160 research outputs found

    Avaliando o impacto das políticas educacionais em Sobral

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    This article aims to evaluate the impact of educational policies adopted in the early 2000s on the quality of education in the municipality of Sobral, in the State of Ceará. These policies have reorganized the educational system without incurring significant increase in spending on education. We use a combination of Propensity Score Matching and differences in differences method to estimate the impact. The results indicate significant positive effects in the short and long term for the early years of elementary school. However, challenges remain in extending these results to the final years of the same level of education.Este artigo tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto de políticas educacionais adotadas no início dos anos 2000 sobre a qualidade do ensino no município de Sobral, no Estado do Ceará. Essas políticas reorganizaram o sistema educacional, sem incorrer em aumento expressivo dos gastos em educação. Utilizamos uma combinação do Propensity Score Matching e do método de diferenças em diferenças para estimar o impacto. Os resultados indicam efeitos positivos significativos no curto e no longo prazo para os anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. No entanto, os desafios persistem na ampliação desses resultados para os anos finais do mesmo grau de ensino

    Semi-analytic galaxy formation in early dark energy cosmologies

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    We study the impact of early dark energy (EDE) cosmologies on galaxy properties by coupling high-resolution numerical simulations with semi-analytic modeling (SAM) of galaxy formation and evolution. EDE models are characterized by a non-vanishing high-redshift contribution of dark energy, producing an earlier growth of structures and a modification of large-scale structure evolution. They can be viewed as typical representatives of non-standard dark energy models in which only the expansion history is modified, and hence the impact on galaxy formation is indirect. We show that in EDE cosmologies the predicted space density of galaxies is enhanced at all scales with respect to the standard LCDM scenario, and the corresponding cosmic star formation history and stellar mass density is increased at high-redshift. We compare these results with a set of theoretical predictions obtained with alternative SAMs applied to our reference LCDM simulation, yielding a rough measure of the systematic uncertainty of the models. We find that the modifications in galaxy properties induced by EDE cosmologies are of the same order of magnitude as intra-SAM variations for a standard LCDM realization (unless rather extreme EDE models are considered), suggesting that is difficult to use such predictions alone to disentangle between different cosmological scenarios. However, when independent information on the underlying properties of host dark matter haloes is included, the SAM predictions on galaxy bias may provide important clues on the expansion history and the equation-of-state evolution.Comment: 7 pages; 4 figures, MNRAS submitte

    Novas medidas de educação e de desigualdade educacional para a primeira metade do século XX no Brasil

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    This paper describes the trajectory of educational level and inequality in Brazil in the first half of the 20th century. We combine various sources of historical data, such as the reports of the Ministry of Business of the Empire, the Statistical Yearbooks of Brazil and the Demographic Censuses to construct new educational measures and calculate educational Gini indices between 1900 and 2000 for each region and for Brazil as a whole. Our results show that between 1900 and 1930 the proportion of people with complete primary education in the population remained around 5%, while the share of secondary education was always below 1% and that only 0.3% had higher education complete. Thus, educational inequality remained constant until 1920, declining slowly between 1920 and 1950 and more rapidly thereafter.Este artigo descreve a trajetória do nível e da desigualdade educacional no Brasil desde a primeira metade do século XX. Combinamos diversas fontes de dados históricos, tais como os relatórios do Ministério de Negócios do Império, os Anuários Estatísticos do Brasil e os Censos Demográficos para construir novas medidas de escolaridade e calcular índices de Gini educacional entre 1900 e 2000 para cada região e para o Brasil como um todo. Nossos resultados mostram que entre 1900 e 1930, a proporção de pessoas com ensino primário completo na população permaneceu em torno de 5%, ao passo que a parcela com ensino secundário completo esteve sempre abaixo de 1% e que somente 0,3% tinham ensino superior completo. Assim, a desigualdade educacional permaneceu constante até 1920, declinou lentamente entre 1920 e 1950 e mais rapidamente somente a partir de então

    A relação entre a qualidade da gestão municipal e o desempenho educacional no Brasil

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    O objetivo desse artigo é examinar se a qualidade da gestão municipal é um dos fatores que influenciam o desempenho da educação básica no Brasil. Os resultados revelam que existe uma correlação positiva entre os indicadores de qualidade da administração local e o desempenho médio dos municípios na Prova Brasil, mesmo controlando por efeitos fixos municipais e gastos em educação. Nas redes municipais que oferecem os anos iniciais do ensino fundamental, o aumento em 1 ponto no índice de gestão empregado se reflete em uma melhora de 0,06 pontos na nota padronizada da Prova Brasil, em média.The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the quality of municipal management is one of the factors that influence the performance of basic education in Brazil. The results show that there is a positive correlation between the indicators of local administration quality and the average performance of the municipalities in Prova Brasil, even controlling for the municipal fixed effects and education expenditures. In municipal school systems that offer the elementary education, the increase of 1 point in IQIM is reflected in an improvement of 0.06, on average

    Revisitando a mobilidade intergeracional de educação no Brasil

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    Artigo aprovado para publicação na Revista Brasileira de Economia. Os autores agradecem os comentários de Maurício Busnello, Fabio Giambiagi e participantes de seminário apresentado no Encontro Nacional da Associação Nacional dos Centros de Pós-Graduação em Economia (Anpec), em 2017.Bibliografia: p. 29-30.In this article, recent evidences about intergenerational mobility in Brazil are presented. It was found that the degree of educational persistence has decreased substantially since the 1990s, for all regions, races and household situations. This is explained by the increase in educational attainment of the children of the schooled parents and by the stabilization of educational attainment of the children of more schooled parents around 11 years of schooling. Despite this, mobility is still lower for the children of less schooled parents. Finally, we report an increase in educational mobility among younger generations.Neste artigo, são apresentadas evidências recentes acerca da mobilidade intergeracional no Brasil. Verificou-se que o grau de persistência educacional se reduziu substancialmente desde os anos 1990, para todas as regiões, raças e situações de domicílio. Isso se explica pelo aumento da escolaridade de filhos dos pais pouco educados e pela estabilização da escolaridade dos filhos de pais mais educados em 11 anos de estudo. Apesar disso, a mobilidade ainda é menor para os filhos de pais menos escolarizados. Por último, atesta-se um aumento da mobilidade educacional nas gerações mais jovens

    Reforma da previdência: sustentabilidade e justiça atuarial

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    O artigo analisa a proposta de reforma da previdência social feita pelo governo Temer. Investigamos a sustentabilidade financeira do sistema proposto e a sua justiça atuarial. Consideramos as regras contidas na proposta original do governo. Procuramos dar respostas a duas questões relacionadas: (i) qual deveria ser a alíquota de contribuição para a previdência para que a proposta fosse equilibrada financeiramente?; e (ii) qual a taxa interna de retorno implícita da proposta Temer? Para tanto, desenvolvemos um modelo atuarial que é simulado para a geração que tem 25 anos de idade em 2015 com base na PNAD.  A sustentabilidade financeira do novo sistema é muito sensível ao crescimento da produtividade e da taxa de formalização da economia. Admitindo as taxas atuais de formalização e um crescimento da produtividade de 2% a.a., a alíquota de equilíbrio para o agente representativo do sexo masculino seria de 32%, maior que as alíquotas vigentes (entre 28 e 31). No entanto, a taxa de retorno implícita para o agente representativo é ao redor de 3%, que é significativamente inferior à média das taxas básicas de juros que vigorou na economia brasileira nas últimas décadas.The article analyzes the proposal of social security reform made by the Temer administration.We investigate the financial sustainability of the proposal and its actuarial justice. We considerthe rules contained in the original proposal. We try to answer two related questions: (i) whatshould be the contribution aliquot for the proposal to be financially balanced? and (ii) what isthe implicit internal rate of return of the Temer proposal? For that, we developed an actuarialmodel that is simulated for the generation with 25 years of age in 2015 based on the PNAD.The financial sustainability of the proposal is very sensitive to productivity growth and the formalizationrate of the economy. Assuming the current rates of formalization and productivitygrowth of 2% per year, the equilibrium aliquot for the representative agent would be higherthan the proposed rate of 28%. However, the implicit rate of return for the representativeagent is around 3%, which is significantly lower than the average of the basic interest rates inthe Brazilian economy in the last decades

    Formation and degradation of chaotic terrain in the Galaxias regions of Mars: implications for near-surface storage of ice

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    Galaxias Chaos is a region of low plateaus separated by narrow fractures – a chaotic terrain. Galaxias Mensae and Galaxias Colles are characterised by mesa and knobby terrains of individual landforms, or small assemblages, separated by plains. Galaxias Chaos has been attributed to ground disturbance due to sublimation in shallow subsurface ice-rich deposits, Galaxias Mensae and Galaxias Colles to sublimation and degradation of icy surface materials, without production of chaotic terrain. Liquid water has not been regarded as a product of the degradation of these icy terrains. This paper asks two research questions: (1) what was the total extent of the different modes of landscape degradation, especially chaotic terrain, involved in producing the present landscapes of Galaxias Chaos and Galaxias Mensae–Colles; (2) can the generation of liquid water as a product of landscape degradation be ruled-out? Using a morphological-statistical approach, including power spectrum analysis of relief, our observations and analyses show that present mesa-knobby terrains of Galaxias Mensae–Colles evolved from a landscape that had the same directional pattern and relief as presently found in Galaxias Chaos. This terrain extended across ∼440,000 km2 but ∼22,000 km3 (average thickness, 77 m) have been lost across ∼285,000 km2. This represents a significant loss of ice-bearing deposits. Moreover, this surface degradation was spatially partitioned by landforms associated with elevated ground heating and the transmission of a fluid in the shallow subsurface towards a distal channel. In answer to research question 2, it cannot be determined definitively if the fluid involved was groundwater, generated by the thermal destabilisation of the icy deposits, or low viscosity lava. However, it is likely that the degradation of Galaxias Mensae–Colles was not a consequence of sublimation alone. These findings underscore the significance of cryo-volcanic interactions in the cycling of water between the Martian surface and the atmosphere

    The Ninth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey

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    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III) presents the first spectroscopic data from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). This ninth data release (DR9) of the SDSS project includes 535,995 new galaxy spectra (median z=0.52), 102,100 new quasar spectra (median z=2.32), and 90,897 new stellar spectra, along with the data presented in previous data releases. These spectra were obtained with the new BOSS spectrograph and were taken between 2009 December and 2011 July. In addition, the stellar parameters pipeline, which determines radial velocities, surface temperatures, surface gravities, and metallicities of stars, has been updated and refined with improvements in temperature estimates for stars with T_eff<5000 K and in metallicity estimates for stars with [Fe/H]>-0.5. DR9 includes new stellar parameters for all stars presented in DR8, including stars from SDSS-I and II, as well as those observed as part of the SDSS-III Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration-2 (SEGUE-2). The astrometry error introduced in the DR8 imaging catalogs has been corrected in the DR9 data products. The next data release for SDSS-III will be in Summer 2013, which will present the first data from the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) along with another year of data from BOSS, followed by the final SDSS-III data release in December 2014.Comment: 9 figures; 2 tables. Submitted to ApJS. DR9 is available at http://www.sdss3.org/dr

    Non-local rheology in dense granular flows -- Revisiting the concept of fluidity

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    Granular materials belong to the class of amorphous athermal systems, like foams, emulsion or suspension they can resist shear like a solid, but flow like a liquid under a sufficiently large applied shear stress. They exhibit a dynamical phase transition between static and flowing states, as for phase transitions of thermodynamic systems, this rigidity transition exhibits a diverging length scales quantifying the degree of cooperatively. Several experiments have shown that the rheology of granular materials and emulsion is non-local, namely that the stress at a given location does not depend only on the shear rate at this location but also on the degree of mobility in the surrounding region. Several constitutive relations have recently been proposed and tested successfully against numerical and experimental results. Here we use discrete elements simulation of 2D shear flows to shed light on the dynamical mechanism underlying non-locality in dense granular flows