53 research outputs found

    Leitsätze zur zoologischen Filmdokumentation

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    Je mehr die Kinematographie in bestimmten Gebieten der Zoologie zum ständig gebrauchten Handwerkzeug des forschenden Wissenschaftlers wird, um so mehr ist es nötig, daß dieser über die grundsätzlichen Fragen unterrichtet ist, die mit dem wissenschaftlichen Gebrauch dieser keineswegs einfachen Technik zusammenhängen. Die Arbeit mit dem Film ist ja nicht nur ein schwieriges, sondern unter Umständen auch kostspieliges Forschungsverfahren, und es bedarf der gleichzeitigen Berücksichtigung einer Anzahl von Regeln, um mit erträglichem Aufwand für die wissenschaftliche Verwendung wirklich befriedigende Ergebnisse zu erzielen. In Analogie zu den früher in diesen Heften gegebenen Leitsätzen zur völkerkundlichen und volkskundlichen Filmdokumentation) sollen im folgenden die Richtlinien zusammengefaßt werden, die sich im Laufe jahrelanger Erfahrungen des Instituts für den Wissenschaftlichen Film und seiner Vorgänger herausgebildet haben und die als Empfehlungen des Instituts für die Filmarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Zoologie angesehen werden können

    Cowpox Virus Outbreak in Banded Mongooses (Mungos mungo) and Jaguarundis (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) with a Time-Delayed Infection to Humans

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    BACKGROUND:Often described as an extremely rare zoonosis, cowpox virus (CPXV) infections are on the increase in Germany. CPXV is rodent-borne with a broad host range and contains the largest and most complete genome of all poxviruses, including parts with high homology to variola virus (smallpox). So far, most CPXV cases have occurred individually in unvaccinated animals and humans and were caused by genetically distinguishable virus strains. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Generalized CPXV infections in banded mongooses (Mungos mungo) and jaguarundis (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) at a Zoological Garden were observed with a prevalence of the affected animal group of 100% and a mortality of 30%. A subsequent serological investigation of other exotic animal species provided evidence of subclinical cases before the onset of the outbreak. Moreover, a time-delayed human cowpox virus infection caused by the identical virus strain occurred in a different geographical area indicating that handling/feeding food rats might be the common source of infection. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Reports on the increased zoonotic transmission of orthopoxviruses have renewed interest in understanding interactions between these viruses and their hosts. The list of animals known to be susceptible to CPXV is still growing. Thus, the likely existence of unknown CPXV hosts and their distribution may present a risk for other exotic animals but also for the general public, as was shown in this outbreak. Animal breeders and suppliers of food rats represent potential multipliers and distributors of CPXV, in the context of increasingly pan-European trading. Taking the cessation of vaccination against smallpox into account, this situation contributes to the increased incidence of CPXV infections in man, particularly in younger age groups, with more complicated courses of clinical infections

    A systematic review of the intrapersonal correlates of motivational climate perceptions in sport and physical activity

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    �nderung der Reaktionsnorm durch Training beim gro�hirnlosen Frosch

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    Validation of the Children’s Eating Behaviour Questionnaire in Poland

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    Introduction: Obesity is increasingly diagnosed in pre-school and early primary school children. Eating styles displayed by the youngest children may contribute to the development of overweight and obesity. Their assessment may be extremely important in diagnosing the causes of obesity, but also in planning treatment. Aim of the study: In view of the need to introduce a tool for assessing eating behaviours in children in Poland, the aim of the study was to develop the Polish adaptation of the Children’s Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (CEBQ). Material and methods: The study group consisted of 151 mothers of children aged 3–10 years (M = 6.77, SD = 2.34), who completed the Polish version of the CEBQ. In order to assess the validity of the questionnaire, a factor analysis was conducted, using the principal components method with the Oblimin rotation and Kaiser normalization. To assess the reliability of the questionnaire, its internal consistency was checked by calculating Cronbach’s alpha consistency coefficient. The external validity of the CEBQ was also checked by correlating its scales with those of the Temperament Questionnaire (EAS-C). Results: The principal components analysis extracted an eight-factor scale from the 35 items of the questionnaire in which a total of 60.57% of the common variance was explained. The validity of such an eight-factor solution was confirmed by the Kaiser method. Satisfactorily high values of Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficient were obtained (0.78). Positive correlations were found between emotionality and emotional undereating and overeating, between shyness and fussiness and negative correlations between activity and slowness in eating, sociability and fussiness and slowness in eating and between shyness and enjoyment of food. Conclusions: The Polish version of the CEBQ is characterized by the acceptable validity and reliability and has a satisfactory criterion accuracy; therefore, it can be used as a psychometric tool to assess eating behaviours in Polish children
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