36 research outputs found


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    Padi (Oryza sativa L) merupakan bahan pangan utama bagi hampir seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Terdapat tiga varietas padi di Indonesia yakni hibrida, unggul dan lokal. Varietas padi unggul merupakan padi hasil persilangan terbaik yang sudah didistribusikan secara langsung oleh pemerintah. Tingginya tingkat konsumsi padi berbanding terbalik dengan hasil produksi padi dari para petani di Indonesia. Kurangnya produksi padi mendorong diperlukannya peningkatan penanaman padi. Semakin tinggi penanaman maka dibutuhkan lahan baru untuk dijadikan media tanam. Selama ini proses survey dilakukan secara manual dengan datang langsung lokasi. Hal ini menjadi kurang efektif karena memakan waktu dan biaya. Dalam remote sensing atau pengindraan jarak jauh dapat diketahui kondisi suatu wilayah tanpa peninjauan langsung ke lokasi. Kondisi suatu wilayah tersebut dapat ditentukan melalui pengolahan terhadap fitur-fitur citra satelit. Fitur-fitur yang dapat digunakan meliputi NDVI, NDSI, NDWI dan BI namun belum diketahui kombinasi terbaik dari keempat fitur tersebut yang dapat menghasilkan akurasi tertinggi. Sehingga perlu dilakukan suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui kombinasi terbaik terhadap fitur citra Remote Sensing menggunakan metode Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) dengan inputan keempat fitur. Sedangkan lapisan keluaran merupakan 3 varietas padi unggul yakni INPARA, INPARI dan INPAGO. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 150 data citra satelit Landsat-8 dengan jumlah seimbang untuk ketiga varietas padi, dimana 135 data digunakan sebagai data latih dan 15 data untuk data uji. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan K-Fold Cross Validation dengan nilai k = 10. Aplikasi ini menghasilkan arsitektur LVQ terbaik dengan alfa = 0.01, epsilon 0.001 dan maksimum epoch sebanyak 3000 epoch untuk kombinasi standar deviasi NDWI (sdNDWI) dan standar deviasi BI (sdBI) dengan akurasi sebesar 56%


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    Altruism is a helping act carried out without coercion and without expecting compensation from the person being helped. This study aims to determine differences in altruistic behavior in terms of personality types and gender in high school adolescents. The hypothesis proposed in this study is that there are differences in altruistic behavior in terms of personality types and gender in high school adolescents. The subjects of this study were 71 students of SMA Negeri 6 Metro. This study uses two data collection methods, first, the psychological scale (altruism behavior scale) of 35 items (α = 0, 937). Second, using 60 personality test instruments (MBTI) with the number stated in the respondent's gender identity. Based on the results of the analysis that has been done, it can be taken the results of the analysis of FA = 13,433 with p = 0,000 (p <0.01) which means there are differences in altruistic behavior in terms of personality types. FB = 13, 433 with p = 0,000 (p <0.01) which means that there are differences in altruistic behavior in terms of gender. FAB = 0.024 with a value of p = 0.879 (p> 0.05) which means there is no interaction between personality type and gender on altruistic behavior.Keywords: Altruistic behavior, gender, personality typeAltruism is a helping act carried out without coercion and without expecting compensation from the person being helped. This study aims to determine differences in altruistic behavior in terms of personality types and gender in high school adolescents. The hypothesis proposed in this study is that there are differences in altruistic behavior in terms of personality types and gender in high school adolescents. The subjects of this study were 71 students of SMA Negeri 6 Metro. This study uses two data collection methods, first, the psychological scale (altruism behavior scale) of 35 items (α = 0, 937). Second, using 60 personality test instruments (MBTI) with the number stated in the respondent's gender identity. Based on the results of the analysis that has been done, it can be taken the results of the analysis of FA = 13,433 with p = 0,000 (p <0.01) which means there are differences in altruistic behavior in terms of personality types. FB = 13, 433 with p = 0,000 (p <0.01) which means that there are differences in altruistic behavior in terms of gender. FAB = 0.024 with a value of p = 0.879 (p> 0.05) which means there is no interaction between personality type and gender on altruistic behavior.Keywords: Altruistic behavior, gender, personality typ

    Apoyo social y tendencia a la procrastinación académica en estudiantes de tesis, contexto COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic had several negative impacts, including delaying the thesis completion, which has increased compared to before the pandemic. This study aims to determine the relationship between social support and academic procrastination in students working on their thesis during the pandemic. There were 161 participants, and the purposive sampling technique was used. Furthermore, this study used a quantitative design with a correlational method. The hypothesis proposed a significant negative relationship between these students' social support and academic procrastination. Furthermore, the Tuckman Procrastination Scale and the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List were employed. Also, the data analysis was conducted using Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 24 for Windows. Before testing the hypothesis, several statistical tests were carried out, such as the assumption test, which included the normality and linearity test. The results showed a significant negative relationship between social support and academic procrastination in the students, and the correlation coefficient value obtained wasr = -0.380 and p = 0.000 (p <0.05). This indicates that the higher the level of social support obtained by students, the lower the academic procrastination behavior carried out, and vice versa. Therefore, the hypothesis in this study is accepted. Keywords: Social Support; Academic Procrastination; Final Year Students working on thesis.La COVID-19 tuvo varios impactos negativos, entre ellos el retraso en la finalización de la tesis, que aumentó en comparación con antes de la pandemia. Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre el apoyo social y la procrastinación académica en estudiantes que realizan su tesis durante la pandemia. Hubo 161 participantes y se utilizó la técnica de muestreo intencional. Se estudio utilizó un diseño cuantitativo con un método correlacional. La hipótesis proponía una relación negativa significativa entre el apoyo social de estos estudiantes y la procrastinación académica. Además, se emplearon la Escala de Procrastinación de Tuckman y la Lista de Evaluación de Apoyo Interpersonal. El análisis de datos se realizó utilizando Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) versión 24 para Windows. Antes de probar la hipótesis, se realizaron varias pruebas estadísticas, como la prueba de suposición, que incluyó la prueba de normalidad y linealidad. Los resultados mostraron una relación negativa significativa entre el apoyo social y la procrastinación académica en los estudiantes, y el valor del coeficiente de correlación obtenido fue r = -0,380 y p = 0,000 (p <0,05). Esto indica que a mayor nivel de apoyo social obtenido por los estudiantes, menor conducta de procrastinación académica realizada, y viceversa. Por lo tanto, se acepta la hipótesis de este estudio. Palabras clave: Apoyo social; Procrastinación académica; estudiantes trabajando en tesis

    Temperament detection based on Twitter data: classical machine learning versus deep learning

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    Deep learning has shown promising results in various text-based classification tasks. However, deep learning performance is affected by the number of data, i.e., when the number of data is small, deep learning algorithms do not perform well, and vice versa. Classical machine learning algorithms commonly work well for a few data, and their performance reaches an optimal value and does not increase with the increase in sample data. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the performance of classical machine learning and deep learning methods to detect temperament based on Indonesian Twitter. In this study, the proposed Indonesian Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count were employed to analyze the context of Twitter. The classical machine learning methods implemented were support vector machine and K-nearest neighbor, whereas the deep learning method employed was a convolutional neural network (CNN) with three different architectures. Both learning methods were implemented using multiclass classification and one versus all (OVA) multiclass classification. The highest average f-measure was 58.73%, obtained by CNN OVA with a pool size of 3, a dropout value of 0.7, and a learning rate value of 0.0007

    Suitability analysis of rice varieties using learning vector quantization and remote sensing images

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    Rice (Oryza Sativa) is the main food for Indonesian people, thus maintaining the stability of rice production in Indonesia becomes an important issue for further study. A strategy to overcome the issue is to apply precision agriculture (PA) using remote sensing images as a reference due to its effectiveness. The initial stage of PA is suitability analysis of rice varieties, including INPARA, INPARI, and INPAGO. While the representative features that can be extracted from remote sensing images and related to agriculture field are NDVI, NDWI, NDSI, and BI. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify the best model for analyzing the most suitable superior rice varieties using Learning Vector Quantization. The results show that the best LVQ model is obtained at learning rate value of 0.001, epsilon value of 0.1, and the features combination of NDWI and BI values (in standard deviation). The architecture generates accuracy value of 56%

    Perbaikan Sifat Tepung Ubi Kayu Melalui Proses Fermentasi Sawut Ubi Kayu dengan Starter Bakteri Asam Laktat

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    Produksi ubi kayu di Indonesia mencapai total produksi sebesar 28.000.000 ton/tahun. Ubi kayu ini sangat besar potensinya untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai tepung ubi kayu termodifikasi. Salah satu metode untuk memodifikasi ubi kayu yaitu dengan proses fermentasi ubikayu menggunakan starter bakteri asam laktat Lactobacillus casei. Pada proses fermentasi sawut ubi kayu, mikroba yang tumbuh menghasilkan enzim yang dapat menghancurkan sel ubi kayu dan mendegradasi polimer pati menjadi lebih pendek. Proses degradasi granula pati ini menyebabkan perubahan sifat fisikokimia terutama daya kembang dari tepung ubi kayu yang dihasilkan. Variabel yang mempengaruhi proses fermentasi yaitu konsentrasi starter bakteri asam laktat dan waktu fermentasi sawut ubi kayu. Sifat fisikokimia tepung ubi kayu dengan perlakuan fermentasi dapat mencapai hasil yang lebih baik. Penelitian fermentasi yang telah dilakukan, menyatakan bahwa fermentasi 48 jam dan konsentrasi 6 % v/v menunjukan nilai swelling power, tingkat pengembangan papatan, dan viskositas  yang sangat baik. Nilai baking expansion dan hardness juga menunjukkan nilai yang cukup baik. Artikel ini mengulas kesimpulan penelitian yang pernah dilakukan penulis dan peneliti lainnya untuk didapat komparasi hasil-hasil penelitian


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      In facing competition with other business units, a company must maintain its business stability. Individuals who have an interest in an organization trust that this security will keep going quite a while so the organization can keep on running its tasks and can give development to keep up with its business. It is possible for a business to find itself in financial trouble if it is unable to compete with its rivals. This study plans to decide the impact of monetary execution which incorporates the proportion of liquidity, influence, action, and income to monetary misery with administrative proprietorship as a directing variable. Secondary data from the 2017-2021 annual financial reports of companies in the energy sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange were used. MRA and logistic regression are the models that were used in this study. The findings demonstrated that the ratio of liquidity to cash flow can have a significant impact on financial distress, whereas the ratio of leverage to activity cannot have a significant impact on financial distress. Meanwhile, managerial ownership is able to significantly moderate the relationship between the liquidity ratio and financial distress, but not the relationship between the leverage ratio and activity to financial distress. Keywords: Activity; Cash flow; financial distress; leverage, liquidity, managerial ownershipSebuah bisnis harus menjaga stabilitasnya ketika bersaing dengan unit bisnis lainnya. Orang-orang yang tertarik dengan suatu bisnis berharap stabilitas ini akan bertahan lama sehingga bisnis bisa terus menjalankan operasinya serta menawarkan ide-ide baru guna mempertahankan bisnisnya. Financial distress mungkin terjadi pada bisnis yang tidak mampu bersaing dengan saingannya serta tidak bisa bertahan. Penelitian ini berencana guna menentukan dampak eksekusi moneter yang memasukkan proporsi likuiditas, pengaruh, pergerakan, serta pendapatan atas masalah moneter dengan kepemilikan administratif selaku variabel pengarah. Informasi yang dipakai yakni informasi tambahan yang diperoleh dari laporan keuangan tahunan asosiasi bidang energi yang tercatat di BEI periode 2017-2021. Model yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini yakni relaps terhitung serta MRA. Hasilnya menegaskan kalau proporsi likuiditas serta pendapatan secara bersama-sama bisa berdampak atas penderitaan moneter, serta proporsi pengaruh serta tindakan tidak bisa berdampak atas kesengsaraan moneter secara mendasar. Sedangkan kepemilikan manajerial mampu memoderasi hubungan antara rasio likuiditas serta financial distress secara signifikan, namun tidak memoderasi hubungan rasio leverage serta aktivitas atas financial distress. Kata Kunci: Aktivitas; Arus kas; financial distress; leverage, likuiditas, kepemilikan manajerial


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      In facing competition with other business units, a company must maintain its business stability. Individuals who have an interest in an organization trust that this security will keep going quite a while so the organization can keep on running its tasks and can give development to keep up with its business. It is possible for a business to find itself in financial trouble if it is unable to compete with its rivals. This study plans to decide the impact of monetary execution which incorporates the proportion of liquidity, influence, action, and income to monetary misery with administrative proprietorship as a directing variable. Secondary data from the 2017-2021 annual financial reports of companies in the energy sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange were used. MRA and logistic regression are the models that were used in this study. The findings demonstrated that the ratio of liquidity to cash flow can have a significant impact on financial distress, whereas the ratio of leverage to activity cannot have a significant impact on financial distress. Meanwhile, managerial ownership is able to significantly moderate the relationship between the liquidity ratio and financial distress, but not the relationship between the leverage ratio and activity to financial distress. Keywords: Activity; Cash flow; financial distress; leverage, liquidity, managerial ownershipSebuah bisnis harus menjaga stabilitasnya ketika bersaing dengan unit bisnis lainnya. Orang-orang yang tertarik dengan suatu bisnis berharap stabilitas ini akan bertahan lama sehingga bisnis bisa terus menjalankan operasinya serta menawarkan ide-ide baru guna mempertahankan bisnisnya. Financial distress mungkin terjadi pada bisnis yang tidak mampu bersaing dengan saingannya serta tidak bisa bertahan. Penelitian ini berencana guna menentukan dampak eksekusi moneter yang memasukkan proporsi likuiditas, pengaruh, pergerakan, serta pendapatan atas masalah moneter dengan kepemilikan administratif selaku variabel pengarah. Informasi yang dipakai yakni informasi tambahan yang diperoleh dari laporan keuangan tahunan asosiasi bidang energi yang tercatat di BEI periode 2017-2021. Model yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini yakni relaps terhitung serta MRA. Hasilnya menegaskan kalau proporsi likuiditas serta pendapatan secara bersama-sama bisa berdampak atas penderitaan moneter, serta proporsi pengaruh serta tindakan tidak bisa berdampak atas kesengsaraan moneter secara mendasar. Sedangkan kepemilikan manajerial mampu memoderasi hubungan antara rasio likuiditas serta financial distress secara signifikan, namun tidak memoderasi hubungan rasio leverage serta aktivitas atas financial distress. Kata Kunci: Aktivitas; Arus kas; financial distress; leverage, likuiditas, kepemilikan manajerial

    Pengaruh Waktu Penyimpanan terhadap Karakteristik Makanan Tradisional “Jenang Saban”

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    AbstactEFFECT OF STORAGE PERIOD TO CHARACTERISTICS  OF FOOD TRADITIONAL “JENANG SABAN”. Jenang is one of the Indonesian traditional snack food that created by Javenese people. Generally Jenang is made from rice flour and sweet rice flour as a main raw material. However Jenang no-packaging that produced by Small and Medium Enterprise (SMe) in Rongkop subdistrict, Gunungkidul Regency  have a short period of shelf life about 3 – 4 days where saved at room temperature. In this research, sugar addition more than 40% from original recipe and plastic packaging of 5x8 cm (pxl) with 40 micron thickness be able to improve shelf life of Jenang to 14 days. In 14 days storage period, changes of chemical characteristic i.e protein, water and fat were not significantly different (P > 0.05) whereas carbohydrate and ash were significantly different (P < 0.05) due to complex interaction between components within Jenang. In addition hardness texture properties of jenang where saved in 14 days of storage period was changed (P < 0.05). Radiance and air at storage room, and transparency of plastic packaging were some factors that effects colors changes (L* a* b*) of Jenang in 14 days of storage period.Keywords :  Jenang, traditional food, Gunungkidul, chemical, texture AbstrakJenang adalah makanan tradisional hasil kreatifitas masyarakat Jawa Indonesia yang umumnya terbuat dari tepung ketan dan tepung beras. Salah satu kendala umum dari kelompok usaha  makanan tradisional jenang di kecamatan Rongkop Kabupaten Gunungkidul adalah daya simpan produk yang pendek, yaitu sekitar 3 – 4  hari pada suhu ruang dengan pengemas plastik transparan terbuka. Penambahan gula sebanyak 40% dari resep asli dengan pengemas plastic tertutup  ukuran 5 x 8 cm dan tebal 40 micron  mampu meningkatkan umur simpan jenang sampai 14 hari. Pada masa penyimpanan selama 14 hari di suhu ruang, karakteristik kimia jenang yang meliputi perubahan  kadar protein, air dan lemak tidak mengalami perbedaan yang signifikan (P > 0.05). Sebaliknya, perubahan kadar karbohidrat dan abu mengalami perbedaan yang signifikan (P < 0.05) selama penyimpanan yang diakibatkan interaksi yang kompleks antar komponen dalam produk jenang. Pada karakteristik fisik, jenang mengalami perubahan tekstur (P < 0.05) yang lebih keras. Sinar pada ruang penyimpanan, udara dan transparasi kemasan plastik pembungkus produk merupakan beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan warna (L* a* b*) Jenang pada masa penyimpanan selama 14 hari. Kata Kunci: Jenang; Makanan tradisional; Gunungkidul;  karakteristik  kimia;  tekstu