166 research outputs found

    Moisture control design has to respond to all relevant hygrothermal loads

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    Moisture related damage is still a formidable cost factor in the building sector. Besides installation deficiencies, moisture control design failures are the most frequent reasons for moisture problems. Therefore, adequate moisture control analysis has become the key for sustainable buildings. However, by focusing on vapour diffusion only other important moisture loads such as driving rain, construction moisture or air infiltration are mostly neglected. Therefore, international moisture control standards often refer to simulation models for more realistic analysis, leaving many practitioners wondering how to handle these tools. To overcome this dilemma, the updated German moisture control standard has introduced a three-pathway approach for design evaluation: 1st deemed to satisfy list, 2nd restricted Glaser calculation and 3rd fully fledged hygrothermal simulation. The third pathway includes the option to account for small leaks or imperfections in building envelope components. Guidelines in other countries are also embracing similar moisture control approaches which gives hope for more durable and sustainable building design. To reach this aim, moisture control should also become an integral part of the design process instead of a secondary chore

    Laboratory measurement and boundary conditions for the water vapour resistivity properties of typical Australian impermeable and smart pliable membranes

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    The duo of better insulated and more air-tight envelopes without appropriate considerationof water vapour diffusion and envelope moisture management has often demonstrated an increased potential of moisture accumulation, interstitial condensation, and mould growth within the building envelope. To inform a resilient, energy efficient, and healthy building design, long-term transient hygrothermal modelling are required. Since 2008, concern has been raised to the Australian building regulators regarding the need to establish the vapour diffusion properties of construction materials, in order to develop a hygrothermal regulatory framework. This paper discusses the results from laboratory testing of the vapour diffusion properties of two common reflective pliable membranes, and one smart pliable membrane. The two reflective pliable membranes are often used within the exterior walls of Australian buildings. The smart pliable membrane is a relatively new, internationally available product. The three membranes were tested as per ISO 12,572 at 23 â—¦C and 50% RH. To establish if the vapour resistivity properties were constant, under different relative humidity conditions, the membranes were further tested at 23 â—¦C and relative humidity values of 35%, 65%, and 80%. The results of the three pliable membranes show that the vapour resistivity properties varied in a non-linear (dynamic) manner subject to relative humidity. In conclusion, this research demonstrates that regardless of the class, each of the tested membrane types behaved differentlyunder varying relative humidity and pressure gradients within the testing laboratory

    A comparison of the Nordtest and Japanese test methods for the moisture buffering performance of building materials

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    Two test methods, one worked out in a Nordtest project and the other available as a Japanese Industrial Standard, both developed to characterize building materials with respect to moisture buffering performance, are analyzed in detail by a numerical study on four different materials. Both test methods are based on a similar kind of dynamic loading, but the specifications of each test protocol vary. Therefore, the sensitivity of the test protocols is investigated by varying different protocol parameters. Subsequently, the practical applicability of the obtained values is investigated by confronting the values obtained for the four materials with the dynamic response of a small room with each of the materials used in turns as finishing material. Finally, the results determined according to the dynamic test protocol are compared with values calculated from steady-state material data.status: publishe

    Unintentional high density p-type modulation doping of a GaAs/AlAs core-multi-shell nanowire

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    Achieving significant doping in GaAs/AlAs core/shell nanowires (NWs) is of considerable technological importance but remains a challenge due to the amphoteric behavior of the dopant atoms. Here we show that placing a narrow GaAs quantum well in the AlAs shell effectively getters residual carbon acceptors leading to an \emph{unintentional} p-type doping. Magneto-optical studies of such a GaAs/AlAs core multi-shell NW reveal quantum confined emission. Theoretical calculations of NW electronic structure confirm quantum confinement of carriers at the core/shell interface due to the presence of ionized carbon acceptors in the 1~nm GaAs layer in the shell. Micro-photoluminescence in high magnetic field shows a clear signature of avoided crossings of the n=0n=0 Landau level emission line with the n=2n=2 Landau level TO phonon replica. The coupling is caused by the resonant hole-phonon interaction, which points to a large 2D hole density in the structure.Comment: just published in Nano Letters (http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/nl500818k

    FISH in analysis of gamma ray-induced micronuclei formation in barley

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    A micronucleus test in combination with fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using telomere-, centromere-specific probes and 5S and 25S rDNA was used for a detailed analysis of the effects of gamma ray irradiation on the root tip meristem cells of barley, Hordeum vulgare (2n = 14). FISH with four DNA probes was used to examine the involvement of specific chromosomes or chromosome fragments in gamma ray-induced micronuclei formation and then to explain their origin. Additionally, a comparison of the possible origin of the micronuclei induced by physical and chemical treatment: maleic hydrazide (MH) and N-nitroso-N-methylurea (MNU) was done. The micronuclei induced by gamma ray could originate from acentric fragments after chromosome breakage or from whole lagging chromosomes as a result of a dysfunction of the mitotic apparatus. No micronuclei containing only centromeric signals were found. An application of rDNA as probes allowed it to be stated that 5S rDNA–bearing chromosomes are involved in micronuclei formation more often than NOR chromosomes. This work allowed the origin of physically- and chemically-induced micronuclei in barley cells to be compared: the origin of micronuclei was most often from terminal fragments. FISH confirmed its usefulness in the characterization of micronuclei content, as well as in understanding and comparing the mechanisms of the actions of mutagens applied in plant genotoxicity

    Generating transgenic reporter lines for studying nervous system development in the cnidarian nematostella vectensis

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    Neurons often display complex morphologies with long and fine processes that can be difficult to visualize, in particular in living animals. Transgenic reporter lines in which fluorescent proteins are expressed in defined populations of neurons are important tools that can overcome these difficulties. By using membrane-attached fluorescent proteins, such reporter transgenes can identify the complete outline of subsets of neurons or they can highlight the subcellular localization of fusion proteins, for example at pre- or postsynaptic sites. The relative stability of fluorescent proteins furthermore allows the tracing of the progeny of cells over time and can therefore provide information about potential roles of the gene whose regulatory elements are controlling the expression of the fluorescent protein. Here we describe the generation of transgenic reporter lines in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis, a cnidarian model organism for studying the evolution of developmental processes. We also provide an overview of existing transgenic Nematostella lines that have been used to study conserved and derived aspects of nervous system development.acceptedVersio
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