108 research outputs found

    Studying stimuli and smoking behaviors among self-identified gifted smokers and strategies for customizing cessation support

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    The aim of the study was to examine smoking habits and triggers among self-identified gifted (inner experiences and awareness qualitatively different from the norm in terms of asynchronous development, advanced cognitive abilities, and heightened intensity) adults in order to customize smoking cessation support

    Coronary Artery Disease, Nicotine Addiction, and Depression: The Tragic Triad

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    A great number of diseases are directly related to active smoking. In the recent years more and more malignant neoplasms were causally related to active smoking. Lung cancer is the “leader” of smoking-related neoplasm’s and the 3rd cause of death in high-income countries, followed by cancer of the oral cavity/pharynx, laryngeal, esophageal, stomach, pancreatic, kidney, bladder, cervical cancer, leukemia and othermalignant neoplasm’s. Among other diseases, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases are also causally related to cigarette smoking. According to World Health Organization (WHO), 5 out of 6 leading causes of death world wide (Ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, HIV/AIDS, COPD, lower respiratory infections trachea, bronchus, lung cancers) are smoke related... (excerpt

    Omalizumab as alternative to chronic use of oral corticosteroids in severe asthma

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    Systemic/oral corticosteroids (OCS) have been used for decades in the management of acute asthma exacerbations and chronically in patients with uncontrolled severe asthma. However, while OCS are effective at treating acute exacerbations, there is only empirical evidence regarding the efficacy of OCS at reducing the rate of exacerbations. Evidence, although scarce, is suggestive of high exacerbation rates in severe asthma patients even when receiving maintenance treatment with OCS. In addition, use of OCS is associated with undesirable effects. Despite all this, physicians have continued to use OCS for managing severe asthma and acute exacerbation due to the lack of availability of effective alternatives. Fortunately, in the last decade several biologics have been proven safe and effective for patients with uncontrolled severe asthma. This has led to the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) recommending the use of biologics, instead of maintenance OCS, in patients with severe asthma (GINA Step 5). These include one biologic targeting immunoglobulin E (IgE) (omalizumab), and different biologics targeting interleukin-5 (IL-5), the IL-5 receptor (IL-5R) or IL-4 receptor alpha-unit (IL-4R alpha), including mepolizumab (subcutaneous), reslizumab (intravenous), benralizumab (subcutaneous) and dupilumab (subcutaneous). Omalizumab for the treatment of severe allergic asthma reduces exacerbations, irrespective of blood eosinophil levels. Anti-IL-5/IL-5R biologics are indicated in patients with severe eosinophilic asthma and repetitive exacerbations, irrespective of the presence or absence of allergy. Recently, an anti-IL4R alpha biologic has been approved by the FDA for eosinophilic phenotype or oral corticosteroid-dependent asthma. Finally, physicians should consider using biologics as an alternative to chronic OCS therapy

    Exposure to second hand smoke and 10-year (2002–2012) incidence of cardiovascular disease in never smokers: The ATTICA cohort study

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    Background: Despite WHO Framework Convention of Tobacco Control (FCTC) adoption, effective implementation of national smoking bans remains pending in several countries. This study quantified the association of second hand smoke (SHS) exposure and 10-year cardiovascular disease (CVD) among never smokers in such settings. Methods: In 2001–2002, a sample of 1514 males and 1528 females (range: 18–89 years old) were randomly selected in Greece. Frequency and duration of SHS exposure (i.e. exposure extending \u3e30 min/day) within the home and/or workplace were assessed by interview. Following a 10-year follow-up period (2002–2012), incidence of non-fatal and fatal CVD (ICD-10) was evaluated among n = 2020 participants. The analytic study sample consisted of all never smokers (n = 910). Results: Despite national smoking ban implementation (2009), 44.6% (n = 406) of never smokers reported SHS exposure. While SHS exposed never smokers exhibited a more favorable profile of CVD-related risk factors at baseline, they subsequently developed similar 10-year CVD incidence rates, at a younger mean age (p = 0.001), than their non-exposed counterparts. Following adjustment for several lifestyle and clinical factors, SHS exposed never smokers exhibited a two-fold elevated 10-year CVD risk (adj. HR: 2.04, 95% CI: 1.43–2.92), particularly among women (adj. HR: 2.45, 95% CI: 1.45–4.06). SHS exposure accounted for 32% excess Population Attributable Risk (PAR) for 10-year CVD events in never smokers, with highest rates (PAR: 52%) being among those exposed in the workplace. Conclusion: The prevention of SHS associated CVD and related healthcare costs mandates additional strategies for securing the effective implementation of comprehensive WHO FCTC based national smoking bans

    the first year of experience

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    Strategic @ERSTalk-@WHO alliance to address tobacco use by training health professionals on brief advice resulted in establishing smoking cessation in real care settings with quit rates higher than the literature and high propensity for wider dissemination http://ow.ly/lWDF30krq5V.publishersversionpublishe

    Receiving support to quit smoking and quit attempts among smokers with and without smoking related diseases: Findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys

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    Introduction: Having a chronic disease either caused or worsened by tobacco smoking does not always translate into quitting smoking. Although smoking cessation is one of the most cost-effective medical interventions, it remains poorly implemented in healthcare settings. The aim was to examine whether smokers with chronic and respiratory diseases were more likely to receive support to quit smoking by a healthcare provider or make a quit attempt than smokers without these diseases. Methods: This population-based study included a sample of 6011 adult smokers in six European countries. The participants were interviewed face-to-face and asked questions on sociodemographic characteristics, current diagnoses for chronic diseases, healthcare visits in the last 12 months and, if so, whether they had received any support to quit smoking. Questions on smoking behavior included nicotine dependence, motivation to quit smoking and quit attempts in the last 12 months. The results are presented as weighted percentages with 95% confidence intervals (CI) and as adjusted odds ratios with 95% CI based on logistic regression analyses. Results: Smokers with chronic respiratory disease, those aged 55 years and older, as well as those with one or more chronic diseases were more likely to receive smoking cessation advice from a healthcare professional. Making a quit attempt in the last year was related to younger age, high educational level, higher motivation to quit, lower nicotine dependence and having received advice to quit from a healthcare professional but not with having chronic diseases. There were significant differences between countries with smokers in Romania consistently reporting more support to quit as well as quit attempts. Conclusions: Although smokers with respiratory disease did indeed receive smoking cessation support more often than smokers without disease, many smokers did not receive any advice or support to quit during a healthcare visit

    Perceptions, Predictors of and Motivation for Quitting among Smokers from Six European Countries from 2016 to 2018: Findings from EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys

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    The European Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) was introduced in 2016 in an effort to decrease prevalence of smoking and increase cessation in the European Union (EU). This study aimed to explore quitting behaviours, motivation, reasons and perceptions about quitting, as well as predictors (reported before the TPD implementation) associated with post-TPD quit status. A cohort study was conducted involving adult smokers from six EU countries (n= 3195). Data collection occurred pre-(Wave 1; 2016) and post-(Wave 2; 2018) TPD implementation. Bivariate and logistic regression analyses of weighted data were conducted. Within this cohort sample, 415 (13.0%) respondents reported quitting at Wave 2. Predictors of quitting were moderate or high education, fewer cigarettes smoked per day at baseline, a past quit attempt, lower level of perceived addiction, plans for quitting and the presence of a smoking-related comorbidity. Health concerns, price of cigarettes and being a good example for children were among the most important reasons that predicted being a quitter at Wave 2. Our findings show that the factors influencing decisions about quitting may be shared among European countries. European policy and the revised version of TPD could emphasise these factors through health warnings and/or campaigns and other policies

    Quitting behaviors and cessation assistance used among smokers with anxiety or depression: Findings among six countries of the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys

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    Introduction: The current study explores quitting behaviours and use of cessation assistance among adult tobacco users with probable anxiety or depression (PAD) and in six European (EU) Member States (MS). Material and Methods: The EUREST-PLUS ITC Wave 1 Europe Survey was conducted with a nationally representative cross-sectional sample of 6,011 adult cigarette smokers from six European Union (EU) Member States (MS) (Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Spain) in 2016. Results: Our study found that one in five smokers sampled from six EU MS had a diagnosis, treatment or positive screen for anxiety or depression, with rates of PAD varying between EU MS. Results of the multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that respondents with PAD were more likely to have made a quit attempt in the last 12 months (AOR 1.75; 95%CI 1.45-2.11), compared to respondents without PAD. Among those respondents with PAD who used support the most frequently reported quit method was prescription-based quit smoking pharmacotherapy (15.4%) followed by e-cigarettes (13.7%) and NRT (11.3%). Person-to-person behavioral support (i.e. local quit services, face-to-face advice from a doctor or other health care professional, telephone or quitline services) was reported significantly more frequently among respondents with PAD compared to those without PAD. Conclusions: Given both pharmacological and non-pharmacological quit smoking aids have been shown to be safe, acceptable and effective for people with and without mental illness it is important that their use be promoted among smokers with anxiety and depression alongside behavioral counseling. Our findings support the need for interventions targeting health care professionals in providing smoking cessation assistance among this population of smokers

    SmokeHaz: systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the effects of smoking on respiratory health

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    Background: Smoking tobacco increases the risk of respiratory disease in adults and children, but communicating the magnitude of these effects in a scientific manner that is accessible and usable by public and policymakers presents a challenge. We have therefore summarised scientific data on the impact of smoking on respiratory diseases to provide the content for a unique resource, SmokeHaz. Methods: We conducted systematic reviews and meta-analyses of longitudinal studies (published to 2013) identified from electronic databases, grey literature, and experts. Random effect meta-analyses were used to pool the findings. Results: We included 216 papers. Among adult smokers, we confirmed substantially increased risks of lung cancer (Risk Ratio (RR) 10.92, 95% CI 8.28-14.40; 34 studies), COPD (RR 4.01, 95% CI 3.18-5.05; 22 studies) and asthma (RR 1.61, 95% CI 1.07-2.42; 8 studies). Exposure to passive smoke significantly increased the risk of lung cancer in adult non-smokers; and increased the risks of asthma, wheeze, lower respiratory infections, and reduced lung function in children. Smoking significantly increased the risk of sleep apnoea, and asthma exacerbations in adult and pregnant populations; and active and passive smoking increased the risk of tuberculosis. Conclusions: These findings have been translated into easily digestible content and published on the SmokeHaz website (www.smokehaz.eu)
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