717 research outputs found

    Особенности интернет-маркетинга в России

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    This article is devoted to the study of Internet marketing in Russia. The article describes the main features of the Internet - marketing in Russia, elements of e-business. Ebusiness is a part of the contemporary information world and it helps all spheres of business from b2b, to c2c. The article reviews basic elements of internet-marketing as part of informational phenomenon. Данная статья посвящена интернет маркетингу в России. В статье рассмотрены основные особенности интернет - маркетинга в России, элементы электронного бизнеса. Электронный бизнес как часть современного информационного мира становится востребованным во всех сферах бизнеса от b2b, до с2с. В статье рассматриваются основные черты интернет маркетинга как информационного феномена

    Pertinence des partenariats public-privé en développement durable entre la ville et la grande industrie : le cas de Biogas Väst, en Suède

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    Ce mémoire traite de la pertinence d'utiliser les partenariats public-privé (PPP) en développement durable entre la ville et la grande industrie présente sur son territoire. Ceux-ci s'inscrivent dans un contexte de mondialisation où l'interdépendance de la ville et de la grande industrie peut avoir un impact sur leur positionnement à l'échelle internationale. Si le concept de partenariat public-privé peut être interprété de diverses façons et comporte de nombreuses formes hybrides, la revue de littérature fait ressortir deux grandes classes : les partenariats public-privé contractuels et consensuels. De même, si le développement durable est généralement compris en combinant les définitions de Brundtland (1987) et celle de l'Union Intemationale de la conservation de la nature (1980), les partenaires publics et privés s'impliquent différemment en développement durable, selon leurs responsabilités et leurs intérêts spécifiques. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, c'est l'étude de cas qui a été choisie comme méthodologie pour analyser la pertinence pour la ville et la grande industrie d'utiliser des PPP qui pourraient s'avérer conformes aux principes du développement durable. Près d'une vingtaine d'entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées afin de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement et l'intérêt pour la ville (public) et la grande industrie (privé) de conclure de tels partenariats public-privé. La recherche indique que leur interdépendance favorise l'émergence de PPP lorsque l'objectif est renforcer un positionnement commun à l'international, ce qui est facilité lorsque les réseaux sont bien établis et que le niveau de confiance est élevé en milieu local. Ces caractéristiques peut toutefois rendre difficile l'exportation de tels PPP dans des contextes locaux différents, du moins sans une adaptation au milieu. Basée sur le projet Biogas Väst, un partenariat public-privé entre la ville suédoise de Göteborg, les manufacturiers en transport AB Volvo et Volvo Car Corporation, de même qu'une quinzaine d'autres partenaires publics et privés, l'hypothèse est à l'effet que la société civile doit être partenaire pour que les partenariats public-privé entre la ville et la grande industrie s'avèrent conformes au développement durable. La recherche démontre que certains PPP peuvent être intégrés à la planification urbaine du développement durable comme projets visant à réaliser les objectifs d'un Agenda 21 local ou de la Charte d'Alborg. S'il n'est pas essentiel que la société civile soit partenaire pour que le PPP s'inscrive dans une planification de développement durable, la recherche indique qu'elle pourrait jouer un rôle de premier plan pour en augmenter les chances de succès. Faisant partie à la fois de l'électorat des partenaires publics et de la clientèle des entreprises privées, la société civile peut exercer son pouvoir pour défendre et promouvoir ces PPP, entre autres dans un contexte de compétitivité internationale qui intègre peu les questions sociales et environnementales. La pertinence des PPP consensuels en développement durable permet donc de repenser les modèles de partenariat économique afin de s'assurer que les initiatives responsables des entreprises constituent un atout et non un frein à leur compétitivité. La complexité croissante de l'interrelation entre les questions sociales, environnementales et économiques semble favoriser par ailleurs leur émergence comme approche de solutions durables. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Partenariat public-privé, Agenda 21 local, Charte d'Ålborg, Développement durable, Ville post-industrielle, Göteborg, Suède, Volvo, Biocarburants, Biogaz

    Loss of Arabidopsis matrix metalloproteinase-5 affects root development and root bacterial communities during drought stress

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    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are zinc-dependent endo-peptidases that in mammals are known to be involved in remodeling the extracellular matrix (ECM) in developmental and pathological processes. In this study, we report At5-MMP of Arabidopsis thaliana to be important for root development and root bacterial communities. At5-MMP is mainly localized in the root vasculature and lateral root, an At5-MMP T-DNA insertion mutant (mmp5 KO) showed reduced root growth and a lower number of root apexes, causing reduced water uptake from the soil. Subsequently, mmp5 KO is sensitive to drought stress. Inhibited auxin transport was accompanied with resistance to indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D), and 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The content of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) was lower in roots of mmp5 KO than in wild type. Genes responsive to ABA as well as genes encoding enzymes of the proline biosynthesis were expressed to a lower extent in mmp5 KO than in wild type. Moreover, drought stress modulated root-associated bacterial communities of mmp5 KO: the number of Actinobacteria increased. Therefore, At5-MMP modulates auxin/ABA signaling rendering the plant sensitive to drought stress and recruiting differential root bacterial communities

    Plasmodium falciparum parasite population structure and gene flow associated to anti-malarial drugs resistance in Cambodia

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    Background: Western Cambodia is recognized as the epicentre of emergence of Plasmodium falciparum multi-drug resistance. The emergence of artemisinin resistance has been observed in this area since 2008–2009 and molecular signatures associated to artemisinin resistance have been characterized in k13 gene. At present, one of the major threats faced, is the possible spread of Asian artemisinin resistant parasites over the world threatening millions of people and jeopardizing malaria elimination programme efforts. To anticipate the diffusion of artemisinin resistance, the identification of the P. falciparum population structure and the gene flow among the parasite population in Cambodia are essential. Methods: To this end, a mid-throughput PCR-LDR-FMA approach based on LUMINEX technology was developed to screen for genetic barcode in 533 blood samples collected in 2010–2011 from 16 health centres in malaria endemics areas in Cambodia. Results: Based on successful typing of 282 samples, subpopulations were characterized along the borders of the country. Each 11-loci barcode provides evidence supporting allele distribution gradient related to subpopulations and gene flow. The 11-loci barcode successfully identifies recently emerging parasite subpopulations in western Cambodia that are associated with the C580Y dominant allele for artemisinin resistance in k13 gene. A subpopulation was identified in northern Cambodia that was associated to artemisinin (R539T resistant allele of k13 gene) and mefloquine resistance. Conclusions: The gene flow between these subpopulations might have driven the spread of artemisinin resistance over Cambodia

    Exploring Influences on Theory of Mind Impairment in Opioid Dependent Patients

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    Theory of mind (ToM) is an aspect of social cognition impaired in different addictive disorders, including opioid addiction. This study aimed at replicating ToM deficits in opioid dependent patients undergoing opioid maintenance treatment (OMT) and exploring the influence of substance use related variables, executive functions and childhood maltreatment on ToM in opioid dependent patients. 66 opioid dependent patients were tested using the Movie for Assessment of Social Cognition (MASC) and compared with the data of healthy controls. Furthermore, the opioid dependent patients underwent testing for executive functions and filled in the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). Performance on the MASC was significantly poorer in the opioid dependence group than in the control group, even when recent additional drug use and psychiatric comorbidities were controlled for. No correlations were found between ToM and substance use related factors. Aspects of ToM performance in opioid dependent patients correlated significantly with different EF domains. ToM correlated significantly with the CTQ scales for physical maltreatment. The results confirm impaired ToM in opioid dependent patients and highlight executive functions and childhood maltreatment as influential factors. The lack of associations between ToM and substance use related variables and the association with childhood maltreatment suggest that ToM impairments might be a risk factor predating substance abuse.Peer Reviewe

    Assessing the prevalence of sensory and motor impairments in childhood in Bangladesh using key informants.

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    OBJECTIVES: The study was conducted to determine whether trained key informants (KI) could identify children with impairments. DESIGN: Trained KI identified children with defined impairments/epilepsy who were then examined by a medical team at a nearby assessment centre (Key Informant Methodology: KIM). A population-based household randomised sample survey was also conducted for comparing the prevalence estimates. SETTING: Three districts in North Bangladesh. PARTICIPANTS: Study population of approximately 258 000 children aged 0-<18 years, within which 3910 children were identified by KI, 94.8% of whom attended assessment camps. In the household survey, 8120 children were examined, of whom 119 were identified with an impairment/epilepsy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence estimates of severe visual impairment (SVI), moderate/severe hearing impairment (HI), substantial physical impairment (PI) and epilepsy. RESULTS: Overall prevalence estimates of impairments, including presumed HI, showed significant differences comparing KIM (9.0/1000 (95% CI 8.7 to 9.4)) with the household survey (14.7/1000 (95% CI 12.0 to 17.3)). Good agreement was observed for SVI (KIM 0.7/1000 children: survey 0.5/1000), PI (KIM 6.2/1000 children: survey 8.0/1000) and epilepsy (KIM 1.5/1000 children: survey 2.2/1000). Prevalence estimates for HI were much lower using KIM (2/1000) compared to the survey (6.4/1000). Excluding HI, overall prevalence estimates were similar (KIM: 7.5/1000 children (95% CI 7.2 to 7.8) survey: 8.4/1000 (95% CI 6.4 to 10.4)). CONCLUSIONS: KIM offers a low cost and relatively rapid way to identify children with SVI, PI and epilepsy in Bangladesh. HI is underestimated using KIM, requiring further research

    The PROVe study: US real-world experience with chlormethine/mechlorethamine gel in combination with other therapies for patients with mycosis fungoides cutaneous T-cell lymphoma

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    BACKGROUND: Chlormethine/mechlorethamine gel is a skin-directed therapy for patients with mycosis fungoides cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Currently, real-world data on chlormethine gel are lacking. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to analyze the effect of chlormethine gel in combination with other therapies on efficacy, safety, and health-related quality of life in a real-world setting. METHODS: This prospective, observational study enrolled adult patients actively using chlormethine gel. Patients were monitored for up to 2 years during standard-of-care clinic visits. No specific visit schedules or clinical assessments, with the exception of patient-completed questionnaires, were mandated because of the expected variability in practice patterns. The primary efficacy endpoint was the proportion of patients with stage IA-IB disease receiving chlormethine + topical corticosteroids + other with ≥ 50% decrease in body surface area from baseline to 12 months. Response was assessed at each visit using by-time analysis, which investigates the trend to treatment response and allows assessment of response over time. Health-related quality of life was assessed with the Skindex-29 questionnaire. RESULTS: In total, 298 patients were monitored. At 12 months post-treatment initiation, 44.4% (chlormethine + topical corticosteroids + other) and 45.1% (patients receiving chlormethine + other treatment) of efficacy-evaluable patients were responders. By-time analysis demonstrated that peak response occurred (chlormethine + other; 66.7%) at 18 months. There was a significant correlation between responder status and lower post-baseline Skindex-29 scores. CONCLUSIONS: This real-world study confirmed that chlormethine gel is an important therapeutic option for patients with mycosis fungoides and contributes to reducing the severity of skin lesions and improving health-related quality of life

    Simulating the cloudy atmospheres of HD 209458 b and HD 189733 b with the 3D Met Office Unified Model

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    Aims.To understand and compare the 3D atmospheric structure of HD 209458 b and HD 189733 b, focusing on the formation and distribution of cloud particles, as well as their feedback on the dynamics and thermal profile. Methods. We coupled the 3D Met Office Unified Model (UM), including detailed treatments of atmospheric radiative transfer anddynamics, to a kinetic cloud formation scheme. The resulting model self–consistently solves for the formation of condensation seeds,surface growth and evaporation, gravitational settling and advection, cloud radiative feedback via absorption, and crucially, scattering. We used fluxes directly obtained from the UM to produce synthetic spectral energy distributions and phase curves. Results. Our simulations show extensive cloud formation in both HD 209458 b and HD 189733 b. However, cooler temperatures in the latter result in higher cloud particle number densities. Large particles, reaching 1μm in diameter, can form due to high particle growth velocities, and sub-μm particles are suspended by vertical flows leading to extensive upper-atmosphere cloud cover. A combination of meridional advection and efficient cloud formation in cooler high latitude regions, results in enhanced cloud coverage for latitudes above 30° and leads to a zonally banded structure for all our simulations. The cloud bands extend around the entire planet, for HD209458 b and HD 189733 b, as the temperatures, even on the day side, remain below the condensation temperature of silicates and oxides. Therefore, the simulated optical phase curve for HD 209458 b shows no ‘offset’, in contrast to observations. Efficient scattering of stellar irradiation by cloud particles results in a local maximum cooling of up to 250 K in the upper atmosphere, and an advection-driven fluctuating cloud opacity causes temporal variability in the thermal emission. The inclusion of this fundamental cloud-atmosphere radiative feedback leads to significant differences with approaches neglecting these physical elements, which have been employed to interpret observations and determine thermal profiles for these planets. This suggests that readers should be cautious of interpretations neglecting such cloud feedback and scattering, and that the subject merits further study.PostprintPeer reviewe