321 research outputs found

    Investigating Catalyst–Support Interactions To Improve the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Activity of Thiomolybdate [Mo3S13]2– Nanoclusters

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    © 2017 American Chemical Society. Molybdenum sulfides have been identified as promising materials for catalyzing the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in acid, with active edge sites that exhibit some of the highest turnover frequencies among nonpreciousmetal catalysts. The thiomolybdate [Mo 3 S 13 ] 2- nanocluster catalyst contains a structural motif that resembles the active site of MoS2 and has been reported to be among the most active forms of molybdenum sulfide. Herein, we improve the activity of the [Mo 3 S 13 ] 2- catalysts through catalyst-support interactions. We synthesize [Mo 3 S 13 ] 2- on gold, silver, glassy carbon, and copper supports to demonstrate the ability to tune the hydrogen binding energy of [Mo 3 S 13 ] 2- using catalyst-support electronic interactions and optimize HER activity

    Ultrahigh-current-density niobium disulfide catalysts for hydrogen evolution

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    Metallic transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs)1???8 are good catalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). The overpotential and Tafel slope values of metallic phases and edges9 of two-dimensional (2D) TMDs approach those of Pt. However, the overall current density of 2D TMD catalysts remains orders of magnitude lower (~10???100 mA cm???2) than industrial Pt and Ir electrolysers (>1,000 mA cm???2)10,11. Here, we report the synthesis of the metallic 2H phase of niobium disulfide with additional niobium (2H Nb1+xS2, where x is ~0.35)12 as a HER catalyst with current densities of >5,000 mA cm???2 at ~420 mV versus a reversible hydrogen electrode. We find the exchange current density at 0 V for 2H Nb1.35S2 to be ~0.8 mA cm???2, corresponding to a turnover frequency of ~0.2 s???1. We demonstrate an electrolyser based on a 2H Nb1+ xS2 cathode that can generate current densities of 1,000 mA cm???2. Our theoretical results reveal that 2H Nb1+ xS2 with Nb-terminated surface has free energy for hydrogen adsorption that is close to thermoneutral, facilitating HER. Therefore, 2H Nb1+ xS2 could be a viable catalyst for practical electrolysers

    Unusual synergistic effect in layered Ruddlesden-Popper oxide enables ultrafast hydrogen evolution

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    Efficient electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction are key to realize clean hydrogen production through water splitting. As an important family of functional materials, transition metal oxides are generally believed inactive towards hydrogen evolution reaction, although many of them show high activity for oxygen evolution reaction. Here we report the remarkable electrocatalytic activity for hydrogen evolution reaction of a layered metal oxide, Ruddlesden-Popper-type Sr2RuO4 with alternative perovskite layer and rock-salt SrO layer, in an alkaline solution, which is comparable to those of the best electrocatalysts ever reported. By theoretical calculations, such excellent activity is attributed mainly to an unusual synergistic effect in the layered structure, whereby the (001) SrO-terminated surface cleaved in rock-salt layer facilitates a barrier-free water dissociation while the active apical oxygen site in perovskite layer promotes favorable hydrogen adsorption and evolution. Moreover, the activity of such layered oxide can be further improved by electrochemistry-induced activation

    Balancing hydrogen adsorption/desorption by orbital modulation for efficient hydrogen evolution catalysis

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    Hydrogen adsorption/desorption behavior plays a key role in hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) catalysis. The HER reaction rate is a trade-off between hydrogen adsorption and desorption on the catalyst surface. Herein, we report the rational balancing of hydrogen adsorption/desorption by orbital modulation using introduced environmental electronegative carbon/nitrogen (C/N) atoms. Theoretical calculations reveal that the empty d orbitals of iridium (Ir) sites can be reduced by interactions between the environmental electronegative C/N and Ir atoms. This balances the hydrogen adsorption/ desorption around the Ir sites, accelerating the related HER process. Remarkably, by anchoring a small amount of Ir nanoparticles (7.16 wt%) in nitrogenated carbon matrixes, the resulting catalyst exhibits significantly enhanced HER performance. This includs the smallest reported overpotential at 10 mA cm(-2) (4.5 mV), the highest mass activity at 10 mV (1.12 A mg(Ir)(-1)) and turnover frequency at 25 mV (4.21 H2 s(-1)) by far, outperforming Ir nanoparticles and commercial Pt/C

    Recent advances in unveiling active sites in molybdenum sulfide-based electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction

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    Hydrogen has received significant attention as a promising future energy carrier due to its high energy density and environmentally friendly nature. In particular, the electrocatalytic generation of hydrogen fuel is highly desirable to replace current fossil fuel-dependent hydrogen production methods. However, to achieve widespread implementation of electrocatalytic hydrogen production technology, the development of highly active and durable electrocatalysts based on Earth-abundant elements is of prime importance. In this context, nanostructured molybdenum sulfides (MoS x ) have received a great deal of attention as promising alternatives to precious metal-based catalysts. In this focus review, we summarize recent efforts towards identification of the active sites in MoS x -based electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). We also discuss recent synthetic strategies for the engineering of catalyst structures to achieve high active site densities. Finally, we suggest ongoing and future research challenges in the design of advanced MoS x -based HER electrocatalysts

    Self-optimizing, highly surface-active layered metal dichalcogenide catalysts for hydrogen evolution

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    Low-cost, layered transition-metal dichalcogenides (MX_2) based on molybdenum and tungsten have attracted substantial interest as alternative catalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). These materials have high intrinsic per-site HER activity; however, a significant challenge is the limited density of active sites, which are concentrated at the layer edges. Here we unravel electronic factors underlying catalytic activity on MX_2 surfaces, and leverage the understanding to report group-5 MX_2 (H-TaS_2 and H-NbS_2) electrocatalysts whose performance instead mainly derives from highly active basal-plane sites, as suggested by our first-principles calculations and performance comparisons with edge-active counterparts. Beyond high catalytic activity, they are found to exhibit an unusual ability to optimize their morphology for enhanced charge transfer and accessibility of active sites as the HER proceeds, offering a practical advantage for scalable processing. The catalysts reach 10 mA cm^(−2) current density at an overpotential of ∼50–60 mV with a loading of 10–55 μg cm^(−2), surpassing other reported MX2 candidates without any performance-enhancing additives

    Engineering grain boundaries at the 2D limit for the hydrogen evolution reaction

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    Atom-thin transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have emerged as fascinating materials and key structures for electrocatalysis. So far, their edges, dopant heteroatoms and defects have been intensively explored as active sites for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) to split water. However, grain boundaries (GBs), a key type of defects in TMDs, have been overlooked due to their low density and large structural variations. Here, we demonstrate the synthesis of wafer-size atom-thin TMD films with an ultra-high-density of GBs, up to ~1012 cm−2. We propose a climb and drive 0D/2D interaction to explain the underlying growth mechanism. The electrocatalytic activity of the nanograin film is comprehensively examined by micro-electrochemical measurements, showing an excellent hydrogen-evolution performance (onset potential: −25 mV and Tafel slope: 54 mV dec−1), thus indicating an intrinsically high activation of the TMD GBs