372 research outputs found

    Становлення концепту живого

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    У статті розглядається становлення концепту живого, зокрема у філософії східної патристики, яке пов’язане зі специфічною свідомістю та світосприйняттям у той час. Різницю у світосприйнятті різних періодів забезпечує вплив різних способів пізнання, а також попередні досягнення в цій галузі. Це призводить до різниці поглядів представників східної патристики і сучасного уявлення про живе.В статье рассматривается становление концепта живого, а именно в философии восточной патристики, что связано со специфическим сознанием и мировосприятием в то время. Разницу в мировосприятии разных периодов обеспечивает влияние разных способов познания, а также предыдущие достижения в этой области. Это приводит к разнице взглядов представителей восточной патристики и современного представления о живом.In the article, becoming of concept living, especially is examined in earsten philosophy of patristics, that unite with specific consciousness and perception of the world at that time. A difference in perception of the world of different periods is provided by influence of different methods of cognition, and also previous achievements in this industry. That results in a difference in the looks of representatives of east patristic from the modern picture of living

    Dynamics of Indian Ocean slavery revealed through isotopic data from the colonial era Cobern Street Burial site, Cape Town, South Africa (1750-1827)

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    The Dutch East India Company (VOC) intended the Cape of Good Hope to be a refreshment stop for ships travelling between the Netherlands and its eastern colonies. The indigenous Khoisan, however, did not constitute an adequate workforce, therefore the VOC imported slaves from East Africa, Madagascar and Asia to expand the workforce. Cape Town became a cosmopolitan settlement with different categories of people, amongst them a non-European underclass that consisted of slaves, exiles, convicts and free-blacks. This study integrated new strontium isotope data with carbon and nitrogen isotope results from an 18 th -19 th century burial ground at Cobern Street, Cape Town, to identify non-European forced migrants to the Cape. The aim of the study was to elucidate individual mobility patterns, the age at which the forced migration took place and, if possible, geographical provenance. Using three proxies, 87 Sr/ 86 Sr, δ 13 C dentine and the presence of dental modifications, a majority (54.5%) of the individuals were found to be born non-locally. In addition, the 87 Sr/ 86 Sr data suggested that the non-locally born men came from more diverse geographic origins than the migrant women. Possible provenances were suggested for two individuals. These results contribute to an improved understanding of the dynamics of slave trading in the Indian Ocean world

    CXXC5 as an unmethylated CpG dinucleotide binding protein contributes to estrogen-mediated cellular proliferation.

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    Evidence suggests that the CXXC type zinc finger (ZF-CXXC) protein 5 (CXXC5) is a critical regulator/integrator of various signaling pathways that include the estrogen (E2)-estrogen receptor α (ERα). Due to its ZF-CXXC domain, CXXC5 is considered to be a member of the ZF-CXXC family, which binds to unmethylated CpG dinucleotides of DNA and through enzymatic activities for DNA methylation and/or chromatin modifications generates a chromatin state critical for gene expressions. Structural/functional features of CXXC5 remain largely unknown. CXXC5, suggested as transcription and/or epigenetic factor, participates in cellular proliferation, differentiation, and death. To explore the role of CXXC5 in E2-ERα mediated cellular events, we verified by generating a recombinant protein that CXXC5 is indeed an unmethylated CpG binder. We uncovered that CXXC5, although lacks a transcription activation/repression function, participates in E2-driven cellular proliferation by modulating the expression of distinct and mutual genes also regulated by E2. Furthermore, we found that the overexpression of CXXC5, which correlates with mRNA and protein levels of ERα, associates with poor prognosis in ER-positive breast cancer patients. Thus, CXXC5 as an unmethylated CpG binder contributes to E2-mediated gene expressions that result in the regulation of cellular proliferation and may contribute to ER-positive breast cancer progression

    Niet elke rups is een processierups

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    Er is de afgelopen zomer veel te doen geweest over de inmiddels welbekende eikenprocessierups. Elke rups met haren is al snel eng en iets waar je voor op moet passen. Veel rupsen met haren zijn echter geen enkel gevaar, sterker nog: je tuin wordt er een stuk leuker door

    Learning from failure

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    We study decentralized learning in organizations. Decentralization is captured through a symmetry constraint on agents’ strategies. Among such attainable strategies, we solve for optimal and equilibrium strategies. We model the organization as a repeated game with imperfectly observable actions. A fixed but unknown subset of action profiles are successes and all other action profiles are failures. The game is played until either there is a success or the time horizon is reached. For any time horizon, including infinity, we demonstrate existence of optimal attainable strategies and show that they are Nash equilibria. For some time horizons, we can solve explicitly for the optimal attainable strategies and show uniqueness. The solution connects the learning behavior of agents to the fundamentals that characterize the organization: Agents in the organization respond more slowly to failure as the future becomes more important, the size of the organization increases and the probability of success decreases.Game theory

    Magnetic characterization of non-ideal single-domain monoclinic pyrrhotite and its demagnetization under hydrostatic pressure up to 2 GPa with implications for impact demagnetization

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V..Here we present a comprehensive magnetic characterization of synthesized non-ideal single-domain (SD) monoclinic pyrrhotite (Fe7S8). The samples were in the form of a powder and a powder dispersed in epoxy. "Non-ideal" refers to a powder fraction of predominantly SD size with a minor contribution of small pseudo-single-domain grains; such non-ideal SD pyrrhotite was found to be a remanence carrier in several types of meteorites (carbonaceous chondrites, SNC. . .), which justifies the usage of synthetic compositions as analogous to natural samples. Data were collected from 5 to 633 K and include low-field magnetic susceptibility (χ0), thermomagnetic curves, major hysteresis loops, back-field remanence demagnetization curves, first-order reversal curves (FORCs), alternating field and pressure demagnetization of saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM), low temperature data (such as zero-field-cooled and field-cooled remanence datasets together with room temperature SIRM cooling-warming cycles) as well as XRD and Mössbauer spectra. The characteristic Besnus transition is observed at ∼33 K. FORC diagrams indicate interacting SD grains. The application of hydrostatic pressure up to 2 GPa using nonmagnetic high-pressure cells resulted in the demagnetization of the sample by 32-38%. Repeated cycling from 1.8 GPa to atmospheric pressure and back resulted in a total remanence decrease of 44% (after 3 cycles). Pressure demagnetization experiments have important implications for meteorite paleomagnetism and suggest that some published paleointensities of meteorites with non-ideal SD monoclinic pyrrhotite as remanence carrier may be lower limits because shock demagnetization was not accounted for

    Mitochondrial disease: Needs and problems of children, their parents and family. A systematic review and pilot study into the need for information of parents during the diagnostic phase

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    Contains fulltext : 51979.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)OBJECTIVE: Firstly, this paper aims to systematically review the mitochondrial disease literature to identify studies assessing the needs and problems in the daily life of children with a mitochondrial disease and of their parents and family. The second aim is to provide more insight into the need for information by the parents of these children during the diagnostic process while in hospital. DESIGN: A systematic review and a pilot study, using a qualitative (focus group interviews; n = 7) and a quantitative (questionnaire; n = 37) design. RESULTS: Mothers reported great socioeconomic and psychoaffective strain and showed psychopathological symptoms in the two studies published with respect to this topic. The pilot study showed that parents considered an honest and interested attitude of the person who is giving the information as most important. Furthermore they wanted oral and written information and a central point where they could go with their questions at any time they felt the need. The need for information increased during the four phases of the diagnostic process and was highest in the fourth phase. CONCLUSIONS: The few studies found in the review, combined with expectations that having a mitochondrial disease must have a great impact on these children and their parents and family, call for more research in their needs and problems. Furthermore, there are gaps in the current information provision to parents of these children. A better understanding of the needs and problems of these children and their family is essential for effective care planning and might result in an improved quality of life

    The effects of 10 to >160 GPa shock on the magnetic properties of basalt and diabase

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    © 2016. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.Hypervelocity impacts within the solar system affect both the magnetic remanence and bulk magnetic properties of planetary materials. Spherical shock experiments are a novel way to simulate shock events that enable materials to reach high shock pressures with a variable pressure profile across a single sample (ranging between ∼10 and >160 GPa). Here we present spherical shock experiments on basaltic lava flow and diabase dike samples from the Osler Volcanic Group whose ferromagnetic mineralogy is dominated by pseudo-single-domain (titano)magnetite. Our experiments reveal shock-induced changes in rock magnetic properties including a significant increase in remanent coercivity. Electron and magnetic force microscopy support the interpretation that this coercivity increase is the result of grain fracturing and associated domain wall pinning in multidomain grains. We introduce a method to discriminate between mechanical and thermal effects of shock on magnetic properties. Our approach involves conducting vacuum-heating experiments on untreated specimens and comparing the hysteresis properties of heated and shocked specimens. First-order reversal curve (FORC) experiments on untreated, heated, and shocked specimens demonstrate that shock and heating effects are fundamentally different for these samples: shock has a magnetic hardening effect that does not alter the intrinsic shape of FORC distributions, while heating alters the magnetic mineralogy as evident from significant changes in the shape of FORC contours. These experiments contextualize paleomagnetic and rock magnetic data of naturally shocked materials from terrestrial and extraterrestrial impact craters

    Expedition 350 methods

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    Introduction This chapter of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 350 Proceedings volume documents the procedures and tools employed in the various shipboard laboratories of the R/V JOIDES Resolution during Expedition 350. This information applies only to shipboard work described in the Expedition Reports section of this volume. Methods for shore-based analyses of Expedition 350 samples and data will be described in the individual scientific contributions to be published in the open literature or in the Expedition Research Results section of this volume. This section describes procedures and equipment used for drilling, coring, and hole completion; core handling; computation of depth for samples and measurements; and sequence of shipboard analyses. Subsequent sections describe specific laboratory procedures and instruments in more details