7 research outputs found

    Lewyn kappale -patologia lisÀmunuaisessa on riippuvainen etenemismallista ja patologian tasosta keskushermostossa

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    Synukleinopatiat ovat joukko neurodegeneratiivisia sairauksia, joita yhdistÀÀ alfa-synukleiinin kertyminen hermostoon, ja johon kuuluvat muun muassa Parkinsonin tauti, Lewyn kappale -tauti sekĂ€ monisysteemiatrofia. Klassisesti alfa-synukleiinin aiheuttaman Lewyn kappale -patologian leviĂ€misen on ajateltu Parkinsonin taudissa olevan alemmilta aivoalueilta kohti neokorteksia suuntautuva prosessi, mutta viimeaikaiset tutkimukset ovat luoneet pohjaa hypoteeseille kahdesta eri etenemismallista, joista toinen alkaa keskushermoston ulkopuolelta ja toinen aivoista. Neuropatologisissa tutkimuksissa tĂ€mĂ€ nĂ€kyy Lewyn kappale -patologian kaudo-rostraalisena tai amygdala-pohjaisena etenemisenĂ€. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa selvitettiin Vantaa 85+ -kohortin 163 tutkimuskohteelta saatujen 174 nĂ€ytteen perusteella Lewyn kappale -patologian esiintyvyyttĂ€ lisĂ€munuaisessa immunohistokemiallisesti kahdella alfa-synukleiini-vasta-aineella. Tutkittavat mÀÀriteltiin joko positiivisiksi tai negatiivisiksi mikroskooppilöydösten perusteella. TĂ€mĂ€n jĂ€lkeen negatiivista ja positiivista ryhmÀÀ verrattiin demografisten ominaisuuksiensa, DLB-konsortion mÀÀritelmĂ€n mukaisen aivopatologian tason sekĂ€ neuropatologisen etenemismallin perusteella. Ryhmien demografisissa ominaisuuksissa ei ollut tilastollisesti merkittĂ€viĂ€ eroja, mutta naisilla lisĂ€munuaispatologiaa esiintyi kuitenkin selvĂ€sti vĂ€hemmĂ€n. LisĂ€munuaispatologiaa ei esiintynyt tapauksissa, joissa ei ollut minkÀÀnlaista Lewyn kappale -patologiaa keskushermostossa, vaan lisĂ€munuaisen patologia liittyi lĂ€hes yksinomaan kaudo-rostraaliseen etenemismalliin, ja sen esiintyvyys riippui lisĂ€ksi aivopatologian tasosta. Amygdala-pohjaisten tapausten joukossa lisĂ€munuaisen patologia oli harvinaista. Havaittu ero lisĂ€munuaisen patologian esiintyvyydessĂ€ etenemismallien vĂ€lillĂ€ vahvistaa kĂ€sitystĂ€ niiden olemassaolosta. TĂ€mĂ€n lisĂ€ksi lisĂ€munuaispatologian esiintyvyyden riippuvuus kaudo-rostraalisesta etenemisestĂ€ sekĂ€ aivojen patologian tasosta viittaavat siihen, ettĂ€ lisĂ€munuaisten alfa-synukleiinipatologian alkuperĂ€ on keskushermostossa.Synucleinopathies are a group of neurodegenerative diseases characterised by accumulation of the protein alpha-synuclein in the nervous systems, including diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies and multiple system atrophy. Classically, the progression of Lewy-related pathology caused by alpha-synuclein in Parkinson’s disease has been thought to be an ascending process from the lower brain structures towards the neocortex, but recent studies have given credence to hypotheses regarding two distinct progression patterns, with one beginning outside the central nervous system and one in the brain. In neuropathological studies, this is seen as the caudo-rostral and amygdala-based progression patterns of Lewy-related pathology. In this study, 174 samples from 163 subjects of the Vantaa 85+ cohort were used to determine the prevalence of Lewy-related pathology in the adrenal gland using immunohistochemistry with two anti-alpha-synuclein antibodies. The subjects were scored either negative or positive based on microscopic findings in the adrenal glands. Afterwards, the positive and negative groups were compared based on demographic characteristics, as well as their stage of brain pathology according to DLB consortium staging and neuropathological progression pattern. There were no statistically significant differences in demographic characteristics, although women had a considerably lower prevalence of adrenal gland pathology. There were no positive cases without any Lewy-related pathology in the central nervous system, instead adrenal gland pathology was almost exclusively associated with the caudo-rostral progression pattern, and the prevalence was further dependent on the stage of brain pathology. Adrenal gland pathology was rare among the amygdala-based cases. The marked difference between the progression patterns regarding the prevalence of adrenal gland pathology provides further evidence for their existence. Furthermore, the dependency of adrenal gland pathology on caudo-rostral progression and the stage of brain pathology suggests that alpha-synuclein pathology in the adrenal gland originates from the central nervous system

    Distribution of Lewy-related pathology in the brain, spinal cord, and periphery : the population-based Vantaa 85+study

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    Evolving evidence has supported the existence of two anatomically distinct Lewy-related pathology (LRP) types. Investigation of spinal cord and peripheral LRP can elucidate mechanisms of Lewy body disorders and origins of synuclein accumulation. Still, very few unselected studies have focused on LRP in these regions. Here we analysed LRP in spinal cord, dorsal root ganglion, and adrenal gland in the population-based Vantaa 85 + study, including every ≄ 85 years old citizen living in the city of Vantaa in 1991 (n = 601). Samples from spinal cord (C6-7, TH3-4, L3-4, S1-2) were available from 303, lumbar dorsal root ganglion from 219, and adrenal gland from 164 subjects. Semiquantitative scores of LRP were determined from immunohistochemically stained sections (anti-alpha-synuclein antibody 5G4). LRP in the ventral and dorsal horns of spinal cord, thoracic intermediolateral column, dorsal root ganglion and adrenal gland were compared with brain LRP, previously determined according to DLB Consortium criteria and by caudo-rostral versus amygdala-based LRP classification. Spinal LRP was found in 28% of the total population and in 61% of those who had LRP in the brain. Spinal cord LRP was found only in those subjects with LRP in the brain, and the quantity of spinal cord LRP was associated with the severity of brain LRP (p Peer reviewe

    Environmental features around roost sites drive species-specific roost preferences for boreal bats

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    Bats and their reproductive roost sites are strictly protected by legislation in Europe. Although knowledge on foraging habitats of boreal bats has increased vastly over the last decades, little is known on how habitat surrounding the roosts influences the selection of roost sites. We combined citizen science and molecular methods to determine the most critical environmental features within different radiuses around roost sites of bats inhabiting human settlements at the northernmost edge of their distribution range in Finland. We compared six different land-use types around the roost sites to randomly selected points for each species to determine at which radiuses around the roost are land-use types most critical. We found that for the northern bat (Eptesicus nilssonii), built environment, open areas, and water within the 200 m radius were the most important in roost site selection. The Brandt’s myotis (Myotis brandtii) favored roost sites in landscape not affected by human disturbance within 5 km radius. Based on our results, the surrounding habitat around a roost plays a vital role for bat species, and it should be protected along with the roost and considered in land-use planning. Furthermore, species-specific variation in roost site selection should be considered in conservation planning.Bats and their reproductive roost sites are strictly protected by legislation in Europe. Although knowledge on foraging habitats of boreal bats has increased vastly over the last decades, little is known on how habitat surrounding the roosts influences the selection of roost sites. We combined citizen science and molecular methods to determine the most critical environmental features within different radiuses around roost sites of bats inhabiting human settlements at the northernmost edge of their distribution range in Finland. We compared six different land-use types around the roost sites to randomly selected points for each species to determine at which radiuses around the roost are land-use types most critical. We found that for the northern bat (Eptesicus nilssonii), built environment, open areas, and water within the 200 m radius were the most important in roost site selection. The Brandt’s myotis (Myotis brandtii) favored roost sites in landscape not affected by human disturbance within 5 km radius. Based on our results, the surrounding habitat around a roost plays a vital role for bat species, and it should be protected along with the roost and considered in land-use planning. Furthermore, species-specific variation in roost site selection should be considered in conservation planning.Peer reviewe