11 research outputs found

    A Magyar Mesterséges Táplálási Társaság 2016. évi kongresszusán elhangzó előadások kivonatai. Mátraháza, Lifestyle Hotel Mátra, 2016. október 6–8.

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    A felnőtt coeliakiások zabfogyasztásának vizsgálata | Melyik tápszert javasoljam a betegemnek? Dilemmák, lehetőségek és korlátok Magyarországon és Európában | A malnutritio kockázatának önszűrése | A táplálás során végzett ellenőrző vizsgálatok | Az energiaszükséglet meghatározása, az energiaszükséglet mérése – direkt és indirekt kalorimetria | Inkompatibilitásokból származó gyógyszerelési hibák megelőzési stratégiája, a klinikai gyógyszerész szerepe | A preoperatív táplálás fejlesztésének gyakorlati tapasztalatai | A tápszerforgalom és a táplálásterápiás szokások változása hazánkban | Gyári tápoldatkeverékek stabilitása individualizáló kiegészítések nyomán | A táplálásterápia monitorozása gyermekek onkohematológiai betegségében | Gyermekkori onkohematológiai betegség során alkalmazott táplálásterápia hatása a túlélésre és a túlélő betegek tápláltsági állapotára | Táplálásterápia a súlyos agysérültek korai rehabilitációjának vonatkozásában | Magisztrális parenteralis tápoldatok (Magi-AIO-TPN) eltarthatósága | A Pécsi Tudományegyetem klinikai gyógyszerészi szolgálatának bővítése a táplálásterápia területén | Egészséges mikroflórával a perioperatív szövődmények megelőzéséér

    Prevalence of chronic HCV infection in EU/EEA countries in 2019 using multiparameter evidence synthesis

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s)Background: Epidemiological data are crucial to monitoring progress towards the 2030 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) elimination targets. Our aim was to estimate the prevalence of chronic HCV infection (cHCV) in the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) countries in 2019. Methods: Multi-parameter evidence synthesis (MPES) was used to produce national estimates of cHCV defined as: π = πrecρrec + πexρex + πnonρnon; πrec, πex, and πnon represent cHCV prevalence among recent people who inject drugs (PWID), ex-PWID, and non-PWID, respectively, while ρrec, ρex, and ρnon represent the proportions of these groups in the population. Information sources included the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) national operational contact points (NCPs) and prevalence database, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction databases, and the published literature. Findings: The cHCV prevalence in 29 of 30 EU/EEA countries in 2019 was 0.50% [95% Credible Interval (CrI): 0.46%, 0.55%]. The highest cHCV prevalence was observed in the eastern EU/EEA (0.88%; 95% CrI: 0.81%, 0.94%). At least 35.76% (95% CrI: 33.07%, 38.60%) of the overall cHCV prevalence in EU/EEA countries was associated with injecting drugs. Interpretation: Using MPES and collaborating with ECDC NCPs, we estimated the prevalence of cHCV in the EU/EEA to be low. Some areas experience higher cHCV prevalence while a third of prevalent cHCV infections was attributed to PWID. Further efforts are needed to scale up prevention measures and the diagnosis and treatment of infected individuals, especially in the east of the EU/EEA and among PWID. Funding: ECDC.Peer reviewe

    Pedagógiai informatika

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    Equilibrium studies on copper(II)- and iron(III)-monohydroxamates

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    Chelating properties exhibited by a series of monohydroxamic acids toward copper(II) and iron(III) ions were studied by pH-metric, spectrophotometric and EPR methods. The ligands can be divided into three groups: (i) ligands with alkyl substituents either on the hydroxamate carbon atom (acetohydroxamic acid, Aha; propanohydroxamic acid, Pha; and hexanohydroxamic acid, Hha) or on both the carbon and nitrogen atoms (N-methyl-acetohydroxamic acid, MAha; N-isopropyl-acetohydroxamic acid, iPAha) (ii) ligands with aryl substituents (benzohydroxamic acid, Bha; N-phenyl-acetohydroxamic acid, PhAha; and N-phenyl-benzohydroxamic acid, PhBha); (iii) cyclic derivatives (the natural 2,4-dihydroxy-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-3-(4H)-on-glucoside, DIBOA-gl; and 2-hydroxypyridine-N-oxide,PYRha).In addition to the complexes with the well-known hydroxamate type chelate(s), 1:2 species containing one or both of the coordinated ligands in hydroximato (RC-CONO2-) form, have been found in the copper(II)-Aha and copper(II)-Bha systems. Complex formation with iron(III) starts at a very acidic pH and in the most systems, if the ligand excess is high enough, the 1:3 species solely exists in the pH range ca. 4-8. Hydroxo complexes are generally formed above pH 8-8.5. However, in the cases of iron(III)-iPAha or -Hha, where the ligands have quite large bulky groups, the hydrolysis starts at somewhat lower pH if the metal to ligand ratios are below 1:5 and precipitation starts to form in iron(III)-DIBOA-gl system at ca. pH 5-5.5. In all systems, the stability constants were determined only for the complexes formed below hydrolytic regions. Evaluation of calculated stability constants show that they are determined by a combination of different substituent effects (electronic, resonance and steric effects). The most significant effects are due to substituents on the nitrogen atom in the hydroxamate moieties. The phenyl ring on carbon atom results in somewhat higher stabilities of the complexes

    Emberi életfolyamatok idegi szabályozása – a neurontól a viselkedésig. Interdiszciplináris tananyag az idegrendszer felépítése, működése és klinikuma témáiban orvostanhallgatók, egészség- és élettudományi képzésben résztvevők számára Magyarországon

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    Prevalence of chronic HCV infection in EU/EEA countries in 2019 using multiparameter evidence synthesis

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    Abstract: Background Epidemiological data are crucial to monitoring progress towards the 2030 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) elimination targets. Our aim was to estimate the prevalence of chronic HCV infection (cHCV) in the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) countries in 2019. Methods Multi-parameter evidence synthesis (MPES) was used to produce national estimates of cHCV defined as: \u3c0 = \u3c0rec\u3c1rec + \u3c0ex\u3c1ex + \u3c0non\u3c1non; \u3c0rec, \u3c0ex, and \u3c0non represent cHCV prevalence among recent people who inject drugs (PWID), ex-PWID, and non-PWID, respectively, while \u3c1rec, \u3c1ex, and \u3c1non represent the proportions of these groups in the population. Information sources included the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) national operational contact points (NCPs) and prevalence database, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction databases, and the published literature. Findings The cHCV prevalence in 29 of 30 EU/EEA countries in 2019 was 0.50% [95% Credible Interval (CrI): 0.46%, 0.55%]. The highest cHCV prevalence was observed in the eastern EU/EEA (0.88%; 95% CrI: 0.81%, 0.94%). At least 35.76% (95% CrI: 33.07%, 38.60%) of the overall cHCV prevalence in EU/EEA countries was associated with injecting drugs. Interpretation Using MPES and collaborating with ECDC NCPs, we estimated the prevalence of cHCV in the EU/EEA to be low. Some areas experience higher cHCV prevalence while a third of prevalent cHCV infections was attributed to PWID. Further efforts are needed to scale up prevention measures and the diagnosis and treatment of infected individuals, especially in the east of the EU/EEA and among PWID