61 research outputs found

    The efficacy and safety of oral mucopolysaccharide, type I collagen and vitamin C treatment in tendinopathy patients

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    Introduction and objectives Tendinopathy, which is accompanied by structural changes to the tendon, is a common sporting injury. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a nutritional supplement containing mucopolysaccharides, type I collagen and vitamin C (TendoactiveTM) on the clinical and structural evolution of tendinopathies of the Achilles tendon, patellar tendon and lateral epicondyle tendon in the elbow. Materials and methods A multicenter, open-label, non-comparative, prospective, exploratory phase iv study was performed. A total of 98 tendinopathy patients (32 Achilles, 32 patellar and 34 lateral epicondylar), who received a daily dose of 435 mg mucopolysaccharides, 75 mg type i collagen and 60 mg vitamin C (equivalent to three capsules of TendoactiveTM per day) for 90 consecutive days, were included. Every month, pain at rest and when active was assessed using a visual analogue scale (VAS), joint function was assessed using the VISA-A, VISA-P and PRTEE questionnaires, and the tendon affected was characterized by ultrasound. Results A significant reduction in pain both at rest and when active was observed between the first control visit (day 30) and the end of the study (day 90) for all three types of tendinopathy. Thus, a 38% improvement in VISA-A, 46% in VISA-P and 77% in PRTEE was observed on day 90 (P < .001). Similarly, a 12% decrease in the thickness of the Achilles tendon, a 10% decrease in the patellar tendon and a 20% decrease in the lateral epicondyle tendon was observed (P < .05). Conclusions The results of this study show that the administration of TendoactiveTM is safe and effective for improving the clinical symptoms and structural evolution of tendinopathies of the Achilles, patella and lateral epicondyle tendons

    Eficàcia i seguretat d’un tractament oral a base de mucopolisacàrids, col·lagen tipus I i vitamina C en pacients amb tendinopaties

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    Introducció i objectius La tendinopatia és una lesió freqüent durant la pràctica esportiva que es manifesta amb una alteració estructural del tendó. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi fou avaluar l’eficàcia i la seguretat d’un complement alimentari a base de mucopolisacàrids, col·lagen tipus i i vitamina C (Tendoactive®) sobre l’evolució clínica i estructural de les tendinopaties del tendó d’Aquil·les, del rotular i de l’epicòndil lateral del colze. Material i mètodes Es realitzà un estudi multicèntric prospectiu, de tipus exploratori en fase iv, obert i no comparatiu. S’inclogueren un total de 98 pacients amb tendinopaties (32 d’Aquil·les, 32 de rotular i 34 de l’epicòndil lateral) que reberen una dosi diària de 435 mg de mucopolisacàrids, 75 mg de col·lagen tipus i i 60 mg de vitamina C (equivalent a 3 càpsules al dia de Tendoactive®) durant 90 dies consecutius. Mensualment s’avaluà el dolor en repòs i en activitat mitjançant una escala visual analògica (EVA), la funció articular mitjançant els qüestionaris VISA-A, VISA-P i PRTEE, i el tendó afectat es caracteritzà ecogràficament. Resultats En els 3 tipus de tendinopatia es registrà una reducció significativa del dolor, tant en repòs com en activitat, des de la primera visita de control (dia 30) fins al final de l’estudi (dia 90). Així mateix, el dia 90 es detectà una millora del 38% en VISA-A, del 46% en VISA-P i del 77% en PRTEE (p < 0,001). Simultàniament es registrà una reducció del 12% en el gruix del tendó d’Aquil·les, del 10% en el rotular i del 20% en el tendó de l’epicòndil lateral (p < 0,05). Conclusions Els resultats de l’estudi indiquen que l’administració de Tendoactive® és segura i eficaç per millorar els símptomes clínics i l’evolució estructural de les tendinopaties del tendó d’Aquil·les, del tendó rotular i del tendó de l’epicòndil lateral

    Eficacia y seguridad de un tratamiento oral a base de mucopolisacáridos, colágeno tipo i y vitamina C en pacientes con tendinopatías

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    Introducción y objetivos La tendinopatía es una lesión frecuente durante la práctica deportiva que cursa con una alteración estructural del tendón. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la eficacia y la seguridad de un complemento alimentario a base de mucopolisacáridos, colágeno tipo i y vitamina C (Tendoactive®) sobre la evolución clínica y estructural de las tendinopatías del tendón de Aquiles, rotuliano y del epicóndilo lateral del codo. Material y métodos Se realizó un estudio multicéntrico prospectivo, de tipo exploratorio en fase iv , abierto y no comparativo. Se incluyeron un total de 98 pacientes con tendinopatías (32 de Aquiles, 32 de rotuliano y 34 del epicóndilo lateral) que recibieron una dosis diaria de 435 mg de mucopolisacáridos, 75 mg de colágeno tipo i y 60 mg de vitamina C (equivalente a 3 cápsulas al día de Tendoactive®) durante 90 días consecutivos. Mensualmente se evaluó el dolor en reposo y en actividad mediante una escala visual analógica (EVA), la función articular mediante los cuestionarios VISA-A, VISA-P y PRTEE, y se caracterizó ecográficamente el tendón afectado. Resultados En los 3 tipos de tendinopatía se registró una reducción significativa del dolor tanto en reposo como en actividad desde la primera visita de control (día 30) hasta el final del estudio (día 90). Asimismo el día 90 se detectó una mejora del 38% en VISA-A, del 46% en VISA-P y del 77% en PRTEE (p < 0,001). Simultáneamente se registró una reducción del 12% en el grosor del tendón de Aquiles, del 10% en el rotuliano y del 20% en el tendón del epicóndilo lateral (p < 0,05). Conclusiones Los resultados del estudio indican que la administración de Tendoactive® es segura y eficaz para mejorar los síntomas clínicos y la evolución estructural de las tendinopatías del tendón de Aquiles, tendón rotuliano y tendón del epicóndilo lateral

    Alternative Splicing of the Cardiac Sodium Channel Creates Multiple Variants of Mutant T1620K Channels

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    Alternative splicing creates several Nav1.5 transcripts in the mammalian myocardium and in various other tissues including brain, dorsal root ganglia, breast cancer cells as well as neuronal stem cell lines. In total nine Nav1.5 splice variants have been discovered. Four of them, namely Nav1.5a, Nav1.5c, Nav1.5d, and Nav1.5e, generate functional channels in heterologous expression systems. The significance of alternatively spliced transcripts for cardiac excitation, in particular their role in SCN5A channelopathies, is less well understood. In the present study, we systematically investigated electrophysiological properties of mutant T1620K channels in the background of all known functional Nav1.5 splice variants in HEK293 cells. This mutation has been previously associated with two distinct cardiac excitation disorders: with long QT syndrome type 3 (LQT3) and isolated cardiac conduction disease (CCD). When investigating the effect of the T1620K mutation, we noticed similar channel defects in the background of hNav1.5, hNav1.5a, and hNav1.5c. In contrast, the hNav1.5d background produced differential effects: In the mutant channel, some gain-of-function features did not emerge, whereas loss-of-function became more pronounced. In case of hNav1.5e, the neonatal variant of hNav1.5, both the splice variant itself as well as the corresponding mutant channel showed electrophysiological properties that were distinct from the wild-type and mutant reference channels, hNav1.5 and T1620K, respectively. In conclusion, our data show that alternative splicing is a mechanism capable of generating a variety of functionally distinct wild-type and mutant hNav1.5 channels. Thus, the cellular splicing machinery is a potential player affecting genotype-phenotype correlations in SCN5A channelopathies

    Six decades of changes in the riparian corridor of a Mediterranean river: A synthetic analysis based on historical data sources

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    Riparian corridors in semi-arid Mediterranean environments are ecosystems of high biodiversity and complexity. However, they are threatened because of high levels of human intervention. River damming and related flow manipulation is considered as one of the most prominent human impacts on riparian corridors. This study combines historical time series information on river flows and their human manipulation, historical aerial images depicting changes in riparian land cover and ground observations of the species - age composition and morphology of the riparian corridor of a Mediterranean river (the Mijares River, Eastern Spain) over the last 60years. In this sense, we explored how to integrate information from a wide variety of data sources, and we extracted a variety of indices and undertook analyses that identified and summarized spatio-temporal changes in riparian structure and in the driving flow processes. Results revealed an increase in the cover and density of woody vegetation and a decrease in bare sediment areas (essential for recruitment of riparian pioneer species), with a synchronous reduction in the complexity of the riparian corridor of the middle reaches of the Mijares River. These vegetation changes have accompanied a decrease in the magnitude and variability of river flows over the last six decades, with higher severity since dam closure. This study illustrates the effectiveness of combining disparate historical data sources and the effectiveness of processing these sources to extract informative metrics that can improve the understanding and management of riparian systems. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.The authors are grateful to Paula De Lamo (who worked in an early version of this study), Carlos Gonzalez-Hidalgo (who gave us access to the MOPREDAS database) and Alicia Garcia-Arias and Oscar Belmar (for their support in the calculation of confusion matrices and in the flow regime analysis, respectively). We also thank Confederacion Hidrografica del Jucar (Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment) and the professors Juan Marco Segura and Javier Paredes for the hydrological data provided to develop this study. TECNOMA S. A. provided logistic support. Finally, we acknowledge the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for the two grants of the Support Programme for Research and Development 'Programa de Apoyo a la Investigacion y Desarrollo' (PAID 00-10 and 00-11). This study was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with the projects 'Recent environmental changes in fluvial systems: morphological and sedimentological consequences' (CGL2009-14220-C02-02-BTE) and SCARCE (Consolider-Ingenio 2010 CSD2009-00065). The feedback of two anonymous reviewers has been very helpful and is greatly appreciated.Garófano-Gómez, V.; Martinez-Capel, F.; Bertoldi, W.; Gurnell, Á.; Estornell Cremades, J.; Segura-Beltrán, F. (2012). Six decades of changes in the riparian corridor of a Mediterranean river: A synthetic analysis based on historical data sources. Ecohydrology. 0:0-0. https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.1330S00

    Plants as river system engineers

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    I would like to acknowledge three research grants/contracts that are supporting my current research on this theme: Grant F/07 040/AP from the Leverhulme Trust; Grant NE/F014597/1 from the Natural Environment Research Council, UK, and the REFORM collaborative project funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement 282656

    Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia

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    Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia is the most common cause of immune-mediated thrombocytopenia in the newborn period. The disorder results from placental transfer of maternal alloantibodies directed against paternally inherited antigens carried on fetal platelets. While most cases are mild, some neonates have very low platelet counts associated with serious bleeding in hours to days following birth. The treatment for severely affected neonate is typically transfusion of compatible random donor platelets in addition to intravenous immunoglobulins. The diagnosis is confirmed by genotyping of parental platelet antigens and serological testing for maternal serum antibodies. We present a newborn with early onset symptomatic thrombocytopenia, in whom early clinical recognition and prompt therapeutic intervention resulted in the complete recovery. The importance of correct diagnosis for future pregnancies is emphasized

    Möjligheter med RFID inom byggbranschen - Nyckelpunkter för en implementering inom materialhanteringsprocessen

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    Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka möjligheterna att implementera en RFID-baserad teknologi i byggbranschens godsmottagningsskede. Syftet är även att utföra observationer i samband med tidsstudier för att ta reda på om en RFIDimplementering är tillräcklig under godsmottagningsskedet, eller om det krävs en implementering i en hel supply chain. Problemställning: På vilket sätt kan godsmottagningsskedet förbättras? Är det möjligt och är det då lönsamt med en implementering av RFID under godsmottagningsskedet? Finns det någon tidsmässig skillnad i samband med en godsmottagning med och utan RFID? Vem eller vilka aktörer behöver vara delaktiga för att RFID ska fungera framgångsrikt? Vilka förbättringsmöjligheter kan en RFID-baserad teknologi införa under godsmottagningsskedet samt i en byggrelaterad supply chain? Hur kan en byggrelaterad RFID implementerad supply chain se ut? Finns det skillnader i materialanskaffningsprocessen med och utan RFID? Metod: Hermeneutiken har satt en stark prägel på vårt examensarbete då den utgår ifrån tolkningslära. Vi kommer att tolka, studera och få förståelse för vårt ämne. Inledningsvis kommer vårt examensarbete att präglas utav kvalitativa studier som sedan kommer att övergå till kvantitativa. Den utforskande delen kommer att påbörjas i tidigt skede för att inhämta så mycket information om vårt ämne som möjligt. Avslutningsvis kommer vi att avrunda med den normativa studien för att ge förslag på åtgärd. Slutsatser: För att en implementering av en RFID-baserad teknologi ska vara lönsam och genomförbar krävs det att man implementerar RFID i en hel supply chain. Vi har valt att kalla det för en RFID-baserad supply chain, Rsc. För att uppnå framgång med tekniken och en Rsc krävs det att man redan i början av ett projekt skapar en ledningsgrupp som är ansvarig för att upprätta en Rsc. Vi anser att det är byggentreprenören som ska vara ledande och drivande i att införa en Rsc. Byggentreprenören ska även initiera och ansvara för att en ledningsgrupp skapas och att relationerna mellan aktörerna definieras. Nyckelpunkterna för att uppnå en RFID-baserad supply chain är: o Skapa en ledningsgrupp som är ansvariga för upprättandet av en Rsc o Definiera och strukturera relationerna och ansvarsområden mellan alla aktörer o Upprätta och implementera ett RFID-syste

    Quality analysis of manufacturer's incident reports regarding medical devices

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    Abstract Background Medical devices provide a great number of medical treatments and have an important role in patients’ healthcare; however, there are certain risks, sometimes even serious incidents, associated with their usage. To ensure that benefits of medical device usage always outweigh associated risks, it is necessary to closely monitor known risks post-market and detect new ones as early as possible. Among others, valuable instrument of post-market surveillance is manufacturer incident report. Yet to accomplish its intended use, such report must be sufficiently populated and supplied with correct information. Aim of this paper is to assess the quality of manufacturer’s incident reports received in HALMED since 2012 to May 2021. Methods The study included 578 initial reports and 566 final reports that were scored according to the evaluating system we designed and categorized as Excellent, Good, Medium, Qualified and Unqualified. For each report medical device risk class was also extracted to calculate the frequency of report occurrence per risk class and time that passed between the initial and final report. Difference in quality of the reports between manufacturers based on EU countries and countries outside the EU was determined by Mann Whitney U test. Results Most of initial and final reports fall into two highest quality category level, which means that a sufficient amount of reports are of good/excellent quality and quality of reports prevails. However, the study’s results indicate the need for higher scores, especially in critical fields of the form. Conclusions Data obtained from the manufacturer can be scarce and insufficient, causing negative influence on Competent Authority’s investigation procedure. Another issue we recognized is extensive underreporting in Croatia, which can seriously undermine the established system