1,783 research outputs found

    A combinatorial smoothness criterion for spherical varieties

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    We suggest a combinatorial criterion for the smoothness of an arbitrary spherical variety using the classification of multiplicity-free spaces, generalizing an earlier result of Camus for spherical varieties of type AA.Comment: 14 pages, 2 table

    Introgressive replacement of natives by invading Arion pest slugs.

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    Hybridization with invasive species is one of the major threats to the phenotypic and genetic persistence of native organisms worldwide. Arion vulgaris (syn. lusitanicus) is a major agricultural pest slug that successfully invaded many European countries in recent decades, but its impact on closely related native species remains unclear. Here, we hypothesized that the regional decline of native A. rufus is connected with the spread of invasive A. vulgaris, and tested whether this can be linked to hybridization between the two species by analyzing 625 Arion sp. along altitudinal transects in three regions in Switzerland. In each region, we observed clear evidence of different degrees of genetic admixture, suggesting recurrent hybridization beyond the first generation. We found spatial differences in admixture patterns that might reflect distinct invasion histories among the regions. Our analyses provide a landscape level perspective for the genetic interactions between invasive and native animals during the invasion. We predict that without specific management action, A. vulgaris will further expand its range, which might lead to local extinction of A. rufus and other native slugs in the near future. Similar processes are likely occurring in other regions currently invaded by A. vulgaris

    Dark Energy Accretion onto a Black Hole in an Expanding Universe

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    By using the solution describing a black hole embedded in the FLRW universe, we obtain the evolving equation of the black hole mass expressed in terms of the cosmological parameters. The evolving equation indicates that in the phantom dark energy universe the black hole mass becomes zero before the Big Rip is reached.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, errors is correcte

    Research study of some RAM antennas Final report, 18 Nov. 1964 - 18 Jun. 1965

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    Input impedance and radiation pattern determinations for cylindrical gap, waveguide excited and circular waveguide slot antenna array

    Spherical orbit closures in simple projective spaces and their normalizations

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    Let G be a simply connected semisimple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic 0 and let V be a rational simple G-module of finite dimension. If G/H \subset P(V) is a spherical orbit and if X is its closure, then we describe the orbits of X and those of its normalization. If moreover the wonderful completion of G/H is strict, then we give necessary and sufficient combinatorial conditions so that the normalization morphism is a homeomorphism. Such conditions are trivially fulfilled if G is simply laced or if H is a symmetric subgroup.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX. v4: Final version, to appear in Transformation Groups. Simplified some proofs and corrected minor mistakes, added references. v3: major changes due to a mistake in previous version

    The Rise Times of High and Low Redshift Type Ia Supernovae are Consistent

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    We present a self-consistent comparison of the rise times for low- and high-redshift Type Ia supernovae. Following previous studies, the early light curve is modeled using a t-squared law, which is then mated with a modified Leibundgut template light curve. The best-fit t-squared law is determined for ensemble samples of low- and high-redshift supernovae by fitting simultaneously for all light curve parameters for all supernovae in each sample. Our method fully accounts for the non-negligible covariance amongst the light curve fitting parameters, which previous analyses have neglected. Contrary to Riess et al. (1999), we find fair to good agreement between the rise times of the low- and high-redshift Type Ia supernovae. The uncertainty in the rise time of the high-redshift Type Ia supernovae is presently quite large (roughly +/- 1.2 days statistical), making any search for evidence of evolution based on a comparison of rise times premature. Furthermore, systematic effects on rise time determinations from the high-redshift observations, due to the form of the late-time light curve and the manner in which the light curves of these supernovae were sampled, can bias the high-redshift rise time determinations by up to +3.6/-1.9 days under extreme situations. The peak brightnesses - used for cosmology - do not suffer any significant bias, nor any significant increase in uncertainty.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. Also available at http://www.lbl.gov/~nugent/papers.html Typos were corrected and a few sentences were added for improved clarit

    Polarizations and Nullcone of Representations of Reductive Groups

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    The paper starts with the following simple observation. Let V be a representation of a reductive group G, and let f_1,f_2,...,f_n be homogeneous invariant functions. Then the polarizations of f_1,f_2,...,f_n define the nullcone of k 0} h(t) x = 0 for all x in L. This is then applied to many examples. A surprising result is about the group SL(2,C) where almost all representations V have the property that all linear subspaces of the nullcone are annihilated. Again, this has interesting applications to the invariants on several copies. Another result concerns the n-qubits which appear in quantum computing. This is the representation of a product of n copies of SL2SL_2 on the n-fold tensor product C^2 otimes C^2 otimes ... otimes C^2. Here we show just the opposite, namely that the polarizations never define the nullcone of several copies if n <= 3. (An earlier version of this paper, distributed in 2002, was split into two parts; the first part with the title ``On the nullcone of representations of reductive groups'' is published in Pacific J. Math. {bf 224} (2006), 119--140.

    ESCRT machinery mediates selective microautophagy of endoplasmic reticulum in yeast

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    ER-phagy, the selective autophagy of endoplasmic reticulum (ER), safeguards organelle homeostasis by eliminating misfolded proteins and regulating ER size. ER-phagy can occur by macroautophagic and microautophagic mechanisms. While dedicated machinery for macro-ER-phagy has been discovered, the molecules and mechanisms mediating micro-ER-phagy remain unknown. Here, we first show that micro-ER-phagy in yeast involves the conversion of stacked cisternal ER into multilamellar ER whorls during microautophagic uptake into lysosomes. Second, we identify the conserved Nem1-Spo7 phosphatase complex and the ESCRT machinery as key components for micro-ER-phagy. Third, we demonstrate that macro- and micro-ER-phagy are parallel pathways with distinct molecular requirements. Finally, we provide evidence that the ESCRT machinery directly functions in scission of the lysosomal membrane to complete the microautophagic uptake of ER. These findings establish a framework for a mechanistic understanding of micro-ER-phagy and, thus, a comprehensive appreciation of the role of autophagy in ER homeostasis

    In situ surface coverage analysis of RuO<sub>2</sub>-catalysed HCl oxidation reveals the entropic origin of compensation in heterogeneous catalysis

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    In heterogeneous catalysis, rates with Arrhenius-like temperature dependence are ubiquitous. Compensation phenomena, which arise from the linear correlation between the apparent activation energy and the logarithm of the apparent pre-exponential factor, are also common. Here, we study the origin of compensation and find a similar dependence on the rate-limiting surface coverage term for each Arrhenius parameter. This result is derived from an experimental determination of the surface coverage of oxygen and chlorine species using temporal analysis of products and prompt gamma activation analysis during HCl oxidation to Cl2 on a RuO2 catalyst. It is also substantiated by theory. We find that compensation phenomena appear when the effect on the apparent activation energy caused by changes in surface coverage is balanced out by the entropic configuration contributions of the surface. This result sets a new paradigm in understanding the interplay of compensation effects with the kinetics of heterogeneously catalysed processes
