144 research outputs found

    Construct Validity of Dimensions of Adaptive Behavior: A Multitrait-Multimethod Evaluation.

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    The construct validity of four dimensions of adaptive and maladaptive behavior was investigated using the multitrait-multimethod matrix procedure of Campbell and Fiske (1959). Measures off our traits cognitive competence, social competence, social maladaption, and personal maladaption were obtained on a sample of 157 persons with moderate, severe, or profound mental retardation using each of three methods of measurement-standardized assessment instrument, day shift staff ratings, and evening shift staff ratings. Applying the Campbell and Fiske rules of thumb and recently proposed structural equation modeling techniques to the data demonstrated strong convergent validity, clear discriminant validity, and only moderate levels of method variance in the observed measures. implications of the results for the assessment of adaptive behavior and its dimensional structure were discussed

    A componential model for mental addition.

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    National 4-H Common Measures: Initial Evaluation from California 4-H

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    Evaluation is a key component to learning about the effectiveness of a program. This article provides descriptive statistics of the newly developed National 4-H Common Measures (science, healthy living, citizenship, and youth development) based on data from 721 California 4-H youth. The measures were evaluated for their reliability and validity of individual items and overall measures using exploratory factor analysis. The measures overall appear to assess what they are intended to assess, but there are several methodological issues, such as cross-loading items and low variance. Recommendations for scale refinement and modifications are made

    Detección de funcionamiento diferencial del ítem en indicadores conductuales de formas paralelas

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    Background: Despite the crucial importance of the notion of parallel forms within Classical Test Theory, the degree of parallelism between two forms of a test cannot be directly verified due to the unobservable nature of true scores. We intend to overcome some of the limitations of traditional approaches to analyzing parallelism by using the Differential Item Functioning framework. Method: We change the focus on comparison from total test scores to each of the items developed during test construction. We analyze the performance of a single group of individuals on parallel items designed to measure the same behavioral criterion by several DIF techniques. The proposed approach is illustrated with a dataset of 527 participants that responded to the two parallel forms of the Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder Scale (Caterino, Gómez-Benito, Balluerka, Amador-Campos, & Stock, 2009). Results: 12 of the 18 items (66.6%) show probability values associated with the Mantel χ2 statistic of less than .01. The standardization procedure shows that half of DIF items favoured Form A and the other half Form B. Conclusions: The “differential functioning of behavioral indicators” (DFBI) can provide unique information on parallelism between pairs of items to complement traditional analysis of equivalence between parallel test forms based on total scores.Antecedentes: a pesar de la importancia crucial del concepto de formas paralelas en la Teoría Clásica de los Tests, el grado de paralelismo entre dos formas paralelas no puede comprobarse directamente debido al carácter inobservable de las puntuaciones verdaderas. Nuestra propuesta pretende superar algunas de las limitaciones de los métodos tradicionales utilizando el esquema del Funcionamiento Diferencial del Item. Método: cambiamos el objeto de la comparación de las puntuaciones totales a cada uno de los ítems individuales. Analizamos las puntuaciones de un único grupo de participantes en ítems paralelos diseñados para medir los mismos criterios comportamentales. Ejemplificamos la propuesta con las respuestas de 527 participantes a las dos formas paralelas de la “Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder Scale” (Caterino, Gómez-Benito, Balluerka, Amador-Campos, & Stock, 2009).Resultados: 12 de los 18 ítems (66,6%) muestran valores de probabilidad asociados con el estadístico Mantel χ2 menores de .01. El procedimiento de Estandarización muestra que la mitad de los ítems con DIF favorecen a la Forma A y la otra mitad a la Forma B. Conclusiones: el procedimiento “differential functioning of behavioral indicators” (DFBI) puede aportar información única sobre el paralelismo entre parejas de ítems complementando el análisis tradicional de la equivalencia de formas paralelas.This study was partially funded by the Andalusia Regional Government under the Excellent Research Fund (Project nº SEJ- 6569, Project nº SEJ-5188), and the Agency for the Management of University and Research Grant of the Government of Catalonia (2014 SGR-1139)

    Sample size in factor analysis: The role of model error

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    This article examines effects of sample size and other design features on correspondence between factors obtained from analysis of sample data and those present in the population from which the samples were drawn. We extend earlier work on this question by examining these phenomena in the situation in which the common factor model does not hold exactly in the population. We present a theoretical framework for representing such lack of fit and examine its implications in the population and sample. Based on this approach we hypothesize that lack of fit of the model in the population will not, on the average, influence recovery of population factors in analysis of sample data, regardless of degree of model error and regardless of sample size. Rather, such recovery will be affected only by phenomena related to sampling error which have been studied previously. These hypotheses are investigated and verified in two sampling studies, one using artificial data and one using empirical data

    An Initial Application of a Biopsychosocial Framework to Predict Posttraumatic Stress Following Pediatric Injury

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    Objectives—Each year millions of children suffer from unintentional injuries that result in poor emotional and physical health. This study examined selected biopsychosocial factors (i.e., child heart rate, peritrauma appraisals, early coping, trauma history) to elucidate their roles in promoting emotional recovery following injury. The study evaluated specific hypotheses that threat appraisals (global and trauma-specific) and coping would predict subsequent posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), that coping would mediate the association between early and later PTSS, and that heart rate would predict PTSS and appraisals would mediate this association. Method—Participants were 96 children hospitalized for injury and assessed at 3 time points: T1 (within 2 weeks of injury), T2 (6-week follow-up), and T3 (12-week follow-up). Participants completed measures of trauma history and appraisals at T1, coping at T2, and PTSS at T1, T2, and T3. Heart rate was abstracted from medical records. Structural equation modeling was employed to evaluate study hypotheses. Results—Heart rate was not associated with PTSS or appraisals. Models including trauma history, appraisals, coping, and PTSS were constructed to test other study hypotheses and fit the data well. T1 global and trauma-specific threat appraisals were associated with T1 PTSS; T2 avoidant coping was a significant mediator of the relation between T1 and T3 PTSS. Conclusions—Findings confirm a role for appraisals and coping in the development of PTSS over the weeks following pediatric injury. Early appraisals and avoidant coping may be appropriate targets for prevention and early intervention. Future researchers should further explicate the utility of a biopsychosocial framework in predicting PTSS

    Differential Item Functioning on Antisocial Behavior Scale Items for Adolescents and Young Adults from Single-Parent and Two-Parent Families

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    We investigated measurement equivalence in two antisocial behavior scales (i.e., one scale for adolescents and a second scale for young adults) by examining differential item functioning (DIF) for respondents from single-parent (n = 109) and two-parent families (n = 447). Even though one item in the scale for adolescents and two items in the scale for young adults showed significant DIF, the two scales exhibited non-significant differential test functioning (DTF). Both uniform and nonuniform DIF were investigated and examples of each type were identified. Specifically, uniform DIF was exhibited in the adolescent scale whereas nonuniform DIF was shown in the young adult scale. Implications of DIF results for assessment of antisocial behavior, along with strengths and limitations of the study, are discussed

    Genetic variants and functional pathways associated with resilience to Alzheimer\u27s disease.

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    Approximately 30% of older adults exhibit the neuropathological features of Alzheimer\u27s disease without signs of cognitive impairment. Yet, little is known about the genetic factors that allow these potentially resilient individuals to remain cognitively unimpaired in the face of substantial neuropathology. We performed a large, genome-wide association study (GWAS) of two previously validated metrics of cognitive resilience quantified using a latent variable modelling approach and representing better-than-predicted cognitive performance for a given level of neuropathology. Data were harmonized across 5108 participants from a clinical trial of Alzheimer\u27s disease and three longitudinal cohort studies of cognitive ageing. All analyses were run across all participants and repeated restricting the sample to individuals with unimpaired cognition to identify variants at the earliest stages of disease. As expected, all resilience metrics were genetically correlated with cognitive performance and education attainment traits (P-values \u3c 2.5 × 10-20), and we observed novel correlations with neuropsychiatric conditions (P-values \u3c 7.9 × 10-4). Notably, neither resilience metric was genetically correlated with clinical Alzheimer\u27s disease (P-values \u3e 0.42) nor associated with APOE (P-values \u3e 0.13). In single variant analyses, we observed a genome-wide significant locus among participants with unimpaired cognition on chromosome 18 upstream of ATP8B1 (index single nucleotide polymorphism rs2571244, minor allele frequency = 0.08, P = 2.3 × 10-8). The top variant at this locus (rs2571244) was significantly associated with methylation in prefrontal cortex tissue at multiple CpG sites, including one just upstream of ATPB81 (cg19596477; P = 2 × 10-13). Overall, this comprehensive genetic analysis of resilience implicates a putative role of vascular risk, metabolism, and mental health in protection from the cognitive consequences of neuropathology, while also providing evidence for a novel resilience gene along the bile acid metabolism pathway. Furthermore, the genetic architecture of resilience appears to be distinct from that of clinical Alzheimer\u27s disease, suggesting that a shift in focus to molecular contributors to resilience may identify novel pathways for therapeutic targets