3,681 research outputs found

    Siberian Sunburn

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    Narodnost` and Obshchechelovechnost` in 19th century Russian missionary work: N.I.Il`minskii and the Christianization of the Chuvash

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    Nikolai Il`minskii, a specialist in Arabic and the Turkic languages which he taught at the Kazan Theological Academy and Kazan University from the 1840s to 1860s, became in 1872 the Director of the Kazan Teachers’ Seminary where the first teachers were trained for native-language schools among the Turkic and Finnic peoples of the Volga-Urals and Siberia. With the help of these teachers and their pupils, as well as those of other schools set up on his model, Il`minskii created alphabets and oversaw biblical and liturgical translations into their languages, thus paving the way for native-language Orthodox parishes with indigenous clergy. The thesis explores the context in which Il`minskii’s ideas arose and their impact on the Turkic Chuvash people of the Volga region from the 1870s to the 1920s. It traces how teachers and graduates of the Simbirsk Chuvash Teachers’ School laid the foundations of Chuvash-language Orthodox parishes and liturgical life, leading to the indigenization of Orthodox Christianity among the Chuvash and the transformation, rather than the annihilation, of their traditional religious worldview and rites. The increased sense of Chuvash national consciousness narodnost` resulting from the creation of a Chuvash literary language used in schools and churches, was accompanied by a desire for recognition of their obshchechelovechnost`, their common humanity with all other peoples, which led after the 1917 Revolution to the pursuit of Chuvash political and ecclesial autonomy. The thesis argues that it was Il`minskii’s own writings and practices, defended from the 1880s as a continuation of Orthodox tradition rather than an innovation, which laid the foundation for what became known as the Cyrillo-Methodian Orthodox missionary tradition in the late 20th century

    Distribution and habitat preference of Bombus (Kallobombus) soroeensis (Fabricius, 1777) on the territory of Arkhangelsk Region

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    In this paper, we summarise material pertaining to the distribution and habitat preference of Bombus (Kallobombus) soroeensis (Fabricius, 1777) on the territory of Arkhangelsk Region. B. soroeensis is widely represented on the territory as nominative subspecies B. soroeensis ssp. soroeensis, which is common mainly in Fennoscandia, the British Isles and Eastern Europe. The northern border of the species range in the Arkhangelsk Region is the lower reaches of the Mezen River, located in the transition zone between the northern taiga and the forest-tundra. This locality is probably one of the most northern records of this species in the northern part of the Russian Plain. In Eastern Fennoscandia, B. soroeensis is distributed far to the north, i.e., in the northern parts of Finland and Norway. In relation to the habitat preference, B. soroeensis in the study region belongs to the category of meadow species. This species is typical of different types of meadows and ruderal habitats. B. soroeensis is not typical with regards to the native taiga habitats, in most cases. This is similar to the situation on the territory of Finland, where this species is associated with open meadow habitats. Individuals of B. soroeensis have been recorded on a wide range of entomophilous plants, and the main examples are Rhinanthus minor, Epilobium angustifolium, Cirsium arvense, Scorzoneroides autumnalis, Lotus corniculatus

    Функціїї текстотворення політичних та військових онімів у мемуарах Вінстона Черчилля «my early life» (The text creation functions of separate groups of proper names in the Winston Churchill’s memoirs «My Early Life»)

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    У статті показані основні текстотвірні функції окремих груп власних назв в мемуарах Вінстона Черчилля «My Early Life». В центрі уваги автора знаходяться групи політичних та військових онімів, що складають значну частину внутрішнього текстового ономастикону мемуарного твору. (This article shows text creation functions of separate groups of proper names in the Winston Churchill’s memoirs «My Early Life». Specificity and nature of memoirs text formation is wide and not deeply investigated question. For more effective understanding of such process we have singled out basic unit of text formation, which shows up in the text with the help of different linguistic and extralinguistic methods, performing function of coherency, filling and fastening memoirs text. The analysis of onomasticon of memoirs reveals processes that take place during formation of text as an integral object, enducing cooperation of language tools inside the intratextual space. This article highlights the role of proper names which is shown out for the deeper understanding of certain language tools functioning inside the text. The model of text formation is offered through the structural and semantic nests of different levels that allow representing integrity of unit through the exposure of separate nests cooperation. The author concentrates her attention on the groups of military and political proper names, which are significant part of inner text onomastics in memoirs. In the memoirs «My Early Life» Winston Churchill makes emphasis on the proper names variants, which depends on his personal choice and logic of the story.

    Статус міфоніму cthulhu у повісті Говарда Філліплса Лавкрафта «The Call of Cthulhu» (Status of myth proper name cthulhu in the short story of Howard Phillips Lovecraft «The Call of Cthulhu»)

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    У статті показані особливості функціонування специфічного ономастикону на позначення міфічних явищ у повісті Говарда Філліпса Лавкрафта «The Call of Cthulhu». У центрі уваги знаходиться визначення положення центрального оніму твору, а саме «Cthulhu», що відіграє одну з основних ролей у побудові текстового ономастичного простору. Автор розглядає питання співвіднесення такої власної назви з окремими підвидами міфонімів. (This article shows peculiarities of functioning of specific onomastics, which is referred to the particular myth phenomena in the short story of American writer, journalist and poet Howard Phillips Lovecraft «The Call of Cthulhu». Onomastic is shown as a separate area of linguistic researches, which studies proper names, investigated in detail in works of different native and foreign scientists. Proper names function as a specific sign system that reacts on the changes in society and in nature, being the holder of the history and archeological memorials. In the centre of this research author possesses the status of the main proper name of this composition, namely «Cthulhu», as the name of pivotal creature in the story. This ononym plays one of the most important roles in the formation process of inner text onomastics space. Author concentrates her attention on the question of correlation of such proper name with separate subtypes of myth onomastics, defining its status between such proper names as myth antroponyms, myth zoonyms, teonyms and demonological proper names.

    ТЕКСТОТВОРЧІ ФУНКЦІЇ ТОПОНІМІВ ТА ЕТНОНІМІВ У МЕМУАРАХ ВІНСТОНА ЧЕРЧИЛЛЯ «MY EARLY LIFE» (Text creation functions of toponymies and etnonymies in the memoirs “my early life” by Winston Cherchel)

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    У статті показані основні текстотворчі функції окремих груп власних назв в мемуарах Вінстона Черчилля «My early life». В центрі уваги автора знаходяться групи топонімів та етнонімів, що складають значну частину внутрішнього текстового ономастикону мемуарного твору. (This article shows text creation functions of separate groups of proper names in the Winston Churchill’s memoir «My early life». The author concentrates her attention on the groups of toponyms and ethnonyms, which are significant part of inner text onomastics in memoirs

    Morphofunctional changes of the rats placenta and ovaries under the influence of lead acetate and its combination with metal citrates

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    The formation of the rats fetus and placenta, functional state of rats ovaries under injection of lead acetate and its combined injection with citrate metals (gold, silver) during pregnancy was researched. Embryotoxic, gonadotoxic and placentotoxic effect of lead acetate in isolated injection was found, modifying effect of citrate metals on toxicity of lead acetate in combined injection was found