39 research outputs found

    Spatial and temporal trends of mercury in freshwater fish in Fennoscandia (1965-2015)

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    Source at http://hdl.handle.net/11250/2467116Mercury (Hg) emissions to the atmosphere cause elevated Hg levels in fish, even in many remote regions of the world. Here we present an extensive database of more than 50 000 measurements of Hg in fish, including 2 775 individual water bodies in Fennoscandia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russian part of Kola Peninsula) sampled between 1965 and 2015. The data have been analysed for spatial patterns and temporal trends, on raw and weight-adjusted data. The database presents a useful reference for assessment of impacts of environmental policy on Hg in freshwater fish (i.e. Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution and The Minamata Convention on Mercury)

    Hydrologic and biogeochemical controls on the spatial and temporal patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus in the Kuparuk River, arctic Alaska

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    Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) dynamics in the Kuparuk River in arctic Alaska were characterized in a 3-year study using routine samples near the mouth of the river at the Arctic Ocean, synoptic whole-river surveys, and temporally intense sampling during storms in three headwater basins. The Lower Kuparuk River has low nitrate concentrations (mean [NO 3 ]-N] = 17 µg l −1 ± 1·6 SE) and dissolved inorganic N (DIN, mean [N] = 31 µg l −1 ± 1·2 SE) compared with rivers in more temperate environments. Organic forms constituted on average 90% of the N exported to the Arctic Ocean, and high ratios of dissolved organic N (DON) to total dissolved N (TDN) concentrations (mean 0·92) likely result from waterlogged soils formed by reduced infiltration due to permafrost and low hydrologic gradients. Annual export of TDN, DON, and particulate N averaged 52 kg km −2 , 48 kg km −2 , and 4·1 kg km −2 respectively. During snowmelt, the high volume of runoff typically results in the highest nutrient loads of the year, although high discharge during summer storms can result in substantial nutrient loading over short periods of time. Differences in seasonal flow regime (snowmelt versus rain) and storm-driven variation in discharge appear to be more important for determining nutrient concentrations than is the spatial variation in processes along the transect from headwaters towards the ocean. Both the temporal variation in nitrate:DIN ratios of headwater streams and the spatial variation in nitrate:DIN between larger sub-basins and smaller headwater catchments is likely controlled by shifts in nitrification and soil anoxia. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/60915/1/6920_ftp.pd

    Use of Lichen and Moss in Assessment of Forest Contamination with Heavy Metals in Praded and Glacensis Euroregions (Poland and Czech Republic)

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    The concentrations of selected metals—Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb—were determined in the samples of Hypogymnia physodes lichen and Pleurozium schreberi moss collected in Polish and Czech Euroregions Praded and Glacensis. More specifically, the samples were collected in Bory Stobrawskie, Bory Niemodlińskie, and Kotlina Kłodzka (Poland) and in Jeseniki (Czech Republic). The concentration of metals in the samples was measured using the atomic absorption spectrometry (flame AAS technique and electrothermal atomization AAS technique). The results were used to calculate the comparison factor (CF) that quantifies the difference in concentration of a given bioavailable analyte × accumulated in lichens and mosses: CF = 2 (cx,lichen − cx,moss) (cx,lichen + cx,moss)−1. The values of CF greater than 0.62 indicate the most probable location of heavy metals deposited in the considered area. In this work, the method was used to show a significant contribution of urban emissions to the deposition of heavy metals in the area of Bory Stobrawskie and in the vicinity of Kłodzko City

    Improved environmental status : 50 years of declining fish mercury levels in boreal and subarctic Fennoscandia

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    Temporally (1965–2015) and spatially (55°–70°N) extensive records of total mercury (Hg) in freshwater fish showed consistent declines in boreal and subarctic Fennoscandia. The database contains 54 560 fish entries (n: pike > perch ≫ brown trout > roach ≈ Arctic charr) from 3132 lakes across Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Russian Murmansk area. 74% of the lakes did not meet the 0.5 ppm limit to protect human health. However, after 2000 only 25% of the lakes exceeded this level, indicating improved environmental status. In lakes where local pollution sources were identified, pike and perch Hg concentrations were significantly higher between 1965 and 1990 compared to values after 1995, likely an effect of implemented reduction measures. In lakes where Hg originated from long-range transboundary air pollution (LRTAP), consistent Hg declines (3–7‰ per year) were found for perch and pike in both boreal and subarctic Fennoscandia, suggesting common environmental controls. Hg in perch and pike in LRTAP lakes showed minimal declines with latitude, suggesting that drivers affected by temperature, such as growth dilution, counteracted Hg loading and food web exposure. We recommend that future fish Hg monitoring sampling design should include repeated sampling and collection of pollution history, water chemistry, fish age, and stable isotopes to enable evaluation of emission reduction policies


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    The information index set of the forest ecological system state has been proposed. The data can be used at development of the methods on the soil monitoring organization. The use of complex biogeocenotic approach has permitted to reveal the presence of the indirect factor stipulating the difference in the properties of the investigated biogeocenosisesAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Paatsjoen vedenlaatu vuoteen 2013 ; Ympäristönseurantaohjelma Norjan, Suomen ja Venäjän raja-alueella

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    The Pasvik monitoring programme was created in 2006 as a result of the trilateral cooperation and with the intention of following changes in the environment under variable pollution levels. Water quality is one of the basic elements of the programme when assessing the effects of the emissions from the Pechenganikel mining end metallurgical industry (Kola GMK). In this report temporal trends of the water chemistry during 2000–2013 are examined on the basis of the data gathered from lake Inari, River Pasvik and directly connected lakes, Lake Kuetsjarvi and 25 small lakes in three areas: Pechenganikel (Russia), Jarfjord (Norway) and Vätsäri (Finland). The lower parts of the Pasvik watercourse are impacted by both atmospheric pollution and direct wastewater discharge from the Pechenganikel smelter and the settlement of Nikel. The upper section of the watercourse and the small lakes and streams which are not directly linked to the Pasvik Watercourse only receive atmospheric pollution. Lake Inari is free of direct emissions from the Pechenganikel and the water quality is excellent. In River Pasvik and the directly connected lakes copper, nickel, and sulphates are the main pollutants. The most polluted water body is the Kolosjoki River as well as the stream connecting the Lakes Salmijarvi and Kuetsjarvi. The concentration of metals and sulphates in the water notably increases downstream the river lower Lake Kuetsjarvi. In Lake Kuetsjarvi copper and nickel concentrations are clearly elevated and have changed insignificantly in the last years of the research period. In the small border area lakes recovery from acidification in Vätsäri and Jarfjord is evident. Nickel and copper oncentrations have fluctuated but remained on clearly elevated level in Jarfjord and Pechenga. Copper concentrations have been slightly rising in the recent years. In Pechenga area nickel concentrations during the last four monitoring years are decreasing in some places but the regional trend through whole time series is still positive.Suomen, Norjan ja Venäjän välinen yhteistyö loi vuonna 2006 Paatsjoen seurantaohjelman, jotta voidaan seurata ympäristön muutoksia päästötasojen vaihdellessa. Vedenlaatu on yksi ohjelman peruselementtejä arvioitaessa Petšenganikelin kaivosja metalliteollisuuden päästöjen vaikutusta ympäristöön. Tässä raportissa tarkastellaan Inarijärven, Paatsjoen ja siihen liittyvien järvien, Kuetsjärven ja 25 Petšengan, Jarfjordin ja Vätsärin alueella olevan pienen järven vedenlaadun kehitystä vuosina 2000–2013. Paatsjoen alajuoksun tilaan vaikuttavat sekä ilmansaasteet että suorat jätevesipäästöt Petšenganikelin sulatosta ja Nikel-taajamasta. Paatsjoen yläjuoksu sekä järvet ja purot, jotka eivät suoraan liity jokeen, kärsivät vain ilmansaasteista. Inarijärveen ei kohdistu suoria päästöjä Petšenganikelistä ja sen vedenlaatu on erinomainen. Paatsjoessa ja siihen liittyvissä järvissä kupari, nikkeli ja sulfaatit ovat keskeisimmät haitta-aineet. Kuormittuneimmat vesistöt ovat Kolosjoki ja Salmijärven ja Kuetsjärven yhdistävä salmi. Metallien ja sulfaattien pitoisuudet ovat korkeimpia Kuetsjärveltä alavirtaan. Kuetsjärvellä kupari- ja nikkelipitoisuudet ovat korkeat eivätkä ne ole muuttuneet seurantajakson aikana. Pienissä järvissä Vätsärin ja Jarfjordin alueella on havaittu toipumista happamoitumisesta. Nikkeli- ja kuparipitoisuudet ovat vaihdelleet mutta pysyneet selvästi korkeina Jarfjordin ja Petšengan alueilla. Kuparipitoisuudet ovat nousseet hieman viime vuosina. Petšengassa nikkelipitoisuudet ovat laskemassa joissakin paikoissa viimeisen neljän seurantavuoden aikana, mutta koko tutkimusjakson mittakaavassa alueen nikkelipitoisuudet ovat kuitenkin kasvamassa.Программа мониторинга Пасвик разработана в 2006 году в рамках трехстороннего сотрудничества с целью наблюдения за изменениями окружающей среды при различных уровнях загрязнения. Качество воды является одиним из ключевых элементов программы при оценке воздействия выбросов горно-металлургического комбината «Печенганикель» Кольской ГМК. В настоящем отчете представлены тенденции изменения химического состава вод озера Инари, реки Паз и непосредственно сообщающихся с ней озёр, озере Куетсъярви, а также 25 малых озёр в трех районах: «Печенганикель» (Россия), Ярфьорд (Норвегия) и Вятсяри (Финляндия). Река Паз в нижнем течении подвержена воздействию как атмосферного переноса загрязняющих веществ, так и непосредственного сброса сточных вод комбината «Печенганикель» и поселка Никель. Верхняя часть реки, малые озера и ручьи, не сообщающиеся непосредственно с рекой Паз, загрязняются только атмосферными выбросами. На озеро Инари выбросы комбината «Печенганикель» не оказывают прямого воздействия; качество воды отличное. Основными загрязняющими веществами в реке Паз и непосредственно сообщающихся с ней озерах являются медь, никель и сульфаты. Наиболее загрязненным водоемом является река Колосйоки, а также протока, соединяющая озера Салмиярви и Куетсъярви. Более высокое содержание металлов и сульфатов в реке Паз наблюдается вниз по течению от озера Куетсъярви. В озере Куетсъярви концентрации меди и никеля высокие, их уровень не изменился за период наблюдений. Происходит восстановление от закисления малых озёр в районах Вятсяри и Ярфьорд. В Ярфьорде и Печенгском районе уровень концентраций никеля и меди остаётся по-прежнему повышенным. За последние четыре года наблюдений концентрации никеля в Печенгском районе снижались на отдельных участках, но в целом наблюдается повышающийся тренд содержания никеля.Overvåkingsprogrammet for Pasvikområdet ble etablert i 2006 som et resultat av de tre berørte lands samarbeid innen miljøovervåking. Programmet har som mål å avdekke endringer i miljøet under vekslende forurensningsbelastninger. Overvåking av vannkvaliteten er et av de grunnleggende elementer i programmet for å vurdere effektene av utslipp fra Petsjenganikel kombinatets gruvedrift og metallurgiske industri (Kola GMK). Rapporten angir tidsbestemte trender i vannkjemien for årene 2000–2013 med bakgrunn i data innsamlet fra Enaresjøen, Pasvikelva og innsjøer i direkte tilknytting til den, samt 25 små innsjøer i følgende tre områder: Petsjenga (Russland), Jarfjord (Norge) og Vätsäri (Finland). De nedre delene av Pasvikvassdraget er påvirket av både luftbåren forurensing, av direkte utslipp fra smelteverket og av avløp fra Nikel by. De øvre delene av Pasvikvassdraget, de små innsjøene og bekker som ikke er direkte tilknyttet Pasvikelva mottar forurensingen via luft og nedbør. Enaresjøen er ikke i direkte tilknytning til smelteverket og har en god vannkjemisk tilstand. De innhentede data bekrefter at kobber (Cu), nikkel (Ni) og sulfater er de sentrale forurensningskomponentene. De høyeste nivåene ble funnet nærmest smelteverkene, elven Kolosjoki, som kobler sammen innsjøene Svanevatn og Kuetsjarvi er den mest forurensede. Nikkel og kobber konsentrasjonene er variert noe, men er ligger stabilt på et forhøyet nivå. Konsentrasjonen av kobber har en økende trend. Konsentrasjonene av metaller og sulfater i Pasvikelva er høyere nedstrøms innsjøen Kuetsjarvi enn oppstrøms. Det har ikke vært noen reduksjon i forurensingsnivået i Pasvikvassdraget gjennom de siste 10 årene. Gjennom de siste ti årene ser man en forbedring i forsuringssituasjonen i de undersøkte små innsjøene i Jarfjord og Vätsäri området. Konsentrasjonen av nikkel og kobber har variert noe, men ligger på et klart forhøyet nivå i Petsjenga og på Jarfjord. Konsentrasjonene av enkelte metaller, spesielt kobber har økt i løpet av overvåkningsperioden. I Petsjengaområdet har nikkelkonsentrasjoner også variert noe i løpet av den siste overvåkningsperioden

    Snow and rain chemistry around the "Severonikel" industrial complex, NW Russia: Current status and retrospective analysis

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    The current (2005-2011) status of the chemical composition of snow cover and rain collected at a height of 1.5m above ground was studied within 11km around the Severonikel industrial complex, one of the largest SO2 and metal contamination sources in N Europe. In spite of a significant decrease in emissions during the past 20 years, Ni and Cu concentrations in snow remain extremely high near the source (2500 and 1500 times background values, respectively). Although showing a five- to six-fold decrease in Ni and Cu concentrations since 1994, rain water currently still has concentrations 150 and 80 times background, respectively. Differences in the chemical composition of snow pack and rain collected at a height of 1.5m above ground in this case are not caused by seasonal effects, but rather by the height of precipitation sampling relative to the ground