9 research outputs found

    Influence of Gender, Years in Retirement, and Future Time Perspective on Psychological Well-Being For Retirees

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    The purpose of this study was to determine if gender, years in retirement and future time perspective predict the psychological well-being for retirees. This study examined psychological well-being using the 9-item version of the Scales of Psychological Well-Being (Ryff, 1989a). Future time perspective was measured using the 10-item Future Time Perspective Scale (Carstensen & Lang, 1996). A 9-item demographic survey provided study information on gender, education, marital status, retirement date, work history and sources of retirement income. Participants were recruited using the snowball method and two organizations allowed the researcher to ask their membership to participate in this study. A total of 141 participants completed surveys either on a paper or online version of the survey instrument. Age was not a qualifier; however, receiving retirement income was a requirement for participation in this study. Data were analyzed using a standard multiple regression and a mixed model ANOVA design. The standardSchool of Teaching and Curriculum Leadershi

    Microbial polysaccharides: An emerging family of natural biomaterials for cancer therapy and diagnostics

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    Experiences from Establishing an International Seed Bank – Svalbard Global Seed Vault – Practical Management Measures

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    The experiences and practical measures from establishing an international seed bank – Svalbard Global Seed Vault (SGSV) – are described in this paper. Build to serve as the most secure safety backup storage site for seeds on food crops conserved by seed banks worldwide and for a global system of ex situ collections of crop diversity, the paper presents the background for establishing the SGSV, its vision and framework, the structure and organization, the depositor agreement and the present day status of the SGSV

    Strategiplan for Genbanken for verpehøns 2018-2027

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    Strategiplanen oppsummerer Genbanken for verpehøns sitt samfunnsoppdrag de neste ti årene som vurderes å ha tre hovedkomponenter; 1) Sikre genetikken i den eneste norske hønserasen jærhøna og de fire verpehønslinjene som forsynte det norske hønseeggmarkedet fram til 1995. 2) Bidra til god helsestatus i norsk fjørfeproduksjon ved salg av smittefritt dyremateriale til hobbyfjørfemiljøet og mindre eggprodusenter. 3) Levere dyremateriale til forskning.publishedVersio

    Strategiplan for Genbanken for verpehøns 2018-2027

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    Strategiplanen oppsummerer Genbanken for verpehøns sitt samfunnsoppdrag de neste ti årene som vurderes å ha tre hovedkomponenter; 1) Sikre genetikken i den eneste norske hønserasen jærhøna og de fire verpehønslinjene som forsynte det norske hønseeggmarkedet fram til 1995. 2) Bidra til god helsestatus i norsk fjørfeproduksjon ved salg av smittefritt dyremateriale til hobbyfjørfemiljøet og mindre eggprodusenter. 3) Levere dyremateriale til forskning.publishedVersio

    Microbial polysaccharides: An emerging family of natural biomaterials for cancer therapy and diagnostics

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