367 research outputs found

    Kinematics of W UMa-type binaries and evidences on the two types of formation

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    The kinematics of 129 W UMa binaries is studied and its implications on the contact binary evolution is discussed. The sample is found to be heterogeneous in the velocity space that kinematically younger and older contact binaries exist in the sample. Kinematically young (0.5 Gyr) sub-sample (MG) is formed by selecting the systems which are satisfying the kinematical criteria of moving groups. After removing the possible MG members and the systems which are known to be members of open clusters, the rest of the sample is called Field Contact Binaries (FCB). The FCB has further divided into four groups according to The orbital period ranges. Then a correlation has been found in the sense that shorter period less massive systems have larger velocity dispersions than the longer period more massive systems. Dispersions in the velocity space indicates 5.47 Gyr kinematical age for the FCB group. Comparing with the field chromospherically active binaries (CAB), presumably detached binary progenitors of the contact systems, the FCB appears to be 1.61 Gyr older. Assuming an equilibrium in the formation and destruction of CAB and W UMa systems in the Galaxy, this age difference is treated as empirically deduced lifetime of the contact stage. Since the kinematical ages of the four sub groups of FCB are much longer than the 1.61 Gyr lifetime of the contact stage, the pre-contact stages of FCB must dominantly be producing the large dispersions. The kinematically young (0.5 Gyr) MG group covers the same total mass, period and spectral ranges as the FCB. But, the very young age of this group does not leave enough room for pre-contact stages, thus it is most likely that those systems were formed in the beginning of the main-sequence or during the pre-main-sequence contraction phase.Comment: 19 pages, including 11 figures and 5 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Extragalactic Objects in Basle Fields

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    We discriminated the extragalactic objects (galaxies and quasars) from stars for Basle star fields, Plaut I, SA 54, and SA 82 by comparison of Basle fields and APS POSS I finder charts. Their numbers are 187, 70, and 93 for Plaut I, SA 54, and SA 82, respectively. Most of these objects are apparently faint in V, and they cause an overestimated local luminosity function for absolutely faint magnitudes, M(V) > 5. This effect is more conspicious for the field Plaut I.Comment: 13 pages, including 3 Tables and 5 figures; accepted for publication in Turkish Journal of Physic

    Kinematics of the chromospherically active binaries and evidence of an orbital period decrease in binary evolution

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    Kinematics of 237 Chromospherically Active Binaries (CAB) were studied. The sample is heterogeneous with different orbits and physically different components from F to M spectral type main sequence stars to G and K giants and super giants. The computed UU, VV, WW space velocities indicate the sample is also heterogeneous in the velocity space. That is, both kinematically younger and older systems exist among the non-evolved main sequence and the evolved binaries containing giants and sub giants. The kinematically young (0.95 Gyr) sub-sample (N=95), which is formed according to the kinematical criteria of moving groups, was compared to the rest (N=142) of the sample (3.86 Gyr) in order to investigate observational clues of the binary evolution. Comparing the orbital period histograms between the younger and older sub-samples, evidences were found supporting Demircan's (1999) finding that the CAB binaries lose mass (and angular momentum) and evolve towards shorter orbital periods. The evidence of mass loss is noticeable on the histograms of the total mass (Mh+McM_{h}+M_{c}), which is compared between the younger (available only N=53 systems) and older sub-samples (available only N=66 systems). The orbital period decrease during binary evolution is found to be clearly indicated by the kinematical ages of 6.69, 5.19, and 3.02 Gyr which were found in the sub samples according to the period ranges of logP0.8logP\leq0.8, 0.8<logP1.70.8<logP\leq1.7, and 1.7<logP31.7<logP\leq3 among the binaries in the older sub sample.Comment: 26 pages, including 11 figures and 5 tables, 2004, MNRAS, 349, 106

    A CCD Study of High Latitude Galactic Structure: Testing the Model Parameters

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    We interpret published CCD UBVI data to deduce the stellar density distribution and metallicity distribution function in the region from 2-8 kpc from the Galactic Plane, and compare our results to several star count models. A feature of extant star count models is degeneracy between the adopted scale heights of the thin and thick disks, and their local normalisation. We illustrate the utility of this small data set, and future larger sets (e.g. SDSS), by explicitly considering consistency between the derived density laws, and the implied solar neighbourhood luminosity function. Our data set, from Hall et al.(1996) (l=52, b=-39) contains 566 stars, selected to be consistent with stellar loci in colour-colour diagrams. Our analysis supports the parameterisation of the recent SDSS galaxy model of Chen et al.(2001), except in preferring the stellar halo axis ratio to be 0.84. Photometric metal-abundances have been derived for 329 stars using a new calibration. The vertical distance-dependent metallicity distribution function, if parameterised by a single mean value, can be described by a metallicity gradient -0.2dex/kpcforthethindiskandthickdisk,and0.1 dex/kpc for the thin disk and thick disk, and -0.1 dex/kpc for the inner halo. The data are however better described as the sum of three discrete distribution functions, each of which has a small or zero internal gradient. The changing mix of thin disk, thick disk and halo populations with distance from the plane generates an illusion of a smooth gradient.Comment: 14 pages, 43 gif figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Reaching the boundary between stellar kinematic groups and very wide binaries. II. alpha Lib + KU Lib: a common proper motion system in Castor separated by 1.0 pc

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    Aims: I investigate the gravitational binding of a nearby common proper motion system in the young Castor moving group (tau ~ 200 Ma), formed by the bright quadruple star alpha Lib (Zubenelgenubi) and the young solar analog KU Lib. The system has an exceptionally wide angular separation, of about 2.6 deg, which corresponds to a projected physical separation of about 1.0 pc. Methods: I compile basic information of the system and compare its binding energy with those of other weakly bound systems in the field, and study the physical separations of resolved multiple systems in Castor. Results: KU Lib has roughly the same proper motion, parallactic distance, radial velocity, and metallicity than the young hierarchical quadruple system alpha Lib. Besides, KU Lib also displays youth features. The resemblance between these basic parameters and the relatively large estimated binding energy point out that the five stars are gravitationally bound. KU Lib and alpha Lib constitute the widest known multiple system at all mass domains, and likely represent the most extreme example of young wide binaries on the point of being disrupted. Besides, I make a comprehensive compilation of star candidates in Castor, including new ones.Comment: A&A, in press (v2: language edited

    MnOx-Promoted PdAg Alloy Nanoparticles for the Additive-Free Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid at Room Temperature

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    Formic acid (HCOOH) has a great potential as a safe and a convenient hydrogen carrier for fuel cell applications. However, efficient and CO-free hydrogen production through the decomposition of formic acid at low temperatures (&lt;363 K) in the absence of additives constitutes a major challenge. Herein, we present a new heterogeneous catalyst system composed of bimetallic PdAg alloy and MnOx nanoparticles supported on amine-grafted silica facilitating the liberation of hydrogen at room temperature through the dehydrogenation of formic acid in the absence of any additives with remarkable activity (330 mol H2·mol catalyst-1·h-1) and selectivity (&gt;99%) at complete conversion (&gt;99%). Moreover this new catalytic system enables facile catalyst recovery and very high stability against agglomeration, leaching, and CO poisoning. Through a comprehensive set of structural and functional characterization experiments, mechanistic origins of the unusually high catalytic activity, selectivity, and stability of this unique catalytic system are elucidated. Current heterogeneous catalytic architecture presents itself as an excellent contender for clean hydrogen production via room-temperature additive-free dehydrogenation of formic acid for on-board hydrogen fuel cell applications. © 2015 American Chemical Society

    Transumbilical Totally Laparoscopic Single-Port Nissen Fundoplication: A New Method of Liver Retraction: The Istanbul Technique

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    Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of the Turkish Republic, had guarded many German scientists of a Jewish descent before the Second World War. Dr. Rudolf Nissen was one of the outstanding surgeons who had served in the Turkish university hospitals. He had created an antireflux procedure which is named after his own name while he was working in our clinic, the CerrahpaAYa Hospital. From a laparoscopic approach, the Nissen fundoplication was the gold standard intervention for the surgical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Currently, video laparoscopic surgery is evolving quickly with the guidance of new technology. Single-port (SP) laparoscopic transumbilical surgery is one of the newest branches of advanced laparoscopy

    Rotation, activity, and lithium abundance in cool binary stars

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    We have used two robotic telescopes to obtain time-series high-resolution spectroscopy and V I and/or by photometry for a sample of 60 active stars. Orbital solutions are presented for 26 SB2 and 19 SB1 systems with unprecedented phase coverage and accuracy. The total of 6,609 R=55,000 echelle spectra are also used to systematically determine effective temperatures, gravities, metallicities, rotational velocities, lithium abundances and absolute H{\alpha}-core fluxes as a function of time. The photometry is used to infer unspotted brightness, V - I and/or b - y colors, spot-induced brightness amplitudes and precise rotation periods. Our data are complemented by literature data and are used to determine rotation-temperature-activity relations for active binary components. We also relate lithium abundance to rotation and surface temperature. We find that 74% of all known rapidly-rotating active binary stars are synchronized and in circular orbits but 26% are rotating asynchronously of which half have Prot > Porb and e > 0. Because rotational synchronization is predicted to occur before orbital circularization active binaries should undergo an extra spin-down besides tidal dissipation. We suspect this to be due to a magnetically channeled wind with its subsequent braking torque. We find a steep increase of rotation period with decreasing effective temperature for active stars. For inactive, single giants with Prot > 100 d, the relation is much weaker. Our data also indicate a period-activity relation for H{\alpha} of the form RH{\alpha} \propto P - 0.24 for binaries and RH{\alpha} \propto P -0.14 for singles. Lithium abundances in our sample increase with effective temperature. On average, binaries of comparable effective temperature appear to exhibit 0.25 dex less surface lithium than singles. We also find a trend of increased Li abundance with rotational period of form log n(Li) \propto - 0.6 log Prot