52 research outputs found

    Post-mortem assessment in vascular dementia: advances and aspirations.

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    BACKGROUND: Cerebrovascular lesions are a frequent finding in the elderly population. However, the impact of these lesions on cognitive performance, the prevalence of vascular dementia, and the pathophysiology behind characteristic in vivo imaging findings are subject to controversy. Moreover, there are no standardised criteria for the neuropathological assessment of cerebrovascular disease or its related lesions in human post-mortem brains, and conventional histological techniques may indeed be insufficient to fully reflect the consequences of cerebrovascular disease. DISCUSSION: Here, we review and discuss both the neuropathological and in vivo imaging characteristics of cerebrovascular disease, prevalence rates of vascular dementia, and clinico-pathological correlations. We also discuss the frequent comorbidity of cerebrovascular pathology and Alzheimer's disease pathology, as well as the difficult and controversial issue of clinically differentiating between Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia and mixed Alzheimer's disease/vascular dementia. Finally, we consider additional novel approaches to complement and enhance current post-mortem assessment of cerebral human tissue. CONCLUSION: Elucidation of the pathophysiology of cerebrovascular disease, clarification of characteristic findings of in vivo imaging and knowledge about the impact of combined pathologies are needed to improve the diagnostic accuracy of clinical diagnoses

    Protein Phosphatase 2A Mediates Dormancy of Glioblastoma Multiforme-Derived Tumor Stem-Like Cells during Hypoxia

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    The hypoxic microenvironment of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is thought to increase resistance to cancer therapies. Recent evidence suggests that hypoxia induces protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), a regulator of cell cycle and cell death. The effects of PP2A on GBM tumor cell proliferation and survival during hypoxic conditions have not been studied.Expression of PP2A subunits and HIF-α proteins was measured in 65 high-grade astrocytoma and 18 non-neoplastic surgical brain specimens by western blotting. PP2A activity was measured by an immunoprecipitation assay. For in vitro experiments, GBM-derived tumor stem cell-like cells (TSCs) were exposed to severe hypoxia produced by either CoCl₂ or 1% O₂. PP2A activity was inhibited either by okadaic acid or by shRNA depletion of the PP2A C subunit. Effects of PP2A activity on cell cycle progression and cell survival during hypoxic conditions were assessed using flow cytometry.In our patient cohort, PP2A activity was positively correlated with HIF-1∝ protein expression (P = 0.002). Patients with PP2A activity levels above 160 pMP had significantly worse survival compared to patients with levels below this threshold (P = 0.002). PP2A activity was an independent predictor of survival on multivariable analysis (P = 0.009). In our in vitro experiments, we confirmed that severe hypoxia induces PP2A activity in TSCs 6 hours after onset of exposure. PP2A activity mediated G1/S phase growth inhibition and reduced cellular ATP consumption in hypoxic TSCs. Conversely, inhibition of PP2A activity led to increased cell proliferation, exhaustion of intracellular ATP, and accelerated P53-independent cell death of hypoxic TSCs.Our results suggest that PP2A activity predicts poor survival in GBM. PP2A appears to reduce the metabolic demand of hypoxic TSCs and enhances tumor cell survival. Modulation of PP2A may be a potential target for cancer therapy

    Distinct spatiotemporal patterns of spreading depolarizations during early infarct evolution: evidence from real-time imaging

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    Experimental and clinical studies indicate that waves of cortical spreading depolarization (CSD) appearing in the ischemic penumbra contribute to secondary lesion growth. We used an embolic stroke model that enabled us to investigate inverse coupling of blood flow by laser speckle imaging (CBFLSF) to CSD as a contributing factor to lesion growth already in the early phase after arterial occlusion. Embolization by macrospheres injected into the left carotid artery of anesthetized rats reduced CBFLSF in the territories of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) (8/14 animals), the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) (2/14) or in less clearly defined regions (4/14). Analysis of MCA occlusions (MCAOs) revealed a first CSD wave starting off during ischemic decline at the emerging core region, propagating concentrically over large portions of left cortex. Subsequent recurrent waves of CSD did not propagate concentrically but preferentially circled around the ischemic core. In the vicinity of the core region, CSDs were coupled to waves of predominantly vasoconstrictive CBFLSF responses, resulting in further decline of CBF in the entire inner penumbra and in expansion of the ischemic core. We conclude that CSDs and corresponding CBF responses follow a defined spatiotemporal order, and contribute to early evolution of ischemic territories

    Fictionalised stories co-produced with disadvantaged children and young people: uses with professionals

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    Satchwell explores the uses of a set of fictionalised short stories produced in a participatory research project with disadvantaged children and young people. The stories represent challenges and issues as expressed by young people themselves, such as bullying, family break-up, domestic violence, living with autism, and were constructed in complex collaborative ways which arguably increase their resonance and relevance for others. This chapter discusses evaluation of the stories with a range of professionals and students, who have considered them as resources for working with young people who face similar problems. Satchwell includes both positive and negative reactions to the stories, raising questions of reception and intention, realism and safety, and the affordances of fiction in working with young people as both creators and audiences