283 research outputs found

    Association between average daily gain, faecal dry matter content and concentration of Lawsonia intracellularis in faeces

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The objective of this study was to investigate the association between average daily gain and the number of <it>Lawsonia intracellularis</it> bacteria in faeces of growing pigs with different levels of diarrhoea.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A longitudinal field study (<it>n</it> = 150 pigs) was performed in a Danish herd from day 29 to 47 post weaning. Every third day all pigs were weighed, subjected to a clinical examination and faecal samples were obtained. Faecal samples were subjected to dry matter determination and absolute quantification by PCR for <it>L. intracellularis</it> and porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2). Association between average daily gain, faecal dry matter content, numbers of <it>L. intracellularis</it> bacteria and PCV2 genome copies in faeces was investigated in a multilevel mixed-effects linear model.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Increasing numbers of <it>L. intracellularis</it> log<sub>10</sub> bacteria/g faeces were significantly associated with decreasing average daily gain (<it>P</it> < 0.001). The association was decreasing with increasing faecal dry matter content (<it>P</it> < 0.01). The number of PCV2 log<sub>10</sub> copies/g faeces was not significantly associated with average daily gain of the pigs (<it>P</it> > 0.5).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results suggest a potential application of a PCR quantifying <it>L. intracellularis</it> in growing pigs. Faecal dry matter content must be taken into consideration in interpretation of such test results.</p

    Farmers' attitudes and landscape change: evidence from the abandonment of terraced cultivations on Lesvos, Greece

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    Agricultural landscapes are the product of the interaction of the natural environment of an area and the practices of its farmers. In this paper, farmers' practices are examined in order to describe and understand processes of landscape change in terraced fields on the island of Lesvos, Greece. We examine the changes of the terraced fields of each farmer and the reasons for these changes, practices concerning the maintenance of terraces and how farmers view this landscape change. The concept of farming systems is used to link farmers' practices at the farm level with changes at the landscape level. Data come from research via questionnaires to farmers in order to record their practices, to explore changes in land use and the landscape elements and the reasons behind these changes, and finally to record their opinions on the landscape change that result. Findings indicate that although farm households in the case study areas depend on farming incomes by very different degrees, they employ similar cultivation and landscape management practices. At the same time, "hobby" farm households may be more prone to abandonment of fields and negligence of landscape elements (here terraces)

    Patient safety culture in Norwegian home health nursing: a cross-sectional study of healthcare provider’s perceptions of the teamwork and safety climates

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    Background: The threefold aim of this study was to (1) describe attitudes to patient safety among healthcare providers in home health nursing (HHN), (2) investigate differences in attitudes due to age, education level, years of healthcare work experience, and years at current workplace, and (3) compare attitudes of these HHN healthcare providers with available benchmark data from other healthcare settings. Methods: One hundred sixty HHN healthcare providers in Mid-Norway answered a survey covering the teamwork climate and safety climate in the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ). Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t test, and ANOVA. Results: The overall mean score was 79.1 for teamwork climate and 72.3 for safety climate. The proportion of positive responses (i.e., scale scores ≥ 75) was 73% on teamwork climate and 53% on safety climate. For teamwork and safety climates, employees with the longest employment at the current workplace had significantly higher mean scores than those with shorter employment. No significant differences were found in mean scores for age, education level, and length of experience in healthcare. Compared to benchmark data from other studies, the mean HHN scores for both safety and teamwork climates were higher than in the vast majority of other Healthcare settings and significant differences were found for both dimensions. Conclusion: HHN has higher scores for both safety climate and teamwork climate compared to the vast majority of other healthcare settings, but there is room for improvement in the patient safety culture within the Norwegian HHN. Further research on patient safety culture in HHN is needed.publishedVersio

    Predicting discharge location of hip fracture patients; the new discharge of hip fracture patients score

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    Purpose This paper reports on the development and validity of a new instrument, called the discharge of hip fracture patients score (DHP), that predicts at admission the discharge location in patients living in their own home prior to hip fracture surgery. Methods A total of 310 patients aged 50 years and above were included. Risk factors for discharge to an alternative location (DAL) were analysed with a multivariable regression analysis taking the admission variables into account with different weights based on the estimates. The score ranged from 0-100 points. The cut-off point for DAL was calculated using a ROC analysis. Reliability of the DHP was evaluated. Results Risk factors for DAL were higher age, female gender, dementia, absence of a partner and a limited level of mobility. The cut-off point was set at 30 points, with a sensitivity of 83.8%, a specificity of 64.7% and positive predictive value of 79.2%. Conclusion The DHP is a valid, simple and short instrument to be used at admission to predict discharge location of hip fracture patients

    Smart cities, social media platforms and security: online content regulation as a site of controversy and conflict

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    Abstract Smart, technologically managed city-regions are one of the main characteristics of the contemporary world. Since the attack to the Charlie Hebdo offices, city-regions and social media digital technologies have increasingly been changing the definition of 'territory of security' and 'security governance'. What are the characteristics of the security architecture created by the interaction of smart city-regions and digital technologies? Drawing from Actor-Network theory and Science and Technology Studies, we provide an empirical account of the shape of this new territory, by presenting a study of the controversy concerning security and social media in UK, the role of cities in this changed security space, and how social sciences can help better understand and respond to the opportunities and threats of smart cities

    The global aerosol synthesis and science project (GASSP): Measurements and modeling to reduce uncertainty

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from American Meteorological Society via the DOI in this record.The largest uncertainty in the historical radiative forcing of climate is caused by changes in aerosol particles due to anthropogenic activity. Sophisticated aerosol microphysics processes have been included in many climate models in an effort to reduce the uncertainty. However, the models are very challenging to evaluate and constrain because they require extensive in situ measurements of the particle size distribution, number concentration, and chemical composition that are not available from global satellite observations. The Global Aerosol Synthesis and Science Project (GASSP) aims to improve the robustness of global aerosol models by combining new methodologies for quantifying model uncertainty, to create an extensive global dataset of aerosol in situ microphysical and chemical measurements, and to develop new ways to assess the uncertainty associated with comparing sparse point measurements with low-resolution models. GASSP has assembled over 45,000 hours of measurements from ships and aircraft as well as data from over 350 ground stations. The measurements have been harmonized into a standardized format that is easily used by modelers and nonspecialist users. Available measurements are extensive, but they are biased to polluted regions of the Northern Hemisphere, leaving large pristine regions and many continental areas poorly sampled. The aerosol radiative forcing uncertainty can be reduced using a rigorous model–data synthesis approach. Nevertheless, our research highlights significant remaining challenges because of the difficulty of constraining many interwoven model uncertainties simultaneously. Although the physical realism of global aerosol models still needs to be improved, the uncertainty in aerosol radiative forcing will be reduced most effectively by systematically and rigorously constraining the models using extensive syntheses of measurements.GASSP was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) under Grants NE/J024252/1, NE/J022624/1, and NE/J023515/1; ACID-PRUF under Grants NE/I020059/1 and NE/I020148/1; the European Union BACCHUS project under Grant 603445-BACCHUS; ACTRIS under Grants 262254 and 654109; and by the UK–China Research and Innovation Partnership Fund through the Met Office Climate Science for Service Partnership (CSSP) China as part of the Newton Fund. We made use of the N8 HPC facility funded from the N8 consortium and an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Grant to use ARCHER (EP/K000225/1) and the JASMIN facility (www.jasmin.ac.uk/) via the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis funded by NERC and the UK Space Agency and delivered by the Science and Technology Facilities Council. We acknowledge the following additional funding: the Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award (Carslaw); a doctoral training grant from the Natural Environment Research Council and a CASE studentship with the Met Office Hadley Centre (Regayre); the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement FP7-280025 (Stier); the Department of Energy under DE-SC0007178 (Zhang); the U.S. National Science Foundation under ATM-745986 (Snider); the NOAA Global Change Program (Nenes); NASA Global Tropospheric Experiment Program, the NASA Tropospheric Composition Program, the NASA Radiation Sciences Program, and the NASA Earth Venture Suborbital Project (Anderson); the NOAA Climate Program Office (Quinn); NSF Atmospheric Chemistry Program, the NASA Global Tropospheric Experiment, and NASA Earth Science Project Office (Clarke); German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) CLOUD12 project Grant 01LK1222B (Kristensen); Swedish Research Council (VR), the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat (SPRS) for access to the icebreaker Oden and logistical support (Leck); the Department of Energy (DE-SC0007178) and the Max Planck Society (Andreae, Poeschl); the global environment research fund of the Ministry of the Environment in Japan (2-1403), the Arctic Challenge for Sustainability (ArCS) project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) in Japan, and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI (Grants JP16H01770, JP26701004, and JP26241003) (Kondo, Oshima); Lufthansa for enabling CARIBIC and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for financing the CARIBIC instruments operation as part of the Joint Project IAGOS-D (Hermann); the Collaborative Innovation Center of Climate Change supported by the Jiangsu provincial government and the JirLATEST supported by the Ministry of Education, China (Ding and Chi); the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany (Schmale); the NOAA Atmospheric Composition and Climate Program, the NASA Radiation Sciences Program, and the NASA Upper Atmosphere Research Program supporting the NOAA SP2 BC data acquisition and analysis (Schwarz); DOE (BER/ASR) DE-SC0016559 and EPA STAR 83587701-0 (the EPA has not reviewed this manuscript and no endorsement should be inferred) (Jimenez); and Environment and Climate Change Canada (Leaitch)

    Phosphate decreases urine calcium and increases calcium balance: A meta-analysis of the osteoporosis acid-ash diet hypothesis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The acid-ash hypothesis posits that increased excretion of "acidic" ions derived from the diet, such as phosphate, contributes to net acidic ion excretion, urine calcium excretion, demineralization of bone, and osteoporosis. The public is advised by various media to follow an alkaline diet to lower their acidic ion intakes. The objectives of this meta-analysis were to quantify the contribution of phosphate to bone loss in healthy adult subjects; specifically, a) to assess the effect of supplemental dietary phosphate on urine calcium, calcium balance, and markers of bone metabolism; and to assess whether these affects are altered by the b) level of calcium intake, c) the degree of protonation of the phosphate.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Literature was identified through computerized searches regarding phosphate with surrogate and/or direct markers of bone health, and was assessed for methodological quality. Multiple linear regression analyses, weighted for sample size, were used to combine the study results. Tests of interaction included stratification by calcium intake and degree of protonation of the phosphate supplement.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twelve studies including 30 intervention arms manipulated 269 subjects' phosphate intakes. Three studies reported net acid excretion. All of the meta-analyses demonstrated significant decreases in urine calcium excretion in response to phosphate supplements whether the calcium intake was high or low, regardless of the degree of protonation of the phosphate supplement. None of the meta-analyses revealed lower calcium balance in response to increased phosphate intakes, whether the calcium intake was high or low, or the composition of the phosphate supplement.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>All of the findings from this meta-analysis were contrary to the acid ash hypothesis. Higher phosphate intakes were associated with decreased urine calcium and increased calcium retention. This meta-analysis did not find evidence that phosphate intake contributes to demineralization of bone or to bone calcium excretion in the urine. Dietary advice that dairy products, meats, and grains are detrimental to bone health due to "acidic" phosphate content needs reassessment. There is no evidence that higher phosphate intakes are detrimental to bone health.</p