282 research outputs found

    Left bundle branch block causes relative but not absolute septal underperfusion during exercise

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    Aims Left bundle branch block (LBBB) often causes septal perfusion defects in radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging using exercise (Ex) but rarely using vasodilator stress. We studied whether this is due to an underlying structural disease inherent to spontaneous LBBB or whether it is also found in temporary LBBB induced by right ventricular pacing (PM) indicating a functional rather than a structural alteration. Methods and results Regional myocardial blood flow (MBF) at rest and at Ex was measured with(15)O-H(2)O and PET in 10 age-matched healthy volunteers (controls), 10 LBBB patients and 10 PM patients with right ventricular pacing off and on (PM off and PM on). Although at Ex septal MBF tended to be higher in LBBB than in controls (3.04 +/- 1.18 vs. 2.27 +/- 0.72 mL/min/g; P= ns), the ratio septal/lateral MBF was 19% lower in LBBB than in controls (P < 0.05). Similarly, switching PM on at Ex decreased the ratio septal/lateral MBF by 17% (P < 0.005). Conclusion The apparent septal perfusion defect in LBBB is mainly due to a relative lateral hyperperfusion rather than to an absolute septal flow decrease. This pattern seems to be reversibly inducible by right ventricular pacing, suggesting a functional rather than a structural alteratio

    Multiplicity and Diversity of Plasmodium vivax Infections in a Highly Endemic Region in Papua New Guinea

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    Plasmodium vivax is highly endemic in the lowlands of Papua New Guinea and accounts for a large proportion of the malaria cases in children less than 5 years of age. We collected 2117 blood samples at 2-monthly intervals from a cohort of 268 children aged 1 to 4.5 years and estimated the diversity and multiplicity of P. vivax infection. All P. vivax clones were genotyped using the merozoite surface protein 1 F3 fragment (msp1F3) and the microsatellite MS16 as molecular markers. High diversity was observed with msp1F3 (HE = 88.1%) and MS16 (HE = 97.8%). Of the 1162 P. vivax positive samples, 74% harbored multi-clone infections with a mean multiplicity of 2.7 (IQR = 1–3). The multiplicity of P. vivax infection increased slightly with age (P = 0.02), with the strongest increase in very young children. Intensified efforts to control malaria can benefit from knowledge of the diversity and MOI both for assessing the endemic situation and monitoring the effects of interventions

    How Much Remains Undetected? Probability of Molecular Detection of Human Plasmodia in the Field

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    BACKGROUND: In malaria endemic areas, most people are simultaneously infected with different parasite clones. Detection of individual clones is hampered when their densities fluctuate around the detection limit and, in case of P. falciparum, by sequestration during part of their life cycle. This has important implications for measures of levels of infection or for the outcome of clinical trials. This study aimed at measuring the detectability of individual P. falciparum and P. vivax parasite clones in consecutive samples of the same patient and at investigating the impact of sampling strategies on basic epidemiological measures such as multiplicity of infection (MOI). METHODS: Samples were obtained in a repeated cross-sectional field survey in 1 to 4.5 years old children from Papua New Guinea, who were followed up in 2-monthly intervals over 16 months. At each follow-up visit, two consecutive blood samples were collected from each child at intervals of 24 hours. Samples were genotyped for the polymorphic markers msp2 for P. falciparum and msp1F3 and MS16 for P. vivax. Observed prevalence and mean MOI estimated from single samples per host were compared to combined data from sampling twice within 24 h. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION: Estimated detectability was high in our data set (0.79 [95% CI 0.76-0.82] for P. falciparum and, depending on the marker, 0.61 [0.58-0.63] or 0.73 [0.71-0.75] for P. vivax). When genotyping data from sequential samples, collected 24 hours apart, were combined, the increase in measured prevalence was moderate, 6 to 9% of all infections were missed on a single day. The effect on observed MOI was more pronounced, 18 to 31% of all individual clones were not detected in a single bleed. Repeated sampling revealed little difference between detectability of P. falciparum and P. vivax

    Comparison of three methods for detection of gametocytes in Melanesian children treated for uncomplicated malaria

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    Background: Gametocytes are the transmission stages of Plasmodium parasites, the causative agents of malaria. As their density in the human host is typically low, they are often undetected by conventional light microscopy. Furthermore, application of RNA-based molecular detection methods for gametocyte detection remains challenging in remote field settings. In the present study, a detailed comparison of three methods, namely light microscopy, magnetic fractionation and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction for detection of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax gametocytes was conducted.Methods. Peripheral blood samples from 70 children aged 0.5 to five years with uncomplicated malaria who were treated with either artemether-lumefantrine or artemisinin-naphthoquine were collected from two health facilities on the north coast of Papua New Guinea. The samples were taken prior to treatment (day 0) and at pre-specified intervals during follow-up. Gametocytes were measured in each sample by three methods: i) light microscopy (LM), ii) quantitative magnetic fractionation (MF) and, iii) reverse transcriptase PCR (RTPCR). Data were analysed using censored linear regression and Bland and Altman techniques.Results: MF and RTPCR were similarly sensitive and specific, and both were superior to LM. Overall, there were approximately 20% gametocyte-positive samples by LM, whereas gametocyte positivity by MF and RTPCR were both more than two-fold this level. In the subset of samples collected prior to treatment, 29% of children were positive by LM, and 85% were gametocyte positive by MF and RTPCR, respectively.Conclusions: The present study represents the first direct comparison of standard LM, MF and RTPCR for gametocyte detection in field isolates. It provides strong evidence that MF is superior to LM and can be used to detect gametocytaemic patients under field conditions with similar sensitivity and specificity as RTPCR

    Chromosomal-level assembly of the Asian Seabass genome using long sequence reads and multi-layered scaffolding

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    We report here the ~670 Mb genome assembly of the Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer), a tropical marine teleost. We used long-read sequencing augmented by transcriptomics, optical and genetic mapping along with shared synteny from closely related fish species to derive a chromosome-level assembly with a contig N50 size over 1 Mb and scaffold N50 size over 25 Mb that span ~90% of the genome. The population structure of L. calcarifer species complex was analyzed by re-sequencing 61 individuals representing various regions across the species' native range. SNP analyses identified high levels of genetic diversity and confirmed earlier indications of a population stratification comprising three clades with signs of admixture apparent in the South-East Asian population. The quality of the Asian seabass genome assembly far exceeds that of any other fish species, and will serve as a new standard for fish genomics

    Protocol for measuring myocardial blood flow by PET/CT in cats

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to establish a protocol for measuring myocardial blood flow (MBF) by PET/CT in healthy cats. The rationale was its future use in Maine Coon cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) as a model for human HCM. METHODS: MBF was measured in nine anaesthetized healthy cats using a PET/CT scanner and (13)NH(3) at rest and during adenosine infusion. Each cat was randomly assigned to receive vasodilator stress with two or three adenosine infusions at the following rates (mug/kg per minute): 140 (Ado 1, standard rate for humans), 280 (Ado 2, twice the human standard rate), 560 (Ado 4), 840 (Ado 6) and 1,120 (Ado 8). RESULTS: The median MBF at rest was 1.26 ml/min per g (n = 9; range 0.88-1.72 ml/min per g). There was no significant difference at Ado 1 (n = 3; median 1.35, range 0.93-1.55 ml/min per g; ns) but MBF was significantly greater at Ado 2 (n = 6; 2.16, range 1.35-2.68 ml/min per g; p < 0.05) and Ado 4 (n = 6; 2.11, 1.92-2.45 ml/min per g; p < 0.05). Large ranges of MBF values at Ado 6 (n = 4; 2.53, 2.32-5.63 ml/min per g; ns) and Ado 8 (n = 3; 2.21, 1.92-5.70 ml/min per g; ns) were noted. Observed adverse effects, including hypotension, AV-block and ventricular premature contractions, were all mild, of short duration and immediately reversed after cessation of the adenosine infusion. CONCLUSION: MBF can be safely measured in cats using PET. An intravenous adenosine infusion at a rate of 280 mug/kg per minute seems most appropriate to induce maximal hyperaemic MBF response in healthy cats. Higher adenosine rates appear less suitable as they are associated with a large heterogeneity in flow increase and rate pressure product, most probably due to the large variability in haemodynamic and heart rate response

    Persistence of Plasmodium falciparum parasitemia after artemisinin combination therapy: evidence from a randomized trial in Uganda

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    Artemisinin resistance is rapidly spreading in Southeast Asia. The efficacy of artemisinin-combination therapy (ACT) continues to be excellent across Africa. We performed parasite transcriptional profiling and genotyping on samples from an antimalarial treatment trial in Uganda. We used qRT-PCR and genotyping to characterize residual circulating parasite populations after treatment with either ACT or ACT-primaquine. Transcripts suggestive of circulating ring stage parasites were present after treatment at a prevalence of >25% until at least 14 days post initiation of treatment. Greater than 98% of all ring stage parasites were cleared within the first 3 days, but subsequently persisted at low concentrations until day 14 after treatment. Genotyping demonstrated a significant decrease in multiplicity of infection within the first 2 days in both ACT and ACT-primaquine arms. However, multiple clone infections persisted until day 14 post treatment. Our data suggest the presence of genetically diverse persisting parasite populations after ACT treatment. Although we did not demonstrate clinical treatment failures after ACT and the viability and transmissibility of persisting ring stage parasites remain to be shown, these findings are of relevance for the interpretation of parasite clearance transmission dynamics and for monitoring drug effects in Plasmodium falciparum parasites

    Multigene phylogeny of the Mustelidae: Resolving relationships, tempo and biogeographic history of a mammalian adaptive radiation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Adaptive radiation, the evolution of ecological and phenotypic diversity from a common ancestor, is a central concept in evolutionary biology and characterizes the evolutionary histories of many groups of organisms. One such group is the Mustelidae, the most species-rich family within the mammalian order Carnivora, encompassing 59 species classified into 22 genera. Extant mustelids display extensive ecomorphological diversity, with different lineages having evolved into an array of adaptive zones, from fossorial badgers to semi-aquatic otters. Mustelids are also widely distributed, with multiple genera found on different continents. As with other groups that have undergone adaptive radiation, resolving the phylogenetic history of mustelids presents a number of challenges because ecomorphological convergence may potentially confound morphologically based phylogenetic inferences, and because adaptive radiations often include one or more periods of rapid cladogenesis that require a large amount of data to resolve.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We constructed a nearly complete generic-level phylogeny of the Mustelidae using a data matrix comprising 22 gene segments (~12,000 base pairs) analyzed with maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods. We show that mustelids are consistently resolved with high nodal support into four major clades and three monotypic lineages. Using Bayesian dating techniques, we provide evidence that mustelids underwent two bursts of diversification that coincide with major paleoenvironmental and biotic changes that occurred during the Neogene and correspond with similar bursts of cladogenesis in other vertebrate groups. Biogeographical analyses indicate that most of the extant diversity of mustelids originated in Eurasia and mustelids have colonized Africa, North America and South America on multiple occasions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Combined with information from the fossil record, our phylogenetic and dating analyses suggest that mustelid diversification may have been spurred by a combination of faunal turnover events and diversification at lower trophic levels, ultimately caused by climatically driven environmental changes. Our biogeographic analyses show Eurasia as the center of origin of mustelid diversity and that mustelids in Africa, North America and South America have been assembled over time largely via dispersal, which has important implications for understanding the ecology of mustelid communities.</p