26 research outputs found

    Health-related quality of life and physical well-being among a 63-year-old cohort of women with androgenetic alopecia; a Finnish population-based study

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to assess the possible associations between female androgenetic alopecia (AGA), insulin resistance and health-related quality of life (HRQOL)-linked factors in women. We hypothesized that not only the mental aspects but also certain physical aspect of women's health, such as insulin resistance, have an important role in the determination of HRQOL among women with hair loss. METHODS: A population-based cohort of 330 healthy women aged 63 years, who participated in this study in the City of Oulu in Northern Finland, underwent a medical check-up including assessment of hair status on Ludwig's scale. Background data were collected with a standard questionnaire including a validated RAND 36-Item Health Survey (RAND-36) questionnaire. RESULTS: 105 (31%) women with AGA and 225 (69%) controls completed the RAND-36 questionnaire. The women with AGA were more insulin-resistant than the women with normal hair (QUICKI 0.337 vs. 0.346, p = 0.012). Impaired glucose regulation (IGR) was more prevalent among the former than the latter group (39% vs. 25%). The mean RAND-36 scores were significantly lower on the dimensions of physical functioning, role limitation due to physical health and general health, but not on the mental or social dimensions, among the women with AGA compared with the controls. In multivariate logistic regression analyses with the lowest quintiles of the HRQOL dimensions as the dependent variables and AGA, depression, marital status, education and IGR or QUICKI as independent variables, AGA was independently associated with role limitations due to physical health (2.2, 95% CI 1.20–4.05, 2.45 95% CI 1.32–4.55, respectively). CONCLUSION: In women aged 63 years, AGA was associated with role limitations due to physical health. Furthermore, the prevalence rates of IGR and insulin resistance measured by QUICKI were higher among the women with hair loss than those with normal hair

    Kansallisen turvallisuuden vaikutusten arviointi

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    Hanke luo tietopohjaa ja edellytyksiÀ kokonaisvaltaisen vaikutusarviointimallin kehittÀmiselle kansallisen turvallisuuden nÀkökulmasta. Osana kokonaisuutta tarkastellaan sÀÀdösvalmistelun vaikutusarvioinnin kehittÀmistarpeita. Kansallisen turvallisuuden kÀsite, muuttuva turvallisuusympÀristö ja valtionhallinnossa toteutettavat turvallisuuteen liittyvÀt toimet ja prosessit ovat tarkastelun kohteina. Hanke tarkastelee laajasti kansallisen turvallisuuden tarpeita, vaikutusalueita ja vaikutusketjuja. Hankkeen tiedonkeruu on tehty asiantuntijahaastatteluin ja lisÀksi siinÀ on kÀyty laajasti lÀpi kansainvÀlistÀ ja kotimaista lÀhdemateriaalia kansallisen turvallisuuden kÀsitteeseen, prosessiin ja turvallisuusnÀkökohdat huomioivaan sÀÀdösvalmisteluun liittyen. Vaikeasti mÀÀritettÀvÀ kansallisen turvallisuuden kÀsite jÀsentÀÀ toimintaympÀristön synnyttÀmÀÀ laajaa turvallisuuskysymysten kenttÀÀ. Kansallisen turvallisuuden vaikutusten arviointi tulee ymmÀrtÀÀ valtakunnallisen turvallisuusjohtamisen haasteena, jonka osana on sÀÀdösjohtamisen tehokas toteuttaminen. Kansallisen turvallisuuden vaikutusarviointi ja tÀhÀn liittyvÀn tiedon hyödyntÀminen vaatii nykyistÀ pitkÀjÀnteisempÀÀ, yhtenÀisesti resursoitua ja poliittisesti johdettua turvallisuusjohtamisen prosessia osana valtion johtamista.TÀmÀ julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa. (tietokayttoon.fi) Julkaisun sisÀllöstÀ vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikÀ tekstisisÀltö vÀlttÀmÀttÀ edusta valtioneuvoston nÀkemystÀ

    A Theranostic Cellulose Nanocrystal-based Drug Delivery System with Enhanced Retention in Pulmonary Metastasis of Melanoma

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    Metastatic melanoma can be difficult to detect until at the advanced state that decreases the survival rate of patients. Several FDA-approved BRAF inhibitors have been used for treatment of metastatic melanoma, but overall therapeutic efficacy has been limited. Lutetium-177 (Lu-177) enables simultaneous tracking of tracer accumulation with single-photon emission computed tomography and radiotherapy. Therefore, the codelivery of Lu-177 alongside chemotherapeutic agents using nanoparticles (NPs) might improve the therapeutic outcome in metastatic melanoma. Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC NPs) can particularly deliver payloads to lung capillaries in vivo. Herein, Lu-177-labeled CNC NPs loaded with vemurafenib ([Lu-177]Lu-CNC-V NPs) is developed and the therapeutic effect in BRAF V600E mutation-harboring YUMM1.G1 murine model of lung metastatic melanoma is investigated. The [Lu-177]Lu-CNC-V NPs demonstrate favorable radiolabel stability, drug release profile, cellular uptake, and cell growth inhibition in vitro. In vivo biodistribution reveals significant retention of the [Lu-177]Lu-CNC-V NPs in the lung, liver, and spleen. Ultimately, the median survival time of animals is doubly increased after treatment with [Lu-177]Lu-CNC-V NPs compared to control groups. The enhanced therapeutic efficacy of [Lu-177]Lu-CNC-V NPs in the lung metastatic melanoma animal model provides convincing evidence for the potential of clinical translation for theranostic CNC NP-based drug delivery systems after intravenous administration.Peer reviewe

    DPYD-geenitestaus kliinisessÀ kÀytössÀ

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    Vertaisarvioitu.Eri syöpien hoidossa laajasti kÀytettyihin fluoropyrimidiini-lÀÀkkeisiin (kapesitabiini, tegafuuri ja 5-fluorourasiili) liittyy vakavien haittavaikutusten mahdollisuus. NiistÀ tyypillisimpiÀ ovat ripuli, suun ja suolen limakalvojen haavaumat, luuydinlama, hermotoksisuus sekÀ sydÀnhaitat. Yksi syy haittoihin on dihydropyrimidiinidehydrogenaasi-entsyymin (DPD) vajaus ja toimimattomuus, joka johtaa fluorourasiilin aineenvaihduntahÀiriöön ja kertymiseen elimistöön. Vuonna 2020 Euroopan lÀÀkevirasto (EMA) antoi suosituksen, jonka mukaan DPD-entsyymin toimimattomuus tulee selvittÀÀ ennen fluoropyrimidiinien antamista. Testaus voidaan tehdÀ tutkimalla potilaan verinÀytteestÀ tunnettuja kliinisesti merkittÀviÀ DPYD-geenivariantteja. FluoropyrimidiinejÀ ei tule antaa potilaalle ollenkaan, mikÀli hÀnellÀ todetaan tÀydellinen DPD-entsyymin puutos. Osittaisessa DPD-entsyymin puutostilassa hoito aloitetaan pienennetyllÀ annoksella, mikÀ pohjautuu kansainvÀlisiin annossuosituksiin.Peer reviewe

    DPYD-geenitestaus kliinisessÀ kÀytössÀ

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    Vertaisarvioitu.Eri syöpien hoidossa laajasti kÀytettyihin fluoropyrimidiini-lÀÀkkeisiin (kapesitabiini, tegafuuri ja 5-fluorourasiili) liittyy vakavien haittavaikutusten mahdollisuus. NiistÀ tyypillisimpiÀ ovat ripuli, suun ja suolen limakalvojen haavaumat, luuydinlama, hermotoksisuus sekÀ sydÀnhaitat. Yksi syy haittoihin on dihydropyrimidiinidehydrogenaasi-entsyymin (DPD) vajaus ja toimimattomuus, joka johtaa fluorourasiilin aineenvaihduntahÀiriöön ja kertymiseen elimistöön. Vuonna 2020 Euroopan lÀÀkevirasto (EMA) antoi suosituksen, jonka mukaan DPD-entsyymin toimimattomuus tulee selvittÀÀ ennen fluoropyrimidiinien antamista. Testaus voidaan tehdÀ tutkimalla potilaan verinÀytteestÀ tunnettuja kliinisesti merkittÀviÀ DPYD-geenivariantteja. FluoropyrimidiinejÀ ei tule antaa potilaalle ollenkaan, mikÀli hÀnellÀ todetaan tÀydellinen DPD-entsyymin puutos. Osittaisessa DPD-entsyymin puutostilassa hoito aloitetaan pienennetyllÀ annoksella, mikÀ pohjautuu kansainvÀlisiin annossuosituksiin.Peer reviewe

    Tiedon huoltovarmuutta etsimÀssÀ

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    TÀmÀn keskustelupaperin tarkoituksena on luoda kÀsitteellistÀ ja teoreettista perustaa tiedon huoltovarmuuden tutkimukselle sekÀ kytkeÀ tiedon huoltovarmuus suomalaisen yhteiskunnan ohjaus-, hallinta- ja sÀÀntelymallin kehittÀmiseen. TÀssÀ keskustelupaperissa tiedon huoltovarmuutta lÀhestytÀÀn viiden nÀkökulman kautta. Keskustelupaperi pureutuu tiedon huoltovarmuuden tematiikkaan tarkastelemalla sitÀ prosessina ja systeemisenÀ ilmiönÀ, avaamalla kÀsitettÀ osana kansallisen turvallisuuden kokonaisuutta, ymmÀrtÀmÀllÀ tiedon huoltovarmuus osana kollektiivista toimijuutta sekÀ sÀÀntelykehikon muutostarvetta. Keskustelupaperin johtopÀÀtösosiossa esitetÀÀn kymmenen teesiÀ, joiden toteuttaminen on omiaan vahvistamaan tiedon huoltovarmuutta osana kansallisen varautumisen jÀrjestelmÀÀ. Keskustelupaperi on laadittu Suomen Akatemian rahoittaman IRWIN-hankkeen (Information Resilience in a Wicked Environment) puitteissa.fi=vertaisarvioimaton|en=nonPeerReviewed

    A Theranostic Cellulose Nanocrystal-Based Drug Delivery System with Enhanced Retention in Pulmonary Metastasis of Melanoma

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    Metastatic melanoma can be difficult to detect until at the advanced state that decreases the survival rate of patients. Several FDA‐approved BRAF inhibitors have been used for treatment of metastatic melanoma, but overall therapeutic efficacy has been limited. Lutetium‐177 (177Lu) enables simultaneous tracking of tracer accumulation with single‐photon emission computed tomography and radiotherapy. Therefore, the codelivery of 177Lu alongside chemotherapeutic agents using nanoparticles (NPs) might improve the therapeutic outcome in metastatic melanoma. Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC NPs) can particularly deliver payloads to lung capillaries in vivo. Herein, 177Lu‐labeled CNC NPs loaded with vemurafenib ([177Lu]Lu‐CNC‐V NPs) is developed and the therapeutic effect in BRAF V600E mutation‐harboring YUMM1.G1 murine model of lung metastatic melanoma is investigated. The [177Lu]Lu‐CNC‐V NPs demonstrate favorable radiolabel stability, drug release profile, cellular uptake, and cell growth inhibition in vitro. In vivo biodistribution reveals significant retention of the [177Lu]Lu‐CNC‐V NPs in the lung, liver, and spleen. Ultimately, the median survival time of animals is doubly increased after treatment with [177Lu]Lu‐CNC‐V NPs compared to control groups. The enhanced therapeutic efficacy of [177Lu]Lu‐CNC‐V NPs in the lung metastatic melanoma animal model provides convincing evidence for the potential of clinical translation for theranostic CNC NP‐based drug delivery systems after intravenous administration

    KRAS-G12C Mutation in One Real-Life and Three Population-Based Nordic Cohorts of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

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    BackgroundKRAS mutations, present in over 40% of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC), are negative predictive factors for anti-EGFR therapy. Mutations in KRAS-G12C have a cysteine residue for which drugs have been developed. Published data on this specific mutation are conflicting; thus, we studied the frequency and clinical characteristics in a real-world and population-based setting. MethodsPatients from three Nordic population-based cohorts and the real-life RAXO-study were combined. RAS and BRAF tests were performed in routine healthcare, except for one cohort. The dataset consisted of 2,559 patients, of which 1,871 could be accurately classified as KRAS, NRAS, and BRAF-V600E. Demographics, treatments, and outcomes were compared using logistic regression. Overall survival (OS) was estimated with Kaplan-Meier, and differences were compared using Cox regression, adjusted for baseline factors. ResultsThe KRAS-G12C frequency was 2%-4% of all tested in the seven cohorts (mean 3%) and 4%-8% of KRAS mutated tumors in the cohorts (mean 7%). Metastasectomies and ablations were performed more often (38% vs. 28%, p = 0.040), and bevacizumab was added more often (any line 74% vs. 59%, p = 0.007) for patients with KRAS-G12C- vs. other KRAS-mutated tumors, whereas chemotherapy was given to similar proportions. OS did not differ according to KRAS mutation, neither overall (adjusted hazard ratio (HR) 1.03; 95% CI 0.74-1.42, reference KRAS-G12C) nor within treatment groups defined as "systemic chemotherapy, alone or with biologics", "metastasectomy and/or ablations", or "best supportive care", RAS and BRAF wild-type tumors (n = 548) differed similarly to KRAS-G12C, as to other KRAS- or NRAS-mutated (n = 66) tumors. ConclusionsIn these real-life and population-based cohorts, there were no significant differences in patient characteristics and outcomes between patients with KRAS-G12C tumors and those with other KRAS mutations. This contrasts with the results of most previous studies claiming differences in many aspects, often with worse outcomes for those with a KRAS-G12C mutation, although not consistent. When specific drugs are developed, as for this mutation, differences in outcome will hopefully emerge.Peer reviewe