21 research outputs found

    A global analysis of Y-chromosomal haplotype diversity for 23 STR loci

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    In a worldwide collaborative effort, 19,630 Y-chromosomes were sampled from 129 different populations in 51 countries. These chromosomes were typed for 23 short-tandem repeat (STR) loci (DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385ab, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, GATAH4, DYS481, DYS533, DYS549, DYS570, DYS576, and DYS643) and using the PowerPlex Y23 System (PPY23, Promega Corporation, Madison, WI). Locus-specific allelic spectra of these markers were determined and a consistently high level of allelic diversity was observed. A considerable number of null, duplicate and off-ladder alleles were revealed. Standard single-locus and haplotype-based parameters were calculated and compared between subsets of Y-STR markers established for forensic casework. The PPY23 marker set provides substantially stronger discriminatory power than other available kits but at the same time reveals the same general patterns of population structure as other marker sets. A strong correlation was observed between the number of Y-STRs included in a marker set and some of the forensic parameters under study. Interestingly a weak but consistent trend toward smaller genetic distances resulting from larger numbers of markers became apparent.Peer reviewe

    Effect of hydrothermal modification of annealing type on some selected properties of starch pea (Pisum sativum)

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    W pracy otrzymano preparaty ze zmielonych i obłuszczonych nasion grochu (Pisum sativum) odmiany Poa i Ramir, kóre poddawano modyfikacji hydrotermicznej (stosunek skrobia : woda 1:2) w temperaturze 60 °C przez 24 h. Uzyskane preparaty charakteryzowały się wysoką zawartością skrobi tj. ponad 92 % w s.m. Zawartość amylozy w skrobi była na zbliżonym poziomie w obu odmianach i wnosiła odpowiednio 26,5 % w grochu odmiany Poa i 24 % w odmianie Ramir. Wodochłonność w temp. 60 °C była na tym samym poziomie w obu odmianach, natomiast rozpuszczalność była wyższa w grochu odmiany Poa niż w odmianie Ramir i wynosiła odpowiednio 10,3 i 7,1 %. Podniesienie temperatury do 80 °C wpłynęło na zwiększenie zarówno rozpuszczalności, jak i wodochłonności. Badane skrobie charakteryzowały się dość niską strawnością wynoszącą 44,6 % i 36,8 %, odpowiednio w przypadku odmiany Poa i odmiany Ramir. Zastosowanie modyfikacji hydrotermicznej typu annealing spowodowało dodatkowe oczyszczenie skrobi przez zmniejszenie zawartości białka i związków mineralnych oznaczonych w postaci popiołu. Stwierdzono również zmniejszenie udziału frakcji amylozy oraz zawartości fosforu, co prawdopodobnie wpłynęło na powstanie nowych obszarów krystalicznych w wyniku silniejszego związania się łańcuchów amylopektyny, a w efekcie przyczyniło się do obniżenia powierzchni właściwej ziarenek skrobi, ich wodochłonności oraz rozpuszczalności zarówno w temp. 60 °C, jak i 80 °C. Stwierdzono również znaczną poprawę strawności in vitro skrobi (~2-krotną) w obu preparatach.In this research study, preparations made of ground and shelled pea seeds (Pisum sativum) of Poa and Ramir variety were hydrothermally modified (the starch : water ratio was 1 : 2) at a temperature of 60 °C, for 24 h. The preparations obtained were characterized by a high content of starch (i.e. more than 92 % in dry mass). The content of amylose in the starch was similar for the two varieties and amounted to 26.5 % (Poa) and 24 % (Ramir). The water holding capacity of starch of the two varieties was at the same level at a temperature of 60°C, whereas the solubility of Poa pea was higher than of Ramir pea and amounted to 10.3 % and 7.1 %, respectively. The increase in temperature to 80 °C caused the increase in both the solubility and water holding capacity. The starches studied were characterized by a rather low digestibility of 44.6 % as for Poa and of 36.8 % as for Ramir. The effect of hydrothermal modification of the annealing type applied was that the pea starch was additionally purified through decreasing the content of proteins and mineral compounds determined as ash. Additionally, it was found that the amylase fraction and the content of phosphorus decreased. This probably impacted the formation of new crystalline areas as a result of stronger bonds between amylopectin chains, and, finally, was a factor causing the real surface of starch grains, their water holding capacity and solubility to decrease at a temperature of 60 °C and of 80 °C. A considerable improvement was also found in the in vitro digestibility (> 2-fold) of the two preparations

    Dietetic recommendations after bariatric procedures in the light of new guidelines regarding metabolic and bariatric surgery

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    The frequency of obesity occurrence is constantly increasing all over the world and becoming global epidemic. Facing the lack of the efficiency of conservative treatment, patients with II and III degree of obesity are qualified for surgical treatment; however, the efficiency of surgical treatment is connected with permanent change of nutritional habits and previous lifestyle of the patient. Modification of the way of nutrition, regardless of the type of bariatric procedure, should especially include the lowering of food energetic value and change of type, consistency and size of consumed food. Nutritional treatment after bariatric procedures is multistage. It includes clear liquid diet, full liquid diet, pureed diet, mechanically altered soft diet and regular diet. Gradual expanding of the diet protects gastrointestinal tract from chemical, mechanical and thermal irritation by the food. It also should prevent nutritional deficiencies. Significant influence on the result of surgical treatment of obesity has also regular intake of food, consuming products with high nutritional value, avoiding confectionery and fat products, consuming proper amounts of protein (60-80 g/day) and vitamin-mineral supplementation.Częstość występowania otyłości zwiększa się na całym świecie przyjmując rozmiar globalnej epidemii. Wobec braku skuteczności leczenia zachowawczego, osoby z otyłością II i III stopnia poddawane są leczeniu chirurgicznemu. Warunkiem efektywności leczenia chirurgicznego jest trwała zmiana nawyków żywieniowych i dotychczasowego stylu życia pacjenta. Modyfikacja sposobu żywienia niezależnie od rodzaju zastosowanego zabiegu operacyjnego polega w szczególności na znaczącym obniżeniu wartości energetycznej diety oraz zmianie rodzaju, konsystencji i wielkości spożywanych posiłków. Leczenie żywieniowe po operacjach bariatrycznych jest wieloetapowe. Obejmuje ono: dietę płynną, dietę półpłynną, dietę papkowatą, pokarmy miękkie rozdrobnione oraz zbilansowaną dietę niskoenergetyczną. Stopniowe rozszerzanie diety ma na celu ochronę przewodu pokarmowego przed drażnieniem chemicznym, mechanicznym i termicznym spożywanych pokarmów. Ma jednocześnie zapobiegać niedoborom żywieniowym. Istotny wpływ na skuteczność chirurgicznego leczenia otyłości ma także regularne spożywanie posiłków, spożywanie produktów o wysokiej wartości odżywczej, unikanie słodyczy oraz produktów i potraw tłustych, spożywanie odpowiedniej ilości białka (60-80 g/dobę) oraz stosowanie suplementacji preparatami mineralno-witaminowymi

    The assessment of the nutritional value of meals consumed by patients with recognized schizophrenia

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    Background. As studies show, changes in diet - so important in the therapy of psychiatric disorders and related to changes in appetite and nutritional preferences, including avoiding of the consumption of specific groups of products and dishes - are much more frequent among patients affected by schizophrenia. Objective. The aim of the study was to assess the chosen nutritional habits, including the number and type of meals usually consumed during a day, snacking between meals and the energy value and content of the chosen nutrients in the diets of persons with recognized schizophrenia. Material and methods. The study was carried out in a group of 85 patients with recognized schizophrenia, and 70 healthy volunteers ranging in age from 18-65 years without mental or nutritional disorders. For the purpose of the study, we used a questionnaire containing questions on nutritional habits. A 24-hour diet recall was used in the quantitative nutritional assessment with the use of the computer program Dieta 5.0. Results. Female patients with recognized schizophrenia were having 3 meals a day significantly more frequently as compared to healthy women. They were also having an afternoon snack much more frequently as compared to the control group. The food rations of female patients were characterized by a significantly higher energy value and the content of most of the assessed nutrients as compared to the food rations of healthy women. The food rations of men with recognized schizophrenia were characterized by a much lower energy intake and the content of the majority of assessed nutrients as compared to the food rations of healthy men. In all compared groups, we observed an energetic structure of food rations with the breakdown by specific meals that was inconsistent with the applicable recommendations. Conclusions. Despite of differences between the nutritional value of the meals of patients with recognized schizophrenia and those of healthy subjects, it seems advisable to involve patients with recognized schizophrenia in the education of forming appropriate nutritional habits.Wprowadzenie. Jak wykazały badania u pacjentów chorujących na schizofrenię częściej występują zmiany sposobu żywienia, tak istotnego w terapii zaburzeń psychiatrycznych, związane ze zmianą łaknienia, preferencji żywieniowych, w tym unikanie spożywania określonych grup produktów i potraw. Cel. Celem pracy była ocena wybranych nawyków żywieniowych, w tym liczby i rodzaju zwyczajowo spożywanych posiłków w ciągu dnia, pojadania między nimi oraz wartości energetycznej i zawartości wybranych składników odżywczych w jadłospisach osób z rozpoznaniem schizofrenii. Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono w grupie 85 pacjentów z rozpoznaniem schizofrenii oraz 70 zdrowych ochotników w wieku 18-65 lat bez zaburzeń psychicznych i zaburzeń odżywiania. W badaniach wykorzystano kwestionariusz ankiety zawierający pytania dotyczące nawyków żywieniowych. Ocenę ilościową dziennych racji pokarmowych dokonano przy użyciu 24-godz. wywiadu żywieniowego wykorzystując program komputerowy Dieta 5.0. Wyniki. Pacjentki z rozpoznaniem schizofrenii istotnie częściej spożywały 3 posiłki w ciągu dnia, istotnie częściej też uwzględniały w swoich jadłospisach podwieczorki w porównaniu z kobietami zdrowymi. Racje pokarmowe kobiet chorych charakteryzowały się istotnie wyższą wartością energetyczną oraz zawartością większości ocenianych składników odżywczych w porównaniu z racjami kobiet zdrowych. Racje pokarmowe mężczyzn z rozpoznaniem schizofrenii cechowała istotnie niższa podaż energii oraz zawartość większości ocenianych składników odżywczych w porównaniu z racjami pokarmowymi mężczyzn zdrowych. We wszystkich porównywanych grupach odnotowano niezgodną z zaleceniami strukturę energetyczną racji pokarmowych z uwzględnieniem podziału na posiłki. Wnioski. Pomimo wykazanych różnic w wartości odżywczej posiłków pacjentów z rozpoznaniem schizofrenii jak i zdrowych, zasadnym wydaje się, objęcie pacjentów z rozpoznaniem schizofrenii edukacją kształtującą właściwe nawyki żywieniowe

    Assessment of the diet and nutritional status in obese patients and patients with normal body weight hospitalised because of a depressive episode

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    Purpose: Depressive disorders and obesity belong to the most frequently occurring diseases. Improper nutritional behaviours are observed in patients suffering from recurring depressive disorders. We have undertaken research aimed at comparing the body weight composition and the content of selected nutrients in the food intake of patients with diagnosed depressive disorders. Materials and methods: 131 patients (76 women and 55 men) suffering from depressive episode took part in the study. The patients had their body composition analysed using electrical bioimpedance measured by a MALTRON BioScan 920-2 device. The assessment of the diet was conducted using a 24-hour interview concerning the day preceding the examination. Results: Male with diagnosed depression and obesity were more often married or had lower level of education as compared to male with the normal body weight. Obese female with diagnosed depression had more episodes of the disease and were older as compared to female with the normal body weight. Both obese male and female were characterised by a higher percentage content of visceral adipose tissue, subcutaneous adipose tissue and a higher VAT (visceral adipose tissue)/SAT (subcutaneous adipose tissue) ratio as well as a lower content of fat-free body mass. Conclusions: Patients with diagnosed depression, with the normal body weight and obesity, were characterised by an inappropriate supply of proteins, carbohydrates, total fats, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and dietary fibre

    Phosphatidylserine synthesis is essential for viability of the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans

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    Phospholipids are an integral part of the cellular membrane structure and can be produced by a de novo biosynthetic pathway and, alternatively, by the Kennedy pathway. Studies in several yeast species have shown that the phospholipid phosphatidylserine (PS) is synthesized from CDP-diacylglycerol and serine, a route that is different from its synthesis in mammalian cells, involving a base-exchange reaction from preexisting phospholipids. Fungal-specific PS synthesis has been shown to play an important role in fungal virulence and has been proposed as an attractive drug target. However, PS synthase, which catalyzes this reaction, has not been studied in the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. Here, we identified and characterized the PS synthase homolog (Cn Cho1) in this fungus. Heterologous expression of Cn CHO1 in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae cho1Δ mutant rescued the mutant's growth defect in the absence of ethanolamine supplementation. Moreover, an Sc cho1Δ mutant expressing Cn CHO1 had PS synthase activity, confirming that the Cn CHO1 encodes PS synthase. We also found that PS synthase in C. neoformans is localized to the endoplasmic reticulum and that it is essential for mitochondrial function and cell viability. Of note, its deficiency could not be complemented by ethanolamine or choline supplementation for the synthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) or phosphatidylcholine (PC) via the Kennedy pathway. These findings improve our understanding of phospholipid synthesis in a pathogenic fungus and indicate that PS synthase may be a useful target for antifungal drugs.Published versio

    Modulation of Activity of Ultrashort Lipopeptides toward Negatively Charged Model Lipid Films

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    Because of the increasing resistance of pathogens to commonly used antibiotics, there is an urgent need to find alternative antimicrobial compounds with different mechanisms of action. Among them, lipopeptides are recognized as promising candidates. In this work, the Langmuir technique and atomic force microscopy were employed to investigate the interactions of two novel lipopeptides with negatively charged phospholipid membranes, which served as a simplified model of inner membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Lipid films contained phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol extracts from E. coli bacteria. Lipopeptides were composed of palmitoyl chain covalently coupled to N-terminus of peptide with Trp-Lys-Leu-Lys amino acid sequence and the conformation of third residue was either d-Leu or l-Leu. It was found that chirality of leucine strongly affects interfacial behavior of these compounds, which was ascribed to the difference in effective size of the peptide portion of the molecules. Although the lipopeptides were the same in terms of amino acid sequence, charge, and identity of lipophilic chain, the experiments revealed that the barrier for their insertion into the lipid membrane is significantly different. Namely, it was lower for lipopeptide containing d-Leu residue. We have also found that insertion of the lipopeptides into the model membranes strongly alters lateral distribution of the membrane components and leads to its substantial fluidization. The dynamics of reorganization was noticeably faster in the presence of lipopeptide with smaller size of peptide moiety, i.e., containing d-Leu. It proves that effective size of the peptide headgroup is an important factor determining lipopeptide activity toward the lipid membranes

    A Multi-Faceted Analysis Showing CRNDE Transcripts and a Recently Confirmed Micropeptide as Important Players in Ovarian Carcinogenesis

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    CRNDE is considered an oncogene expressed as long non-coding RNA. Our previous paper is the only one reporting CRNDE as a micropeptide-coding gene. The amino acid sequence of this micropeptide (CRNDEP) has recently been confirmed by other researchers. This study aimed at providing a mass spectrometry (MS)-based validation of the CRNDEP sequence and an investigation of how the differential expression of CRNDE(P) influences the metabolism and chemoresistance of ovarian cancer (OvCa) cells. We also assessed cellular localization changes of CRNDEP, looked for its protein partners, and bioinformatically evaluated its RNA-binding capacities. Herein, we detected most of the CRNDEP sequence by MS. Moreover, our results corroborated the oncogenic role of CRNDE, portraying it as the gene impacting carcinogenesis at the stages of DNA transcription and replication, affecting the RNA metabolism, and stimulating the cell cycle progression and proliferation, with CRNDEP being detected in the centrosomes of dividing cells. We also showed that CRNDEP is located in nucleoli and revealed interactions of this micropeptide with p54, an RNA helicase. Additionally, we proved that high CRNDE(P) expression increases the resistance of OvCa cells to treatment with microtubule-targeted cytostatics. Furthermore, altered CRNDE(P) expression affected the activity of the microtubular cytoskeleton and the formation of focal adhesion plaques. Finally, according to our in silico analyses, CRNDEP is likely capable of RNA binding. All these results contribute to a better understanding of the CRNDE(P) role in OvCa biology, which may potentially improve the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of this disease