302 research outputs found

    Bina'u al-Nash al-Syi'rii fi Diwan Ibni al-Arandas al-Hilli: Dirasah Maudu'iyah Fanniyah

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    The study ñ€ƓStructure of the poetic text in the collection of Ibn al-Arandas: an objective and artistic studyñ€ aims to understand and analyze the poetic structure in the collection of the poet Ibn al-Arandas in an objective and artistic way. The study focuses on analyzing the literary methods and techniques that the poet used in constructing his poems, including rhyme, meter, sentence structures, and use of poetic language. The topic aims to shed light on the artistic aspects that distinguish Ibn al-Arandasñ€ℱ poetry and how they affect the quality and creativity of poetry.Method: To achieve its objectives, the study relies on an analytical approach that includes a comprehensive review of Ibn al-Arandasñ€ℱs poetry collection and a deep analysis of a number of his poems. The approach consists of analyzing Ibn al-Arandas's poetic texts in terms of their structure, artistic methods, and their impact on the poetic content.Result: Through this study, it is expected that the results will yield a deeper understanding of the structure of traditional Arabic poetry and how to use poetic techniques to achieve artistic and expressive goals. The results will contribute to enriching the discussion about Arabic poetry and Arabic literature

    1. ja 2. klassi laste online-riskikogemused ja toimetulekustrateegiad

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    Uus meedia levib ĂŒha kiiremini ja see muudab meie igapĂ€evaelu harjumusi, sotsiaalseid suhteid ja mĂ”tteviisi. Internetikasutajatest laste arv liigub tĂ€napĂ€eval ĂŒha tĂ”usvas joones ja samal ajal vĂ€heneb esmakordsete internetikasutajate vanus. Interneti piiramatu levik on oluliseks teinud uue meedia uurimise ja seda eriti seoses lastega, kes digitaalsetest tehnoloogiatest ĂŒmbritsetuna ĂŒles kasvavad. Meid ĂŒmbritsev infotehnoloogia ei ole aga alati tingimata kahjulik. Kui suudame online-riskide kogemisest Ă”ppida ja arendada vĂ€lja digitaalset kirjaoskust, siis on vĂ”imalik osa saada interneti lĂ”pututest kasuteguritest. KĂ€esoleva magistritöö eesmĂ€rgiks oli uurida 1. ja 2. klassi laste internetikasutust, online-riskide taju, riskidega kokkupuudet ja toimetulekustrateegiaid, mida lapsed potentsiaalsete ohtudega silmitsi seistes kasutavad. Magistritöö teoreetiline osa andis ĂŒlevaate laste ja infoĂŒhiskonna suhtest; laste arengust; laste internetikasutusest; veebiriskidest; laste kogemusest online-riskidega ja toimetulekustrateegiatest, mida lapsed online-riskide kogemise jĂ€rel kasutavad. Magistritöö eesmĂ€rkide tĂ€itmiseks viisin lĂ€bi viis fookusgrupi intervjuud kokku kahekĂŒmne nelja lapsega ning saadud tulemusi analĂŒĂŒsisin kvalitatiivse andmeanalĂŒĂŒsi meetodi abil. Olulisemate tulemustena vĂ”ib vĂ€lja tuua 7-8-aastaste laste kĂŒllaltki mitmekĂŒlgse ja aktiivse internetikasutuse olukorras, kui nad on virtuaalmaailma vĂ”rdlemisi ĂŒksi jĂ€etud – suurem osa lastest kasutab internetti vanemate pideva jĂ€relvalveta, olles kohati internetis ka siis, kui vanemaid kodus ei ole. Rohkem riske kogenud lastel on ka ohtlikumad veebikasutuse harjumused, nĂ€iteks teevad nad seda enda sĂ”nutsi peaaegu alati ĂŒksi, erinevatel aegadel ja sealhulgas hilisĂ”htul, omavad personaalset sotsiaalvĂ”rgustiku kontot ja kĂ€ivad palju videosaitidel. Suurem osa riskidest, mida lapsed on kogenud, on ette tulnud suhtlusvĂ”rgustikes, kus riskiallikaks on olnud vÔÔrad veebikasutajad, aga ka sĂ”brad ja tuttavad, kes on lapsele riskantse sisu edasi saatnud. Leidub ka lapsi, kes ei ole mitte ĂŒhegi riskiga kokku puutunud – neid lapsi on rohkem nooremate seas, nad kĂ€ivad harvem internetis ja kindlates mĂ€ngukeskkondades. Riskiga kokku puutudes kasutavad lapsed kĂ”ige rohkem kommunikatiivset ja passiivset toimetulekustrateegiat. Peamiste jĂ€reldustena vĂ”ib vĂ€lja tuua, et mida rohkem ja erinevamaid tegevusi lapsed internetis harrastavad, seda rohkem puutuvad nad kokku erinevate online-riskidega. Ühe peamise jĂ€reldusena vĂ”ib vĂ€lja tuua vanemate ja veebikeskkondade poolt rakendatud reeglite ebaefektiivsuse. Kuna kĂ”ikide riskide puhul on laste kĂ”ige populaarsemaks toimetulekustrateegiaks kogetust rÀÀkimine, siis see nĂ€itab, kuivĂ”rd oluline on lapse ja tĂ€iskasvanu vaheline usaldusvÀÀrne suhe ja avatud kommunikatsioon nii kodus kui ka koolis. VĂ€ga oluline on jĂ€tkuvalt edendada tĂ€iskasvanute teadlikkust ja vastutustundlikku internetikasutust, et vanemad ja Ă”petajad suudaksid last meediamaastikul adekvaatselt, efektiivselt ja enesekindlalt suunata. Lisaks pakub töö ka metodoloogilisi kogemusi innovaatilise meetodi, st loomingulise ĂŒlesande lĂ€biviimise, sama- ja segasooliste fookusgruppide kasutamise ja erineva suurusega rĂŒhmade intervjueerimise kogemuse nĂ€ol. VĂ€ikeste laste intervjueerimisel vĂ”ib uurimissoovitustena vĂ€lja tuua loomingulise ĂŒlesande vĂ”i mĂ€ngu kasutamise ja ajastamise intervjuu keskele, poiste-tĂŒdrukute segarĂŒhmade kasutamise, mÔÔduka suurusega rĂŒhmad ning omavahel tuttavate laste kaasamise intervjuusse. Edasistes uuringutes soovitaksin tĂ€helepanu pöörata ĂŒha nooremate laste mobiilse interneti kasutusele ning kaasata uuringusse laste pereliikmed, eakaaslased ja Ă”petajad.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4417795~S1*es

    Juhtkirja valimine pĂ€evalehes (Eesti PĂ€evalehe, Postimehe ja ÄripĂ€eva nĂ€itel)

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    The current bachelor thesis „The Process of the Completion of an Editorial in a Daily Newspaper (Case Study of Eesti PĂ€evaleht, Postimees and ÄripĂ€ev)” observed closely the process of completing the editorial in Estonian daily newspapers. The first, theoretical part of the research paper gives an overview of the functions and structure of the editorial. It also analyses its objectives and position in the newspaper, including the role of the editorial as a basis on which public opinion is formed. The second, empirical part of the paper is based on 11 in-depth-interviews with editors of Eesti PĂ€evaleht, Postimees and ÄripĂ€ev who serve on the editorial boards of the respective newspapers. This part mapped the process of completing an editorial in all three newspapers and reviewed and compared the dilemmas that the editors face. The main issues that the bachelor thesis concentrated on were the following: the selection of the topic for the editorial; the formation of the editorial board’s standpoint; finding arguments that both support and contradict the proposed standpoint; the process of writing (assigning a writer, determining the structure of the text). Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the topic of the editorial is formulated by the opinion editor (arvamustoimetaja) responsible for this day’s editorial in all three daily newspapers. He/she suggests the topic during the daily meeting, where representatives of various departments of newspaper assemble. If the meeting does not approve the topic, the final decision will be made by the editorial board collectively. Regard to the topic, the most important news of the day is usually selected as the topic for the editorial. Thus, the standpoint of the editorial is formulated by the opinion editor together with editors of other departments who offer their input. While determining the standpoint, the majority wins. In ÄripĂ€ev and Eesti PĂ€evaleht, this standpoint should be in accordance with the formulated key values of the newspaper. Postimees has not formulated such values. By finding arguments that both support and contradict the standpoint, the archives of different newspapers, statistics etc are used as a source. In ÄripĂ€ev, there is a special team called editorial council (juhtkirjagrupp) who suggests arguments to the writer. In Postimees and Eesti PĂ€evaleht, it is the opinion editor together representatives of other departments who has to find relevant arguments. If counter-arguments are stronger than those which support the agreed standpoint in ÄripĂ€ev, the standpoint of the editorial will be changed. In Postimees and Eesti PĂ€evaleht, the topic of the editorial will be changed in this case. Counter-arguments cannot always be found in the editorials of Eesti PĂ€evaleht and Postimees. ÄripĂ€ev’s editorial has to follow a fixed structure (respectively: topic, standpoint, argumentation, conclusions). In Eesti PĂ€evaleht and Postimees, editorial is more free in its structure. In ÄripĂ€ev and Eesti PĂ€evaleht, only opinion editors write editorials. In Postimees, only 1/3 of editorials are written by opinion editors, the rest 2/3 are completed by members of other departments of the newspaper. In ÄripĂ€ev, if the writing editor does not share the chosen standpoint, he/she will nevertheless complete the editorial as agreed by the majority. In Postimees and Eesti PĂ€evaleht, a new writer is selected under the circumstances.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2117915~S1*es

    5-7-aastaste laste vanemad laste meediakasutuse juhendajatena Rahamaa nÀitel

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    Parental mediation of 5 to 7 year old children’s media use: the Rahamaa (Moneyville) case Internet is spreading more and more and it is entering forcefully into ever younger children’s lives. Internet is unenforceable and includes different risks and opportunities. Pre-school aged children may have difficulties to implement safe and precautious behaviour in such a diverse and new environment. Therefore, experienced parents should come to help. They should introduce environment full on opportunities to children and guide them towards developmental and educational online-games. The main objective of this bachelor thesis was to examine Internet’s presumable positive effect on 5 to 7 year old children. In focus of the thesis was an educational online-game Rahamaa (Moneyville), which effect was examined through parents’ and children’s statements. In addition, the bachelor thesis examined to what extent and how parents mediate their children’s Internet use. The thesis explored also general computer usage of pre-schoolers and their development into a cognizant consumer. The theoretical part of this study gives an overview of children’s Internet use (risks and opportunities of Internet, positive media content), children’s development into cognizant consumers, parents’ role in mediating their children’s Internet use and developing them into a cognizant consumer, the theory and importance of game, computer- and online-games and Rahamaa game. Theoretical part gives the background to understand the empirical material. In order to gather empirical data on above mentioned matter I used qualitative research method and carried out focus group interviews with children and their parents. I conducted four interviews – two of them in a group of six with children and two in a group of six with parents. I analysed results using text examples. The analyses showed that children are spending more and more time on the Internet. It turned out that parents do not worry much about their children’s Internet use and they are frequently left alone in the new media. Parents utilize some restrictions but they do not consider it indispensable to invigilate children’s Internet use. However, all of the parents claim that they have discussed topics about Internet with their children. The bachelor thesis also showed that 54 older siblings often help and supervise pre-schoolers in matters of Internet. It also appeared that children enjoy playing Rahamaa online-game. All of the questioned children think that they have learned from this game but parents’ opinions are different. They presume that children cannot put learned skills into practice. There are not many studies in Estonia that concentrate on the positive aspects and opportunities of Internet and especially taking into account the statements of children and their parents. Present study is certainly a considerable groundwork for further investigation. The results of this bachelor thesis bestow consideration upon children’s Internet use and parental mediation. The results also help parents, kindergarten teachers and media to find effective strategies to make children’s Internet usage more developmental. This topic certainly needs further research. The focus should be on how children distinguish between online-world and real life. Following studies should be conducted with more representative sample. In addition to qualitative method it would be interesting to use quantitative research method as well.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2561208~S1*es

    Ethiopian medicinal plants traditionally used for wound treatment: A systematic review

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    Background: There are rich knowledge and practice in Ethiopian traditional medicine of using plants for the treatment of various ailments, including wounds. Though scholars have been working on documenting the ethnobotanical use of plants, the studies are still ongoing.Objectives: This study systematically reviewed medicinal plants traditionally employed for the treatment of wounds in Ethiopia.Methods: A systematic review of the literature was conducted using PubMed and Google Scholar; a search of grey literature was also carried out as part of the review. Search terms and phrases included ‘traditional medicine’, ‘ethnomedicine’, ‘ethnobotany’ and ‘Ethiopia’. Data regarding the scientific name, family, local name, growth form of the plant, mode of administration, and availability of voucher specimen were extracted.Results: Based on the eligibility criteria, 29 studies were retrieved from PubMed, and 25 from Google Scholar and the grey literature. Around 200 medicinal plants which are used to treat wounds in Ethiopian traditional medicine were recorded. Leaves and roots were the most commonly used plant parts to treat wounds, while shrubs and herbs were reported to be the growth forms of most plants. The mode of administration was topical in almost all cases.Conclusions: Medicinal plants have been used extensively to treat wounds in Ethiopia. Nevertheless, the scientific exploration of plants’ efficacy and safety is inadequate, and relevant activity studies ought to be conducted to provide scientific evidence to the traditional claims of these plants. [Ethiop.J. Health Dev. 2019; 33(2):102-127]Key words: Ethnobotany, ethnomedicine, medicinal plants, Ethiopian traditional medicine, woun

    Repurposing of the ÎČ-Lactam Antibiotic, Ceftriaxone for Neurological Disorders: A Review

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    To date, there is no cure or disease-modifying agents available for most well-known neurological disorders. Current therapy is typically focused on relieving symptoms and supportive care in improving the quality of life of affected patients. Furthermore, the traditional de novo drug discovery technique is more challenging, particularly for neurological disorders. Therefore, the repurposing of existing drugs for these conditions is believed to be an efficient and dynamic approach that can substantially reduce the investments spent on drug development. Currently, there is emerging evidence that suggests the potential effect of a beta-lactam antibiotic, ceftriaxone (CEF), to alleviate the symptoms of different experimentally-induced neurological disorders: Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, epileptic-seizure, brain ischemia, traumatic brain injuries, and neuropathic pain. CEF also affects the markers of oxidative status and neuroinflammation, glutamatergic systems as well as various aggregated toxic proteins involved in the pathogenesis of different neurological disorders. Moreover, it was found that CEF administration to drug dependent animal models improved the withdrawal symptoms upon drug discontinuation. Thus, this review aimed to describe the effects of CEF against multiple models of neurological illnesses, drug dependency, and withdrawal. It also emphasizes the possible mechanisms of neuroprotective actions of CEF with respective neurological maladies

    Radiological progression of end colostomy trephine diameter and area

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    Development of a parastomal hernia is common following abdominoperineal excision (APE). The true incidence is difficult to assess fully owing to differing lengths of follow-up and techniques used to assess herniation; radiological or clinical. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate colostomy diameter by studying the rate of change of axial and sagittal trephine diameters, trephine area, and the ratio of the trephine over time. A secondary aim was to investigate variation in trephine area and variables affecting parastomal hernia over time

    Using strategic performance measurement systems for strategy formulation: Does it work in dynamic environments?

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    This paper examines how strategic performance measurement systems (SPMS) influence organisational performance through the shaping of the strategic agendas and strategic decision arrays that result from the processes of (re)formulation of intended strategies. Using a combination of archival and survey data collected from 267 medium and large Spanish companies, we find evidence supporting a positive association between SPMS and organisational performance that is mediated by the comprehensiveness of the strategic decision arrays. We find this mediation is negatively moderated by the level of environmental dynamism, so that the comprehensiveness of strategic decision arrays that result from strategy (re)formulation processes mediates the association between SPMS and organisational performance when environmental dynamism is low, but not when environmental dynamism is high
