323 research outputs found

    Big data for monitoring educational systems

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    This report considers “how advances in big data are likely to transform the context and methodology of monitoring educational systems within a long-term perspective (10-30 years) and impact the evidence based policy development in the sector”, big data are “large amounts of different types of data produced with high velocity from a high number of various types of sources.” Five independent experts were commissioned by Ecorys, responding to themes of: students' privacy, educational equity and efficiency, student tracking, assessment and skills. The experts were asked to consider the “macro perspective on governance on educational systems at all levels from primary, secondary education and tertiary – the latter covering all aspects of tertiary from further, to higher, and to VET”, prioritising primary and secondary levels of education

    Towards a ‘benchmarking raster’: A selection of indicators to measure and assess policies for cultural and creative industries

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    Research has devoted considerable attention to the contribution of cultural and creative industries (CCIs) to economic growth and innovation. Measuring and evaluative tools have played an increasingly important role in meeting the demand for the accountability of public money supporting this sector. Nevertheless, creativity remains an elusive subject for policy-makers. One of the major obstacles in adopting CCI policies is the difficulty in apprehending the value of support actions for cultural and creative enterprises. The present research is a first attempt to create a harmonised and simple set of indicators (the ‘benchmarking raster’) to assess local policies targeting economic development of CCIs. It has been completed in the framework of the INTERREG-funded CREA.RE network with the aim to encourage the authorities of small and medium-sized cities and regions to further invest Structural Funds in CCIs. It is also expected to contribute to CCI-focused economic development strategies (or Smart Specialisation Strategies)

    Tribological and Corrosion Behavior of Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Ti-Zr-Ni Quasicrystalline Coatings

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    This investigation deals with a study of the friction, wear, and corrosion behavior of vacuum plasma sprayed quasicrystalline (QC) Ti41.5Zr41.5Ni17 coatings. During pin on disc experiments, a change in the mode of wear has been found to occur with corresponding changes in normal load and sliding velocity. The low thermal conductivity of quasicrystals and its brittleness play a vital role in determining the friction and wear behavior of such materials. When these coatings are subjected to rubbing for a longer period of time, wear occurs by subsurface crack propagation, and subsequent delamination within the coated layer. By comparing the QC to its polycrystalline counterpart during potentiodynamic measurements according to ASTM G 31, higher currents were found over the whole range of potentials for QC when immersed in 1M HCl solutio

    Les communautés de connaissance : leviers de changement organisationnel pour le manager et l’entrepreneur

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    Presented at GLOBELICS 2009, 7th International Conference, 6-8 October, Dakar, Senegal.Parallel session 4: Connaissance, invention, innovation et l'entrepreneu

    Couplage par composants logiciels de codes d'hydrogéologie

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    National audienceNotre objectif est d'étudier la modélisation de phénomènes couplés et leur mise en oeuvre sur une grille de calcul, en développant quatre applications. Les deux premiers couplages sont de type physico-chimique et physico-physique (couplage algébrique d'équations). Ils sont appliqués respectivement à la contamination d'aquifères et à l'intrusion d'eau salée. Les deux autres couplages sont géométriques de type multidomaines ou multi-échelles et sont appliqués au stockage profond de déchets radioactifs, d'une part dans un milieu peu fracturé, d'autre part dans un réseau de fractures.Nous choisissons une approche par composants logiciels, qui permet d'encapsuler chaque code modélisant un phénomène physique. Les interfaces des composants permettent d'eectuer les échanges de données nécessaires au couplage numérique.L'exécutif PadicoTM garantit un calcul à haute performances sur une grille de calcul avec différents types de réseaux, grâce notamment à un modèle de composants parallèles, qui permet de passer à l'échelle

    Effect of crew resource management training in a multidisciplinary obstetrical setting

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    Objective To assess the effect of a Crew Resource Management (CRM) intervention specifically designed to improve teamwork and communication skills in a multidisciplinary obstetrical setting. Method Design-A before-and-after cross-sectional study designed to assess participants' satisfaction, learning and change in behaviour, according to Kirkpatrick's evaluation framework for training programmes. Setting-Labour and delivery units of a large university-affiliated hospital. Participants-Two hundred and thirty nine midwives, nurses, physicians and technicians from the department of anaesthesia, obstetrics and paediatrics. Intervention-All participants took part in a CRM-based training programme specifically designed to improve teamwork and communication skills. Principal measures of outcome-We assessed participants' satisfaction by means of a 10-item standardized questionnaire. A 36-item survey was administered before and after the course to assess participants' learning. Behavioural change was assessed by a 57-item safety attitude questionnaire measuring staff's change in attitude to safety over 1 year of programme implementation. Results Most participants valued the experience highly and 63-90% rated their level of satisfaction as being very high. Except for seven items, the 36-item survey testing participants' learning demonstrated a significant change (P < 0.05) towards better knowledge of teamwork and shared decision making after the training programme. Over the year of observation, there was a positive change in the team and safety climate in the hospital [odds ratio (OR) 2.9, 95% confidence interval (CI) (1.3-6.3) to OR 4.7, 95% CI (1.2-17.2)]. **There was also improved stress recognition [OR 2.4, 95% CI (1.2-4.8) to OR 3.0, 95% CI (1.0-8.8)]. Conclusion The implementation of a training programme based on CRM in a multidisciplinary obstetrical setting is well accepted and contributes to a significant improvement in interprofessional teamwor

    The planar optics phase sensor: a study for the VLTI 2nd generation fringe tracker

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    In a few years, the second generation instruments of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) will routinely provide observations with 4 to 6 telescopes simultaneously. To reach their ultimate performance, they will need a fringe sensor capable to measure in real time the randomly varying optical paths differences. A collaboration between LAOG (PI institute), IAGL, OCA and GIPSA-Lab has proposed the Planar Optics Phase Sensor concept to ESO for the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] Generation Fringe Tracker. This concept is based on the integrated optics technologies, enabling the conception of extremely compact interferometric instruments naturally providing single-mode spatial filtering. It allows operations with 4 and 6 telescopes by measuring the fringes position thanks to a spectrally dispersed ABCD method. We present here the main analysis which led to the current concept as well as the expected on-sky performance and the proposed design

    VITRUV - Imaging close environments of stars and galaxies with the VLTI at milli-arcsec resolution

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    The VITRUV project has the objective to deliver milli-arcsecond spectro-images of the environment of compact sources like young stars, active galaxies and evolved stars to the community. This instrument of the VLTI second generation based on the integrated optics technology is able to combine from 4 to 8 beams from the VLT telescopes. Working primarily in the near infrared, it will provide intermediate to high spectral resolutions and eventually polarization analysis. This paper summarizes the result from the concept study led within the Joint Research Activity advanced instruments of the OPTICON program.Comment: In "The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry: Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation VLTI Instrumentation", Allemagne (2005) in pres

    Enrichment in conservative amino acid changes among fixed and standing missense variations in slowly evolving proteins

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    The process of molecular evolution has many elements that are not yet fully understood. Evolutionary rates are known to vary among protein coding and noncoding DNAs, and most of the observed changes in amino acid or nucleotide sequences are assumed to be non-adaptive by the neutral theory of molecular evolution. However, it remains unclear whether fixed and standing missense changes in slowly evolving proteins are more or less neutral compared to those in fast evolving genes. Here, based on the evolutionary rates as inferred from identity scores between orthologs in human and Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta), we found that the fraction of conservative substitutions between species was significantly higher in their slowly evolving proteins. Similar results were obtained by using four different methods of scoring conservative substitutions, including three that remove the impact of substitution probability, where conservative changes require fewer mutations. We also examined the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) by using the 1000 Genomes Project data and found that missense SNPs in slowly evolving proteins also had a higher fraction of conservative changes, especially for common SNPs, consistent with more non-conservative substitutions and hence stronger natural selection for SNPs, particularly rare ones, in fast evolving proteins. These results suggest that fixed and standing missense variants in slowly evolving proteins are more likely to be neutral