16 research outputs found

    Subcellular Localization of HIV-1 gag-pol

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    Orchestrating the Selection and Packaging of Genomic RNA by Retroviruses: An Ensemble of Viral and Host Factors

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    Infectious retrovirus particles contain two copies of unspliced viral RNA that serve as the viral genome. Unspliced retroviral RNA is transcribed in the nucleus by the host RNA polymerase II and has three potential fates: (1) it can be spliced into subgenomic messenger RNAs (mRNAs) for the translation of viral proteins; or it can remain unspliced to serve as either (2) the mRNA for the translation of Gag and Gag–Pol; or (3) the genomic RNA (gRNA) that is packaged into virions. The Gag structural protein recognizes and binds the unspliced viral RNA to select it as a genome, which is selected in preference to spliced viral RNAs and cellular RNAs. In this review, we summarize the current state of understanding about how retroviral packaging is orchestrated within the cell and explore potential new mechanisms based on recent discoveries in the field. We discuss the cis-acting elements in the unspliced viral RNA and the properties of the Gag protein that are required for their interaction. In addition, we discuss the role of host factors in influencing the fate of the newly transcribed viral RNA, current models for how retroviruses distinguish unspliced viral mRNA from viral genomic RNA, and the possible subcellular sites of genomic RNA dimerization and selection by Gag. Although this review centers primarily on the wealth of data available for the alpharetrovirus Rous sarcoma virus, in which a discrete RNA packaging sequence has been identified, we have also summarized the cis- and trans-acting factors as well as the mechanisms governing gRNA packaging of other retroviruses for comparison

    HIV-1 Gag Forms Ribonucleoprotein Complexes with Unspliced Viral RNA at Transcription Sites

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    The ability of the retroviral Gag protein of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) to transiently traffic through the nucleus is well-established and has been implicated in genomic RNA (gRNA) packaging Although other retroviral Gag proteins (human immunodeficiency virus type 1, HIV-1; feline immunodeficiency virus, FIV; Mason-Pfizer monkey virus, MPMV; mouse mammary tumor virus, MMTV; murine leukemia virus, MLV; and prototype foamy virus, PFV) have also been observed in the nucleus, little is known about what, if any, role nuclear trafficking plays in those viruses. In the case of HIV-1, the Gag protein interacts in nucleoli with the regulatory protein Rev, which facilitates nuclear export of gRNA. Based on the knowledge that RSV Gag forms viral ribonucleoprotein (RNPs) complexes with unspliced viral RNA (USvRNA) in the nucleus, we hypothesized that the interaction of HIV-1 Gag with Rev could be mediated through vRNA to form HIV-1 RNPs. Using inducible HIV-1 proviral constructs, we visualized HIV-1 Gag and USvRNA in discrete foci in the nuclei of HeLa cells by confocal microscopy. Two-dimensional co-localization and RNA-immunoprecipitation of fractionated cells revealed that interaction of nuclear HIV-1 Gag with USvRNA was specific. Interestingly, treatment of cells with transcription inhibitors reduced the number of HIV-1 Gag and USvRNA nuclear foci, yet resulted in an increase in the degree of Gag co-localization with USvRNA, suggesting that Gag accumulates on newly synthesized viral transcripts. Three-dimensional imaging analysis revealed that HIV-1 Gag localized to the perichromatin space and associated with USvRNA and Rev in a tripartite RNP complex. To examine a more biologically relevant cell, latently infected CD4+ T cells were treated with prostratin to stimulate NF-κB mediated transcription, demonstrating striking localization of full-length Gag at HIV-1 transcriptional burst site, which was labelled with USvRNA-specific riboprobes. In addition, smaller HIV-1 RNPs were observed in the nuclei of these cells. These data suggest that HIV-1 Gag binds to unspliced viral transcripts produced at the proviral integration site, forming vRNPs in the nucleus

    Visualizing Association of the Retroviral Gag Protein with Unspliced Viral RNA in the Nucleus

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    Retroviruses cause severe diseases in animals and humans, including cancer and acquired immunodeficiency syndromes. To propagate infection, retroviruses assemble new virus particles that contain viral proteins and unspliced vRNA to use as gRNA. Despite the critical requirement for gRNA packaging, the molecular mechanisms governing the identification and selection of gRNA by the Gag protein remain poorly understood. In this report, we demonstrate that the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) Gag protein colocalizes with unspliced vRNA in the nucleus in the interchromatin space. Using live-cell confocal imaging, RSV Gag and unspliced vRNA were observed to move together from inside the nucleus across the nuclear envelope, suggesting that the Gag-gRNA complex initially forms in the nucleus and undergoes nuclear export into the cytoplasm as a viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) complex.Packaging of genomic RNA (gRNA) by retroviruses is essential for infectivity, yet the subcellular site of the initial interaction between the Gag polyprotein and gRNA remains poorly defined. Because retroviral particles are released from the plasma membrane, it was previously thought that Gag proteins initially bound to gRNA in the cytoplasm or at the plasma membrane. However, the Gag protein of the avian retrovirus Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) undergoes active nuclear trafficking, which is required for efficient gRNA encapsidation (L. Z. Scheifele, R. A. Garbitt, J. D. Rhoads, and L. J. Parent, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 99:3944–3949, 2002, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.062652199; R. Garbitt-Hirst, S. P. Kenney, and L. J. Parent, J Virol 83:6790–6797, 2009, https://doi.org/10.1128/JVI.00101-09). These results raise the intriguing possibility that the primary contact between Gag and gRNA might occur in the nucleus. To examine this possibility, we created a RSV proviral construct that includes 24 tandem repeats of MS2 RNA stem-loops, making it possible to track RSV viral RNA (vRNA) in live cells in which a fluorophore-conjugated MS2 coat protein is coexpressed. Using confocal microscopy, we observed that both wild-type Gag and a nuclear export mutant (Gag.L219A) colocalized with vRNA in the nucleus. In live-cell time-lapse images, the wild-type Gag protein trafficked together with vRNA as a single ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex in the nucleoplasm near the nuclear periphery, appearing to traverse the nuclear envelope into the cytoplasm. Furthermore, biophysical imaging methods suggest that Gag and the unspliced vRNA physically interact in the nucleus. Taken together, these data suggest that RSV Gag binds unspliced vRNA to export it from the nucleus, possibly for packaging into virions as the viral genome

    Rous Sarcoma Virus Genomic RNA Dimerization Capability In Vitro Is Not a Prerequisite for Viral Infectivity

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    Retroviruses package their full-length, dimeric genomic RNA (gRNA) via specific interactions between the Gag polyprotein and a “Ψ” packaging signal located in the gRNA 5′-UTR. Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) gRNA has a contiguous, well-defined Ψ element, that directs the packaging of heterologous RNAs efficiently. The simplicity of RSV Ψ makes it an informative model to examine the mechanism of retroviral gRNA packaging, which is incompletely understood. Little is known about the structure of dimerization initiation sites or specific Gag interaction sites of RSV gRNA. Using selective 2′-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension (SHAPE), we probed the secondary structure of the entire RSV 5′-leader RNA for the first time. We identified a putative bipartite dimerization initiation signal (DIS), and mutation of both sites was required to significantly reduce dimerization in vitro. These mutations failed to reduce viral replication, suggesting that in vitro dimerization results do not strictly correlate with in vivo infectivity, possibly due to additional RNA interactions that maintain the dimers in cells. UV crosslinking-coupled SHAPE (XL-SHAPE) was next used to determine Gag-induced RNA conformational changes, revealing G218 as a critical Gag contact site. Overall, our results suggest that disruption of either of the DIS sequences does not reduce virus replication and reveal specific sites of Gag–RNA interactions