduced-scale lattice tower sections. Firstly, an existing 32 m lattice tower was adapted to be able to build a reduced 1:4 scale model. Secondly, a numerical model was developed to identify load cases and substructures that could allow to obtain similar capacities and failure modes to those obtained for the complete structure model. Then, experimental tests on complete 1:4 reduced scale towers were performed to serve as references. Finally, hybrid tests were performed on a 1:4 reduced scale substructure corresponding to a critical section of the tower. The hybrid tests yielded results that were in agreement with the complete tower experimental tests. The test results were also coherent with the numerical model’s results

    Effect of geometrical parameters of aluminum-to-steel bolted connections

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    Abstract : Through experimental and numerical studies, this research work aims to provide directions on the optimal geometric configuration for single-lap and double-lap bolted connection between aluminum alloy 6061-T6 and steel. From experimental test results, the effects of different geometric parameters on the joint strength were discussed. These parameters include the end-distance, the side-distance, the pitch-distance, the plate thickness and the joint eccentricity. Then, the experimental results were compared to predicted results using design references and geometric recommendations proposed by design references were critically examined. The experimental study was complemented by finite element (FE) analysis to extend the study to a larger range of parameters. In addition to the analysis of the geometric parameters listed above, the effects of the gage-distance on the joint strength were studied in the FE analysis. The experimental and finite element results show that a careful selection of geometric parameters can result in the high improvement of the connection strength and failure mode. Limiting the side-distance to the minimum recommended value was found to limit the strength of a connection with two bolts in a column to that of the one-bolt connection. In most cases, bearing was found to govern the strength of the connections. The calculated bearing strengths were found to underestimate significantly the connection strength. Based on these analyses, maximum geometric parameters beyond which there is no further increase of the joint capacity were evaluated and optimum geometric parameters were proposed

    Experimental tests of slender reinforced concrete columns under combined axial load and lateral force

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    The use of high strength concrete (HSC) in columns has become more frequent since a substantial reduction of the cross-section is obtained, meaning that slenderness increases for the same axial load and length, producing higher second order effects. However, the experimental tests in the literature of reinforced concrete columns subjected to axial load and lateral force focus on shear span ratios, according to Eurocode 2 (2004), clause 5.6.3., (M/(V·h)) lower than 6.5. This gap in the literature limits technological development for the construction of these structural elements. This paper presents 44 experimental tests on reinforced concrete columns subjected to constant axial load and monotonic lateral force. The aim of this is to gain greater knowledge of the types of elements which will also be of use in calibrating the numerical models and validating the simplified methods. The test parameters are strength of concrete (normal- and high-strength concrete), shear span ratio, axial load level and longitudinal and transversal reinforcement ratios. The strength and deformation of the columns were studied, and an analysis of the simplified methods from Eurocode 2 (2004) and ACI-318 (2008) concluded that both are very conservative. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.The authors wish to express their sincere gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the help provided through project BIA2009-10207 and to the European Union for the financial support from Feder funds.Barrera Puerto, A.; Bonet Senach, JL.; Romero, ML.; Miguel Sosa, P. (2011). Experimental tests of slender reinforced concrete columns under combined axial load and lateral force. Engineering Structures. 33(12):3676-3689. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2011.08.003S36763689331

    Harmonized definition of occupational burnout : A systematic review, semantic analysis, and Delphi consensus in 29 countries

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    Funding Information: This study was supported by the University of Lausanne and European Cooperation in Science and Technology, Action CA 16216 "Network on the Coordination and Harmonisation of European Occupational Cohorts” (OMEGA-NET). Publisher Copyright: © 2021, Nordic Association of Occupational Safety and Health. All rights reserved.Objective A consensual definition of occupational burnout is currently lacking. We aimed to harmonize the definition of occupational burnout as a health outcome in medical research and reach a consensus on this definition within the Network on the Coordination and Harmonisation of European Occupational Cohorts (OMEGA-NET). Methods First, we performed a systematic review in MEDLINE, PsycINFO and Embase (January 1990 to August 2018) and a semantic analysis of the available definitions. We used the definitions of burnout and burnout-related concepts from the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT) to formulate a consistent harmonized definition of the concept. Second, we sought to obtain the Delphi consensus on the proposed definition. Results We identified 88 unique definitions of burnout and assigned each of them to 1 of the 11 original definitions. The semantic analysis yielded a first proposal, further reformulated according to SNOMED-CT and the panelists` comments as follows: "In a worker, occupational burnout or occupational physical AND emotional exhaustion state is an exhaustion due to prolonged exposure to work-related problems". A panel of 50 experts (researchers and healthcare professionals with an interest for occupational burnout) reached consensus on this proposal at the second round of the Delphi, with 82% of experts agreeing on it. Conclusion This study resulted in a harmonized definition of occupational burnout approved by experts from 29 countries within OMEGA-NET. Future research should address the reproducibility of the Delphi consensus in a larger panel of experts, representing more countries, and examine the practicability of the definition.Peer reviewe