9 research outputs found

    Puerperal-nonpuerperal laparoscopic sterilization

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    Increasing numbers of patients request surgical sterilisation as a permanent means of contraception. Laparoscopic techniques have been demonstrated as equally effective for puerperal and non-puerperal operations. Major advantages of laparoscopie sterilization are the shortened hospital slay and thus, lowered costs, and, From the hospitals' point of view, more efficient utilization of beds. The operative procedures developed at Cook County Hospital have been succesfully applied in the private practice of one of us (K.H.), the senior laparoscopists at Cook County Hospital. With continuous experience, these procedures have resulted in fewer minor complications and significant decreases in the lenght of operative time, according to comparisons with the same observations in another institution

    Complex Decision Making: The Roles of Cognitive Limitations, Cognitive Decline and Aging

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    These volumes, the first of a new subseries in the Handbooks in Economics, describe and analyze scholarship created since the inception of serious attention began in the late 1970s, including information from general economics journals, ..