80 research outputs found

    What are the determinants of gene expression levels and breadths in the human genome?

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    In complex organisms, different tissues express different genes, which ultimately shape the function and phenotype of each tissue. An important goal of modern biology is to understand how some genes are turned on and off in specific tissues and how the numbers of different gene expression products are determined. These aspects are named ‘expression breadth’ (or ‘tissue specificity’) and ‘expression level’, respectively. Here, we show that we can predict substantial amount of variation in levels and breadths of gene expression using genomic information of each gene. Interestingly, many genomic traits are correlated with both aspects of gene expression in similar directions, suggesting shared molecular pathways. However, to elucidate distinctive molecular mechanisms governing gene expression levels and breadths, we need to identify the relative significance of each genomic trait on these two aspects of gene expression. To this end, we developed a novel multivariate multiple regression method. Using this new method, we show that gene compactness (in particular, the mean size of exons), codon usage bias and non-synonymous rates have a stronger influence on expression levels compared with their effects on expression breadths. In contrast, the propensity of promoter DNA methylation is a stronger indicator of expression breadths than of expression levels. Interestingly, intron DNA methylation exhibits an opposite pattern to the promoter DNA methylation in the human genome, suggesting that DNA methylation may play multiple roles depending upon its genomic targets. Furthermore, synonymous rates have stronger associations with expression breadths than with expression levels in the human genome. These findings provide clues toward distinctive molecular mechanisms regulating different aspects of gene expression

    Evidence That Mutation Is Universally Biased towards AT in Bacteria

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    Mutation is the engine that drives evolution and adaptation forward in that it generates the variation on which natural selection acts. Mutation is a random process that nevertheless occurs according to certain biases. Elucidating mutational biases and the way they vary across species and within genomes is crucial to understanding evolution and adaptation. Here we demonstrate that clonal pathogens that evolve under severely relaxed selection are uniquely suitable for studying mutational biases in bacteria. We estimate mutational patterns using sequence datasets from five such clonal pathogens belonging to four diverse bacterial clades that span most of the range of genomic nucleotide content. We demonstrate that across different types of sites and in all four clades mutation is consistently biased towards AT. This is true even in clades that have high genomic GC content. In all studied cases the mutational bias towards AT is primarily due to the high rate of C/G to T/A transitions. These results suggest that bacterial mutational biases are far less variable than previously thought. They further demonstrate that variation in nucleotide content cannot stem entirely from variation in mutational biases and that natural selection and/or a natural selection-like process such as biased gene conversion strongly affect nucleotide content

    Natural Selection Affects Multiple Aspects of Genetic Variation at Putatively Neutral Sites across the Human Genome

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    A major question in evolutionary biology is how natural selection has shaped patterns of genetic variation across the human genome. Previous work has documented a reduction in genetic diversity in regions of the genome with low recombination rates. However, it is unclear whether other summaries of genetic variation, like allele frequencies, are also correlated with recombination rate and whether these correlations can be explained solely by negative selection against deleterious mutations or whether positive selection acting on favorable alleles is also required. Here we attempt to address these questions by analyzing three different genome-wide resequencing datasets from European individuals. We document several significant correlations between different genomic features. In particular, we find that average minor allele frequency and diversity are reduced in regions of low recombination and that human diversity, human-chimp divergence, and average minor allele frequency are reduced near genes. Population genetic simulations show that either positive natural selection acting on favorable mutations or negative natural selection acting against deleterious mutations can explain these correlations. However, models with strong positive selection on nonsynonymous mutations and little negative selection predict a stronger negative correlation between neutral diversity and nonsynonymous divergence than observed in the actual data, supporting the importance of negative, rather than positive, selection throughout the genome. Further, we show that the widespread presence of weakly deleterious alleles, rather than a small number of strongly positively selected mutations, is responsible for the correlation between neutral genetic diversity and recombination rate. This work suggests that natural selection has affected multiple aspects of linked neutral variation throughout the human genome and that positive selection is not required to explain these observations

    Evolutionary Processes Acting on Candidate cis-Regulatory Regions in Humans Inferred from Patterns of Polymorphism and Divergence

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    Analysis of polymorphism and divergence in the non-coding portion of the human genome yields crucial information about factors driving the evolution of gene regulation. Candidate cis-regulatory regions spanning more than 15,000 genes in 15 African Americans and 20 European Americans were re-sequenced and aligned to the chimpanzee genome in order to identify potentially functional polymorphism and to characterize and quantify departures from neutral evolution. Distortions of the site frequency spectra suggest a general pattern of selective constraint on conserved non-coding sites in the flanking regions of genes (CNCs). Moreover, there is an excess of fixed differences that cannot be explained by a Gamma model of deleterious fitness effects, suggesting the presence of positive selection on CNCs. Extensions of the McDonald-Kreitman test identified candidate cis-regulatory regions with high probabilities of positive and negative selection near many known human genes, the biological characteristics of which exhibit genome-wide trends that differ from patterns observed in protein-coding regions. Notably, there is a higher probability of positive selection in candidate cis-regulatory regions near genes expressed in the fetal brain, suggesting that a larger portion of adaptive regulatory changes has occurred in genes expressed during brain development. Overall we find that natural selection has played an important role in the evolution of candidate cis-regulatory regions throughout hominid evolution

    Signatures of positive selection in East African Shorthorn Zebu:A genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism analysis

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    The small East African Shorthorn Zebu (EASZ) is the main indigenous cattle across East Africa. A recent genome wide SNP analysis revealed an ancient stable African taurine x Asian zebu admixture. Here, we assess the presence of candidate signatures of positive selection in their genome, with the aim to provide qualitative insights about the corresponding selective pressures. Four hundred and twenty-five EASZ and four reference populations (Holstein-Friesian, Jersey, N'Dama and Nellore) were analysed using 46,171 SNPs covering all autosomes and the X chromosome. Following FST and two extended haplotype homozygosity-based (iHS and Rsb) analyses 24 candidate genome regions within 14 autosomes and the X chromosome were revealed, in which 18 and 4 were previously identified in tropical-adapted and commercial breeds, respectively. These regions overlap with 340 bovine QTL. They include 409 annotated genes, in which 37 were considered as candidates. These genes are involved in various biological pathways (e.g. immunity, reproduction, development and heat tolerance). Our results support that different selection pressures (e.g. environmental constraints, human selection, genome admixture constrains) have shaped the genome of EASZ. We argue that these candidate regions represent genome landmarks to be maintained in breeding programs aiming to improve sustainable livestock productivity in the tropics

    The effects of purifying selection on patterns of genetic differentiation between Drosophila melanogaster populations.

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    Using the data provided by the Drosophila Population Genomics Project, we investigate factors that affect the genetic differentiation between Rwandan and French populations of D. melanogaster. By examining within-population polymorphisms, we show that sites in long introns (especially those >2000 bp) have significantly lower π (nucleotide diversity) and more low-frequency variants (as measured by Tajima's D, minor allele frequencies, and prevalence of variants that are private to one of the two populations) than short introns, suggesting a positive relationship between intron length and selective constraint. A similar analysis of protein-coding polymorphisms shows that 0-fold (degenerate) sites in more conserved genes are under stronger purifying selection than those in less conserved genes. There is limited evidence that selection on codon bias has an effect on differentiation (as measured by FST) at 4-fold (degenerate) sites, and 4-fold sites and sites in 8-30 bp of short introns ⩽65 bp have comparable FST values. Consistent with the expected effect of purifying selection, sites in long introns and 0-fold sites in conserved genes are less differentiated than those in short introns and less conserved genes, respectively. Genes in non-crossover regions (for example, the fourth chromosome) have very high FST values at both 0-fold and 4-fold degenerate sites, which is probably because of the large reduction in within-population diversity caused by tight linkage between many selected sites. Our analyses also reveal subtle statistical properties of FST, which arise when information from multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms is combined and can lead to the masking of important signals of selection

    Selective laser trabeculoplasty: past, present, and future

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    Over the past two decades, selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) has increasingly become an established laser treatment used to lower intraocular pressure in open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertensive patients. In this review we trace the origins of SLT from previous argon laser trabeculoplasty and review the current role it has in clinical practice. We outline future directions of SLT research and introduce emerging technologies that are further developing this intervention in the treatment paradigm of glaucoma.Eye advance online publication, 5 January 2018; doi:10.1038/eye.2017.273

    Bees in China: A Brief Cultural History

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