20 research outputs found

    Fabry-betegség - Diagnosztikai útmutató

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    A Fabry-kór a lizoszomális tárolási betegségek csoportjába tartozó, X-kromoszómához kötötten, recesszív módon öröklődő betegség, amely a globotriaosylceramid felhalmozódásához vezet a szervezet legkülönbözőbb szöveteiben. A betegség első tünetei többnyire gyermekkorban jelentkeznek, a progresszió során a betegek súlyos szervi károsodásokkal és korai halálozással számolhatnak. Elsősorban fiúk és férfiak érintettek, azonban a betegség tüneteit heterozigóta nők esetében is megfigyelhetjük, de náluk a kórkép súlyossága változó, általában enyhébb lefolyású. Az enzimpótló kezelések megjelenése szükségessé tette, hogy részletes diagnosztikus és terápiás protokollt dolgozzunk ki. A jelen dolgozatban megjelenő ajánlásokat egy, a magyarországi Fabry-betegek kezelésében aktívan részt vevő orvosokból, a diagnosztika területén dolgozó biológosukból és egyéb szakemberekből álló multidiszciplináris munkacsoport foglalta össze. A munkacsoport áttekintette a korábbi klinikai tanulmányokat, a publikált vizsgálatokat és a közelmúltban megjelent nemzetközi és nemzeti útmutatókat. | Fabry disease is a rare, X-linked lysosomal storage disorder that leads to accumulation of globotriaosylceramide in different tissues of the body. The disease is progressive, first symptoms usually present in childhood. Consequencies of the diseases are disability and premature death. The disease in females could be as severe as in males although women may also be asymptomatic. The possibility of enzyme replacement therapy has made it necessary to elaborate a comprehensive guideline for the diagnosis and treatment follow-up. The guideline was established by a Hungarian multi-disciplinary working group, consisting of physicians who are involved in health care of Fabry patients. Previous clinical studies, published materials, and recently established international treatment guidelines were reviewed by the group

    Fabry-betegség – terápiás útmutató

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    A Fabry-kór a lizoszomális tárolási betegségek csoportjába tartozó, X-kromoszómához kötötten, recesszív módon öröklődő betegség, amely a globotriaozilceramid felhalmozódásához vezet a szervezet legkülönbözőbb szöveteiben. A betegség első tünetei többnyire gyermekkorban jelentkeznek, a progresszió során a betegek súlyos szervi károsodásokkal és korai halálozással számolhatnak. Elsősorban férfiak érintettek, azonban a betegség tüneteit heterozigóta nők esetében is megfigyelhetjük, de náluk a kórkép súlyossága változó, általában enyhébb lefolyású. Az enzimpótló kezelések megjelenése szükségessé tette, hogy részletes diagnosztikus és terápiás protokollt dolgozzunk ki. A jelen dolgozatban megjelenő ajánlásokat egy, a magyarországi Fabry-kóros betegek kezelésében részt vevő orvosokból, a diagnosztika területén dolgozó biológosukból és egyéb szakemberekből álló multidiszciplináris munkacsoport foglalta össze. A munkacsoport áttekintette a korábbi klinikai tanulmányokat, a publikált vizsgálatokat és a közelmúltban megjelent nemzetközi és nemzeti útmutatókat. | Fabry disease is a rare, X-linked lysosomal storage disorder that leads to accumulation of globotriaosylceramide in different tissues of the body. The disease is progressive and the first symptoms usually present in childhood. Consequences of the disease are disability and premature death. The disease in females could be as severe as in males although women may be asymptomatic. The possibility of enzyme replacement therapy has made it necessary to elaborate a comprehensive guideline for the diagnosis and treatment follow-up. The guideline has been summarized by a Hungarian multi-disciplinary working group consisting of physicians who are involved in diagnosis and care of Fabry patients. Previous clinical studies, published articles, and recently established international treatment guidelines were reviewed by the group

    LOTVS: a global collection of permanent vegetation plots

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    Analysing temporal patterns in plant communities is extremely important to quantify the extent and the consequences of ecological changes, especially considering the current biodiversity crisis. Long-term data collected through the regular sampling of permanent plots represent the most accurate resource to study ecological succession, analyse the stability of a community over time and understand the mechanisms driving vegetation change. We hereby present the LOng-Term Vegetation Sampling (LOTVS) initiative, a global collection of vegetation time-series derived from the regular monitoring of plant species in permanent plots. With 79 data sets from five continents and 7,789 vegetation time-series monitored for at least 6 years and mostly on an annual basis, LOTVS possibly represents the largest collection of temporally fine-grained vegetation time-series derived from permanent plots and made accessible to the research community. As such, it has an outstanding potential to support innovative research in the fields of vegetation science, plant ecology and temporal ecology

    ALTER-Net, a long-term biodiversity, ecosystem and awareness research network. – Year 7

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    Van Dijk, J., Ulateig, G. Terrasson, D., De Blust, G., Sier, A., Braat, L., Kanka, R., Mirtl, M., Török, K., Furman, E., Kertész, M., & Stadler, J. 2011. ALTER-Net, a long-term biodiversity, ecosystem and awareness research network – Year 7. – NINA Report 685, 83 pp. During year seven of ALTER-Net several activities have proven the added value of having the network and together with the partner contributions that have been spent on our network activities (i.e. Common Research Programme, Communication & Knowledge Transfer, Common Training Programme, Data Sharing Policy, Long Term Ecological Research - LTER, LifeWatch, InterDisciplinary Research - IDR and Multi-Site Experiment) we have further guaranteed the durable integration of European biodiversity research. In Vienna ALTER-Net arranged the workshop on our Common Research Strategy (CRS) which was very successful. During the workshop it was agreed to have a regularly updated CRS by means of an annual research priority meeting with Council, young researchers and stakeholders prior to setting our yearly activities. The ALTER-Net website and the enews letters are highly appreciated and with regular updates of ALTER-Net activities, biodiversity events, job vacancies, funding possibilities members of the website stay informed about what is going on. Both the LTER-Europe secretariat and the team working on the ALTER-Net/LTER-data infrastructure at UBA have been responsible for running the LTEREurope network and improving the data infrastructure of LTER-Europe respectively. For our work on InterDisciplinary Research ALTER-Net organized two very successful events; a conference in Vienna (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, what is the link between the two?) and a workshop in Paris (Ecosystem Services and Governance). Both outcomes are combined in a policy document (one long version for the research community and other interested persons and one short version especially for policy makers). Also this year ALTER-Net organized its Summer School which was again a great success and one of our most visible outputs of the network together with the work on Multi-Site Experiment II. Both the ALTER-Net Summer School and the Multi-Site Experiment involve many ALTER-Net partners and prove the added value of the network. The impressive list of 45 ongoing collaborative projects and 8 new joint proposals of which 3 are on the EU funding list from 2011, as well as the 198 publications with two or more ALTER-Net partners show that the fundament of the network is in place and the network is functioning. KEY WORDS : biodiversity, ecosystem, awareness, Interdisciplinary research, research network, NØKKELORD : biomangfold, økosystem, formidling, tverrfaglig kunnskap, forskningsnettver

    Neutrophil functions and autoimmune arthritis in the absence of p190RhoGAP:generation and analysis of a novel null mutation in mice

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    Beta(2) integrins of neutrophils play a critical role in innate immune defense, but they also participate in tissue destruction during autoimmune inflammation. p190RhoGAP (ArhGAP35), a regulator of Rho family small GTPases, is required for integrin signal transduction in fibroblasts. Prior studies have also suggested a role for p190RhoGAP in beta(2) integrin signaling in neutrophils. To directly test that possibility, we have generated a novel targeted mutation completely disrupting the p190RhoGAP-encoding gene in mice. p190RhoGAP deficiency led to perinatal lethality and defective neural development, precluding the analysis of neutrophil functions in adult p190RhoGAP(-/-) animals. This was overcome by transplantation of fetal liver cells from p190RhoGAP(-/-) fetuses into lethally irradiated wild-type recipients. Neutrophils from such p190RhoGAP(-/-) bone marrow chimeras developed normally and expressed normal levels of various cell surface receptors. Although p190RhoGAP(-/-) neutrophils showed moderate reduction of beta(2) integrin-mediated adherent activation, they showed mostly normal migration in beta(2) integrin-dependent in vitro and in vivo assays and normal beta(2) integrin-mediated killing of serum-opsonized Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. A neutrophil- and beta(2) integrin-dependent transgenic model of the effector phase of autoimmune arthritis also proceeded normally in p190RhoGAP(-/-) bone marrow chimeras. In contrast, all the above responses were completely blocked in CD18(-/-) neutrophils or CD18(-/-) bone marrow chimeras. These results suggest that p190RhoGAP likely does not play a major indispensable role in beta(2) integrin-mediated in vitro and in vivo neutrophil functions or the effector phase of experimental autoimmune arthritis

    Neutrophil Functions and Autoimmune Arthritis in the Absence of p190RhoGAP: Generation and Analysis of a Novel Null Mutation in Mice

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    Beta(2) integrins of neutrophils play a critical role in innate immune defense, but they also participate in tissue destruction during autoimmune inflammation. p190RhoGAP (ArhGAP35), a regulator of Rho family small GTPases, is required for integrin signal transduction in fibroblasts. Prior studies have also suggested a role for p190RhoGAP in beta(2) integrin signaling in neutrophils. To directly test that possibility, we have generated a novel targeted mutation completely disrupting the p190RhoGAP-encoding gene in mice. p190RhoGAP deficiency led to perinatal lethality and defective neural development, precluding the analysis of neutrophil functions in adult p190RhoGAP(-/-) animals. This was overcome by transplantation of fetal liver cells from p190RhoGAP(-/-) fetuses into lethally irradiated wild-type recipients. Neutrophils from such p190RhoGAP(-/-) bone marrow chimeras developed normally and expressed normal levels of various cell surface receptors. Although p190RhoGAP(-/-) neutrophils showed moderate reduction of beta(2) integrin-mediated adherent activation, they showed mostly normal migration in beta(2) integrin-dependent in vitro and in vivo assays and normal beta(2) integrin-mediated killing of serum-opsonized Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. A neutrophil- and beta(2) integrin-dependent transgenic model of the effector phase of autoimmune arthritis also proceeded normally in p190RhoGAP(-/-) bone marrow chimeras. In contrast, all the above responses were completely blocked in CD18(-/-) neutrophils or CD18(-/-) bone marrow chimeras. These results suggest that p190RhoGAP likely does not play a major indispensable role in beta(2) integrin-mediated in vitro and in vivo neutrophil functions or the effector phase of experimental autoimmune arthritis

    What is socio-ecological research delivering? A literature survey across 25 international LTSER platforms

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    With an overarching goal of addressing global and regional sustainability challenges, Long Term Socio-Ecological Research Platforms (LTSER) aim to conduct place-based research, to collect and synthesize both environmental and socio-economic data, and to involve a broader stakeholder pool to set the research agenda. To date there have been few studies examining the output from LTSER platforms. In this study we enquire if the socio-ecological research from 25 self-selected LTSER platforms of the International Long-Term Ecological Research (ILTER) network has produced research products which fulfil the aims and ambitions of the paradigm shift from ecological to socio-ecological research envisaged at the turn of the century. In total we assessed 4983 publically available publications, of which 1112 were deemed relevant to the socio-ecological objectives of the platform. A series of 22 questions were scored for each publication, assessing relevance of responses in terms of the disciplinary focus of research, consideration of human health and well-being, degree of stakeholder engagement, and other relevant variables. The results reflected the diverse origins of the individual platforms and revealed a wide range in foci, temporal periods and quantity of output from participating platforms, supporting the premise that there is a growing trend in socio-ecological research at long-term monitoring platforms. Our review highlights the challenges of realizing the top-down goal to harmonize international network activities and objectives and the need for bottom-up, self-definition for research platforms. This provides support for increasing the consistency of LTSER research while preserving the diversity of regional experiences