37 research outputs found

    A strategy to validate a selection of human effect biomarkers using adverse outcome pathways: Proof of concept for phthalates and reproductive effects

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    Human biomonitoring measures the concentrations of environmental chemicals or their metabolites in body fluids or tissues. Complementing exposure biomarkers with mechanistically based effect biomarkers may further elucidate causal pathways between chemical exposure and adverse health outcomes. We combined information on effect biomarkers previously implemented in human observational studies with mechanisms of action reported in experimental studies and with information from published Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs), focusing on adverse reproductive effects of phthalate exposure. Phthalates constitute a group of chemicals that are ubiquitous in consumer products and have been related to a wide range of adverse health effects. As a result of a comprehensive literature search, we present an overview of effect biomarkers for reproductive toxicity that are substantiated by mechanistic information. The activation of several receptors, such as PPARα, PPARγ, and GR, may initiate events leading to impaired male and female fertility as well as other adverse effects of phthalate exposure. Therefore, these receptors appear as promising targets for the development of novel effect biomarkers. The proposed strategy connects the fields of epidemiology and toxicology and may strengthen the weight of evidence in observational studies that link chemical exposures to health outcomes.This project has received funding from the European Unions' Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreement No 733032 HBM4E

    Reductie emissie gewasbeschermingsmiddelen : omzetting van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen met geavanceerde oxidatie: onderzoeksrapport TKI Watertechnologie

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    Het doel van dit onderzoek was het beantwoorden van de vraag in hoeverre de kwaliteit van geloosd spuiwater met gewasbeschermingsmiddelen verbetert door het toepassen van (geavanceerde) oxidatietechnieken, en om zicht te krijgen op mogelijke negatieve bijwerkingen van deze technieken op het ecosysteem. Hiervoor zijn verschillende technieken vergeleken: Waterstofperoxide, Waterstofperoxide + Lage druk UV, Waterstofperoxide + middendruk UV, Waterstofperoxide + ozon, Ozon + lage druk UV, Waterstofperoxide + ozon + lage druk UV

    Human urinary arsenic species, associated exposure determinants and potential health risks assessed in the HBM4EU Aligned Studies

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    The European Joint Programme HBM4EU coordinated and advanced human biomonitoring (HBM) in Europe in order to provide science-based evidence for chemical policy development and improve chemical management. Arsenic (As) was selected as a priority substance under the HBM4EU initiative for which open, policy relevant questions like the status of exposure had to be answered. Internal exposure to inorganic arsenic (iAs), measured as Toxic Relevant Arsenic (TRA) (the sum of As(III), As(V), MMA, DMA) in urine samples of teenagers differed among the sampling sites (BEA (Spain) > Riksmaten adolescents (Sweden), ESTEBAN (France) > FLEHS IV (Belgium), SLO CRP (Slovenia)) with geometric means between 3.84 and 8.47 μg/L. The ratio TRA to TRA + arsenobetaine or the ratio TRA to total arsenic varied between 0.22 and 0.49. Main exposure determinants for TRA were the consumption of rice and seafood. When all studies were combined, Pearson correlation analysis showed significant associations between all considered As species. Higher concentrations of DMA, quantitatively a major constituent of TRA, were found with increasing arsenobetaine concentrations, a marker for organic As intake, e.g. through seafood, indicating that other sources of DMA than metabolism of inorganic As exist, e.g. direct intake of DMA or via the intake of arsenosugars or -lipids. Given the lower toxicity of DMA(V) versus iAs, estimating the amount of DMA not originating from iAs, or normalizing TRA for arsenobetaine intake could be useful for estimating iAs exposure and risk. Comparing urinary TRA concentrations with formerly derived biomonitoring equivalent (BE) for non-carcinogenic effects (6.4 μg/L) clearly shows that all 95th percentile exposure values in the different studies exceeded this BE. This together with the fact that cancer risk may not be excluded even at lower iAs levels, suggests a possible health concern for the general population of Europe.HBM4EU is co-financed under Horizon 2020 (grant agreement No 733032). The authors thank all investigators of the contributing studies for their participation and contribution to the joint HBM4EU survey and the national programme owners for their financial support. Also thanks to the participating teenagers and their families, the field workers that collected the samples. The FLEHS IV study was conducted within the framework of the Flemish Center of Expertise on Environment and Health (FLEHS 2016–2020) and funded by the Flemish Government, Department of Environment & Spatial Development. We thank the teenagers and their families that participated in the study, the field workers from the Pro vincial Institute of Hygiene and VITO for the sample and data collection. All collaborators of the scientific teams of the Flemish Center of Expertise on Environment and Health (https://www.milieu-en-gezondheid.be/en/about-the-center-0) and Karen Van Campenhout and Caroline Teughels from the Flemish Department of Environment & Spatial Development for their valuable input in the field work committee. The funding of the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection is gratefully acknowledged. BEA study was co-funded by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Insituto de Salud Carlos III (SEG 1321/15). In Slovenia the work was cofounded by the Slovenian Research Funding Agency – ARRS through a research programme P-0143. ESTEBAN was Funded by Sant´e Publique France and the French ministries of Health and the Environment. The study of RIKSMATEN was conducted and mainly financed by the Swedish Food Agency. Financial support was provided from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency and from the Swedish Environmental Pro tection Agency (SEPA).S

    Concurrent Assessment of Phthalates/HEXAMOLL® DINCH Exposure and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Performance in Three European Cohorts of the HBM4EU Aligned Studies

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    Information about the effects of phthalates and non-phthalate substitute cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid diisononyl ester (HEXAMOLL® DINCH) on children's neurodevelopment is limited. The aim of the present research is to evaluate the association between phthalate/HEXAMOLL® DINCH exposure and child neurodevelopment in three European cohorts involved in HBM4EU Aligned Studies. Participating subjects were school-aged children belonging to the Northern Adriatic cohort II (NAC-II), Italy, Odense Child Cohort (OCC), Denmark, and PCB cohort, Slovakia. In each cohort, children's neurodevelopment was assessed through the Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient score (FSIQ) of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale of Children test using three different editions. The children's urine samples, collected for one point in time concurrently with the neurodevelopmental evaluation, were analyzed for several phthalates/HEXAMOLL® DINCH biomarkers. The relation between phthalates/HEXAMOLL® DINCH and FSIQ was explored by applying separate multiple linear regressions in each cohort. The means and standard deviations of FSIQ were 109 ± 11 (NAC-II), 98 ± 12 (OCC), and 81 ± 15 (PCB cohort). In NAC-II, direct associations between FSIQ and DEHP's biomarkers were found: 5OH-MEHP+5oxo-MEHP (β = 2.56; 95% CI 0.58-4.55; N = 270), 5OH-MEHP+5cx-MEPP (β = 2.48; 95% CI 0.47-4.49; N = 270) and 5OH-MEHP (β = 2.58; 95% CI 0.65-4.51; N = 270). On the contrary, in the OCC the relation between DEHP's biomarkers and FSIQ tended to be inverse but imprecise (p-value ≥ 0.10). No associations were found in the PCB cohort. FSIQ was not associated with HEXAMOLL® DINCH in any cohort. In conclusion, these results do not provide evidence of an association between concurrent phthalate/DINCHHEXAMOLLR DINCH exposure and IQ in children.This work received external funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 733032 [“European Human Biomonitoring Initiative” (HBM4EU)] and received co-funding from the author’s organizations. NAC-II: This research was funded by: the European Union through its Sixth Framework Program for RTD (contract “PHIME” No. FOOD-CT-2006-016253); the Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste, Italy (RC 12/12 funded by Ministry of Health—Italy); CROME LIFE Project “Cross-Mediterranean Environment and Health Network” (LIFE12 ENV/GR/001040). OCC: The cohort was funded by the Odense University Hospital, Denmark; the Region of Southern Denmark, The Municipality of Odense, Denmark; The University of Southern Denmark; the Mental Health Service of the Region of Southern Denmark; Odense Patient data Exploratory Network (OPEN), Den mark; The Danish Center for Hormone Disrupting Chemicals (MST-611-00012); The Danish Research Council (4004-00352B_FSS); Novo Nordisk Foundation, Denmark (grant no. NNF19OC0058266 and NNF17OC0029404); Sygeforsikring Danmark (journalnr. 2021-0173); The Collaborative foundation between Odense University Hospital and Rigshospitalet, Helsefonden, Beckettfonden, the Danish Mental Health Fund, Health Insurance Denmark. The LS-MS/MS equipment was financially supported by the Velux Foundation. PCB: PCB cohort was funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency, project no. APVV-0571-12 and the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, project no. 2014/47-SZU-11. The APC was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 733032.S

    A systematic approach synergizing toxicological and epidemiological knowledge

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program projects HBM4EU [grant number 733032 ]. Authors acknowledge the editorial assistance of Richard Davies. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s)Human biomonitoring (HBM) studies have highlighted widespread daily exposure to environmental chemicals. Some of these are suspected to contribute to adverse health outcomes such as reproductive, neurological, and metabolic disorders, among other developmental and chronic impairments. One of the objectives of the H2020 European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) was the development of informative effect biomarkers for application in a more systematic and harmonized way in large-scale European HBM studies. The inclusion of effect biomarkers would complement exposure data with mechanistically-based information on early and late adverse effects. For this purpose, a stepwise strategy was developed to identify and implement a panel of validated effect biomarkers in European HBM studies. This work offers an overview of the complete procedure followed, from comprehensive literature search strategies, selection of criteria for effect biomarkers and their classification and prioritization, based on toxicological data and adverse outcomes, to pilot studies for their analytical, physiological, and epidemiological validation. We present the example of one study that demonstrated the mediating role of the effect biomarker status of brain-derived neurotrophic factor BDNF in the longitudinal association between infant bisphenol A (BPA) exposure and behavioral function in adolescence. A panel of effect biomarkers has been implemented in the HBM4EU Aligned Studies as main outcomes, including traditional oxidative stress, reproductive, and thyroid hormone biomarkers. Novel biomarkers of effect, such as DNA methylation status of BDNF and kisspeptin (KISS) genes were also evaluated as molecular markers of neurological and reproductive health, respectively. A panel of effect biomarkers has also been applied in HBM4EU occupational studies, such as micronucleus analysis in lymphocytes and reticulocytes, whole blood comet assay, and malondialdehyde, 8-oxo-2′-deoxyguanosine and untargeted metabolomic profile in urine, to investigate, for example, biological changes in response to hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) exposure. The use of effect biomarkers in HBM4EU has demonstrated their ability to detect early biological effects of chemical exposure and to identify subgroups that are at higher risk. The roadmap developed in HBM4EU confirms the utility of effect biomarkers, and support one of the main objectives of HBM research, which is to link exposure biomarkers to mechanistically validated effect and susceptibility biomarkers in order to better understand the public health implications of human exposure to environmental chemicals.publishersversionpublishe

    Implementation of effect biomarkers in human biomonitoring studies: A systematic approach synergizing toxicological and epidemiological knowledge

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    ReviewHuman biomonitoring (HBM) studies have highlighted widespread daily exposure to environmental chemicals. Some of these are suspected to contribute to adverse health outcomes such as reproductive, neurological, and metabolic disorders, among other developmental and chronic impairments. One of the objectives of the H2020 European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) was the development of informative effect biomarkers for application in a more systematic and harmonized way in large-scale European HBM studies. The inclusion of effect biomarkers would complement exposure data with mechanistically-based information on early and late adverse effects. For this purpose, a stepwise strategy was developed to identify and implement a panel of validated effect biomarkers in European HBM studies. This work offers an overview of the complete procedure followed, from comprehensive literature search strategies, selection of criteria for effect biomarkers and their classification and prioritization, based on toxicological data and adverse outcomes, to pilot studies for their analytical, physiological, and epidemiological validation. We present the example of one study that demonstrated the mediating role of the effect biomarker status of brain-derived neurotrophic factor BDNF in the longitudinal association between infant bisphenol A (BPA) exposure and behavioral function in adolescence. A panel of effect biomarkers has been implemented in the HBM4EU Aligned Studies as main outcomes, including traditional oxidative stress, reproductive, and thyroid hormone biomarkers. Novel biomarkers of effect, such as DNA methylation status of BDNF and kisspeptin (KISS) genes were also evaluated as molecular markers of neurological and reproductive health, respectively. A panel of effect biomarkers has also been applied in HBM4EU occupational studies, such as micronucleus analysis in lymphocytes and reticulocytes, whole blood comet assay, and malondialdehyde, 8-oxo-2′-deoxyguanosine and untargeted metabolomic profile in urine, to investigate, for example, biological changes in response to hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) exposure. The use of effect biomarkers in HBM4EU has demonstrated their ability to detect early biological effects of chemical exposure and to identify subgroups that are at higher risk. The roadmap developed in HBM4EU confirms the utility of effect biomarkers, and support one of the main objectives of HBM research, which is to link exposure biomarkers to mechanistically validated effect and susceptibility biomarkers in order to better understand the public health implications of human exposure to environmental chemicals.Supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program projects HBM4EU [grant number 733032]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Application of AOPs to assist regulatory assessment of chemical risks - Case studies, needs and recommendations

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    While human regulatory risk assessment (RA) still largely relies on animal studies, new approach methodologies (NAMs) based on in vitro, in silico or non-mammalian alternative models are increasingly used to evaluate chemical hazards. Moreover, human epidemiological studies with biomarkers of effect (BoE) also play an invaluable role in identifying health effects associated with chemical exposures. To move towards the next generation risk assessment (NGRA), it is therefore crucial to establish bridges between NAMs and standard approaches, and to establish processes for increasing mechanistically-based biological plausibility in human studies. The Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) framework constitutes an important tool to address these needs but, despite a significant increase in knowledge and awareness, the use of AOPs in chemical RA remains limited. The objective of this paper is to address issues related to using AOPs in a regulatory context from various perspectives as it was discussed in a workshop organized within the European Union partnerships HBM4EU and PARC in spring 2022. The paper presents examples where the AOP framework has been proven useful for the human RA process, particularly in hazard prioritization and characterization, in integrated approaches to testing and assessment (IATA), and in the identification and validation of BoE in epidemiological studies. Nevertheless, several limitations were identified that hinder the optimal usability and acceptance of AOPs by the regulatory community including the lack of quantitative information on response-response relationships and of efficient ways to map chemical data (exposure and toxicity) onto AOPs. The paper summarizes suggestions, ongoing initiatives and third-party tools that may help to overcome these obstacles and thus assure better implementation of AOPs in the NGRA

    Toxicological risk assessment and prioritization of drinking water relevant contaminants of emerging concern

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    Toxicological risk assessment of contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) in (sources of) drinking water is required to identify potential health risks and prioritize chemicals for abatement or monitoring. In such assessments, concentrations of chemicals in drinking water or sources are compared to either (i) health-based (statutory) drinking water guideline values, (ii) provisional guideline values based on recent toxicity data in absence of drinking water guidelines, or (iii) generic drinking water target values in absence of toxicity data. Here, we performed a toxicological risk assessment for 163 CEC that were selected as relevant for drinking water. This relevance was based on their presence in drinking water and/or groundwater and surface water sources in downstream parts of the Rhine and Meuse, in combination with concentration levels and physicochemical properties. Statutory and provisional drinking water guideline values could be derived from publically available toxicological information for 142 of the CEC. Based on measured concentrations it was concluded that the majority of substances do not occur in concentrations which individually pose an appreciable human health risk. A health concern could however not be excluded for vinylchloride, trichloroethene, bromodichloromethane, aniline, phenol, 2-chlorobenzenamine, mevinphos, 1,4-dioxane, and nitrolotriacetic acid. For part of the selected substances, toxicological risk assessment for drinking water could not be performed since either toxicity data (hazard) or drinking water concentrations (exposure) were lacking. In absence of toxicity data, the Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) approach can be applied for screening level risk assessment. The toxicological information on the selected substances was used to evaluate whether drinking water target values based on existing TTC levels are sufficiently protective for drinking water relevant CEC. Generic drinking water target levels of 37 μg/L for Cramer class I substances and 4 μg/L for Cramer class III substances in drinking water were derived based on these CEC. These levels are in line with previously reported generic drinking water target levels based on original TTC values and are shown to be protective for health effects of the majority of contaminants of emerging concern evaluated in the present study. Since the human health impact of many chemicals appearing in the water cycle has been studied insufficiently, generic drinking water target levels are useful for early warning and prioritization of CEC with unknown toxicity in drinking water and its sources for future monitoring

    Prioritizing anthropogenic chemicals in drinking water and sources through combined use of mass spectrometry and ToxCast toxicity data

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    Advancements in high-resolution mass spectrometry based methods have enabled a shift from pure target analysis to target, suspect and non-target screening analyses to detect chemicals in water samples. The multitude of suspect chemicals thereby detected needs to be prioritized for further identification, prior to health risk assessment and potential inclusion into monitoring programs. Here, we compare prioritization of chemicals in Dutch water samples based on relative intensities only to prioritization including hazard information based on high-throughput in vitro toxicity data. Over 1000 suspects detected in sewage treatment plant effluent, surface water, groundwater and drinking water samples were ranked based on their relative intensities. Toxicity data availability and density in the ToxCast database were determined and visualized for these suspects, also in regard to water relevant mechanisms of toxicity. More than 500 suspects could be ranked using occurrence/hazard ratios based on more than 1000 different assay endpoints. The comparison showed that different prioritization strategies resulted in significantly different ranking, with only 2 suspects prioritized based on occurrence among the top 20 in the hazard ranking. We therefore propose a novel scheme that integrates both exposure and hazard data, and efficiently prioritizes which features need to be confidently identified first